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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/28/2020 in all areas

  1. Newcastle Speedway get green light for 2021. After a very challenging and stressful 2020, with numerous issues going on behind the scenes, including an HMRC investigation from the period before the new managements took over, which ultimately gave sole director Rob Grant no other alternative but to appoint an insolvency practitioners company to wind up the company that operated the Newcastle Diamonds speedway team. After plenty of discussions, and sorting various issues out with the liquidation officer, Greg Whitehead of Northpoint Insolvency Practitioners, club owner Rob Grant can, with relief, confirm Newcastle Diamonds will take to the track at the Newcastle stadium in 2021 trading under a new company, NEWCASTLE DIAMONDS LTD. Grant added: "This certainly has been a rollercoaster of a year and we haven't even turned a wheel in anger. The challenging times we have just gone through have, at times, given myself a bit of a reality check, but I'm committed and enthusiastic as ever to ensure Newcastle Speedway continues. "I am the sole director of the new company and I want everyone to know that I'm raring to get this show on the road. "The new company will honour the benefits of the season tickets purchased as well as all the fantastic sponsorship packages we obtained earlier this year for 2021. "I can't thank you all enough for your support and look forward to seeing you all next season."
    6 points
  2. Yes that is a point. Just suppose you took the view that there was no VAT output to declare on sale of the magazine, it doesn't take a maths genius to work out the potential underdeclaration of VAT going back to the point when programmes became magazines, if HMRC did not accept the terminology. Whatever the hypothetical underpayment might be, interest and penalties would then need to be added. Could quickly turn a solvent company into an insolvent one. As you say, could rumble on for a while. I wonder whether they will take the view that there is no point in pursuing given the lack of assets? To a large extent, from the sound of things, it is now academic so far as the new promotion is concerned, which is great news for Newcastle Speedway
    4 points
  3. And there was me thinking the topic was about Peter York!
    4 points
  4. Can I point out programmes are zero rated. However racecards are standard rated as they are principally for filling in. The HMRC leaflet on leaflets (!) and other printed materials provides very precise guidelines. For example a political or marketing leaflet is zero rated unless more than one third of it is a coupon or survey for filling in, detaching and returning. I believe the Sheffield 'pizza menu' racecards of a few years back were VATable, but in general speedway programmes will be zero rated.
    3 points
  5. Firstly on the Due Diligence; Rob Grant (RG) wasn't buying a multi national company and a cursory check on companies house shows you what the turn over was and the declared profit (and loss)… the business has always stood alone and traded since 2003 and before that to be fair... furthermore RG was dealing with someone who came with the title of Mr Newcastle Speedway and a former trusted member of the BSPA holding many and varied official positions within the organisation; he also knew him from old as a former rider of the club... so when he was told there were no debts and everyone and everything had been paid up to date why shouldn't he believe him? After all the guy was going to stop on as the Team Manager so why would RG do any further digging other than check the books and consult with his and the clubs accountant to ascertain the state of the finances. (More on this below) If something has been hid and missed by two accountants has their been a deliberate action to hide things or was it just gross incompetence... Personally I hope it was the latter because if this was a wilful action its about as low as you can get... I was in the queue to buy this enterprise and boy am I glad RG got in before me and that is for totally selfish reasons because I think I would have been the one who ended up in gaol... On your second point I couldn't agree more however one previous director doesn't think he will get a knock on the door because he has passed the buck and the Poo Stick on to RG... WOW is he in for a big surprise... RG paid up all monies owed to riders and cleared the debts (that had been allegedly paid up) however having dealings with several Newcastle Riders over the years; the last few years it has become rather fractious between riders and the promotion over non payment of monies owed... The bond is safe as there are no speedway creditors... He was advised by the BSPA not to start off with a new company because he would lose the clubs accumulated rights 1st priority on Sunday meetings and have to wait the three year period before he got a vote at AGM's etc also as NSSG advises NewSpeed 2003 were the holders of the lease on the stadium and it would cause issues to swap it over (apparently) also RG took a great deal of guidance from the BSPA? The former Directors should be Pooing in their Pants as I don't think these are Tax and NI issues I reckon its