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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/23/2020 in all areas

  1. Tin hat on time but never mind... I have said before there should be races with more than four riders in simply to give something 'different' to the night.. Seen it in the USA on tiny 110m tracks so somewhere like the NSS is a perfect shape and size for it, the shape means hardly any locking up so less chance of a rider behind knocking the guy in front off his bike or getting injured himself.. And even match races can still have two riders crashing.. Maybe a heat 15 every week could be 3 from each team? A possible 12-3 could make lots of meetings last heat deciders.. Another call would be to run the 2021 season (if still no chance of a full season) solely at the NSS Mondays and Thursdays.. Every Premiership meeting takes place there via streaming... Facilities are great, lighting is excellent, and the team who present the stream are amongst the very best at what they do so can stay based there.. And of course the racing is superb.. Similar to how Basketball did it in the states, ie one venue.. It may need a domestic rider only league to get round any restrictions that may exist but at least it would give a full season, and hopefully plenty of people paying to watch their teams.. The Championship could do something similar on two other nights at one, or even two, of their best tracks for racing... A weekly ticket for say two matches a week at something like a tenner would be popular I would think and wouldn't just attract the fans from the teams on show.. Four teams race one week in the Premiership and four teams race the next, meaning each team rides once a fortnight.. Poland got a fair few viewers this year but to be honest the racing didn't excite the way it usually does so maybe this 'captured audience' could migrate over to domestic speedway a couple of nights per week if the product is good.. And the NSS pretty much guarantees it is..
    4 points
  2. That is one big notable difference in Poland,the starting procedure is a lot more rigid, 2min clock,no lining up at an angle, disobey the start marshal at your peril !!. How it should be over here.
    4 points
  3. Multi-drug saliva test kits are available for around £4 each, purchased in bulk much less no doubt; so 14 tests would cost less than £50. Why not test every rider at every meeting?
    3 points
  4. Blimey, having to choose between King's Lynn and Liverpool! It's like being asked if you'd rather be shot or hung!
    3 points
  5. Looking at that side on view, look at how far some are away from the tapes, thus allowing movement before the tapes are raised. I like it in Poland - NO MOVEMENT or out!
    3 points
  6. To interrupt the discussion about which poster's the biggest fanny -- and I'm sure someone will knee-jerk that it's me -- I hope Leon Flint's achievement in finishing runner-up (even heading the worthy winner for a couple of laps) doesn't get brushed aside as "home track knowledge", given he has only enjoyed two short team sessions on the new circuit -- and is also younger than his four closest rivals, each of whom arrived at Shielfield after considerable overseas experience this dreadful non-season?
    2 points
  7. You can't help but wonder if the tests could be made slightly less random. Surely if a rider is a persistent drug user, such knowledge will become well known in a tight knit community. It wouldn't be difficult to "arrange" a test. In fact, evidence of drug taking should be treated in just the same way as a rider smelling of alcohol. There must be provision in the rules for the Clerk of the Course to prevent a rider from riding.
    2 points
  8. I’m sure his victims have a tale to tell, especially the pensioners.
    2 points
  9. Be thankful the forum isn’t over moderated. You’d be on a life time ban long ago, the way you talk to people. Although you said you were leaving enough times, they probably thought it wasn’t necessary
    2 points
  10. That is your interpretation. I was simply expressing frustration that having taken the trouble to find out what was going on there was a succession of people lazily coming into the conversation and asking what was going on. If they'd bothered to read a few posts back the answer was there. Now I am direct in my approach since I don't believe in wasting time, especially on some of the people you get in here. You choose to interpret that in the way you choose. It was not intended that way. Most of what I post here is an attempt to inform or explain things to people and it is deeply frustrating to have that goodwill walked over by the lazy and stupid. If anyone has a go at me they can expect to get it back with interest. It's necessary given the nature of too many people in this forum, most of which is utter rubbish. There are some excellent contributors posting useful information here which is why I still use it. Sadly too many are like you. You're on ignore now so hopefully this is the last I will hear from you.
    2 points
  11. Great race for the places.Thanks Easily the best track in GB .IMO
    2 points
  12. Yep, I’d have thought if you really want to sponsor a rider you’d exhaust every avenue of communication before giving up and calling him out.
    2 points
  13. I am on my third email address... I honestly couldn't tell you the name to the first one I used, never mind the password... I presume emails are still sent to it... My wife uses my other one for ordering off the internet but I haven't been on there for 3 years at least... Plenty of people will change email addresses from time to time yet still recieve lots of messages to the one they no longer open.. Personal websites usually have a direct email, or even a mobile of either the person themselves or whoever is managing their website, so usually a close associate. If all else fails, then maybe contact a riders club, every club has an email contact with some personal ones, who would be more than pleased I would think to see their man gain some better kit through sponsorship..
