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  1. You mean the bloke who stopped clubs running on their favoured race nights incase he needed guests for his club? The bloke who was part of blowing £500k on useless engines? The bloke who bought in fixed race nights nearly destroying most clubs? The bloke who played a part in the bulldozers flattening Rye House(a profitable business for nearly 20 years) this week? if we're praising buffoons like Godfrey and Chapman then the fans and sport deserves all it gets.
    5 points
  2. I am not aware of the exact location of the venue in Weston, but in the 1930s the Taunton Motor Club staged grass track racing described as ‘speedway’ at a number of locations in Somerset. In 1936 Taunton MC staged meetings described as ‘speedway’ on the grass, with the second meeting being held at Shoreditch, Taunton Dene on 10th June. Taunton MC again ran ‘speedway’ meetings in 1937. The first meeting staged at Holway Hill, Taunton, on Thursday, 3rd June was reported as grass track speedway, with Ivan Kessell, the grass track and speedway rider from Cornwall competing. A meeting described as speedway was held on the grass at Bridgwater Rugby Club on Sunday, 13th June 1937, comprising a mix of motorcycle and cycle races. The following week, on 20th June 1937, a ‘speedway’ meeting was held on the grass at Halcon Corner, Taunton. In August 1937 the local vicar complained about the adverse effects on attendance at Sunday Schools in Taunton which Sunday afternoon speedway would have and the owner of land subsequently withdrew permission for a field to be used for the ‘speedway’. Halcon Corner was the venue for ‘speedway’ on grass in 1938 on 8th May, 19th June, 10th July, 14th August (specifically advertised as grass track speedway) and 18th September, which was the last event of the season, attracting 165 entries in the various classes. On 14th July grass track speedway at Taunton Road, Bridgwater was abandoned when rain made the course too slippery. The final Bridgwater meeting took place at Castle Park on 1st September. In a team event at Halcon Corner on 13th August 1939, Taunton met Holbeach and Spalding (from the Bell End track) in a grass speedway match, Taunton winning 71-36. Reg Beer, Mike Erskine, Ivan Kessell and Broncho Slade were the leading scorers for Taunton, with Ted English, Roy Duke, Alan Smith and Buster Yeomans riding for ‘The Tulips’. On 24th August more ‘speedway’ racing was staged on the cricket field at North Curry, Taunton as part of the annual fete.
    4 points
  3. Why is it not recognised? Because only about 20,000 out of a population of 70 million attend a meeting each week? (0.0029% of the UK populace, meaning approx 1 in 3500 people) Because they have no joined up, money invested collective National marketing, but instead lots of tracks do their own thing at a very basic low level which gain (if any) only minimal cut through.. ? Because it is seen as noisy, smelly and environmentally unfriendly? Because very few tracks have a "Community Champion" who go out into their local community hubs and give tangible support to local charities, foodbanks and hospitals etc. Thus demonstrating (and getting recognised), that they are an integral force for good in their locality.? Not having a World Class National team who regularly win competitions and not having clubs full of UK riders, some of whom would hopefully be 'local' to inspire others to take up the sport? Not having many blue chip company sponsorships that the public recognise and therefore link to the sport? I presume (and hope), Speedway, given it's been represented at other meetings, has simply been overlooked (or maybe it's simply the summer/winter nonsense that has been quoted), and they will receive some funding however, even if a genuine mistake, when some of the sports mentioned gets in front of you, it should be food for thought how the Sport markets itself and "sells" itself...
    3 points
  4. Exactly this, the first Sky deal was in 1999 and plans should have been put in place back then to safeguard and develop speedway. People point fingers at recent chairmen but the rot was starting to set in and money was being squandered way, way before that.
    3 points
  5. I suspect some tracks had their most profitable season for years - simply because they didn't have to run all those loss making meetings!
    2 points
  6. if all these riders want to drop the British League, then let them without argument, if the (almost) impossible actually happens and the promoters stick together, it could be the ideal time to have speedway's very own great reset. i used to love the National League (80s version) and a league like that now without the Poland bound riders in my opinion would create a great starting point to move forward and let the BL create it's own stars.
