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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/02/2020 in all areas

  1. Plymouth have called time on the 2020 season See link here. https://plymouth-speedway.com/chequered-flag-comes-down-on-gladiators-2020-season/ While sad that there wont be anymore action this season, I have to agree with their reasoning. Mark and his team have quite rightly received a lot of compliments of how everything has been handled at this testing time. Their communication has been exceptional. It goes a long way to keeping fans happy. I, for one, cant wait for next season, whatever League they run in. I hope the locals get right behind them.Their efforts this season deserve support. Well done to all involved. See you in 2021.
    7 points
  2. Of course it mattered, I backed Max at 33s.
    3 points
  3. Thanks a lot, I was going to watch that match later, as live, you've ruined it. Now Pearson has ruined the whole night/weekend.
    3 points
  4. 1 meeting paying less than normal wages which would of run at a loss, possibly a big one at that ,unless speedway finds a major sponsor it can’t run with limited fans or riders ride for next to nowt and if this isn’t sorted soon will there be any riders left to ride ? Even top football is getting uneasy about the situation and we will go to the wall a long time before they do
    3 points
  5. Traditional race sheet for Rnd 7 https://www.keepandshare.com/doc16/25092/gp-2020-7-pdf-849k?da=y
    3 points
  6. From round one up to tonight Fricke has found his feet on the world stage I would say. He seems to have added that little bit of ruthlessness when going wheel to wheel with other riders that is needed in the GPs. I would happily see him in the series next year again.
    2 points
  7. Would love to see Pedersen get one more go. No stand out Danes aside at the moment, Thomsen not taking his opportunity at Gorzow.
    2 points
  8. Lidsey coming up on the rails ...not next year but won't be long
    2 points
  9. AUSSIES will be strong in SON ... Doyle, Fricke and Lidsey?
    2 points
  10. Fricke emphatically showing who the best young Aussie is, well done young man.
    2 points
  11. KEEPS me amused ... racing so much better now the track has dried and they have roughed it up
    2 points
  12. Pretty sure his old man is wheeling mk2 out the back of the van as I type this.
    2 points
  13. Oh shut up, he's not got what it takes, brilliant team man but not motivated enough on an individual basis.
    2 points
  14. U21 result read out by Nigel... Edit : Just the top four in detail though.. Didn't do 5 to 16...
    2 points
  15. Tbh tho if your watching on delay best not to come on here
    2 points
  16. IT'S not all over ... I was premature, tonight and several decades ago
    2 points
  17. Watch out for the each way bets in-play when you get to the final... sometimes they offer them but sometimes they don’t. Normally quite easy to cash in on a final!
    2 points
  18. I won’t but it’s not even going to be a choice, it’s not just speedway it’s everything like retail etc, these places will go under, people will not go, there are a few obviously like yourself that don’t have a problem living your life like someone on the naughty step but I don’t need a label on a bleach bottle telling me not to drink it,
    2 points
  19. As far as I can see the FIM have pulled a blinder. They have sold the SGP for massive bucks to a second company/group that hasn't got the faintest idea about Speedway and it's limitations ... Just like they did with BSI twenty years ago. And they have done so on the same bogus premise of the bizarre idea that there is vast untapped market .... . All those countries who haven't shown a ounce of interest in the sport in almost 100 years of its existence are all going to be won over THIS TIME . Bonkers The truth is that they have not shown any interest in Speedway because ... THEY REALY ARE NOT INTERESTED. It is that simple. The FIM have actually sold the SGP at a massively inflated price, not based on what it actually IS but on a fictional 'what it might be' in a parallel universe. For the second time. Mr Viegas saw a bunch of mugs coming in and sold them a chocolate teapot for a King's ransom. Brilliant work that man.