    2 points
  14. I think you are right about the engine going away to be tested as I have heard of riders complaining about the waiting for them to be returned. Certainly I saw them being removed from the frame. Testing carbs can be carried out in the frame and machine examiners are issued with an appropriate circular gauge for testing.
    1 point
  15. Yip! ,but remember it’s a new circuit.
    1 point
  16. not me that would be someone who knew what they were doing Just to clarify what another poster (not you) seems to have misread. What I wrote was that I was not tech savvy to do something and not that no-one with technical knowledge was on site. Obviously there were many who knew what they were doing - their focus was primarily on getting the link restored to enable the meeting to start.
    1 point
  17. Thanks for the replies, and there was me thinking I was cleverer than the commentator...
    1 point
  18. I was shocked to recently discover that putting a short stroke piston into a long stroke cylinder actually increases the capacity but is quite a common practice. As regards engine inspections I know of two incident, one involving a Diamonds rider who refused to let the referee check his carb size using the SCB supplied measuring gauge until he was shown it had been Vernier Measurement certified for accuracy and the other involved a top rider refusing to pre-meeting inspection of his carb in the pits because of the amount of dirt about.
    1 point
  19. Speedway would have been failing a duty of safety to allow a competitor to race under the influence. If Garrity was aware there'd be a random test at a meeting and he didn't show up, that weakness in the testing procedure is speedway's fault, surely?
    1 point
  20. Belle Vue NSS: The Gold standard for British Speedway Tracks.
    1 point
  21. If that was the case it would be bonkers as finishing 6th 7th 8th gives you a better chance of progress from the semi than 2nd 3rd 4th and 5th
    1 point
  22. We’re all just human waste living in Rob’s world. But it’s fine for him to call us it. We’re morons for not agreeing with every word he posts.
    1 point
  23. Emali, I am only direct with those who force me to be. This forum is full of loudmouthed idiots and if they don't like me, well quite frankly I could not give a damn. In fact I'd be worried if they did. There are some excellent people in this forum who post valuable information and insight. Sadly they are drowned out by the utter morons like you and Ben91. I just want to enjoy the sport I love. I have enough friends in the sport to be totally unconcerned by ignorant abuse from someone cowardly hiding behind a stupid name. I do hope idiots like you ignore me since it saves having to block you. Unfortunately I now have to. It's certainly not my loss. When I look at a posting like yours it only reminds me how many here just aren't worth helping, as I was reminded on the night. Shame this discussion had to take place on a Berwick-related thread. It's a track that I've always enjoyed visiting over the past 40-odd years. Lovely people. You could take lessons from them, whoever you are. Apologies to the decent people in the forum for having to deal with these cases of human waste. I obviously won't be making further comment. I didn't want to now but given the offensive nature of your post in the absence of moderation in the forum I've had to let you know that you crossed a line.
    1 point
  24. I would like to feel more confident that "lessons really will be learnt" as that is very rare among speedway promoters in 21st Century UK domestic speedway. It should have been an excellent Live Stream taster from a club and if no-one there is tech savvy enough, it may be better not to try again? I was very, disappointed and scored it as 2/10 for effort.
    1 point
  25. He seems to do that to 95% of people he converses with on here. Thankfully, majority of us realise what a bell end he is and just ignore him.
    1 point
  26. 1 point
  27. Yet when someone here asked why the stream that was supposed to start at 7.30 wasn’t live after 7.30 you spoke to them like a piece of crap on the bottom of your shoe.
    1 point
  28. It’s interesting to watch Brady Kurtz in green.
    1 point
  29. A massive thanks to belle vue speedway and every rider representing British speedway last night. What an incredible night of speedway to end the season. Everyone diddnt give an inch. Doyle a deserved winner and really proud ro see him do the hat trick. What a show that was.
    1 point
  30. I think the main problem being the link did not give any indication that it was broken, just said waiting for Berwick Speedway Website after the count down had finished, and as the count down worked it was easy to assume there was still something wrong for everyone.Still live and learn.
    1 point
  31. I also believe that a postal service is still available via the "Royal Mail" whereby you send hard copy correspondence... And failing that, some have even trained pigeons to deliver messages tied to their legs on their behalf..
    1 point
  32. I can only guess (George would probably be able to answer better than me) . I think the two people who mainly run the social media weren't there (not sure about one and wouldn't like to say why the other wasn't there). Jamie, Scott, Gary etc would be involved in lots of things and would have got the information out as soon as they could (possibly got the stream to start to make sure it wasn't going to drop out?). Not really a full answer but as I say its only my thoughts.
    1 point
  33. Do you know why the 1,800 or so fans, many of whom would have made a donation for the stream, were not informed that the meeting had already started and was being shown on a different stream?
