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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/14/2020 in all areas

  1. Yes and all with 3-2-1-0 scoring ... The absolute bedrock of proper speedway.
    4 points
  2. RACE Director has the final say ... Phil Morris nickname amongst the riders is Fireman Phil ... he does like a bit of water
    4 points
  3. It depends what you define as team riding, often commentators on TV say a rider is team riding if they see them so much as glance at their team partner... This for me is not team riding
    3 points
  4. I disagree, Pawlicki could've cleared off on lap 2 bend 3, it was clear to see he was nursing his team mate round, which in turn made him vulnerable, excellent example of team riding imo.
    2 points
  5. Am I missing something here?. Why would the Russians settle for 5-4 when they could have 7-2?. Surely the more points increases the chances of winning the title.
    2 points
  6. Wasn't it just........ I was even shouting at my laptop
    2 points
  7. That 79 match was the only time I recall sections of the crowd turning on Len Silver. It was a depressing year all round, (losing Vic, finishing bottom.) Zenon's World Final performance being the only high point. Weirdly enough, although the Dons did the double over us that year we won the London Cup, and they won it the following year even though the Hawks did the double over them.
    2 points
  8. Come on folks, we might have never won the league but with your help we can do this. Pop over to Twitter and vote. SEMI FINAL 2 ▪️ King’s Lynn, Norfolk ▪️ Exeter, Devon Poll Open for 72 hours. Winner Qualifies for the Final Vote & Retweet for a larger audience. Follow to take part in future votes!
    1 point
  9. Now t wrong with a good scrap every now and then lol
    1 point
  10. A long story, but spoke with "my" John, and he never made it in the end. All very curious that 2 medical people, with the same forename were miles from home, in the same area and could have both been in a group of 80+. Would have been incredible had they met,. He is not really a football fan but seemed interested in taking a look, when the Lancaster game, we had spoken about as something to do on his hols, was postponed. A walk and meal were a better deal in the end. He owes me. Very weird coincidence. Ironically in a past job I received a, shall I say, intimate gift in the post, through head office with an apology and love letter. I had no idea who it was from, other than a first name, or what it was about but thought I’d better not hide from my other half, at the same time denying any idea of why I had received it. I have an unusual combination of first and surname , but incredibly received a call the next day from “my namesake” who was working as a temp in head office for a few weeks so not in the staff directory. That was an embarrassing meeting.
    1 point
  11. Me too - The cut back seems to be a thing of the past in this country yet that has to be the most common overtake in Poland. I think the racing and sheer aggression is unrivalled in Poland personally.
    1 point
  12. It was,Zmarzlik is a hard charger but he can take it back.Emil gave him a hard thump last week-end and they were having a laugh about it.Emil is the same never seems to get upset at the rough stuff.I really like the Polish racing ,there’s a lot more room for manoeuvre with track width.It’s a different game to the racing in GB.
    1 point
  13. Thanks for bumping it up the thread
    1 point
  14. There has been plenty of examples in Poland this year where team riding is very much alive. Many times I can think of when Grigori Laguta, Bartosz Zmarzlik (usually with Jack Holder) and Piotr Pawlicki have all team ridden with their partners in great fashion. Oskar Fajfer is another in Division 1 who is always looking for his team mate. There was a race recently when he was trying to team ride Kevin Fajfer home for a 5-1 before Jonas Jeppeson pipped Kevin on the run to the line, but it was almost perfection from Oskar. Granted it's not as often you see it anymore, but there is some riders who still absolutely nail it.
    1 point
  15. Anything seems to go in Poland though, I think it was Pawlicki that nearly put Zmarzlik through the fence In one race and they were having a big love in down the back straight after the race... In this country they'd be rolling around on the track fighting each other
    1 point
  16. Almost worth joining Twitter so I can vote.... Come on Exeter!!
    1 point
  17. Usual story of football teams living beyond their means and then losing tenure or title of their own ground, thereby leaving them at the mercy of property developers. Beyond foolish as the ground is often their only tangible asset, but since when did football and sense go together?
    1 point
  18. I wouldn't blame Lambert not riding over here. It just illustrates how far our position in the sport has dropped. We can no longer compete with those countries abroad, be it the tracks, the competition, nor the rewards. This is not a moan, merely a reality check.... i will look forward to seeing Robert on the telly, competing with the best and feel quietly confident he'll continue with his amazing progress. When he wins that first World title, I hope he will come back to Lynn just to show his and our appreciations. I sure the place would be packed...
    1 point
  19. Yes that match was the catalyst. Len stormed into the dressing room ready to give the team the blasting of their lives, only to find that they were as upset as he was. As you say it was onwards and upwards from that point on. Losing at home to Cradley at the start of October ended our challenge unfortunately, but after finishing bottom for the previous two seasons it was still a great year.
    1 point
  20. I'll agree with you that generally it is, l don't know if you saw the Polish play off final but there were 2 clear examples of how to and how not to team ride. When Gorzow were struggling to build up any kind of lead during their home leg I remember 1 race where Wozniak was struggling to hold 2nd place while Zmarlik was blasting around 30 yards clear at the front and Wozniak really could have done with his help. Then the best bit of team riding I've seen in years was Pawlicki doing all he could to get Pludra home for the win in the final race of the season, was a joy to watch.