    2 points
  7. Because it's crap and poor value for money. This comes from a fan of 50 years, that when it's running, still goes twice a week!
    2 points
  8. I get there has been dialogue Phil and that the BSPL reps attended meetings with other 'Elite' sports.. However, that would then make it even more strange that it has obviously come as a 'shock' to the BSPL that they didn't get offered any cash.. You would think that any organisation that had kept their foot on the gas by keeping in constant touch with the relevant Govt departments would have been kept well informed of how things would develop.. Rather than having to put out a hasty press release questioning why no money, and one that shows that they clearly have no knowledge of any potential further developments that may be in the pipeline.. Lobbyists can truly be worth their weight in gold if you employ the right ones as they keep bringing pressure to bear and keep their 'employers' names in the frame.. I wonder if Speedway has employed any where maybe others definitely have? It takes a lot of behind the scenes influencing to get Govt ministries to do what you would like them to and takes some proper planning and execution, (and often hard cash to get the right people to do it)...
    2 points
  9. So go on Phil please tell us precisely what Godfrey has been active on...fans deserve to know exactly what he’s done. Time for some investigative journalism!
    2 points
  10. Me neither I very much prefer the paper copy, I spend enough time staring into monitors + it gives me something to read on Thursday lunchbreaks.....
    2 points
  11. That's the same bloke who is putting as many obstacles,financially, commercially and logistically in place preventing plymouth from competing in the championship
    2 points
  12. Back in the good old days thats what most riders done, full time job speedway good paid hobby just a thought!
    2 points
  13. If it is possible for Newcastle to have a Scunthorpe type stadium and be in charge of their own destiny, it will be a great move forward. good luck
    2 points
  14. Unfortunately I have to agree...thankfully I witnessed the last "Golden Era" and have many memories to look back on.
    2 points
  15. Silver played his part by selling to a bloke who had no idea about the sport and had no attachment to the sport or club. A decision which has ultimately seen the demise of the club. Warren Scott had no real interest and then left the running of the club to Steve Jenson who again had no idea about the sport and came across as completely out of his depth. Had all the personality of a wet lettuce and employed people like Peter Schroeck who was out of his depth. Also seems he overpaid with wages to Harris, Nicholls, KK etc causing issues in the second season in the top flight. The whole situation is an absolute disgrace and sums up the sport and the prats running it. A track with unlimited restrictions, history in the sport and a profitable business for nearly 20 years. Then half a season of financial issues (due to being forced to run on a weekday by the BSPA) and the track is lost and ripped out within a couple of years. Chapman and Godfrey were an abomination in charge of the sport and played a huge part in the demise as well. Two more incompetent fools would be hard to find. Bringing fixed race nights nearly ruined many clubs and cost Rye. Rye has never been a midweek club and it was never going to work. After very good crowds in 2017(racing on Fridays/Saturdays) and only just missing out on the playoffs, you can't blame BMR for giving it ago in the top league again but the rule bought in killed the club. For the BSPA to then just chuck the club out midseason and wash their hands of the club was a disgrace. I wouldn't have thought Silver very rarely ever lost money at Rye and Jenson confirmed the finances were in good shape after the first season in the top flight. Three months of problems and the decisions of the BSPA meant the bulldozers have moved in eventually. With idiots like Godfrey still in charge of the sport, there is no hope. This is the bloke who stopped clubs running on their usual nights in case he needed guests for his club... How did the bloke in there now, Ricky Musk get hold of the venue off BMR? Why were the BSPA not in touch with BMR as soon as they knew they had problems and taking on the stadium or getting another promoter in there? They sat on their backsides and let someone like Keven Jolly try and get a deal to race at a venue where speedway was the number one priority at the venue for many years The situation at Rye should make every fan who has an interest in the sport very, very angry. A club with a long history and who had very healthy crowds in 2017 are now lost forever. A sad indictment on the sport.
