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  1. DO you seriously think that someone who commentates for Sky, BT Sport and TalkSport has no qualifications. You have posted numerous times on here that you are not a fan. Fair enough, that's your views but continually doing so will not sway the opinion of those who recognise Nigel as a first class commentator for darts, speedway and football.
    5 points
  2. In fairness I make you right that they deserve a place. However unless the world changes and travel restrictions are still in place can't see it happening as they will cite lack of riders to go round . Could work if the product was weakened so more upcoming youth were given a go and national league was changed to a proper development league as was its intention. wait with baited breath for the I'm not paying to watch wobblers brigade comment. But unless something drastic happens can't see the powers that be allowing another club in to the league. Hope I'm wrong
    2 points
  3. Plymouth i feel sure would want to compete in the championship next season, held 2 meetings last season against all odds which were hugely successful, stadium upgrades include new stand with seating,upgraded stadium lighting and the track is the best its ever been ,willing to run on a Tuesday which would make a great southern tour,Plymouth Tuesday, Somerset Wednesday, Poole Thursday hopefully the forward thinking management committee would not be so shortsighted as to at least have a conversation with the gladiators promotion they seem happy enough to have Newcastle in the league with all that they got going on and only 1year left on their lease,Plymouth for the championship would be good for the league imo.
    2 points
  4. Mentioning big numbers in the context of Newcastle speedway, but short on any substance.
    1 point
  5. Dont worry. You are providing great content to read. EDIT also R and R
    1 point
  6. Oh.... a like this... then the Rob Godfrey list of 16 would come in dead handy then now wouldn't it... good idea Phil I'll second that... Regards THJ
    1 point
  7. A true 100% speedway man. always looking to help the kids find the right path in their career. He will leave a big hole in in the heart of speedway.
    1 point
  8. The Speedway Star traditional winners/losers will be a bit skewed this year but Drew will definitely be on the winners list 2020 certainly hasn't been wasted for him
    1 point
  9. Contract with BT sport runs until the end of 2021( where have you heard that before )
    1 point
  10. Dreadfully sorry to hear this news. For a number of years, Pete was an attendee at the Sunderland Speedway Reunions. My sincere condolences to his family and friends May he rest in peace. +
    1 point
  11. http://www.speedwaygb.co.uk/news.php?extend.38475=&s=09
    1 point
  12. Did a double take then, didn't have my reading glasses on and thought it was purvy right through it! That could also be true as well I suppose.
    1 point
  13. Looks like it's got the alright but how long or short are they !! I think once the VAT man comes calling for the big pennies that is missing there will be some squeaky bum sounds in the east end
    1 point
  14. Check the keggs when you get back to the office & mek sure the radiators are on to dry them
    1 point
  15. Grigoriy Khlinovsky - 73! https://gorka-speedway.blogspot.com/2020/11/73.html
    1 point
  16. Well its official... The winding up order on Newspeed 2003 has been posted in the London Gazette today 11/11/2020 https://m.thegazette.co.uk/notice/3673273 Now its a case of "watch this space" as "The VAT Man Cometh" and what will the demand be on potentially £160 grand of owed VAT and what will the penalties be... another £40 or £50 grand... Ho Ho Ho Merry Christmas.... Good move and Good Luck to Rob Grant and the new promotion... dumping the millstone that was Newspeed 2003 was the best move ever made... The new company name has been revived and posted on companies house and here's hoping they go from strength to strength... https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/company/12324842 Get cracking with those vaccinations and get the world back on an even keel then hopefully we can get to see some Speedway again next year... The new brush will sweep clean... It will also be interesting to see who of the "winnets" turn up to support the new regime as there were a few who used to "hang on" for grim death to be included (and usually ignored) in the inner circle... full of their own importance... again Ho Ho Ho... however I am also unsure if they will be made welcome? I have not laughed this much in a long time... in fact I'm not sure these underpants will ever dry... So its "Excelsior" or onward and upward for the New and Improved Newcastle Diamonds Promotion... Get in... Regards THJ
    1 point
  17. Its not the "Top" of the sport it purveys right through it Regards THJ
    1 point
  18. Sadly We don’t have the leadership at theTop of the Sport to Govern these things like Spending Costs and Riders Pay.IMO
    1 point
    1 point
  20. Why can`t people get it in their heads that BSI are still the promoters of the GP`s in 2021 !!!! All contracts run out at the end of that season- ie tracks, TV deals(BT Sport) etc.
    1 point
  21. Winner of the first ever race at the Showground. RIP Pete
    1 point
  22. Have to agree,it’s a bit of a silly statement from Godfrey.He has no control over Clubs terms and conditions regarding signing riders.Riders averages would also have to be taken into consideration.Just a nonsense statement.
    1 point
  23. Thanks, I just wanted it said clearly so I (and maybe others) fully understand, no misinterpretations.
    0 points
  24. Is that the only thing? Doesn’t sound much like a qualification for a job
    0 points
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