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I think it’s more the case that eleven sports which aren’t football are to receive handouts and if speedway isn’t part of that then it would be interesting to know why not.3 points
I think last season could prove be the best, and most important, Dan has had so far in his career.. This is a 'kid' who has pretty much beaten all his peer group non stop from being under 16, with a good many 'scalps' of riders much older.. All of a sudden last season in Poland saw him riding loads of last places which would have been a huge shock to his system I would imagine... As would Dan finding out the actual level of "Polish Speed" you need your bikes to have to be competitive over there (and therefore also on the 'World Stage').. Wroclaw obviously see something in him to give him another go and hopefully next season he starts the way he finished the last.. Maybe in a few years time he will look back on last season as the one that truly opened his eyes to what is needed to be globally successful, and will be reaping the benefits of learning from it and will have raised his game on the back of it to the level needed...3 points
Hahaha aye Longbenton Approved School... oops a mean high school... if you didn't hunt with the pack you got eaten alive... literally... Happy days as a misanthropic miscreant who progressed into the LBAB and become a football hooligan bouncing around on the Leases End Terraces... I was a total tool and probably not changed much over the years but I think I have definitely mellowed... probably grew up properly when my first child was born... I had a good run but I have been know to fall off the wagon occasionally... Regards THJ2 points
I always enjoyed looking in the pits at the Groveway, Milton Keynes. There was a glass viewing area in the cafeteria, so you could eat and watch at the same time. The pits was situated next to the Greyhound kennels.2 points
Would think speedway is in a better position than most other motor sports to retain the combustion engine after 2030 as methanol has zero emissions. Will only need the riders and crowd to attend in electric vehicles.2 points
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Why should any rider wait to see if British speedway runs next year. If the other European leagues can guarantee them an income, who can blame them for accepting their offers.2 points
I know that very few Speedway stadium are built from scratch. However when new ones do get built, I'm surprised that the pits are always built out of sight behind a stand. Would'nt it provide more interest if the pits were in full view of the public, say on the back straight, or bends 3/4? So the public could see how ready a rider was to meeting the two minutes? Or, if a rider was making a last minute bike switch? Even the extra fun of an occasional bust up! As Speedway by it's nature has gaps between races, there would be added interest if that part of the event was visable. If ever I win the lotto, which I don't buy tickets for, I would build my stadum that way.1 point
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Already googled but still divvent get it ha is that Cumbrian for ya as thick as a heed of iceberg lettuce lol1 point
No statement yet from the British Speedway press office regarding this apparent snub for the sport when even greyhounds (and all the animal welfare issues associated with them) get a handout. Did speedway even make a submission for funding? No one seems to be saying.1 point
Honestly I only do that to try and raise your intellectual esteem and educational standards you wooden headed Walker misanthopic miscreant... xxx Regards THJ And there he goes googling misanthropic miscreant... lol1 point
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One of the good things about derwent park was the view looking in the pits, no finer start to the night than standing watching 14 bikes being warmed up with the noise and smell, i used to go look in pits between races it made the night special .1 point
I ffully understand what is being said, and it is interesting to see what goes on in the pits, but, re NSS, bends 3/4 left open proved its worth in the world cup of 2016 when extra stands were temprary erected. That would not have been possible if the pits would have been there. What tends to be forgot is that whilst NSS is a brand new stadium, the land built on had physical restraints that the whole comples had to fit in - the space was non-expandable.1 point
Rugby union will receive almost half the Government's new £300 million bailout, it emerged on Thursday as ministers also confirmed they were leaving the "door ajar" for the potential return of fans by Christmas. Premiership Rugby clubs get the biggest support pot, at £59 million, the RFU receives £44 million, Championship rugby clubs get £9 million, while clubs in the tiers below will receive £23 million. Horse-racing is due to be handed a £40 million lifeline, while non-league men's football receives £25 million, with £3 million for the Women’s Super League and FA Women’s Championship. Rugby league receives £12 million, motorsport gets £6 million, the LTA have been promised £5 million, while ice hockey and basketball get £4 million each. Badminton gets £2 million, while £1 million has been set aside for greyhound racing.1 point
This is not meant to be Anti Speedway, but it bemuses me that some seem to think the Government has unlimited amounts of money available to bale out everything and everybody.1 point
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Rickardsson certainly the best ive seen in my era (1999-2020). Superb. Nicki P , Crump, Woffy and Hancock would complete my top 5 . Before anyone starts, thats my era. Not counting anyone before hand.1 point
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Yep, that was 79. At the British Final, he only had one point after two rides, but scored seven from his last three to reach White City.1 point
This is an interesting debate. Personally I think it boils down to what these young riders want to achieve from their careers.....based the the assumption that British speedway is reasonably unaffected by COVID then they can learn their trade in this country and probably end up earning decent money doubling up across our two leagues and emulating the likes of Cook, King, Wright, Worall and Harris. If they aspire to be more like Woffy & Lambert and want to give themselves the best chance to earn the big money in Poland as well as getting into GP, SWC and SEC then broadening their horizons now as teenagers and getting themselves known in Poland and learning the tracks etc is a must. Being an expert around Eastbourne, Edinburgh and Wolves is no good if you want to be riding on the biggest stages and making the grade on them one day. There may be setbacks along the way as it’s a cut throat business over there but if they want to see how far they can go and really push their potential to the limit it’s got to be done.1 point
Several riders have been mentioned as examples of riders who failed to get a 'fair crack of the whip', at a young age in Poland, however those mentioned have hardly gone on to have, (no disrespect) 'stellar global careers' have they? So maybe those who ran the teams they rode for in Poland didn't see enough to warrant their relationship to continue and ultimately got proved correct..? Robert Lambert is for me the obvious example of a lad who benefited enormously from riding competitive meetings abroad when he wasn't allowed to do the same over here, and more than held his own. And beating those at the time who he will race against many times over the next few years at such a tender age must have been a huge confidence boost to take forward.. Best wishes to you and your lad and maybe his level will hit a ceiling that he can't go above, or maybe his level will smash ceiling after ceiling and he goes on to the very top.. At least you and he won't ever wonder what might have been if only you had taken him out of his comfort zone, just like the lads with Polish contracts will find about themselves next year.. Hope it all goes well for him...1 point
The huge difference is, Polish teams have training and practice throughout the week. They regularly ride against eachother and have more than enough chances to prove themselves there. There is no sentiment though if you simply aren’t good enough.1 point
Blame the poles? More like blame the UK authorities who have mismanaged the sport over the past 30 years the result being the frail sport you see in the UK today.1 point
Have to agree,it’s a bit of a silly statement from Godfrey.He has no control over Clubs terms and conditions regarding signing riders.Riders averages would also have to be taken into consideration.Just a nonsense statement.1 point
Wont happen and cant happen . As a semi professional sport it is not even legal . The Bloke is a clown .1 point
Average number of smoking related deaths each day in the UK - 213 Also a further 11 per day attributed to passive smoking Remind me when was smoking made illegal? Oh it hasn't- why not then given those numbers? Lost tax revenue is the often used arguement but that surely cant be so anymore given the cost so far (and continuing) 'dealing' with the current situation1 point
It is not just about people dying which is bad enough, but long term possibly life long effects on those that have recovered. Seems to me we should realize this is a previously unknown variant of the Covid strain which is evolving all the time. Probably we will have to learn to live with it for the foreseeable future.1 point