    2 points
  16. Rob Hollingworth? He's ridden more recently than some of those in THJ's list.
    1 point
  17. Mmmmm johnny ( tassles ) swales could race between grading
    1 point
  18. I am saying no more. Many will not need clarification
    1 point
  19. Run IMO by spivs and wide boys!!
    1 point
  20. Well the way riders are signing for Polish teams and with other riders who are falling by the way side it looks like the 16 names Rob Godfrey has come up with might just come in handy eh... Wonder if he can conjure up another 16 British names of say riders who have retired in the last 10 years and we can run a blended league of young kids and veterans... Names on a post card... Joe Screen. James Grieves. Stuart Robson. Adam Roynon. Lee Complin. Paul Clews. Andrew Tully. The Branney Boys. Jamie Courtney. Craig Watson. Gary Irving. Leigh Lanham. Dsvid Howe. Paul Cooper. Chris Schramm... There ya go 16... and there are many more... just to stir things up a bit like... Regards THJ
    1 point
  21. An obvious opportunity that should have been taken the year it became clear Poland was THE priority for the very best riders.. Instead we have had well over a decade, of moving around fixtures and guestfests to accommodate and replace, by far, the most expensive riders, who, if they knocked on the doors of the houses on the streets adjacent to the tracks, no one would recognise.. Covid 19 has given those who run it an ideal opportunity for a 100% needed complete reset.... Fans desperate for any Speedway will turn up next year in strong numbers I would say, regardless of team strengths.. Will this opportunity be taken? We already know the answer don't we?...
    1 point
  22. There are likely to be several other dates, but grass track speedway was definitely held at: Halcon Corner, Taunton, Sunday, 9th September 1945 (first post war meeting, attendance 6,000) Sellick’s Green, Pitminster, Thursday, 6th June 1946 Halcon Corner, Taunton, Sunday, 21st July 1946 Ash Meadows, Taunton, Sunday, 22nd September 1947 & 29th September 1947 (attendance 8,500) Plans for 1948 were affected by petrol rationing and lack of a suitable field. The committee were looking for 14 to 20 acres within 4 miles of Taunton. Blindmoor Farm, Buckland St. Mary, Sunday, 29th May 1949 Walford Farm, Walford Cross, Sunday, 21st August 1949 (attendance 6,000) – The Lord’s Day Observance Society had lodged a protest regarding the Taunton Motor Club’s Sunday meetings. In any event, meetings were cancelled for the rest of the year due to problems with dust affecting riders’ visibility at the site. Grass speedway events in Taunton seem to have lapsed in the 1950s but the club announced that it was proposed to revive the events in 1962.
    1 point
  23. In fairness I think you will find it's not a one man show as I understand it the majority of clubs vetoed Plymouth last year he is just the one who has to say it in public because he is the chairman. personally I would like all votes to be transparent so everyone can see who voted for what then see who really is pulling the strings . Instead of just blaming the person who announces it
    1 point
  24. It's incomplete, but see rideraverages2909 (speedwayresearcher.org.uk)
    1 point
  25. You say it as it is and it is very true. Unfortunately British speedway will never change whilst it is run as a personal fiefdom by two promoters who only have their own interests at mind. This type of governance was ok back in the 1960's when we had competent businessmen running the show like Mr Ochiltree but it does not work in 2020. British speedway needs to move with the times. It needs to be run by an independent third party who has no financial or commercial interest in any club. Promoters could still have a say and voting rights of course but not the power that a select few individuals enjoy at the present.
    1 point
  26. I've checked my copy of "Homes of British Speedway" and unfortunately can only find a reference to the early seventies.
    1 point
  27. Just had a Saturday delivery which is unusual but no star again tho my son's wrestling magazine has turned up
    1 point
  28. If I had the time I could probably fill the entire magazine on track / stadia stuff alone but I already have 2 big work projects on the go, I'm not 'just saying that' by the way it's true, I peruse BSF both for interest and taking a break from such things....
