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- I wondered where you got this information from ????? as NONE of it is correct except the bit of Anders racing in Poland - a trip he and his family have funded - his used his U.K. bikes and engines which are FGM - he and his family have funded everything since he started racing with also a little help from a few small long term sponsors. If you want to write things about Anders please make sure your facts are correct first !!!3 points
This is a strange one to many but not so strange to many who have ridden speedway, since Kevlars have been around and they get washed so much in the washing machine they seem to hold the washing powder smell, when you walk in to the changing rooms before a meeting that smell of freshly washed Kevlar is very strong, also if you walk into a riders workshop it smells of speedway especially if you’re not used to it, I love going in workshops because they all have a sort of story to tell, like something writ on the wall or something insignificant but you know it means something to that rider, I’ve been in some amazing workshops and I find them fascinating and they all have that speedway smell3 points
From the Bandits Facebook page COMMENTARY TEAM! Your commentary team for tomorrow night’s British under 21 Final will consist of Dave Goddard and Kev Doolan! King Kev makes his debut in the commentary booth alongside Goddard who is the regular voice of Premier Sports coverage of the Polish Ekstraliga, the Swedish Elite League and Tapes Up Productions. We will be going Live on the BanditsTV YouTube channel from 6.45pm tomorrow night so don’t forget to tune in and spread the word folks! Tapes up 7pm!2 points
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Anders has also had a lot of help from Ashley Holloway who is based in Poland and sorted a deal and specific equipment out. That's main reason he went over there. It's been a great experience and he's done very well but unfair to attack others for not taking the same route, when the route nor the necessary equipment was not open. We've seen how much Bewley has suffered with under-power equipment and how much more competitive he was over there on Tai's bikes. Hopefully Anders will show the benefits and Holloway will help other young British riders in the future.2 points
I was gobsmacked that Anders Rowe was not included especially has he was based in Poland! Looks to me his face dosent fit2 points
Recently got back from a week away in the IOW.. Walked around the island ten years ago, so just did the best bits this time. A lovely island, however traffic around Newport a bit mad..2 points
Pleased to see Jason gets a chance to defend his title. Fingers crossed for good weather1 point
I don't buy the "Bewley has rubbish equipment" line at all. It's the way things are set up and the mechanics with him at those meetings would have made a difference, perhaps mentally as well as it could have raised his confidence1 point
I started watching in 1974 and Pogo was one of the riders I wished I had seen, along with Plechanov and the like. I feel very envious of you who saw him ride.1 point
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For those who don't follow non-league footy, I'm sure they have no idea just how many teams have been displaced in recent decades. The sad thing is that it is just like speedway, with clubs leaving their homes of many years. At least they often have a chance to groundshare, or - as a lot have done - end up in a sports "facility", rather than an actual ground/stadium. The problem with the latter is that it can restrict growth and upward advancement.1 point
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without going into the whys and wherefores of mask wearing and social distancing etc, I don't think anybody that watched the TV coverage of Polish speedway this year would be surprised1 point
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Could it be you used an incorrect or out of date email address? Might be worth following that up via his social media channel to double check. I'd imagine any rider would be only too willing to take such a generous offer on board.1 point
I remember talking to a resident a couple of years ago and mentioned that sometime in the past a tunnel had been discussed connecting the Island..."No way we would want that" was his reply. I would agree. The Island would become over-congested just like what has happened on Skye since the bridge was opened. At least ferries keep the numbers at a reasonable level and control the number of vehicles.1 point
To give you a idea how lacklustre yong British riders are, example, after Dan Bewleys last couple meetings on Tai bikes, i emailed him regarding putting in a SERIOUS amount of money to help him out with equipment as i felt watching him on Tais bikes he showed so much more potential. Didnt even get a reply! This year i put in over £20.000 on a young British rider, but not for me anymore. Anders Rowe is one on my rador for next year. The point im making, i contacted a young Pole that caught my eye a few years ago, before i could stop typing i got a reply! So looks very likely i will be putting my money in to a Pole next year, shame really1 point
Kemp shows the right attitude now and with all the respect in the world to Lawson, the Worralls, Kerr etc. he wouldn’t have done any worse than they would. The same can be said for Brennan, Rowe, Palin or any other young prospect we have right now. The difference is their potential ceiling is much higher than that of the riders who have been on the scene and flattered to deceive for years now. Those riders have had years to chase experience in Europe but have mainly spent them doubling up here instead. The right decision was made in my opinion, if there is no chance of winning then use these events to help our chances of winning in future. The second Tai (or Rob Lambert) is unavailable we have no hope in the SON.1 point
You get good information. thanks1 point
There was a time that we had both a team champonship and a pairs championship. One is not a substitute for the other. When we moved to the Speedway of Nations, it was mooted that it would alternate with the Team Championship, year on year.1 point
Wirksworth Ivanhoe (Central Midlands League football) last Saturday (17/10). Leicester Nirvana (United Counties League football) tomorrow evening (20/10).1 point
That's fair enough we all have differing opinions, I really hope the lad goes on to have a great future though1 point
You certainly have a great knowledge of non league football. I started out at Wimbledon and Tooting in the early 1970's, progressing to Arsenal home and away. I've always ticked a few non league grounds off every year, but i have really ramped it up this season.1 point
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Buy a bike ,and a Tin of Castrol R run it in the living room while watching speedway,satisfaction .1 point
He might well be but he has a better chance of making it if he is exposed to quality riders and better competitions now while he is in his improvement years. We have NOBODY beyond four or five senior riders who will ever cut it at international level and three of those were unavailable so it made total sense to blood a youngster at the weekend, we saw what happened last year when Cook and Harris were picked. I accept the odd rider will bloom late like Wright seems to have done but the chances are remote. I agree in part with what Grachan says, more of riders need to get out of the UK earlier, Rowe will have done his own development the world of good this season getting out to Poland as I believe there is only limited value in riding in our leagues, we don’t have enough tracks which resemble those on the continent and by and large the opposition isn’t strong enough to drag our lads along developmentally like the Extraliga does, the U21 riders there are chucked in the deep end but it produces results year after year.1 point
Not sure of all the reason,but obviously you could recycle the if you fitted a oil pump, more to do with cost and for the amount of oil used( very little)By draining oil you can see whether there is much metal deposits in it.Think the strain on bearings and cylinder are huge.Like you say you could have Speedway engine in a road bike with a oil pump fitted.1 point
It seems a little harsh to say that he was "woeful" this year. He didn't really get a proper run this year in Poland...What did he do? 10 races across the season or something like that? He was in a team that was set up with a good number 8 and often got replaced in every race...In a different team he might have had a better season. I feel kinda sad to see him retire. As you said, he was a bright hope at one point and hasn't delivered on the expectations, but more that that, it's esentially another Country lost to the sport. Croatia basically have no-one racing now.1 point
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