    1 point
  34. After the fiasco in Lublin and the frustrating disappointment at Berwick, my goodness I needed that! Superb end to an awful year. Thank you Belle Vue and everyone who made this excellent finale happen.
    1 point
  35. The track was ripped up and re-laid (removed bucket loads of shale from the track) due to the rain at the beginning of the week and on the Wednesday afternoon. You cannot control the weather (might have been slicker if there wasn't a heavy downpour in the afternoon). There were riders with 2 races on the trot so there needed to be a slight break for them. The referee is in control of the meeting (possibly with Neil Vatcher). Bewley's times ranged from 62.9- 65.1 (5 quickest times) Leon's was about 66.9, Anders was 65.9 and Drew 65.1. Craig's track record was 62.8 and in the Edinburgh meeting at the end of last season the times ranged from 66.4 - 68.7 (there were 9 times faster than 66.4). All electrics were inspected & tested by the stadium contractor before the football season started. The speedway electrics were tested on Sunday and Wednesday afternoon and were all working. The referee tested all electrics when he arrived (as they will do at every track). Somerset would have tested the speakers before the pairs (have been dodgy the last few years), Peterborough would have tested the electrics before the 4's but had faults 2 years running and Gorzow would have tested the electrics before the transformer went on fire (shows it happens everywhere and not just Berwick). The fault wasn't on one of the speedway fuse boards. I haven't seen the stream but the power cut had a massive effect on the stream. The Power was removed from various stadium fuse boards (killing the power to everything regarding the stream) as the supply isolator is three phase (fault on one phase). They did a great job getting it all back up and running after losing power to everything and not just the things that was on the affected control fuse (probably lost a few meeting graphics etc). The referee is in control of the meeting (possibly with Neil Vatcher) but riders were within their rights to take time before they settled (there is no 2 min clock but the 2 minute lights cancel after 2min 3seconds or when the green light goes on). I think the lights went off 3 times during the meeting (1 when a rider lost his steel shoe and cannot remember the other 2 heats). Possibly can try to get the riders up quicker but there will probably be one who is still digging and causing a delay. Think the home straight was something like 33 feet at the start gate (as others have said over 10m for FIM approval).
    1 point
  36. He did not turn up to meetings that "random drug testing" was taking place !! For some reason
    1 point
  37. Forget this news story briefly, a side question. What's happened to the supposedly "random drug tests" in British Speedway & how on earth had he avoided one all this time??
    1 point
  38. Thing is, six riders in a race is not a huge problem for most riders - certainly not those who ride in the Czech Golden Helmet and certain other events on the continent. As you say, it only became an issue with the the World Pairs, and that's because riders were looking for their team-mates. THAT was the problem...
    1 point
  39. 7 years 6 months! He'll serve half and be out in time for the start of the next UK speedway season.... Apologies, it's not a joking matter. Anyone who prey's on the vulnerable has no place in society regardless of how tough their start in life might have been or the addictions which might have consumed them. I suspect his victims will suffer the after effects of his actions for much longer than he will atone for them.
    1 point
  40. That doesn't mean you've used the correct email address to send it to or confirm that Dan has picked up your email either. I would suggest following it up via his social media channel where you would be much more likely to get a reply and resolve what could be a simple misunderstanding.
    1 point
  41. Yes it even tells me what time it was sent!
    1 point
  42. 1 point
  43. Can't say i agree with you about him going a long way in speedway. His attitude left a lot to be desired. How many times did he 'breakdown' on way to tracks in the north? Often he would turn up with his machines and kevlars still caked in dirt from the previous meetings. He wanted it easy and was nt, in my opinion, willing to put in the work and dedication required to make a success of it.
    1 point
  44. Beat a few established riders in the aces select meeting a few week ago. Beat Harris also. He will take a scalp or few today. The Palin we saw last night is not the real Palin I've seen plenty of times
    1 point
  45. What do you mean someone like me Rob? What do you know about me? Or do you mean someone who calls you out for being rude? Well if that makes me an idiot I fear for the rest of society. The way you talk to people is disgusting at times and if someone has the nerve to disagree with your opinions you resort to personal abuse as opposed to reasoned debate. Of course, I and all the other members of the BSF barring yourself are idiots so I look forward to your response which will undoubtedly be just as rude.
    1 point
  46. No one in speedway is really surprised that “pikey Jase” is in jail. The biggest surprise is that it took so long one less druggy to have to lookout for
    1 point
  47. With luck - and common sense, now a part of speedway history - the one that all keep well clear of. I don't need to be a disabled person myself, as I sadly am, to know how despicable these c rimes were. No excuses. His speedway skill's irrelevant Thank goodness he's gone.
    1 point
  48. Despicable individual.
    1 point
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