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  1. Saw this pop up on Facebook yesterday. What a cracking piece of film, well worth half an hour of anyone's time. Really takes in the surroundings of a much loved iconic venue. I was there too, but couldn't quite spot myself! Others might see themselves here.
    2 points
  2. In theory as there are now no greyhounds at Poole Stadium, the Pirates could go with any day of the week - bar Mondays/Thursdays reserved for Premiership. Wednesday is and always has been the preferred and regular meeting day for Poole and one of the key reasons why Pirates will be in Championship as they lost money and crowds running on Thursdays.
    2 points
  3. So I wonder who will be wrong or sho will be spot on with your good self or mr THJ ?? I know who I would back on the outcome of this whole sad situation... But the main thing is that young granty is keeping his dream alive
    1 point
  4. If the Prem and Championship clubs are in a free for all for racenights, that will cause problems for those riders doubling up. Also lets not forget Denmark on Wednesdays and Fridays.
    1 point
  5. Hi tigerowl Got your info thank you very much I have been trying to trace Derek H as you said , I got as far as Penistone and he seems to have been magic with mags The info I got was from the forum in 2003 so Derek may have passed away I will let you know if I find any more info and thank you very much for your Help Kind regards Steve Exley
    1 point
  6. 24.04.2021 - TBA 15.05.2021 - Warsaw 22.05.2021 - Teterow 05.06.2021 - Prague 19.06.2021 - TBA 17.07.2021 - Cardiff 31.07.2021 - Wroclaw 14.08.2021 - Malilla 28.08.2021 - Togliatti 11.09.2021 - Vojens 02.10.2021 - Torun
    1 point
  7. Jeremy Doncaster works at RAF Wattisham which started with electrics many years ago but has widened a lot since then. He's also a machine examiner at Ipswich. Backtrack magazine is a good source of articles such as this thread, well worth a subscription.
    1 point
  8. interesting point about the "protected PL days". If Poland is going to dictate where Riders who are not Poles can and can't ride (e.g pick one other League only), shouldn't the Swedes and UK dictate that the only day they will protect is Tuesdays and basically open up PL to 6 days a week. Stuff the Poles. That could strengthen the PL immediately as some of the bigger CL Clubs might consider running PL on their preferred race nights. Poole / Leicester / Glasgow the most likely beneficiaries maybe?
    1 point
  9. Yes, they just used the world feed as BT do now.
    1 point
  10. Wow, that brought back memories. Thanks for posting!
    1 point
  11. Personally I don't have a "beloved former leader", but what I do have is full respect for all previous Diamonds promotions going back over the years and latterly including Newspeed 2003 Limited, Newspeed Limited and Whiteload Limited. The link you provide to Companies House website is interesting and relevant in that it demonstrates how diligent Newspeed 2003 Limited has been in dealing with its compliance affairs. It also shows that the company has indeed used the services of a reputable firm of accountants in compiling its annual financial statements. I really see nothing that would in the slightest way sully or besmirch the reputations of those officials who have acted as officers of the company. On the contrary, they appear to have dealt with the company's compliance affairs in a proper and timeous fashion.
    1 point
  12. Honestly If you understand your way around a set of accounts all the information is there in front of your eyes... https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/company/04865297 All the information is out there... all the substance you require... all you need to do is look... Do you doubt the figures I am suggesting... 8 year at 20k a year is your 160k which is only 5k a quarter... then look on the Tax and Vat web site about the fines... Your beloved former leader is in a whole world of poop I would suggest and he will have to come up with some good excuses to worm his way out of this... Or at least better than the lies I got in the Costa Coffee opposite the Civic Centre... Regards THJ
    1 point
  13. Dont worry. You are providing great content to read. EDIT also R and R
    1 point
  14. In fairness I make you right that they deserve a place. However unless the world changes and travel restrictions are still in place can't see it happening as they will cite lack of riders to go round . Could work if the product was weakened so more upcoming youth were given a go and national league was changed to a proper development league as was its intention. wait with baited breath for the I'm not paying to watch wobblers brigade comment. But unless something drastic happens can't see the powers that be allowing another club in to the league. Hope I'm wrong
    1 point
  15. Contract with BT sport runs until the end of 2021( where have you heard that before )
    1 point
  16. Grigoriy Khlinovsky - 73! https://gorka-speedway.blogspot.com/2020/11/73.html
    1 point
  17. Duncan Chapman, who spent virtually his whole career (1989-95) as a reserve or second string at Middlesbrough, is retailer principal at Ray Chapman (his father, I've always assumed) Motors' York branch. Judging by the pic on the firm's website, Duncan is ageing pretty well!
    1 point
  18. It would seem in the UK that the elderly and 'at risk' will be the first to get the vaccine along with key workers and then followed by age groups downwards ie 80s, 70s, 60s etc. That should cover the bulk of the UKs speedway audience by April. Job done!
    1 point
  19. British U 21 final Berwick 21st October
    1 point
  20. Sure will... got the old BCG at school an never looked back... They should be made compulsory... this thing is a killer and anything that helps to fight it off and stops it spreading is okay by me... Had a business lunch on Osbourne Road in Jesmond about 3 weeks back and there were students on the other table planning a Covid party cos they reckoned once they had it that would be it... idiots... give me a jab any day of the week... Regards THJ
    1 point
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