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Wasn't sure about paying for this but after such a rubbish year I've enjoyed watching the youngsters tonight. Not sure I'd keep paying £12 + but it could be a way to go but I'd say about £7 - £85 points
About a month or so after my book, Speedway in London, came out, I looked in on Sportspages (a specialist sports book shop) In Charing Cross Road to see how it was selling. They told me that it was going quite well and that Mark Loram had been in and signed all the copies they had, which had helped sales. I had no idea he had done this. We never spoke about it, he just did it. I thought, as Terry said, what a great bloke. There was nothing in it for him; it just helped me.5 points
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The regulations provided that a decider would be raced if the riders were level after two heats, but in this case they were not level, the score was 1.5-0.5, so there was a clear winner.3 points
Bomber's had a year to get his bike ready but misses the two minute warning in race one.2 points
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It really is interesting reading differing opinions and the conclusions each have, some more obvious then others.. Following Lee from the beginning, it was amazing to see him develop from an utter novice into the world class performer he was. those first years were unbelievable, each week beating established stars and breaking new ground.. The effect of his inclusion at saddlebow road was said to add at least 1000 on the gate each meeting... He must have been a promoters dream when considering the amount of appearances he was able to fix into a heavy schedule. Winning the world title 1980 should have been the start of a new chapter, where he would go from strength to strength. But unfortunately it wasn't the way it turned out. We must remember this was also the time when the presence of his dad, Andy stood down from being ever present thus allowing Michael to be his own man and do as he thought best.... Thinking as World Champion he would be earning big bucks, he became disillusioned with the sport when he was force to ride in nothing meetings in this country when he could have been earning lucrative contracts abroad had he been able to do so. He became unhappy with the way the sport was run especially when he was being expected to ride for little earnings... It was during this unhappy time he mixed with the wrong sort that did him no favours at all. As a fan and a friend , I could see the effect this was having on his behaviour . His mentality may have changed but fortunately his riding was usually unaffected... The issues that been stated about Ipswich and the Poole meeting were laughable, if they weren't sad. They were both bourn out of personable grievances from a certain referee that got out of hand. It was a situation Mike was always going to lose. Sadly it was the fans who lost out the most... I feel very privilege to have witnessed those amazing early years . It was such a pity there faded away so quickly....2 points
https://youtu.be/tfv6MmlW_W0 Some interesting stats from the Office of National Statistics...2 points
That's irrelevant. Surely all sports are to be treated the same. You can either have 1>2500 spectators or you can't. Elite or amateur is neither here nor there.2 points
Why are we discussing this Lets make it simple touch tapes your out It worked years ago I say bring it back2 points
Shame the weather did it’s best to spoil things. Once the rain stopped there was some good racing under the difficult conditions. Great to see no messing about at the tapes once under the green light... Nice touch to show some of the BYC from Scunthorpe in the interval. The youngsters did themselves proud.. especially Drew Kemp plaudits to Belle Vue and All of the riders for their efforts1 point
To the 17 riders who took part tonight - thanks for the opportunity to have shared the experience. Great stuff Rory on your win, fantastic effort Richard, but hey Mr Crump, amazing for an old un, potential for 2021 is exciting - bring it on !!!1 point
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Well done Rory Also worth noting that he has probably spent at least as much time as any senior rider assisting young British talent at training sessions as any in recent years...1 point
Well done to Rory Schlein in winning the British Championship. A nice title to sit with his two ELRC titles.1 point
has to be the setup been like that at leszno for a few years now , even szlauderbach tonight was pressing protasiewicz etc1 point
Not posted on Speedway-forum for a few years (apart from a couple in the last half hour re British Final 2020.) but saw the subject about Michael Lee and 40 years on for him being world champion in 1980. Holy Moly I happened to be at the meeting in Ullevi, Sweden on that FRIDAY night. Me and my Coventry teenage mates had booked a Tee-Mill tours trip ( a coach journey from Birmingham And back) essentially to watch our Ole Olsen bring another world championship - alas we also SAW Ole fail to make the world finals - albeit was just a reserve - in his demise at the inter-continental final at White City. en-route to the final we had heard that Finn Thomsen (Wolverhampton) had crashed in practice, broken a leg, and Ole was in. Total bullsh**. So our support had to be moved elsewhere and the next best was to watch Michael win the evening. I so remember walking out of the stadium towards the ‘town’ and hearing Lee-o, Lee-o, Lee-o being sung by the Other English contingent. A spectacular evening with thousands in attendance - beaten I must add to the 2 finals I attended at Wembley By Olsen and Penhall (the Penhall win not the best for a Coventry supporter !) This era was fantastic for a fan of the sport, so many GREATS with many being English - Kenny Carter, Peter Collins, Malcolm Simmons, Dave Jessup, John Louis, of course Michael Lee, Sorry to bore the living daylights out of your all with my memories, but tonight I have enjoyed reliving the good times, this rather than enduring the grief we all encountering with the never ending COVID episode. Stay strong all and stay safe.1 point
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If I was pushed I’d say Schlein each way but I’ve not taken anything that’s on offer as like you say it’s abit of a lottery.1 point
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Can't beat a track that's got a bit greasy meaning horsepower isnt the key determinant.. Great to see riders changing lines and moving around all over the bike to get the best traction..1 point
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They said they were expecting showers at leszno tonight ,don’t think they meant the shower that turned wearing white and yellow helmet colours1 point