the VAT man who is knocking on the door (just guessing at this moment and time mind but lets see) No if it is something outwith his control and he has the finances to carry on; the reasons for the other places mentioned going down were for totally different circumstances to those that RG now faces Correct but to be fair (and depending on the sum) for Income Tax Evasion and failure to pay NI the tax office tend to pursue on a settlement outcome however as pointed out Lester Piggott went down and Ken Dodd came very close but he settled out of court for Tax Evasion I believe; and what you have to remember is the Tax and NI commitment to a Speedway Team must be negligible as most riders these days are self employed (See Aceslider has come back on this and he is basically correct) however I don't think this is for Income Tax or NI looking at things from the outside (and I may be wrong) this is potentially for none payment of VAT and the VAT man (again tries to settle but) will push for custodial sentences to make an example of folk thinking of not paying VAT. So the gaol comments might not be that wide of the mark... There are no Speedway related debts the bond is safe and the club is safe RG has done and seen to that and fair play to him... I have tried to clarify some points as I see things and hope this helps but these are my personal thoughts on the issue to hand and I have made some assumptions that may be totally wide of the mark and will happily retract any comment with an apology if they are wide of the mark or incorrect.. Regards THJ
    3 points
  6. Just to put to rest some of the questions being asked right now. In regards to the question of the forming of a new company when Rob took over from the previous promotion. As we all know the takeover happened in the twelfth hour, and it was looking highly likely that maybe our club could not be saved. Bearing this in mind, the BSPA had ruled a strict cut off date of a successful take over being sorted, if this was not met than a takeover would not have been allowed. Back when the takeover was just about to be completed, a couple of people had cottoned on to the impending news through the Companies House website, mainly noticing that a new company had been formed, namely NEWCASTLE DIAMONDS LTD, with Rob being sole director of this company. Additionally, when Rob took control of the diamonds, NEWSPEED2003 were on the last year of a 3 year lease between the speedway and the stadium, so because of this Rob had to once again run under the current company name and was not able to trade under the new limited company he had formed at the time of the take over. In regard to subject that has arisen about the bonds. Rob is currently dealing with the liquidators aswell the BSPL to come to an arrangement where it is looking potentially possible that Rob will have to financially secure all appropriate monies within the governing body.
    3 points
  7. Hard as an outsider to make sense of what's going on and gone on and Newcastle is a track I've always liked to visit mainly due to friendly fans and good banter. I wish everyone well but one question is this. On basis that those who ran last 3 tracks to liquidate (Rye House / Workington and Lakeside) losing their Promoters Licences, won't same fate befall Rob Grant.?? It would seem unfair if so as he has literally never promoted a Meeting due to Covid, but it does make Acesliders questions the more important. Hopefully Newcastle will be at tapes in 2021 and for many years after that.
    3 points
  8. Its all a very sad state of affairs and one I really don't want to get involved in for obvious reasons. Im still a Newcastle fan though and wish Rob the very best of luck. With the lease on the stadium only for next season and covid looking like it could well last well in to next year I do worry that for all the money and enthusism that Rob has shown it could all be in vain. Getting a new track in present times has proved nearly impossible for most as any houses within about a 15 mile radius will have someone ready to complain and get the planning stopped. Good luck to everyone involved in the future of Newcastle Speedway.
    3 points
  9. Lester Piggotts cell mate lol
    3 points
  10. Azwar Majeed who owned Crawley Town in 2009
    3 points
  11. I've never met the lad and there can't be any on here who feel any sympathy at the sentence which is well derserved in my opinion, but he was an entertaining rider and a decent heat leader in the second tier. Speedway is just a reflection of society though. The huge majority of riders are dedicated hard working professionals from good families but there will always be the bad apples and speedway is littered with riders who have fallen foul of the law. I'm currently researching the pre war years for the speedway researcher website and it's amazing, even in the 1920s and 1930s how many riders appeared in court for stealing vehicles, breaking and entering etc. We've had murderers, safe breakers, drug smugglers, burglars, riders stealing bikes from other riders, all sorts. Some of these riders served their time and came back to the sport, others disappeared. Jason will be in his early 30s when he comes out and will be young enough to make a comeback, but I can't see any promoter taking a chance on him.
