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  1. The virus only comes out after 10pm in the UK, it’ll only strike if you’re in a group of over six too. Nice of it to tell us in advance that it’s going to be in Lublin from Saturday too but not on Friday night.
    6 points
  2. No need to reinvent the wheel. Just return to the (immediate) pre 2020 method. Perfect.
    4 points
  3. If it had been finished before 10pm then it would have been okay.
    3 points
  4. It was the good times when Polish teams came touring Britain, Pogo was one of them that excited the crowds. Sad loss.
    3 points
  5. Andy Smith was always one I regularly felt sorry for.. He pretty much gave everything, every race, yet would often end up with an average that left him without a job the year after at the club he was at when points needed shedding, and other clubs would be not sure if he could keep up that average at their track... Amazing to think that you help a team become successful by giving your all and (let's be honest) NOT effectively 'cheating the public' by giving 100% every night, and then struggle to keep your job.. It's a bit daft isn't it? Edit: Just remembered, silly me.. "You see, this is Speedway and it's different to other team sports"...
    3 points
  6. Poles are like the English as they don't follow the rules. When it was originally 25% they were all crowed into one block with very few masks. Pointless. We only have ourselves to blame for not having crowds.
    3 points
  7. Mitch Shirra tells the story that Coventry riders were told to drop points with a view of being able to fit them in the following season.
    2 points
  8. When I got onto YouTube, and saw the rain, I thought they'd switched it back to the NSS!
    2 points
  9. There have been numerous riders over a number of years keeping their eye on their average over a season for various reasons.Guest Bookings and End of Season average for Team Place next season being main thing in their mind.
    2 points
  10. Rider averages will never be an accurate reflection of true ability because - at least in Britain - each riding position meets the opposition riders a different number of times and under different circumstances. Reserves in particular tend to have easier races in comparison to heat leaders, and the No. 2 position in the classic heat formula generally had easier opposition than the rest of the top 5, although the downside was that Heat 8 was always the obvious place to do a (double) tactical substitution. But as with cricket, there's all sorts of factors such as when you're put into bat or expected to bowl. Case in point is Freddie Flintoff who's batting and bowling averages were never exceptional by classic all-rounder standards, yet every team in the world would have been happy for him to play for them.
    2 points
  11. No that's logical. They won the meeting after all
    1 point
  12. Sad news can still remember his performance for Poland v Scotland Select at Old Meadowbank had 5 wins and a Fall .Scotland select was a good team with Persson, Eide and Monk in it.Great rider in his era.He also had scored 15 pts the year before When Poland scored 79 pts in pouring rain(torrential) would never have went ahead these days. RIP.
    1 point
  13. Loved watching Pogo. I was only 10 when Rybnik turned up at Poole in 1965, three riders shone like a beacon. Woryna scored a paid max,behind Pogo, Wyglenda only lost his paid max because of a failing motor. Pogo was majestic scoring a full 12pt max in their 52-26 win over the Pirates. Followed them all for the rest of their careers. RIP Pogo.
    1 point
  14. Can't believe I'm reading people bleating on about "should have had it in Manchester" when Boris wants to close it down and Burnham wants a nationwide circuit break.
    1 point
  15. The irony is now there is no fans in Lublin anyway
    1 point
  16. Just the weirdos and jokers on this forum...
    1 point
  17. got that bit correct
    1 point
  18. The guy is just a when it comes to anything Speedway.
    1 point
  19. I feel you may be a bit of a fantasist when it comes to the logistics and planning for such an event
    1 point
  20. So wet, tonight won’t go ahead and tomorrow will be worst. Sunday looks ok can see it being run then
    1 point
  21. Stopped raining.
    1 point
  22. No doubt, but it's the trade-off between scoring points and making money in the here-and-now, and the possibility of scoring more points and more money in the future. All I can say is that I'm glad I didn't choose speedway rider as my career...
    1 point
  23. So I think the pick of the odds for me: Russia -2 over Denmark Lambert -5 over Milik GB -7 over Czech Republic Czech under 17
    1 point
  24. With normal scoring I would agree but quite easy to pull that back over 6 rides against the calibre of rider in Milik, who like you said has been poor all year, especially against the big boys.
    1 point
  25. Good to see Jordan Palin in the PCMT.Great experience for him..... he did well in the Aces first match.
    1 point
  26. Nearly died when I seen Zmarzlik under 19 before realising its 4pts for a win
    1 point
  27. No and with the Fricke bet i have just realised that Lidsey could well takes some of the rides so i wouldn`t touch it
    1 point
  28. New points system this year of 4-3-2-0 so maximum is now 42
    1 point
  29. Great call on Palin. These young lads with potential need to be opened up to riding against the bigger names at every single opportunity.. Especially on the bigger faster tracks akin to the ones so many major competitions are raced on in Europe.. Robert Lambert's development massively came from riding the bigger German circuits as 'a kid' when he couldn't ride competitively over here, so opening these lads up to similar, as soon as is possible, has to be the way forward.. He will take a few 'scalps' too I reckon..
    1 point
  30. Zdenek Simota did four in a row for Plymouth at Owlerton in 2014,heats 7,8,9,10 as well as heats 2 and 4,scoring 9+1 The same meeting saw Ben Wilson ride in 7 of the completed 10 heats,twice doing three on the trot,hts1,2,3 and 8,9,10 plus ht 5 scoring 16+2. Sheffield were using R/R for Andre Compton when Leigh Lanham and Taylor Poole crashed out of the meeting in heat 3 (The crash ended Taylor's career sadly) so The Tiger's were down to four riders and due to the time it took to get Taylor to Hospital the meeting ended at the 10pm curfew,with a final score of 32-30 to Sheffield. There might be a few more 'four in a rows' in the 1976 season were a rider could take two R/Rs per meeting.Carl Glover rode in 8 of the 13 heats in one such meeting at Sheffield.
    1 point
  31. Not sure the Govt. has made it up to this Wednesday... and that was yesterday
    1 point
  32. The GB team used Anlas tyres in the GB vs Denmark test last October at Kings Lynn. They also used Anlas tyres in the Team under 21 final this year. Certainly at KL, it was one tyre per rider. It was the 2020 tyre that caused the problem, but it wasn’t only used in the GPs - some of the Ekstraliga riders - Anders Thomsen for one - was using them. Judging by the number of flat (Mitas) tyres in the Ekstraliga this year, I suspect riders have been running Mitas tyres at very low pressures to try to match the grip that Anlas was giving. The soft nature of the Anlas tyre was the reason why the 2020 tyre was removed from homologation. British speedway have had a contract with Mitas for years which has been both for commercial and consistency reasons. This contract expires at the end of this year. The contract with Anlas follows the same reasoning. Anlas tyres are not in anyway dangerous and, as the pricing will be the same as with Mitas, and all riders will be on the same tyre, what’s the problem? Mitas have been threatening to withdraw from the speedway market for several years now, whereas Anlas (check them out - they are a huge company) are keen to use speedway to spread brand recognition. I don’t see a problem with what’s happening.
    1 point
  33. Almost worth joining Twitter so I can vote.... Come on Exeter!!
    1 point
  34. Let’s face it the SON was only introduced to try and stop Poland winning everything(which it succeeded).Not a patch on World Team Cup Final.Thats Speedway though,they don’t have good record when it comes to change.
    1 point
  35. They knew the weather forecast for tonight and tomorrow. Why not move the meeting to Torun or Gorzow? It's not like they've sold out the entire venue. BSI are awful organisation.
    0 points
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