    1 point
  29. Hopefully when our new owner gets a place of our own in the next year or 2 & maybe another fella like ken could come along & help & encourage new up & coming riders... I think that would be a great move for current Gems & sapphires manager Steve pate to help with as he's done great work with ladies grassroots football in the past & also he took the same approach to the gems team in 2019 ( good work ) he's always encouraging the younger riders boy or girl when he gets to meetings which is good to see
    1 point
  30. Does anyone really need to provid an answer to the title question British Speedway's been dead for many years prior to CoronaV, these promoters couldn't be trusted not to pocket few £100k's
    1 point
  31. Along with ex Ref Will Hunter in starting Felton up. Sad to see the bad news of his death. When Paul Fry broke his leg at Berwick he was transferred to Wansbeck Hospital. I used to go up every day, taking him some food , trunks, socks. etc and just keeping him company. I was joined by Ken, who I knew, and together we arranged transport for him to be taken home. He always had a word with me about my junior activities at Newcastle, and gave me a lot of encouragement in my early days. RIP Ken
    1 point
  32. The sport was knackered long before Covid. At least Godfrey tried to keep the flag flying, when the vast majority did nothing.
    1 point
  33. Sky once gave the sport tens of millions and you only have to look at the sport in the UK today to see just how well that was used....
    1 point
  34. You mean sports that will be able to pay the loan back
    1 point
  35. There wouldnt be many there bex=cause of the covid-19 rules. This shouldnt detract from the fact Wilkie was a popular guy.
    1 point
  36. Sad news today on the passing of Ken Marshall.
    1 point
  37. Rugby League and Rugby Union are "summer" sports... As is Lawn Tennis.. They all got funding.... I also presume most of the indoors sports also carry on during the summer and not exclusively get played in winter? And horse racing is all year round... I would think it's more down to Speedways almost zero profile that has seen them "overlooked" (maybe not intentionally),and/or could be down to much better, organised lobbying getting carried out by other sports, to ensure they remained in the forefront of the Government thoughts..?
    1 point
  38. Double ditto going to be a long weekend with no thursday bath night with my comic
    1 point
  39. One of the good things about derwent park was the view looking in the pits, no finer start to the night than standing watching 14 bikes being warmed up with the noise and smell, i used to go look in pits between races it made the night special .
    1 point
  40. Before the start & after the end of the Polish season?
    1 point
  41. I would not complain if Byd went up. It would be a treat seeing the top riders going round there.
    1 point
  42. Will add them Shortly Krosno also in need of some more juniors as they currently only have one signed up. You’ve also got to admire some of these young Brits. Whilst they aren’t likely to get any matches, the practice and experience they will gain from this will be immense. A great time in Speedway to be a rider whose under 24 years of age!
    1 point
  43. Its not the "Top" of the sport it purveys right through it Regards THJ
    1 point
  44. I was fortunate to be there that night with Michael, when he totally destroyed Kenny Carter.. In both Golden Helmet races he won by the proverbial mile, each time breaking the track record. in the process. Such was his dominance that night, there was suggestion his bike was unlawfully quick. Following speedway for many years, I am always questioned about my opinion of top Riders, when I will always i say that Michael Lee was up there with the VERY BEST of all time....
    1 point
  45. I read somewhere, possibly here on the forum, that Lee blew Kenny Carter away in the Golden Helmet at Halifax when Carter was 'the boy' around the Shay....
    1 point
  46. BEEN reminded that it is 50 years today when Ivan Mauger won his third successive World title.
    1 point
  47. WAS back page lead on the Daily Express and most other nationals too. It was a Friday night meeting and with the time difference it was done and dusted before 9pm, perfect for the papers. Along with colleagues like Graham Baker (Daily Mirror) and Kei Radnedge (Daily Mail) actually left the press box, crossed the track and got our quotes from Michael before he had even been presented with the trophy. Happy days ...
    1 point
  48. DON'T think that is the case... Godfrey has been very active on this
    0 points
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