    2 points
  20. You're obviously entitled to your opinion but I don't know why you'd cut your nose off to spite your face, I can't see how wearing a face mask and standing 2m away from somebody effects your ability to socialise and watch Speedway... do you like touching people? Rules on things change all the time and you obviously weigh up the pros and cons on whether to keep doing whatever it is that the new rules effect. I don't understand why you can't separate your enjoyment of Speedway and socialising and punish Speedway for it. If you felt that strongly about it you should be organising a revolution and not taking the easy way out of spitting your dummy out and complaining about it on a Speedway forum where nobody is going to see it and do anything about it
    2 points
  21. Absolutely. He was never going to come in and clean up, but he's been quietly impressive most of the season. Before tonight, I felt that he deserved another crack, and that fantastic performance proved it.
    1 point
  22. well done to Max Frickie....and Jaimon Lidsey:-)
    1 point
  23. Well done to anyone in the world who backed Max Fricke to win the GP tonight.
    1 point
  24. Terrible commentary by Pearson in that final, never even acknowledged Fricke for 2 laps. Well done Max, brilliant night for him.
    1 point
  25. Wow Bartosz!! A worthy two time world champion.
    1 point
  26. Ride of a champion from Zmarzlik there.
    1 point
  27. In the past you would always expect him to win these races that nowadays you feel he will get beaten in..
    1 point
  28. 100% disagree. It’s not the same Emil of say 2013, but he is IMO a racer, not just a gater like Laguta.
    1 point
  29. If every rider in the series performed at their highest level, Emil would be top of the series. He has the most talent.
    1 point
  30. A lot of noise about Jack Holder being better than Fricke! Nice ride Max, definitely deserves another shot next year.
    1 point
  31. WHY come on here if you are not watching? Didn't you post that the first race was a good one?
    1 point
  32. So are you not doing your shopping because of the restrictions?
    1 point
  33. Or this https://m.youtube.com/watch?fbclid=IwAR15bL0ZNoFkczSlQOKLpCvhD5yOoz_qSXjdSNyd5mzD5VIKBpHIsMJwoT0&v=64E4n2BKVUM
    1 point
  34. Thanks- i`m pretty sure they are the same operation- if one goes the other one does
    1 point
  35. Speedway can’t afford limited crowds or haven’t you been paying attention to how speedway is funded
    1 point
  36. No... I'm going to attend a speedway meeting as soon as I'm allowed to following whatever restrictions are required
    1 point
  37. So you're going to fight for your right to be a free person by not going to Speedway and not going to any protests but by letting everybody know on a Speedway Forum that you won't be going to live Speedway? I think you may have been to your last Speedway for a while then
    1 point
  38. I get a lot of what you're saying but one thing is for sure not going to protests to try and get things changed and not going to Speedway is not going to save Speedway during these current times. Basically you're sitting back and punishing Speedway for the governments actions. It doesn't really matter whether I agree with you about whatever you think about Covid or not but if I understand you seem to think the way to get the government to change policy is to not go to Speedway? You say there is no point in Speedway without a crowd and I agree, I think that about any sport but you were saying that even if a crowd were allowed with "any restrictions" you still wouldn't attend because you didn't want to be on the naughty step... well you can't go to Speedway carrying a gun or wearing no clothes, or possessing drugs, they are all restrictions, for the good of society, I'm guessing you don't have any problems with these so why should you with a face mask or 2m distancing, for a short while until things are under control?
    1 point
  39. think they have done all GPs from a studio in Uk
    1 point
  40. Your choice, but if every speedway supporter had your attitude and was boycotting meetings then Clubs would soon fold up and there wouldn't be any Speedway to watch I hope to be able to attend meetings soon, as I think the Clubs need support now more than ever ( and I wont be sulking about wearing a mask )
    1 point
  41. I`m a bit surprised that no one has commented on the fact that British Eurosport are not interested in showing this meeting at all- we all know what they are like but not even to put out an all races recorded programme is pretty bad even for their standards. If anyone knows a Polish streamer who does Poland Eurosport 1- other than the normal ones that i quote please post it.