Unless he has a fancy contract can see Jensen Jensen getting the boot.Very inconsistent.1 point
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Maybe it would have been a good idea to give the place to Dan Gilkes as reward for coming runner up in the u19's. Gilkes out scored Palin at Belle Vue & Kent in every meeting they raced against each other last season.1 point
Arran Butcher has one for sale I think Brought this engine off Stevie Worrall in May with intention to use on the beach this winter, with the beach season being cancelled this year it’s back up for sale. Recommended that it is serviced/ checked over, although it turns over well and looks fine from the rocker cover. I haven’t personally ran this up. Just looking for what I paid for it. Collection Leicester or can meet at some tracks/ possible deliver? £625 · HINCKLEY, ENGLAND Jawa 500cc Engine1 point
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The first race was the dead-heat with Bo winning the second race. You're right though, if Mort had won a third race it would have been 1.5 each, and as he'd already beaten Bo 2-0 at Belle Vue he would've been the winter holder. I'd honestly never thought about that before.1 point
A few riders went out to find work to bring in some finances because of their outlay last winter. Some work for their sponsors & some even work for delivery firms. It was only because of the suspension of racing that this happened. As some riders have come out and said that they will not be racing in a one off meeting because of lack of practice, being a danger to themselves & others & if they have mechanical issues, further finances to find or have an accident, their income is suspended.1 point
With Covid it was obvious that a number of riders would not be available for whatever reason. We have the best available line up for tonight and hopefully supporters will still tune in and pay for their pass. Best of British luck to all riders including all of the Aussies who are on an ACU licence.1 point
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We have all heard what our so called experts say in their Sky commentrey. But the one thing they have all negleted to spot is that the rules state that all riders must line up a maximum of 10CMs from the tapes & remain stationary until the tapes are released & there is only one person in the stadium that knows when the tapes are released & that is the Referee. Transponders would be a good idea for start line discipline. But like in F1 Moto GP & Drag racing all competitors would be required to line up at a staging point prior to the tapes are released, This could be difficult as in the other sports the cars/bikes are staggered or within a controlled lane. Drop gates as used in Moto X could not be used as the race has to go over the start line every lap & it would cause delays as the gates would need to be cleaned after each start. You also have to factor in the tractors & the equipment they pull going over them. The thing's that really annoy me is allowing the race to go on to its finish then warning a rider that moved at the start. But worst of all it's Messers Tatum & Pearson saying a rider has not gained an advantage, The whole idea of the sport is to accumulate as many points as you can so if a rider moves at the start & is in a point scoring position he has gained an advantage1 point
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One that sticks in my mind was Nottingham's trip to Middlesbrough's in 1980,mike Sampson scored an 18 point maximum in a 50_28 defeat.1 point
The whole situation regarding crowd levels at events is a complete farce.Logic says every event or no events should have a crowd. IMO.1 point
Also led to believe that the stock car drivers pay to enter, I think this could be their way round the covid ban on crowds as competitor pays and fan pays, so a win win for the promotion who also own the stadium and bars etc so win,win win again !!1 point
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Mark was such a down to earth bloke, everybody liked him, fans, fellow riders. He never changed from that 15 year old mascot having after meeting rides in 86 til the day he retired. (Such a shame it wasn't on his terms.) I remember the 75th anniversary meeting at Rye House. He and Ove Fundin had a match race with Mark on an old bike and Ove on a modern machine - just like Jack Parker and Simmo at Hackney in 78. Ove led until the last corner before suffering an engine failure. Mark didn't take part in the meeting so he was chatting away with fans in the bar, and I was chuffed when he told me he remembered me from the Saturday afternoon training schools which I used to help out at...As I said, a great bloke.1 point
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Perhaps the title Elite has come back to bite the authorities on the bum after them claiming the top division was the ELITE league a few years ago when in all reality it was not much better than the second tier due to about 85% of rider doubling up?1 point
I was replying to a post , so if you think that makes me bigoted and stupid thats up to you. Simple solution is if you dont like what i post dont read it.1 point
I must admit I'm in the if you haven't touched the tapes then let it go camp. If you don't have the technology to check for jump starts and 99% of tracks don't then one Refs perspective of who's gone too early will differ from the next. Some riders seem to be able to predict when the tapes will go up better than others and sometimes they will demolish them when exclusion is the punishment they will get and deservedly so. If the sport had something like the motor x barrier system I've seen elsewhere they certainly wouldn't be trying to get a flyer and risk getting seriously injured. I think the powers that be just need to make their minds up on a system or a ruling to sort it out once and for all!1 point
It’s very noticeable in slow -mo,regarding slack in tapes so is he really jumping the start at times,as Saturday proved when he done a perfect start and was brought back.1 point
Or we could just have the radical idea of you're only exclude if you touch the tapes?!? Speedway doesn't & has no real need for transponder technology. With regards to Madsen, he just has exceptional gating ability. What needs to be worked on is the slack in the tapes. Noticed many times that riders were accused of jumping when in fact the outside of the tapes are released. Theres a split second where the centre of the tapes are still in a stationery position & if you're on gate 2 or 3 & make a perfect start it looks far worse than on gate 1 & 4.1 point