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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/22/2020 in all areas

  1. to be fair, anyone that's putting that much money into riders deserves some respect
    5 points
  2. WHAT A MEETING THIS IS. Worth way more than the £10 I paid
    4 points
  3. I watched and have donated, and whilst the weather played a big part in the racing, I must admit that I was disappointed (to say the least) with the camera work. Fortunately I managed to find the stream (eventually) thanks to others! In my humble opinion the home straight camera was actually too close to the track, making it hard for the camera operator to follow riders as they zoomed past. The finish line camera, again was too close and the majority of the picture was taken up by the start marshall and the flag. Hopefully the production team will learn from the constructive comments of others. I would give them a second chance if there was to be another stream from Berwick, but it would have to show a massive improvement for me to be a regular watcher.
    4 points
  4. More passes in 2 heats then there was in 20 last night
    3 points
  5. I ve seen a few people say this, but I couldn't disagree more. The riders in heat 16 knew they had made semis and therefore could settle for positions. Had the 4 riders known that race would decide the title they would have almost certainly approached the race differently... Hope Dan Gilkes is feeling better today, and Drew Kemp is ok after his heavy off. Would loved to have seen another angle of the Rowe pass on Lawlor to see how tight that really was. Having had a year on big wide slick tracks in Poland, a grippy narrow Berwick must of felt a bit strange but felt he continued to demonstrate his continued development. Also worth noting that the vast majority of riders involved last night have multiple years left at this level... so if we keep them all fit and improving over the coming seasons I still feel there is plenty to be excited about.
    3 points
  6. That doesn't mean you've used the correct email address to send it to or confirm that Dan has picked up your email either. I would suggest following it up via his social media channel where you would be much more likely to get a reply and resolve what could be a simple misunderstanding.
    3 points
  7. You forgot to mention that when they did switch streams they couldn't be bothered to tell the 1,800 people that were watching a blank screen that they had done so
    3 points
  8. Much better that the winner was decided over the 20 heats, instead of the Mickey Mouse add ons
    3 points
  9. The guy has got a serious chip on his shoulder IMO.
    3 points
  10. Will his transport breakdown on the way to the jail.
    3 points
  11. Excellent speedway meeting... Didn't need the 5 and 6 man races for me, you don't need the gimmicks when the speedway racing is so good
    2 points
  12. Leicester had a blank canvas to work with and still managed to build a track as if it were around a football pitch with no football pitch there! It's true that riders can manage to ride it as when Leicester were in the top league the racing was much better than it is in the 2nd tier. Only Scott Nicholls and Chris Harris seem to be able to make passes with any regularity
    2 points
  13. I actually think the same but it wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing would it? It sometimes appears that any kid who looks remotely decent at 16 or 17 has to be the next 'wunderkind' and we already crown him as a future world champion.. I was lucky enough to watch Joe Screen every week in his first season in the top league as a (literally), fresh out of school 16 year old, and he rode well against, and actually beat, some of the biggest names and best riders in the world that season, (who all rode over here at the time).. Joe was a truly unique talent yet never went on to win a senior World individual title and spent most of his career at solid heat leader level in a very tough league, and a few years in the Worlds top ten.. No disrespect to the likes of Kyle Bickley and his peers, but they are light years away from the likes of Joe, Mark Loram, Woffy etc at a similar age, and they ride in a much watered down standard from the one those lads mentioned found too.. If Kyle, (and others) "only" achieve Champioship heat leader, (and therefore second string in the Premiership), status, then that is still a decent level to be at and hopefully they can make a reasonable living out of it.. Many talented riders have burst onto the scene over the years and have never made it to heat leader level in the top league, never mind world class level.. And there's no crime in that given how rarefied the atmosphere is at that level.. Let's just let these lads progress and see where they end up. As having four of them in every top team, even at second string or reserve, can't be a bad thing for the sport overall over here..
    2 points
  14. Jeez oh plenty of riders manage to ride tracks of all shapes and sizes whether they be around football or rugby pitches or inside or outside greyhound or stockcar tracks. If you are going to blaming the shape of the track for poor racing then I'd suggest you're watching the wrong sport. Every rider has to learn to adapt to different track shapes and surfaces throughout their careers so perhaps it's only talented and/or skilled riders who go on to become good?
