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Well after just reading a post on facebook & people having a go about either joe or dan Thompson replacing Kyle bickley in the british final at Ipswich... Well i'm astounded to read the criticism of our young & up & coming talent for instance do people not realise whilst holding down full time jobs like Newcastle's Archie Freeman's dad paul drove and mechanicked for his son on Friday Edinburgh then sunday Scunthorpe then in Monday all the way down to Plymouth fir his boy to do the best he can is pretty fantastic I can say... But just remember you doubters in the future if it ain't for our young lions trying there best now we may not have speedway in 10 years or so time5 points
So all the governments around the world must be telling lies cause this bogus virus story is pretty universal and hitting a second time in lots of places. If it’s a load of lies there must be thousands upon thousands around the world complicent to the lie which to me sounds incredible.4 points
I might consider it at £3-4 but definitely not a tenner. I wonder how much market research they did to come up with this price point.4 points
From the comments here I taske it Plymouth's streaming must have been loss-making at $4.99/c.£3.80. I bought a pass for this and the Edinburgh BYC staging at £5 and feel I got fair value for money. At that price point I DO expect grass roots racing covered by one camera and that's what I got. The Plymouth presentation was delightfully semi-chaotic while sadly the Edinburgh production was bedevilled by connectivity problems. They did the decent thing by apologising to subscribers directly and offering partial refunds along with explanations of the problems and how they would be resolved in future. At that price point you couldn't really expect much more but I watched two entertaining meetings in this barren 'season'. I've bought a pass for tonight's Belle Vue event and am happy to pay £10 for a SportCentral production with greater resources and professional commentary, also taking into account the costlier standard of riders employed. I'd equally be happy to pay £12.95 for the British Final if I didn't have other commitments over the weekend. Not all speedway meetings are run at the same level of ability and costs just as not all streaming or video is the same, so multiple price points are relevant. £12.95 for Plymouth or Edinburgh would have been too much. Equally £5 would be far too low for Belle Vue or Ipswich. What I would hate would that the Plymouth/Edinburgh-style events could not be repeated if the requirement was to do a multi-camera TV standard production at £12.95. The level and cost of the streaming should be dependent on the nature of the meeting. If Plymouth and Edinburgh were to stream weekly in the £5-10 price band I'd be happy to subscribe weekly. SportCentral's experience in streaming ice hockey surely gives them the best insight into what level of production or price is right. I suspect the ice hockey and speedway markets are probably fairly similar. Ultimately you get what you pay for. One standard of coverage at one price is NOT the way forward. There's room for British Finals at £12.95 and Plymouth NDL matches at £3.80.3 points
British speedway fans ..... ‘ why isn’t speedway moving with the times ?’ BSPA ....ok. ( during a worldwide pandemic) Here’s a livestream for the British final’ fans ..... bloody hell £13 !!!! Too dear... streaming ? I don’t have WiFi,.... I miss the smell.... I want greasy burger and chips.... BSPA... look. There’s people dying , this is the best we can do in the current situation. fans .... No way that’s it I’m done3 points
Barry Briggs won the title 4 times was on the rostrum 6 times. - Ove Fundin won the title 5 times was on the rostrum 6 times. - Ivan Mauger won the title six times was on the rostrum 4 times. - Jason Crump won the title 3 times was placed 7 times on the rostrum. - Rickardsson won the title six times was placed 5 times on the rostrum all great riders terrific records.Crump to finish in the top three riders in the world ten years on the bounce is some achievement.2 points
Traditional race sheet for 2020 British Final https://www.keepandshare.com/doc16/25054/british-champs-2020-2-pdf-833k?da=y2 points
Great to see a live meeting. some good racing..... inevitable that some riders starved of racing or practice did not show their true form... Very impressed with Jordan Palin’s racing ability at this level ...augurs well for the future. Great to see Dan riding so well. Ultimately we had a meeting and still have had continuous racing since 1928... Well done Belle Vue2 points
Robert Lambert piping up on twitter wanting a free link & moaning about £12.50 to watch it, The absolute rubbishhousery of the lad, while British speedway is on it's financial ar$e2 points
I don't blame him for blowing his top. I've been to two non league FA cup ties this week, with good crowds inside the grounds. I would have felt perfectly safe at Ipswich, social distancing in a large capacity stadium.2 points
For speedway, the government seem to have decided that the top two leagues are "Elite" and NDL downwards is "Grassroots". As other posters have said, it's largely down to whether most of the competitors at that level are deemed to be professional.2 points
He's right though. Poland shouldn't have been allowed to stage this on a Tuesday since Tuesdays are reserved for Sweden. But Poland is Poland and they don't give a damn about any other country/league.2 points
