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  1. I must admit I'm in the if you haven't touched the tapes then let it go camp. If you don't have the technology to check for jump starts and 99% of tracks don't then one Refs perspective of who's gone too early will differ from the next. Some riders seem to be able to predict when the tapes will go up better than others and sometimes they will demolish them when exclusion is the punishment they will get and deservedly so. If the sport had something like the motor x barrier system I've seen elsewhere they certainly wouldn't be trying to get a flyer and risk getting seriously injured. I think the powers that be just need to make their minds up on a system or a ruling to sort it out once and for all!
    4 points
  2. ONE of my favourite stories about Kelly, who you had to love no matter what he got up to. When Kelly returned to Hull for his first meeting after finishing fourth in the 1979 World Final, behind fellow Viking Ivan Mauger, promoters Ian Thomas and Brian Larner presented him with a very fine canteen of cutlery to. commemorate his achievement. After the meeting, as the crowd was leaving, Ian spotted a fan carrying the gift. He rapidly approached and asked how she had obtained it. The answer was simple: Kelly sold it to her Ian actually bought it back ...
    3 points
  3. Had to have little laugh to myself when I saw under 11s were exempt from wearing masks. It used to be all the kids wanted to wear goggles and masks at meetings to copy their on-track heroes.
    3 points
  4. Sad news, he started his British career as a Edinburgh & Coatbridge Monarch ‘65 /‘67/‘68 remember going to Wembley to see him in World Finals for Monarchs in these years, very stylish and great favourite with the fans, Along with Reidar Eide transformed the Monarchs in that period.IMO RIP. Bernie.
    2 points
  5. Nobody without a crystal ball or time machine can possibly know who will or won’t succeed out of the current crop but it’s certain they are far more likely to with more exposure to continental circuits and being pushed in the UK away from the NL.
    2 points
  6. Why are we discussing this Lets make it simple touch tapes your out It worked years ago I say bring it back
    2 points
  7. SO many happy memories and so many sad ones ...
    2 points
  8. Having made your feelings known elsewhere blu it's a good job you're not attending as the do's and don'ts to enable this "test event" to go ahead are massive and would definitely curtail proceedings if people don't do as asked. That's your choice and equally your opinion, but let others enjoy what's on offer if you will.
    2 points
  9. I think everyone goes on about the shocking PA system and the announcer. It's like a Colin Crompton revival show, yet despite the many comments from both home anyway fans, nothing gets done and it totally spoils the excellent show being put on. They would be better with a person with a big voice and a megaphone on the centre green.
    2 points
  10. To be fair to the BSPA, they had put that pathway in place. We'd had NL rider's at reserve for a few years & lets be brutally honest, it was a flop. The racing was more awful than normal & they even tried protected heats. Again, you could only find 1 or 2 good riders out of 14. Another fault with our top league is using it for development, that shouldn't be happening. Yes there are dross foreigners, but quite frankly, many many Brits are far far worse. Just go through the list of Brits in our top league & 2nd tier. 5-10 years ago there was great hope for many & they're now all just also-rans. Many of them too got shots in the Polish 2nd & 3rd tier & couldn't deliver. Opportunities are there & arise for our Brits. In fact Poland have been very open to us over the last 10 years, we've just not had anyone of any 'real' talent stand out. We've now got Woffy & Lambert but our next biggest hope was Bewley but he's struggling to make that next step. We have a big problem over here of over hyping a rider at National League levels.
    2 points
  11. Because that is the policy that has enabled this event to take place. Just remember this is a test event, and will be closely monitored, and if it's a success you never know we might just get speedway back next season. The hoops that Ipswich are having to jump through for this is unbelievable so please for the sake of the sport please abide by the rules.
    2 points
  12. No different to what we are expected to do in normal life these days. What I don't understand is, though, is why the need for a face covering if you are staying in your group of 6 and you are outdoors?
    2 points
  13. Reading the " do,s and dont's on the bspa website why would anyone bother going to event!
    2 points
  14. Question - If Madsen is such an exceptional gater (no argument from me) why does he continually jump the starts.
    2 points
  15. Riding speedway is statistically relative safe, if you think how many riders world wide and how many races they ride in what can be a 10-20 year career, the chance of being killed or even long term life threatening injuries is minuscule, it can and does happen but in all competitions over the world how many times a year ??yes injuries in general are common but are seen more as an inconvenience by riders than what the general public see as serious issue, no rider see’s Speedway as risking their life and if they do they are in the wrong game or it’s time to get out but as easy as it is to actually ride speedway, winning and making it pay is another thing entirely
    2 points
  16. workington had a rider (sarj) who said he was losing money racing season after season . so it looks like riders do go to ride speedway and not make any money from it . may i just add that a lot of people in work are actually in working poverty . wasnt it the 4tt @ peterborough when a few riders did not show up for the individual meeting because the pay on offer was not good enough , but still rode in the 4tt .. not to worry tho. its only the fans that pay their wages on an even more regular bases ! as for risking life , we all do that when we cross the road or even eat out somewhere !
