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I personally wouldn't care if we rode at Div2 level with one big league with more local riders invested in their home club. We are like many other sports now where the power lies elsewhere, e.g. ice hockey, basketball, etc who have to rely on British talent and people who frankly are no longer or never were good enough in the best leagues. A parallel could be drawn with MLS football which is very successful using USA talent and lesser talents from elsewhere. Its true that people like to watch big names but that's no longer possible so we must emphasise the team aspect more. It no longer makes sense to fly people from all over the place to ride in front of 1000 people, in football terms a non league crowd level. Do they fly strikers in?3 points
2 points
When he's in the mood he's easily a 9 point rider in the championship & a 5 to 6 pointer in the prem.. But as you say his dummy comes out quite a lot.. but the talent is there no doubt2 points
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As I said, there is a place for "non-speedway" items - and it is not the "Speedway News and Discussions Page". You didn't post about your panic at the thought of a telephone consultation on this page, did you?1 point
I would be very surprised if the filing of VAT returns (and latterly MTD) was not undertaken by 3rd party accountants based on figures provided by the company. Assuming that to be the case, and given the length of time that the company has been trading, it really is stretching one's imagination to believe that the validation tests the accountants would carry out (turnover reconciliations/cash controls etc) together with HMRC own algorithms would not have exposed serial under-declarations long before now. But maybe THJ is privy to something we don't know?1 point
To answer the question posed in the OP. Biden for me. The other fella is a congenital idiot.1 point
But are you going to answer the question, John? I know it's not your forte, but...1 point
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Honestly When it all comes out (if it ever does) I think it will be more than the none payment of VAT on a few clarty match day magazine's that may or may not attract a VAT levy Regards THJ1 point
On October 11, 1972, Poole faced Reading in a challenge. Brian won his first three rides, and then broke the tapes in his fourth. He won his fifth ride. Could that be the one?1 point
That's crazy- I assumed the CMA was used for everything-to me that is the best judge . I remember Bryan Seery starting this in 1965 and the math for this is the best indicator of riders' performances1 point
They are, yes. The green sheets do not include bonus points. I can't remember exactly when this started but it's been quite a while now.1 point
He has now been confirmed in Gdansk.1 point
quote from ty proctor in this week's speedway star, What is your most memorable meeting you have been involved in ? The night we won the 1st trophy of our treble at Workington he must have a soft spot for the comets especially after some of the dummy spitting out antics at times !! But as they say H18tory1 point
Over 50 years ago my wife to be was in a cafe in London. Kenneth Williams was at a table across from her and kept pulling funny faces and making silly noises at her. Very strange man.1 point
SOME really good features being lined up for inclusion in SS over the coming winter months... ideal reading in lockdown1 point
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As far as 2021 is concerned I really think something needs to be done with the categorising of Speedway as an elite sport in this country! In other words make it grass roots and pronto! Let's be honest, how many clubs even in the Elite league these days average much more than 1200 to 1500 fans. I would say here at Ipswich about 1500 is the norm apart from playoffs etc when it does go up. The British final was due to take place at Ipswich with a crowd as a test event but ultimately ended up in Manchester behind closed doors due to this wonderful virus. The following weekend 2500 were allowed in the same Ipswich stadium for a Stockcar event at £50 a ticket generating £125,000 of income for a grass roots sports organisation (Spedeworth) 2500 being allowed in the same stadium for one sport and not 1000 for another is just wrong on so many levels. Either ban crowds at both or allow at both! How is this even possible is my question but who the hell do you put it to to try and get something done for parity.1 point
I don't want to turn this into a Covid argument and this is probably one for the nutjob Covid thread but New Zealand, 2 Islands, are "living with the virus" just fine, sport being played to full stadiums1 point
The people who run Birmingham Speedway (ie David and Peter Mason and Laurence Rogers) are decent, hard working people, and I see no reason at all why they should be expected to "comment" on a situation which does not involve them. They have already made it plain that there is no place at Birmingham for Garrity after what he has done - ()and nor I would hope would there be a place for him at any other speedway club.) Making a public comment on something about which they had no knowledge and had no part in, could only be detrimental to the club they run, so it makes good sense not to do this. Knowing them, their private opinions will be exactly the same as the rest of us, so let's leave it at this.1 point
Been to lydd today for a skid, crashed in my first ride, oh how I’ve missed that winded feeling, then the rain came and that was that, happy days1 point
TBH can not really see the point of put out a 2021 fixture list, what will that achieve? The way things are going might as well put out one for 2022 or 23!1 point
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Remember him riding for the comets wad past his best but remembet he was always smiling1 point
Because David Rowe has done a damn good job for Eurosport for the last few years and doesn't deserve to be dumped just because the 'usual suspects' are at a loose end.1 point
A friend of mine was at the stadium today. Machines are preparing the ground to lay an all weather football pitch.0 points