2 points
Elite is when the participants earn the majority or all of their wages from the sport in question Grassroots is when the participants earnings from the sport are the minority of their income speedway unfortunately sits in both camps, Stock Cars sits only in the Grassroots box2 points
That's why charging a one off event fee will not work in my opinion. Boxing does PPV for one off title fights that the public will pay, although I never have, but I have watched them down the pub. But then they've also got a Box Nation subscription channel on Sky. I'd perhaps pay for a season ticket but not one off events at over a tenner a pop2 points
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imo iversen, dudek, michelsen and lindback shouldn't get a pick. Fricke needs to score well in Torun to stand a chance of a pick. Gregory Laguta would be a good addition but I am not sure they give 3 Russians a pick.2 points
What about Hans? Four wins, six seconds and two thirds by my reckoning?1 point
Here's the averages adjusted for their leagues. My numbers, take them as you will. Crumpie is as per his alloted average for this year's league racing. It is, as we all know, a complete guess: Lewis Kerr 5.56 Drew Kemp 3.00 Danny King 6.84 Chris Harris 6.16 Steve Worrall 5.68 Josh Auty 6.00 Richie Worrall 6.48 Josh Bates 5.00 Jason Crump 8.21 Joe Thompson 0 Richard Lawson 5.80 Tom Brennan 4.76 Ben Barker 5.72 Edward Kennett 6.8 Paul Starke 5.12 Rory Schlein 6.64 Dan Thompson 01 point
With no dogs, the dog track could either be done away with or be tarmaced and changed into a motocross/stocks circuit? The speedway track could be moved out maybe? The centre green could also be used for concerts/exhibitions/car shows/Karting (like Oxford)?. No doubt there are other activities that greater minds than mine can suggest.1 point
1 point
Don’t be so thick !!!!! test does not mean practice test means Poland v Russia in Bydgoszcz1 point
No consistency anywhere, no wonder people are fed up, as I said this Virus doesn't know whether fans are watching, speedway, football or any other sport so surely a percentage of the stadiums capacity could be allowed in and it would also help keep people employed.1 point
At the weekend, a local football club, Gainsborough Trinity, held their 1st league match(Northern Premier I think, about div 8 or 9 to our top league) but because they were amateur standard, were allowed up to 600 fans in a 4300 capacity stadium(partly congested) yet you are not allowed 2000-3000 in a 50000+ stadium(less congested) as it is classed as professional.1 point
actually skids i thought the statement from mr osborne was as good a news that poole speedway could have hoped for (ie"continue the other businesses") I think its pretty clear they intend to fullfill the legal obligations of their lease,so consequently no room for matts "consortium" but that wouldnt be necessary if the stadium is available for speedway anyway.An interesting point (initially raised by ts as r&r ) is what are these "alternative activities" ??1 point
THE key is also to ensure that the production is first class, as it will be for the British Final. That has to be factored into the asking price. Too often historically British speedway has endeavoured to do things on the cheap. A one-man band with a single camera won't work. Quality pictures, decent commentary, etc but this will cost. Personally, think £10 should be a minimum.1 point
Agree that with the way the top 9 have pulled away that they will be in. Would have thought that with the politics that go on that a Dane Michelson /Thomson and a Aussie Fricke /J Holder will make the 15.1 point
It's based on self employed contract basis, average amount they earn and partially down to doubling up I'd imagine EG.. A League with Jason Doyle in it is obviously elite sport, over 50% in that league also ride in CL so that's elites port too. Work permits are issued in PL and CL so work permit equates to elite sport. No such issues in NDL which is developmental and UK only or a few over years with UK passports like BWD etc1 point
no one in the media will question this lying goverment cos they are being paid by them to feed the lies. they wont debate with any of the alternative and intelligent people out there cos the truth would be revealed and they know it. as for speedway you got to be there. nothing surpasses the atmosphere the noise the smell of r being with youre mates and so on. sports need crowds big ones. . this so called virus is destroying society as we know it at the behest of this lying goverment, we need to get on with life and all its risks.1 point
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Lovaas was superb for Reading, Hackney, Oxford so disappointed he could not get to grips with the White City track..Dag for me was like Scott Autrey he retired to early was always hoping both would comeback at some stage.Autrey i felt could of been persuaded to comeback in the ill fated 1984 Exeter Falcons BL venture when Ivan did home meetings only he declined unfortunately both great riders.1 point
DO you want a round of applause? It would have been at the NSS had the government not changed course.1 point
1 point