    2 points
  17. Today would have been Kelly's 60th birthday. Such a tragedy he isn't around but happy birthday up there, Jellyman.
    1 point
  18. Carshalton Athletic v Faversham Town in the FA cup tonight.
    1 point
  19. Just to be sure I have checked the regs. 01.67 A helmet is made to provide protection. It is not a platform to attach foreign objects. Cameras and/or other accessories are NOT permitted nor shall be attached to the rider's helmet. So like you say the peak may be safe, especially if it has a green M on it
    1 point
  20. Absolutely gutted by this news, my Cradley hero back in the 70s at Dudley Wood. R.I.P Bernie and thanks for the memories
    1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. Plenty of Yanks rode for Hull in the Boulevard era but, with all respect as they all rode well in Hull Vikings bib, don't think any had the same impact as did The Jellyman, for whom the saying "he lived twice as many years as his age" could have been written. RIP.....
    1 point
  23. The Thompson Twins seem to be on the route to success and are getting good reviews wherever they ride. I assume they must have good backing and sponsors especially as I notice they use different engines which must add to the cost of spares (even though one is an easier maintained Gerhard)
    1 point
  24. Partly because they have quick kit but mainly because of their exposure to much better riders in the Extraliga, those good enough get dragged along by senior team mates and opponents and develop very quickly. We need to be following their model.
    1 point
  25. It is...if you are "dirty minded" :-)
    1 point
  26. Nah just 20 heats. I'm guessing its a race off if finish on equal points
    1 point
  27. That sounds perfectly normal ?
    1 point
  28. Thank you very much. It's appreciated. I may be asking the same question after tomorrow's meeting.
    1 point
  29. Think i would rather back Krakowiak over 11
    1 point
  30. Absolutely. It wasn't a criticism of Ipswich Speedway. More to do with the policy itself.
    1 point
  31. I’ll have pint of what your drinking.!!
    1 point
  32. Shooting themselves in the foot then though, i cant see how it would even bother Lambert or Woffinden.
    1 point
  33. Lambert won’t be riding in GB next year.IMO.
    1 point
  34. Rode abroad in a couple of meetings and at Redcar in a couple.!!
    1 point
  35. That will be tough for him He hardly been on track this year and think that showed in Under 19 Final
    1 point
  36. This is where the nettle needs to be grasped.....have a pathway for them in our top two leagues by stopping the employment of foreign dross at reserve, and get them abroad racing in foreign tracks on a regular basis. Push them, stretch their ability and talent. They need to be getting out of our third division and pushing on ASAP.
    1 point
  37. In nearly 60 years of watching speedway, I have NEVER seen a move like that one. Every time I watch it (which is pretty regularly!) my heart skips a beat - literally...
    1 point
  38. Riding at No 1 in the KOC match at Brandon, he scored 9 + 1 from four rides. He set a new track record of 65.6 in heat 5 (when he beat Gote Nordin), which was equalled by Nigel Boocock two heats later, and then beat Booey after that. He also scored 14 at Cradley in the Midland Cup, and 10 at Swindon in the BL. It's crazy when someone can do that on odd occasions, and not ever look like scoring on most nights...
    1 point
  39. Or we could just have the radical idea of you're only exclude if you touch the tapes?!? Speedway doesn't & has no real need for transponder technology. With regards to Madsen, he just has exceptional gating ability. What needs to be worked on is the slack in the tapes. Noticed many times that riders were accused of jumping when in fact the outside of the tapes are released. Theres a split second where the centre of the tapes are still in a stationery position & if you're on gate 2 or 3 & make a perfect start it looks far worse than on gate 1 & 4.
    1 point
  40. It's incredible when you think that possibly the 2 most boring sports in the public eye are the ones that give you the biggest buzz throughout the whole game / meeting. England's T20 & Speedway offer so much. Unfortunately for speedway, especially up & down the UK finding those thrilling race meetings are very few & far between. Would be lucky if it's 1 in 5 meetings of any significant quality I'd say. How that could be improved on though really is the impossible question except for turning every track into Belle Vue, which also is impossible.
    1 point
  41. We have very good WiFi freezing constantly refreshing but hey how she saw the lad crash twice
    1 point
  42. He has rode Wolves many times and never just twisted the throttle, showed good skill and throttle control each time
    1 point
  43. Armadale takes a bit learning ,it not a track where you just twist the throttle, glad to hear he is ok.Skill and throttle control is a must.
    1 point
  44. Teams now confirmed... great to see Jason Crump back as an Ace for this meeting. He was superb in his time with the Aces. I do hope it is well supported... I will be on line
    1 point
  45. such a shame that what appears to be such a progressive and innovative promotion cant receive the full rewards for their efforts because of the dam virus(hope other promotions pick up a few tips!)
    1 point
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