    3 points
  12. Very sad to hear about the apparent demise of Newspeed 2003 Ltd and particularly if , as alleged, there are unpaid sums due to riders. That doesn't sound like the Diamonds promotion who I always believed had a reputation for paying riders on time. What I find concerning is the question over who does the bond held by SCB belong to? If it belongs to Newspeed 2003 Ltd, then presumably it will be available to pay off creditors? Which leads to the question, will Rob's new company have to make a formal application to SCB and stump up some more money for a new bond assuming the application is accepted? I'm surprised that Rob did not start with a new company and simply purchase the assets from Newspeed 2003 Ltd that he needed to avoid any skeletons in the cupboard appearing. Maybe there was a good reason for that, and perhaps it was related to the SCB bond. Personally I don't believe the former directors should have anything to worry about unless someone proves that they have withdrawn funds/value for their own personal benefit without accounting for tax and NI.To the best of my knowledge these matters are normally dealt with under civil rules rather than criminal, hence any talk of jail sentences is really a total nonsense!
    3 points
  13. As some of you know I was named after a speedway rider, Wimbledon captain, Norman Parker, and the first team I supported was New Cross. Yesterday, while sorting through some of my old Speedway papers, I came across a copy of Speedway World which included the results for the week I was born, so I looked up what matches were on the day I was born. By an odd coincidence, the only match on that day was Wimbledon v. New Cross, with Wimbledon winning 52-43, Norman Parker scoring 12 points. Sorry, I'll get back to my hole.
    2 points
  14. Come on you obviously haven't a clue wot your talking about when it comes to financial stuff and taxes etc, we've seen you making mistakes filling in your programme before remember.... :-)
    2 points
  15. As a former tax consultant with plenty of experience of Inland Revenue (that dates me!) can I endorse this. Unless something truly outrageous has been going on I would think the odds of a criminal prosecution are very low and of imprisonment lower still. One IR investigation I dealt with involved a speedway promotion - ironically one of the few really honest speedway promoters I've encountered.
    2 points
  16. I believe the BSPA bond, if surrendered, would be used to pay off the speedway-specific debts (riders, BSPA/SCB fees, maybe insurance premiums) ahead of any claims from outside the sport. But be assured, the BSPA will do all in their power to keep speedway at Brough, and to help Rob Grant get his show on the road.
    2 points
  17. When I was on beta blockers for my blood pressure, it was the worst time of my life. Not only did I not suffer any nerves, but I couldn't experience ANY emotion; it was like I was a zombie. Not feeling nerves is one thing, but I never felt disappointment or despair, and worse than anything - I never felt joy or elation at winning. There was no adrenalin rush, no relief, no nothing. It also prevented me from "digging deep" when I was in a pressure situation, which is very counter-productive. Beta blockers may be good as far as your health, but they can destroy all emotion, and anyone in competitive sport can tell you that emotion is the biggest "hook".
    2 points
  18. All of us, probably
    2 points
  19. Have to say the reason the Supporters Club ended wasn't because of you leaving Dave. Julie,Mala,Janet Ken Davies and myself continued for a good while longer. The main reason was my I'll Health at the time and neither Julie or I could commit as we were. We still managed to do a few month more but the straw that broke the camel's back was the final Social event we put on which was a Christmas party. Despite my best efforts to sell tickets like previous events a lot of people said they would pay on the night. I ordered the buffet but out of over 120 people who reserved tickets/played for tickets there were less than 70 in attendance. I put over £150 of my personal money in to pay for the buffet as we didnt have enough in club funds. I lost this money. That was when enough was enough for Julie and I. We raised a lot of money but could have raised so much more. We lost £600 in deposits for 2 cancelled events. The second family fun day and the second river cruise. Having been involved in fundraising for over 30 years you'll remember me saying on many occasions how frustrating I was finding things and you'll no doubt remember you and i locked horns several times over how we both wanted things done.
    2 points
  20. Bill had tremours for which he took betablockers. Unfortunately, the ruling body banned their use so Bill "used" multiple pints of lager instead. Some of which he managed to offset against his tax bill.
    2 points
  21. When I used to 'ref' for Alex Higgins in the early to mid eighties every Friday when he was practicing/taking on all comers for a fiver a frame, he was a very different player at 8pm after umpteen vodka and oranges, than the one who started off playing at 2pm. When 'refreshed' he was truly 'The Hurricane' and would hardly miss... From around 9pm onwards, he would start to be over the tipping point and start to lose a few frames/quid.. And that would be when the 'dark side' of a genius would appear...