Having followed this thread pretty closely and seen all the differing opinions on streaming sports I have a few observations 1. Given the current predicament obviously the stream is now the only option for the British final , some will love it and some will hate it. All depends on people's perspective of what watching Speedway means to them, the experience, cost, basically everything involved with actually being there. I don't see there being enough supporters to subscribe to streaming on a regular basis to get the income to survive. 2. Is streaming the way forward for any sport? Simple answer is no, football may be able to survive with all the TV money but probably only the bigger clubs, also sponsorship/TV may cover international sports like American football and a few others. 3. Speedway imo has no chance of survival without the paying public in the stadium. There's no real financial sponsorship, the only prize for winning the league is a trophy after all. Poland of course maybe the exception to this, whole different situation there. Whilst I fully appreciate everyone's opinions, for or against streaming as opposed to actually being there, only one answer is realistic for Speedway's survival. Seeing it live is the only way!1 point
Anyway, Ive paid for the live stream as I do feel for the effort put in to put somethimg on for us, I ws never going but may watch now..1 point
We all know that the noise, smell, etc. that only live speedway can give is part of the enjoyment and that also many fans would have put in a lot of effort in to be at this meeting in travel etc but just think of all the effort the Promoters have put in to try and get this meeting on, first with 2,000 fans then to have it slashed to 1,000 then a couple of days before it takes place the rug is whipped from under their feet with no fans allowed at all. The riders who agreed to take part I am sure would prefer to have fans there instead of riding in an empty stadium to what for some of them might have been their only ride this season (whether they are top riders or not is irrelevant). I have paid for the live stream and I hope as someone else said that 1,000 fans sign up to watch and even more than that would be great. At least by watching it will show to the Riders and Ipswich Promotion that we do care about Speedway and even though there will only be 2 of us watching in my house we'll be cheering on our riders (Eastbourne). As for the noise and the smell of the bikes we'll just have to use our imagination and old memories. Roll on Saturday and please dont let it rain.1 point
totally agree BUT in this case i will subscribe to help support the sport - i think i saw somewhere if successful this service will be available next year for some matches that people can'y get to1 point
Thanks. I too will be supporting the event but just wanted to check that it can be watched later rather than live.1 point
That's good. I look forward to watching further streaming. I know WMTV's standards are high and there's not much you can do in last week's situation. I've also really enjoyed the Rewinds, especially Mike's distinctive commentaries.1 point
1 point
The few are those who not only disagree with what an elected government is advising, but is actively demonstrating with their actions they are ignoring any advice and mix with society in general without taking precautions. Thus, the increase that is taking place meaning the many who want to work along with the advice so restrictions can be lifted and get back to as much normality we can at any point in time.1 point
Nothing wrong in what you saying if that’s how you feel, but not all thinking the same are following the rules, and that’s the problem, too many are not adhering fro the advice and therefore stifling aNy sort of recovery from the situation.1 point
1 point
Still the sad old dictator and know it all....give it a rest. You do whatever you like whilst the rest of us will follow and do what those that are running this country advise because that's the LAW. Now naff off back to the Covid thread with your pals so you can chew the fat about Coronavirus v Flu blah, blah, bleedin' blah 'til the cows come home.1 point
Anyway, IMO it's fine to call it the British Final. Fingers crossed, that as a test event, it's not affected by this morning's news from the government. The BSPA have had to really jump the hurdles to get this on - let's hope all that hard work is not scuppered.1 point
Tobias Musialak and Rasmus Jensen didn't need visas to ride for Swindon last season. Did make them British? Crump is Australian, but I have no problems in him riding in this year's British Final Actually for once I feel sorry for the BSPA, they have sweated buckets to get this event on and been met with a barrage of whinges from fans, and now there is a strong likelihood that the event will be cancelled and they'll have to foot the sunk costs.1 point
Because that is the policy that has enabled this event to take place. Just remember this is a test event, and will be closely monitored, and if it's a success you never know we might just get speedway back next season. The hoops that Ipswich are having to jump through for this is unbelievable so please for the sake of the sport please abide by the rules.1 point
Dan Gilkes is a lad that seems to have his head screwed on right too, looks after his supporters and sponsors and willing to take advice1 point
While I have every respect for Len and his years in the sport, Dan has been a great talent since well before he joined Kent. He cleaned up in the development leagues at 16, the NL clubs were queuing up for him. His parents have made sure he takes the right steps at the right time, they deserve the credit for his management.1 point