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2 points
they'd get less meetings though. if a home season has say 24 fixtures and you have two teams you have 48 home fixtures and the same away. only one home team and you only get to ride in half that. it's not quite that simple because currently teams face each other more than once home and away and that wouldn't be possible with one combined league of say 20 teams. i mostly agree, although would say they deserve to earn as much as possible for the risks they take (at their choice of course). but again the problem might be if riders walk away then how do you fill the teams. we're already talking about some not riding in the UK so if there was a 20 team league that's 140 riders needed. where do they all come from especially if some established riders decide they can't make it pay? without seriously diluting the standard? so whilst i don't like doubling up and like the sound of one big league it just might not be feasible. Doubling up for anyone was always a Pandora's box that should never have been opened.2 points
Poland are just looking after their product, and well within their rights to do so. This year has been ideal for them with riders all based over there and very few travelling to Sweden later in the year for the odd meeting once a week with very few injuries throughout the course of the season too. Losing some of the biggest earners in this country might be a blessing in disguise and can be the beginning of lowering costs and lowering prices in this country. This is likely to effect Jason Doyle, Nicki Pedersen, Jack Holder, Rasmus Jensen, Rohan Tungate, Brady Kurtz, Niels K Iversen, Robert Lambert, Dan Bewley and Jaimon Lidsey.2 points
Having known Garrity since his Coventry days, I always found him to be obliging and friendly whenever I saw him. Always shook my hand or hugged me, asked how I was and how the family was. He always tried hard with his social skills and tried to do his bit for the fans. Obviously nobody can condone what he has done and the punishment in prison is absolutely the correct decision. I really hope the people he terrorised can get on with their life in some sort of normal capacity tho God knows how difficult that might be. I'm certainly not going to defend anything he has done because you can't, but I do think he was someone who was easily led into trouble and once you get involved in drugs its a really tough road back.2 points
So that means we can do away with "General Discussions"? No point in having two sections with the same title and content, is there? Oh, and who is "jingo"? Is he the person who starts a "discussion", and then hides it when people start "discussing" it?2 points
You don't vote for kings! Should this really be classed as Speedway News, or you think it should be in General Discussions?2 points
No animosity between Messrs May and Wilson Dean. In fact Garry advised Bradley to take a break and get surgery.2 points
For the best part of two decades the collective powers that be have buried their heads in the sand, thrutching around from one knee jerk plan to another, without ever accepting the glaring fact that they couldn't afford the riders that they kept insisting they needed. Riders whose own personal agendas often meant matches taking place as contrived, credibility destroying 'guestfests', or ran on nights suited to their calendars, rather than suited to when their clubs would have liked to have ran to get their largest crowds in.. Maybe Covid has finally meant that the "go it alone" policy, that should have been instigated years ago when it was clear Poland were calling the tune, will finally come to fruition and British Speedway will start to be in charge of it's own destiny..1 point
Rules for next season: https://www.svemo.se/globalassets/svemo-forbundet/dokumentcenter/protokoll/speedway/2020/beslutsprotokoll_7_track-racing_gallande-elitserien-allsvenskan_2021.pdf Elitserien 6 riders/lineup + an optional nr 7, nr 6 is considered reserve Rider nr 7 has to have a licensed issued be Svemo and the average are have to be 1.000 or lower Basically same heat schedule as this season with some minor changes (gates) Minimum 3 heats for nr 6 Maximum 6 heats for rider 1-6 + one R/R heat. Rider 7 can replace any other rider whenever team manager like. Tactical substitute allowed when 8 p down, cannot be used in heat 15. Squad size 8 riders with an average above 0,500 Line up average cap (rider 1-6) is 10.250 No average floor limit. No guest riders Teams placed 1 and 2 after all league meetings are complete are directly qualified to semi finals teams placed 3-6 will meet in the quarter finals. Team placed at nr 3 can choose between team 5 and 6 and to start home or away. No teams will be automatically demoted. Teams have 4 transfer cards, can be used from 15 April until the team has completed 75 percent of their league meetings. No limits regarding how many rear tires that can be used.1 point
What’s the point in holding it at all, just carry on with the dross we were due to be served as a 2020 season.1 point
I get the feeling they may dig their heels in abit more this time. Everybody has been based in Poland this year, there has been very few people missing due to getting injured abroad so you can hardly blame them. They've also made the point that riders could always opt out of Poland and ride in as many leagues as they like... What's the bets they don't?1 point
Tarasenko confirmed as joining Bydgoszcz. What a fantastic signing that is too. He is superb around the boards there.1 point
1 point
As I said, there is a place for "non-speedway" items - and it is not the "Speedway News and Discussions Page". You didn't post about your panic at the thought of a telephone consultation on this page, did you?1 point
That wasn't directed at you; it is not unusual for someone else to do that - like he did today... Nothing wrong with that at all, but there is a "General Discussions" section for that. I'm off to make a post about University Challenge now, but it's not speedway-related, so it doesn't get posted in the "Speedway News and Discussions" (discussions about speedway).1 point
1 point