    2 points
  15. I called ita brave effort and it was but I would not pay even the £2 I did for the same again. Sadly the concept that feedback is all negative moaning has become a default trait of UK domestic spedway and that is why crowds have plummeted over the last few years. Listening to what your customer likes and doesn't like, is something other businees and industries pay a lot of moeny for! In the UK disillusioned supporters are seen as moaning keyboard warriors. The current Chairman is so like the previous one in terms of saying" if you don't like it, don't come". Well many thousnds of supporters have chosen that option and no longer offer up their hard earned cash for the poor product usually on offer in the UK. I genuinely hope that the Berwick TV crew DO read and take on board the suggestions that supporters who joined the stream said about the product.You can't please everyone but there were a large number who just gave up because of what was on their screen. If there were 1,800 at one point that would have been a great success at £10 a head. A lost opportunity. Have they said how much was donated?
    2 points
  16. Hopefully Berwick aren’t discouraged from doing this in future after last night, as they really aught to make streaming the new normal (geo blocked of course). Many lessons to be learnt. I think the producer may have over thought it, the amount of camera changes were quite distracting. Less is more? Never gonna be a BT standard production so I wouldn’t even try from that aspect.
    2 points
  17. Are you absolutely sure he got your Email. I find it hard to believe any rider would not reply to a sponsor offer.
    2 points
  18. If that is the best level of live streaming that UK speedway can offer up it will fail completely, starting late ( due to power proble,s. if true that should have been checked well before ), Very poor camera work - follow the man in front and never show a complete race . Constant buffering on the stream delivery. The very poor meeting management where there is no urgency of any kind to get with it ( one of the reasons why UK domestic speedway is in the place it is with supporters walking away ). I will not comment on the racing ( what little of it there was ). For me it was a brave experiment of live match streaming - possibly the future of UK league racing, well it proved to be terrible VFM. My intention was that if it was a good taste of what streaming could be I would donate £10, but as it was so dire overall and came out looking very amateurish I donated £2 for "effort" in trying . 2/10 rating.
    2 points
  19. I think we do a bit carried away with the view that we are 'miles behind' other nations.. In reality only Poland have a good few U21 riders of potential.. The rest, like the UK, have the odd one or two coming through.. The fact is we start to talk up these lads far too soon and then get disappointed when they feel to reach the levels 'we' have decreed they will reach.. As has been said, the worlds best no longer race over here in any numbers, so gauging truly where you are in the pecking order is very difficult, and being good domestically isn't really a measure of high actual capability for a lot of the lads.. The glide path now for young riders to become a truly 'top rider' has to be similar to the one Lambert has taken, and Bewley is following.. ie. Get yourself riding overseas as early as you can, however, to do that you need to be of a certain level which in all fairness very few British lads are at.. Lambert it was clear, (like Woffy), that at around 19 years of age, he was a genuine potentially World Class talent, Bewley at 21 still has question marks against what level he will eventually achieve, however, Dan is clearly of a level much higher than his current peer group and, as he has shown in Poland can mix it with the very best.. The rest will develop to whatever level they reach, but having two in the 'Top 20' riders in the world is pretty much the max for all Speedway nations, so Britain is doing 'OK' on that score, with Bewley starting to slowly climb the rankings from below to try and make it three.. Being at that level though is living in a very rarefied atmosphere, which the vast majority will never reach, so maybe we should lower expectations on our riders, because, as history shows from circa 1980, not too many of our lads are capable of getting there. And the work being done at 'youth' level now isn't I would suggest to find more 'World Champs', but more in finding a good number of British riders to fill British team places, and given the way teams are structured over here you don't need to be anywhere near international level to gain one of those..
    2 points
  20. Think the Star have done a great job in difficult circumstances,good coverage and articles of Polish speedway.While the quality of the paper is not up to much it’s understandable in these hard times.Well Done.
    2 points
  21. Did you back Bewley each way? Brings an end to a good season on the betting front, nice tidy profit made on tonight aswell
    1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. Lee Wild https://twitter.com/LeeWild14
    1 point
  24. 6 rider races are a completely useless and dangerous idea. I can't remember who they were now but a few years ago at least a couple of top riders declared they would never again ride in 6 rider races considering them too dangerous even on wide tracks. An experiment such as this took place at Ivan Mauger's farewell meeting at Hyde road years ago and it was crap. Useless for spectators because the eyes and mind struggle to keep track of who's who with 6 participants in such close proximity. Don't fix things that aren't broken.
    1 point
  25. Yes iris, & will be in English
    1 point
  26. I did read, his daughter is thinking of bringing out a book. If and when it comes out there is a thread for it already
    1 point
  27. Even with the alterations it’s still narrow and rides as such, you only have to see how close together riders are on the start line. It’s true that the entrances and exits to the bends are the issue, riders almost have to ‘queue up’ at times as there isn’t always room to enter or exit the bends alongside somebody if they are riding a good line. And just because a track has FIM status that doesn’t mean it’s not narrow.
