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  1. IF you don't enjoy watching Zmarzlik then speedway really isn't for you ... long track style down the back starlight to generate the speed to pass Woffy. Spectacular.
    8 points
  2. They should just go back to old school and as long as you dont touch the tapes, its all good.
    7 points
  3. So he 'cheats' time, and time, and time, and time, again...? For two years? And he hasn't been tested and found out? The unique thing about Speedway is that it takes place on all shapes and sizes of tracks, and it also takes place on tracks with differing levels of grip/slickness etc. All of which will impact a bikes characteristics very acutely... Meaning a 'too fast bike' is no use.. You then have the completely random riding order which may favour certain gates given the track grading schedule.. You then have the weather which can influence many a meeting dependant on your gates when the adverse weather strikes... Yet, within all these variables Zmarzlik is still 100% head and shoulders the best on the planet.. Maybe, (therefore), he is just very, very good....? And also maybe we should just sit back, relax, and enjoy watching a potential 'great' at work.. Him and Woffy are truly a couple of all time greats whose races are (cliche alert), always worth the admission alone.. Just enjoy the unique spectacle..
    6 points
  4. WHY cannot you accept that he is the best rider. Of course bikes are checked.Do you seriously think any rider would cheat?
    6 points
  5. WELL, he didn't beat Woffy by a mile. You are hardly going to win races with the slowest bikes. Hamilton is F1 WC because he has the fastest car and as much as I don't like him personally would never doubt his driving skills.
    5 points
  6. All set up for Zmarzlik this.. The way they are only running GP's at tracks that are oval and have dirt on them.. The way they are running races over four laps just in case he isn't leading at the end of lap one.. The way every other rider just slows up and let's him fly past them, inside and outside.. Should have a GP at Buxton and see how well he does there..
    5 points
  7. The moving rule is a farce. Let riders move as long as they don't touch the tapes. No reruns and same for all. Simple.
    5 points
  8. NEVER read them but what has that to do with Zmarzlik? I can guarantee you that there isn't a rider in the SGP who thinks that he is cheating. Not only is he speedway's World Champion but one of the most popular sportsman in Poland. Speedway at SGP level has numerous methods to check machinery etc. Having a fast bike is one thing, being able to make it count is quite another as Bartosz showed in the final tonight. I would also add that he is a delightful young lad, from a terrific family.
    4 points
  9. Wow... Zmarzlik and deservedly so... Woffy to be a bit harsh has to cover inside to mid track and shouldn't be passed underneath, make your opponent go round you if they want to win, but fair play... The best rider in the world should be World Champ, and it looks like no Mickey Mouse scoring system will prevent that happening.. Woofy and Zmarzlik a joy to watch when they race...
    4 points
  10. He out-thought Lindgren in that race, Freddies no slouch but Bart will try any line, true racing brain.
    4 points
  11. 4 points
  12. Traditional race card for Rnd 6 https://www.keepandshare.com/doc16/25026/gp-2020-6-pdf-849k?da=y
    4 points
  13. What another complete and utter load of rubbish Czech GP (as per virtually EVERY year) and also another example of the utterly disgraceful and farcical scoring system!, How can someone who doesn't win a race ALL NIGHT end up with 18 points?!!! Making an utter mockery of a once great and professional sport!!
    4 points
  14. I met him some years ago when he was on official FIM duty at the Ice speedway in Inzell. A lovely guy and of course I saw him in his riding days. Great rider as well
    3 points
  15. Went to Plymouth on 8th to watch Eastbourne win the 3 team tournament, great meeting well done Plymouth promoters. Next week I will be watching Eastbourne team riding again, well almost (5 out of the 7 anyway) and hopefully seeing one of them win or finish on the podium in the British Final. I don't care if it does to some seem a weak line up at least it makes a change to the doom and gloom in the News broadcasts and the offerings being shown by terrestrial channels on TV (I don't have Sky etc). Just wish I had been able to get a ticket.
    3 points
  16. I strongly disagree with your note that "this year that it is heavily weighted towards Polish riders" Anybody who is somebody in world speedway rides day in and day out in the Polish League. Tai Woffinden has been Wroclaw riders for years more than I can remember. So is the case with any foreign riders. How therefore you, or anybody else, can claim that this year is heavily weighted toward Polish riders.