    1 point
  21. And SON.. And maybe go through the GP Qualifications too? I am sure he will want to give himself the maximum opportunity to stay at the 'top table' now he has deservedly put himself in and around that level.. A key year in his long term development next season, building on what has been an excellent season for him just gone.. He is now delivering the level that the 'potential' alluded to, however many have had that potential and not reached where he is now.. Maybe he will feel that not riding in the UK this year, has helped that development and will try more of the same blueprint next? Can't knock the lad if that is what he decides..
    1 point
  22. 3-2-1-0 is perfectly fine in team events. No way should more points be awarded for 2nd-3rd over a guy winning the race. What should be don't is bonus points for team riding in 1st & 2nd only then these are used if count back is required. The aim in Speedway should always be 'win races & look after your team', never 'look after your team & let them win races'. What you could do is make it more of a killer for rider's finishing last with 5-3-2-0. Nobody would want to be 8-2'd
    1 point
  23. Disagree with this. First and fourth to me is the same as second and third - in no way are the two riders in second and third the better TEAM (not sure why we're using capitals but I'll go with it). First and second or first and third then yes, they are the better TEAM. Really don't like the points system at all as to me the whole point of speedway is to win the race. I'd really love for the final to be two riders from one country out in first and second, miles ahead only for one of them to have an EF on the last bend and the other nation wins, because they were the best TEAM - bet they'd re-think it again for next year.
    1 point
  24. How about the heartache of the Kingstonian fans who appear to have had their ground sold from under them?
    1 point
  25. How about this? In February I'll give you a sum of money equivalent to 3 quarters of the season's meetings. This gives me a card which grants me contactless entry. Once my credit runs out, you charge me for each further use of my card. Okay, the promotion don't get any additional money, but they do get most of it earlier.
    1 point
  26. You obviously have an interest in Speedway, you should go, maybe just once a year, you never know you may re-discover your mojo, I re-discovered mine last year
    1 point
  27. What are the thoughts of track preparation during the GP series bar Prague? Do Ekstraliga meetings have any issues with prep, grading and watering compared to the nonsense SGP encounter with material, grip and riders hanging over the fence to see Phil Morris waving his arms around? Can’t help think at times if it’s the polish track crew playing silly buggers making the organising look foolish for their product.
    1 point
  28. Sorry you misunderstood. What I mean is that if you live stream a regular league match, away supporters who would not have had any intention (or opportunity) to attend might very well pay to watch their team. I think I might if it was the best entertainment option that night. Remember you're competing with other TV which people have already paid for or a night out. So say the away team has 1000 regular supporters and you get 500 of them to pay £10 to stream, then that's £5,000 you wouldn't have made without streaming. Excellent. Then there's neutral supporters. I really can't see this being many. Put it this way if Leicester v Eastbourne was available to stream for £10 on a nice summers evening there are plenty of other things I'd rather be doing here in Newcastle (at least there will be again next summer). But you are reaching a global audience so let's say 1,000 neutrals pay £10 so you make £10,000 extra. Excellent. The question now is does £15,000 income cover the cost of providing the stream? And importantly what negative impact does it have on your gate receipts? I don't know how much it would cost to stream a meeting but I suspect TV standard would be very expensive. If you're talking one camera and one commentator then less costly but lower standard. Again remember you're competing with other activities. I've no idea but say a man with a camera and a commentator providing all the streaming tech charge you £5,000. You're still £10,000 up. Excellent. But what about those supporters who would have turned up and paid on average £15 who now stay at home and stream for £10. Or worse where a group of people (family of four) pay £10 instead of £60 on the gate. If 50 families did that then you've lost £10,000 on the gate receipts (consider that the family would also be saving travel costs so it's a real threat). You are no better off and that's before you consider the impact on bar takings and the like. The threat of bad weather could make this even worse if more people who would have normally paid on the gate decide to stay at home. I reckon most people attend as a group or at least as a pair. If they stay home and share a stream that's £10 instead of £30 at the gate. Clearly the numbers are made up but I've tried to be realistic. It all seems a bit too marginal with a risk of actually losing money for any promoter to try this at league level. Feel free to suggest that there are 10,000 neutrals out there desperate to stream league matches every night of the week but you'll struggle to convince me. Don't get me wrong I think it would be great but it just doesn't sound financially viable to me. As I said earlier it's your shared events which could really attract the number of streaming sales needed to make it viable.
    1 point
  29. When and if Speedway returns to this country in general and Peterborough in particular, it is to be hoped that consideration for the paying public will be high on the agenda and the universally condemned shafting of BB holders will be reversed. Speedway under the current stewardship without any effort to regard fans as the customers is likely in the near future to have 90% of the fans in the BB category.
    1 point
  30. Sad to see political comments on this site....especially ones spouting bile as we see above. Everyone is entitled to their opinions but please keep politics off this site....it simply makes you look bigoted and stupid.
    1 point
  31. Thinners, Brake cleaner , anything that dries quickly , not wd40, wd40 was used by some including me to make fitting the tyres easier but only round the rim of tyre not on the tread
    1 point
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