Couldn’t agree more but a lot of riders will look at the sport rather differently if they couldn’t do it full time. I believe we are at the crossroads of the sport hastened by the pandemic in the U.K.1 point
This is part of the problem. The sport is bigger than the riders, yet there seems to be the thought process that they are owed a living so can have two teams so they don’t have to get a proper job and race as a hobby. It’s time to put the fans first.1 point
I personally wouldn't care if we rode at Div2 level with one big league with more local riders invested in their home club. We are like many other sports now where the power lies elsewhere, e.g. ice hockey, basketball, etc who have to rely on British talent and people who frankly are no longer or never were good enough in the best leagues. A parallel could be drawn with MLS football which is very successful using USA talent and lesser talents from elsewhere. Its true that people like to watch big names but that's no longer possible so we must emphasise the team aspect more. It no longer makes sense to fly people from all over the place to ride in front of 1000 people, in football terms a non league crowd level. Do they fly strikers in?1 point
Over 50 years ago my wife to be was in a cafe in London. Kenneth Williams was at a table across from her and kept pulling funny faces and making silly noises at her. Very strange man.1 point
TBH can not really see the point of put out a 2021 fixture list, what will that achieve? The way things are going might as well put out one for 2022 or 23!1 point
Honestly You couldn't make this up.... NEWSPEED 2003 LTD the company behind your beloved Speedway team Newcastle Diamonds are going into Liquidation Yep that's right liquidation; I bet when Rob Grant bought out the club from the old promotion he didn't reckon on this "Pan of Pony" As a sponsor I have had the heads up and I was asked what I wanted to do with regard to my sponsorship monies I have paid and I have (of course) just asked to "let it ride" for the next season we run as Rob has apparently started a new company called Newcastle Diamonds Limited... I would assume this offer will be the same for season ticket holders who will be offered either their cash back as a refund or given the opportunity to let them role over for the next full season we have; with not only the new promotion but a whole new company. More on this later... It is the Liquidators duty and role to look after creditors of the old business and a report will be going into the London Gazette (I think its called) which identifies the company and the reasons as to why they have been liquidated' and what happens next. Now I cant go into to much detail yet as everyone is being diplomatic and not giving much away when I have asked for further information and there are of course the "Libel Laws" to consider; however it would appear that in the operating and day to day running of the club it was brought to Rob's attention that there was a bit of an anomaly (so to speak) in the previous accounts and HMRC wanted a word. When this "anomaly" was explained to the new owner he had no other option but to fold the old business to protect himself and his good name; however I am expecting certain people to be interviewed from our friends at HMRC and possibly under caution... You can see the NEWSPEED 2003 LTD accounts on line on the Companies House web site... I am certainly not a happy chappie for various reasons but I bet Rob Grant is bouncing... So remember the old tag line and in "whom" we were asked to put our trust in... looks like they have left an absolute mess financially. But never mind I have the fullest confidence in Rob and his team to pull this around but after all the rhetoric from the previous promotion it certainly leaves a bad taste in the mouth that's for sure... and especially after I was called worse than a pick-pocket by one or two of them and their cronies only for 1. to be not only proved right to what I was saying but 2. totally exonerated after pumping thousands into their pockets when I thought I was helping the club it looks like I have been funding other things not always speedway related. What a shower I for one am totally behind Grant and his new regime; its a breath of fresh air compared to the previous lot... Its maybe a good thing that swear words aren't allowed on here as the whole post would have been redacted... Once again it looks like I am the harbinger of doom and gloom however its isn't that bad for the club as a whole as Rob Grant is doing an awful lot of positive work behind the scenes.. "What for" I am not sure but fair play to the new promotion for sticking with it as they could have just pulled up sticks and walked away cutting their losses... Regards THJ1 point
without going into the whys and wherefores of mask wearing and social distancing etc, I don't think anybody that watched the TV coverage of Polish speedway this year would be surprised1 point
1 point
Yes, it was indeed a four-teamer. Union Jacks (Wilson, Collins, Jessup, Betts, Simmons) 34 Lions (Booey, McMillan, Hunter, Pusey, Chris Morton) 26 Australasians (Mauger, Cribb (who replaced Briggo), Boulger, Sanders, Valentine) 26 Scandinavians (Persson, Nilsson, Soren Karlsson, Stangeland (replaced Finn Thomsen), Ollie Nygren (replaced Rikhard Helsen) 10 Top scorers were: McMillan, Mauger (10), Collins, Simmons (9), Boocock, Wilson (8). All from four rides. The 'Second Half' was a Testimonial Trophy knockout, won by Collins, with Persson second and Cribb third (Wilson retired). What a wonderful Sunday afternoon that was, and it didn't matter that it took hours to get out of the car park afterwards!1 point
https://www.najwi.pl/Tomasz Gollob Not sure if this can be opened or not, sadly tomasz has tested positive for covid, and allegedly has sepsis, best wishes to him0 points
not a lot of point really holding it until we know which wat the country is going with covid0 points
0 points
Why not just delay it till early next year. This will allow us to get even further behind the Poles.0 points
There'll be a lot of things on hold, they don't even know whether they'll get a full season next year.0 points