    2 points
  22. I knew Arnie for a while in the mid 90's. I was working away from home in Morley, near Leeds. One lunchtime I was talking to the landlord of a pub about speedway when this chap came up to me. He said, "If you want to know about speedway you should speak to that bloke there". I didn't recognise "that bloke" but his mate introduced me. It was Arnie. By coincidence I had seen Arnie a few weeks before at Sheffield speedway. A couple of the current team had persuaded him to do a few laps after the meeting. Not the "Golden Greats" performance you might have expected and he was embarrassed when I said I had witnessed his performance. But we swapped stories and became firm friends. He didn't drive and when I offered to take him to Sheffield with me the next Thursday, he jumped at the chance. Actually he was very beholding to me for taking him which was no imposition at all. I welcomed his company on my usual trip to Owlerton. Anyway we travelled together and much to my surprise he got me in for free as a VIP guest. What that meant was that Annie went to the bar and held court while I went to the terraces and watched the racing. No problem, we both went home happy. This continued for several weeks. Circumstances changed, and we lost touch. The next time I looked him up I found he had died and I was sad. A racer from back in the day. Contemporary with the likes of Nigel Boocock who was an early hero of mine and a character who knew the sport from the inside. I'm glad I knew him, even if it was for a short while.
    2 points
  23. Ave heard you use red diesel an thats tax free too isnt it? So you're ok... Regards THJ
    1 point
  24. THJ you trying to get me into bother man you know I'm a very HONEST taxi driver
    1 point
  25. Honeslty There are no other unpaid unsecured creditors you have had that from the horses mouth.. If there were still issues the liquidators would deem RG an unfit director and he would be prevented from running the new venture... there is a mountain of case law on this and the issue is more technical than you may appreciate... That's why the issue has to be with VAT and you only pay the difference on your purchases and sales so very simply put if I was a taxi driver and put 60 quid of juice in my vehicle 10 quid of that is VAT what I have paid... so I take 5 people x 12 quid in fares and that equates to 50 quid for me and 10 quid VAT so I dont pay the VAT man anything... now I take another 5 fares at 12 quid and the VAT man now wants 10 quid off me and this keeps rolling on... Now look at all the items that attract VAT at the Speedway... like Sponsorship... Season Tickets... Gate Money... Shop Sales... Car Park Money and any other revenue that the club gets (except a zero rated match day magazine) and off set them against any outgoings.... VAT registered riders wages... fuels... plant maintenance and equipment... shale and track costs and any other expenditure (like producing a match day magazine) that the club needs to pay out and there are more examples on both sides of the equation... however you invariably end up with a positive towards the VAT man.... I am being a bit simplistic here but it is basically the mechanics of the thing... They (HMRC) are going back to 2013 apparently and I will bet anything you want that this is the issue and I don't know for sure what the figures are but many small businesses on similar turnovers can rack up between 3 to 8 grand a quarter so a VAT bill of 12 to 32k per annum... So take the mid point of that lot and 6 x 24k comes out at 144k and if my fag packet figures are correct then HMRC will be interviewing people... Rest assured and you can take that to the bank Tax Free... Regards THJ
    1 point
  26. The company's net assets shown by the last filed accounts at 30 November 2018 only amounted to £25K. The following season one imagines in financial terms would have been "difficult" so it is difficult to envisage any improvement on £25k and probably in reality a reduction from that value. Can't really see HMRC getting too excited in all honesty although they might arguably have a claim ahead of other unpaid unsecured creditors if there are any.
    1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. I believe that John Dews topped the Sheffield averages in 1966, Doug Templeton did likewise for Edinburgh in 1960 and 1962, with Alby Golden top at Newport in 1964.
    1 point
  29. John Dews was captain of Sheffield but was never their number one, same for the Templeton brothers at Edinburgh and Glasgow and Alby Golden at Newport. I recently saw a picture of a 1969 newcastle team with Mike Watkin, not Ole Olsen as skipper.
    1 point
  30. I was born in November so no one was riding, home or away. I suddenly feel strangely deprived..
    1 point
  31. Bugger that's right it has been a while lol
    1 point
  32. Did you mean "matchday magazine" ?
    1 point
  33. Hopefully second peak will be over and things will have stabilised by Easter. Having been to an excellently staged and very well stewarded meeting at Plymouth in September and witnessed what can be done hopefully enough Clubs will get approval to do the same in the Spring. It's going to be a long and stressful winter though for many Sports including speedway.