    1 point
  28. They got their moneys worth out of kyle !
    1 point
  29. This is the key point for me, there is an age gap between Bewley and the best of the rest, and there are few that are 16. If all the de bet ones were 20/21 and at their current level it’d be different but they have several years left as junior riders.
    1 point
  30. Last night showed why there needs to be a 2 minute clock.No messing about in Poland you have to be ready to race and obey the start marshal,goes like clockwork.
    1 point
  31. Berwick is not that narrow though.! Track changes made it wider than it was and it was F.I.M approved before it was altered.
    1 point
  32. <------- That says it all.
    1 point
  33. Not the greatest of meetings racing wise, heat 12 only decent race, they could have saved a lot of time by just running heat 16, which decided the outcome, Dan lucky to get a re-run as he was last when Kemp fell. Let's hope Belle Vue put on a far slicker presentation, as the meeting ran at a snails pace last night, there did not seem to be any clock at the start gate, so the riders took ages to come to the tapes. I did donate, as I had watched the meeting, but will think twice before paying to watch at Berwick again, what were the so called improvements made to the track, didn't look any different to me.
    1 point
  34. Can't understand the obsession that some fans have that young Brits should try and get a contract abroad. They then complain when riders like Woffinden stop racing in the UK or complain when our fixtures are messed about cos riders are racing abroad. We should be pleased that Harris, Lawson, the Worralls, King, Barker and the rest prioritise the UK to earn a steady living rather than persue a contract in the grand prix circus.
    1 point
  35. What do you mean someone like me Rob? What do you know about me? Or do you mean someone who calls you out for being rude? Well if that makes me an idiot I fear for the rest of society. The way you talk to people is disgusting at times and if someone has the nerve to disagree with your opinions you resort to personal abuse as opposed to reasoned debate. Of course, I and all the other members of the BSF barring yourself are idiots so I look forward to your response which will undoubtedly be just as rude.
    1 point
  36. Not unless he's going to Saughton jail in Edinburgh
    1 point
  37. With Ben91's permission, my thoughts. (Don't worry lad, get someone to explain them to you). I really have a soft spot for Berwick, but even allowing for the power supply problems that wasc awful. It was only bu chance reading the comments on the Speedway Updates that I found a working link. The meeting ambled along with no sense of purpose or urgency and we were rewarded by the cancellation of the key final three races. Yes, they'd had problems but they didn't seem to be trying to make up for the delays. I was dreadfully disappointed by the TV coverage - lousy sound, poor camerawork including the key rerun of heat 16 out of focus and a poor choiuce of support for Goddard. I've donated because I believe passionately in the future of streaming in speedway. I love my trips to Shielfield Park and was happy to get an 'extra' trip up there. Speedway can be wonderful. Sometimes it can be awful. Sadly this was the latter. I won't post more because it'll only annoy Ben 91. Hrey Ben, I'll take a day off easily - I'll just think of your inane postings and that'll help. There is one condition - you take a month off......................
    1 point
  38. Think there was to be 2 semi’s and a Final. Dave and Kev though it was a great meeting,they should know
    1 point
  39. If I have watched a worst meeting than this I can't remember when
    1 point
  40. Think Kyle bickley has spat his dummy out and gone home, sorry but don't think he has got it to go any further, should be doing a lot better than this with all the years he's been riding !!
    1 point
  41. Thanks everybody-as a matter of interest on the night the British Final was rained off (at West Ham), I spoke to Ivan at the bar and had a nice chat with him ( a gent). He was using a crutch as I recall and I said it must be a bit of a relief that it was rained off-gives you an extra week to recuperate etc. He said that it would take far more than a week to get better . He also didn't look 100%. As you mention he rode in the re-run of the meeting and despite a manful effort scored 5 points and was eliminated.
    1 point
  42. Yep - the very same. Nice tidy riding. Won some heats, lost some heats. But riding for for fun rather than going all out.
    1 point
  43. Jesus, watching the white circle going round for the last hour has been more entertaining than the racing so far!
    1 point
  44. With luck - and common sense, now a part of speedway history - the one that all keep well clear of. I don't need to be a disabled person myself, as I sadly am, to know how despicable these c rimes were. No excuses. His speedway skill's irrelevant Thank goodness he's gone.
    1 point
  45. Despicable individual.
    1 point
  46. Fine by me but with the small tweak of standing the rider who took the most points out of the meeting on the top step of the podium instead of the one that won the last race, then it would make sense.
    1 point
  47. No need to reinvent the wheel. Just return to the (immediate) pre 2020 method. Perfect.
    1 point
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