    1 point
  42. It will be interesting to see what transpires. I admire BSI's ambition with some of the more prestigious stadia, not always successfully. And it's perfectly understandable why they settled upon a strategy of "safe bets" in the core markets in Poland, Denmark, Sweden and the UK. Despite some of the above critiques, the SGP is well ahead of where it was in the late 90s, so BSI deserve credit for that. Having worked in sport, I understand a lot of the hard work that goes on behind the scenes and - more often than not - the bright ideas that come from outside have been investigated and are not viable. That said, I can't resist tossing my tuppence in! To expand they are going to have to take it into markets where there are deep pockets and no financial reliance upon gate receipts or take it to new, but lower risk markets close to their core markets. For the former, I am talking about places like Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Qatar where they happily pay through the nose to host F1, MotoGP, ATP Tennis, European Tour Golf. I spent a little time in Qatar and witnessed the odd spectacle of guys like Valentino Rossi, Andy Murray and Ernie Els performing in front of paltry crowds. Thing is, these series are global brands and get those countries "on the map" and good PR for what are effectively dictator regimes. Speedway cannot do this, it doesn't have the reach. The latter might involve getting the SGP into places like Spain, Ireland, Netherlands using stadiums that are quality, oval and (relatively) convertable. And all within an EasyJet/Ryan Air Flight from the UK, Sweden, Poland and Denmark. Admittedly, it would be a difficult sell to the locals. But what European speedway fans wouldn't fancy a weekend in Dublin, Majorca or Amsterdam? So there might also be interest from hosting tourist boards/local Govt for a Speedway GP too? Of course, this only works in a back to normal post-COVID context. One I can't understand is talk of Argentina. It's a tiny market for speedway and miles away from the majority of speedway fans. It all smacks of "a bloke Armando knows". I wish EE well, but it'll be no easy sell, that's for sure.
    1 point
  43. 1 point
  44. I'd question it. I'm not suggesting that keeping the old World Final format was the way forward, but the latter World Finals that were held in decent stadia had pretty decent audiences compared with most GPs today. After about 1993 though, these events all seemed to be held in small and often remote venues with few other attractions, and the results were there to see. But I'd have thought even Coventry managed to pull crowds that some GPs would be happy to have today, and of course the Millennium Stadium (or the other indoor venues) wasn't built yet with its stakeholders needing to fill an expensive loss-making venue. BSI - unlike the BSPA and other speedway promoters - did understand how to leverage money out of local municipalities and tourist boards, and how to court the relatively new cable/satellite channels desperate for cheap content. And I suppose at one point their founder did harbour ambitions to be a sort of Bernie Ecclestone, taking the SGP to better venues and new markets around the world. But when it came to the crunch, there were really only a couple of prestige venues in any given year, with the rest of the series filled with the sort of tracks like Landshut and Linkoping plus the obligatory Polish ones just as in the old days. Other than the Millennium Stadium and perhaps Prague, few other venues proved sustainable in the long-term and the SGP never ended up going to 'new markets' except for the handful of GPs in Australia and NZ, and that was really only because some other mugs were found to throw away their money. Plus there were numerous fiascos with GPs being called off, moved at a day's notice to another venue, and indoor meetings being abandoned with fans in the stadium. In the end, IMG/BSI seemed to either realise the SGP wasn't really going anywhere or just lost interest, and seemed to settle on running the competition as cheaply as they could get away with. Although ironically, going to proper speedway tracks seemed to improve things in some respects. I'll say in fairness that I think speedway is a hard sell, with expensive set-up costs, vulnerability to the vagaries of the weather (seemingly even indoors ), the sport having no sort of high profile anywhere other than Poland (and even that's debatable), an unattractive spectator demographic which is somewhat reflected by the rather thin list of sponsors, and virtually no wealthy patrons or those that can open doors to sources of funding. But a change of promoter is long overdue and the rights should have been re-tendered years ago. It will be interesting to see what Discovery/Eurosport can do with speedway, although they did make Ski Jumping cult viewing so who knows?
    1 point
  45. Yes, not handlebars but the others yes. Some run with pressures as low as 4psi and wheelbase also makes a big difference but often it's about reducing wheelspin because the engines are too strong. An older bike in those really wet conditions I think may be an advantage!
    1 point
  46. Cols bet £200 more Iversen with spread stretcher( more than 5)
    1 point
  47. Dont think you are correct on that one we shall see
    1 point
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