    1 point
  34. John, your confusion may be because one of the key parties in the Mildenhall noise saga is a gentleman by the name of Dave Coventry. This explains the references to ‘Coventry’ which have no relation to the speedway Club, formerly of Brandon Stadium.
    1 point
  35. ..... and you could have a beer (or two) in the bar with the riders at the end of the meeting!!!
    1 point
  36. Are you serious do you really think you would not receive a Prison sentence for Income Tax evasion
    1 point
  37. Agreed. Both ‘sports’ was in a real bad shape and serious decline well before the virus crisis. Clubs was losing huge amount of money, clubs going bust or closing down and clubs up for sale with zero interested. Sadly the future looks very bleak for speedway. I wouldn’t want to be a promoter with money invested. NOT doom and gloom but realistic!
    1 point
  38. Will give my Lhasa Apso something to bark at. She was fascinated by the deer when we stayed in July.
    1 point
  39. In an ordinary summer I would have been to Oxburgh Hall, Blickling, Felbrigg Hall, Norfolk Lavender, the garden centres in Holt, Fakenham and Thetford. Wells next the sea and Hunstanton. Instead I have been to Ripon and Thirsk. At least I have saved some money.
    1 point
  40. Quick Update - Nothing's changed at Coventry but they have beefed up security to make it harder to access the site unless you really wanted to get in.
    1 point
  41. I always find it disturbing that so few riders actually make any real, consolidated money to help them set up business or invest. The numbers who actually go on to achieve something positive in a new career after racing is minimal. Even world champions have been known to trek around begging favours. Famous names from the past often seem totally unable to hang onto their money in sensible manner...Obviously there are exceptions but given teh dangers and subsequent decent prize money, the end result is surprising.
    1 point
  42. Alan Wilkinson captained Belle Vue without ever being their top rider.
    1 point
  43. Wasn't Rob Grant Berwick captain for years, despite never being their no1?
    1 point
  44. It’s clear the way things are going with Covid-19 that fans will not be allowed in stadiums for many months, in fact it could be years. Difficult to see how clubs and the sport can survive with zero income.
    1 point
  45. Because David Rowe has done a damn good job for Eurosport for the last few years and doesn't deserve to be dumped just because the 'usual suspects' are at a loose end.
    1 point
  46. Wouldnt surprise me if he did.. Gone are the days that to make it to the top that you had to ride over here on the various size circuits, and with the big money to be earned in Poland on tracks of a similar size, riding against the very best to benchmark yourself, it could even be seen by some as a retrograde step riding against a lesser standard over here.. I would imagine keeping your sharpness and competitive edge riding against the very best would be the priority of riders like Lidsey, who are getting ever closer to the top level..
    1 point
  47. Sad, very sad.. but not surprising!! I walked away about 4/5 years ago after going for best part of 35 years home and away. Some on here called me worse than sh!te. Whenever i spoke up as a fan you were told how marvelous they are and how grateful we should be.. It was like the freemasons and a them and us set up, had various conversations with promoters and it was obvious the fans were taken for granted and i seen it with my own eyes!! Those that were in the clique were so far up each others ar5es yet were treat like royalty by most. “idiot the fans” was one promoters response to it being pointed out that it was freezing cold and kids were standing around still waiting for a meeting to start 25mins after it was meant to, the charging for the car park that is free at any other time at Brough also rankled, as did the freeloading through the pit gate for mates of the clique. They just expected the merry band of loyal fans to Comply..If they have sold a business and hidden debt from the buyer then the deserve everything they get. Its sheer arrogance and incompetence... and dont even mention the control they wanted over the supporters club a few years ago!! Good luck Rob, you will need it and it will be interesting to hear and see if the usual hangers on have the Bollox to comment? As they certainly had the bollox to defend them whenever i piped up in the past.
    1 point
  48. Well the Aces obviously but Mike’s post makes a lot of sense IF spectators aren’t allowed in next year and all monies come from streaming, Belle Vue is possibly the only track in the UK I would pay to stream a meeting from, certainly the only one in the Premiership. You are almost guaranteed good racing.
    1 point
  49. "Coventry Drone" ? That's no way to talk about Peter York!
    1 point
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