    3 points
  17. not a good GP, but the riders that are letting the pressure get them are at fault, not the track, they have the clutch. i'm still in the camp that thinks as long as you don't touch the tapes then you don't get penalised
    3 points
  18. And all this discussion about who got what championship points, way after the end of the meeting as per last night, I find slightly amusing. Wouldn't it be easier to just award points according to where you finish in a race? 3 for first, 2 for second and 1 for third might work.
    2 points
  19. Just an afterthought - wasn`t it a pleasure to have Marcelina asking sensible questions this weekend- it would have been doubly pleasurable if we could have seen her as well
    2 points
  20. SURELY the same applies to Janowski ... one of his home track, two others in Poland and one in Prague.
    2 points
  21. No you are sad, Zmarzlik the best rider over two rounds, get over it. What happened to your lover boy Janowski tonight? I was screaming for a Woffy win, but Zmarzlik different class. Oh forget Zmarzlik never rode for the roller coaster all kippers and curtains Poole!
    2 points
  22. Its the WC series and they are the best. Whats there more to say about the riders. I’m in the ”speedway is different” brigade and feel there is not a lot you can shake ATM. If the FIM really got MILLIONS more from the coming promoter, they should invest one to grassroots at FMN level to get more kids. It’ll take 5+ years to see the effects, but thats the biggest shake the sport needs.
    2 points
  23. I hope that Fricke gets a wildcard next year. Feel that whilst not setting the world alight, he has made progress this season and deserves another go.
    2 points
  24. Its the law u have to have a twentymans when u go to allonby,a bit like burger and chips at newcastle or pie and peas at redcar.
    2 points
  25. Chatting to James on Facebook messenger, the obvious toughest opponents for him being Briggo, Mauger, Ove, Ole, Anders. Favourite fellow riders for GB were Kilby, Eric Boocock, Reg Wilson, and Hunter, Beaton, Bertola for Scotland.
    2 points
  26. Can't understand why you are so anti Zmarzlik, for me the most exciting talented rider since Gollob
    2 points
  27. 2 points
  28. As I have said before, it’s similar to the league play offs and the majority of fans are in favour of that system even though a team can finish mid table and still be crowned champions. I would prefer 20 straight heats and what you score is just that, but it does lack drama, these gimmicks have been introduced over the years to make it more interesting and make up for the fact that racing at times can be very dull and predictable after the start, so the focus is on manipulating the contest to keep it interesting. In the grand prixs though, most meetings are held on big tracks where speed is king, need more variety, imagine having a GP on a track shaped like Monmore Green, Eastbourne, or Ipswich? Less reliance on pure speed, and more on actual track craft.
    2 points
  29. Speedway being the expensive sport it is for riders (and folk wishing to stream ) can you really blame riders for not wishing to put their machinery on the line for one meeting which is to all intents and purposes meaningless as it isn't the usual entrance to a GP appearance. Riders could blow an engine or wreck a bike in one race and with no further meeting to recoup their losses they can hardly be blamed for wanting to keep their machinery ready for (the?) next season. Several riders have stated that with not having ridden this year they are not 'match fit' and that their judgement may not be what it should be and thus costly mistakes both injury and financially may occur. Here's wishing a good and safe meeting for all involved.
    2 points
  30. The technology is available to take any subjectivity out of the equation. A movement sensor on all bikes, aligned to the release of the tape mechanism. As soon as the green lights come on the sensor becomes live, and if a rider moves before the tapes are released he is out. Very straight forward to do and would remove the ref from making subjective calls.
    2 points
  31. They should just do four finals.. That way you race off against your peer Group to determine your final points earned.. And EVERY race then becomes important to which final you race in, and your performance through the evening leaves you in and around the position you deserve to be.. And will also mean the last round of heat races have lots to race for so even if the racing is poor (like this GP for example always delivers), then at least you have interest and drama to keep you watching. To have anyone beaten by SEVEN different riders, meaning almost half the field have beaten you, and finishing 'Second Best' on the night, is simply ludicrous.. No system is perfect (if you want to run the meeting with a final rather than just using the 'simple' what you score over 20 heats determining the result) but currently the one used is miles off given such huge anomalies are allowed to exist..
    2 points
  32. I'm not sure about mobile devices, but if you have a laptop or PC and can do frame by frame on youtube - "." key (full stop) to move one frame forward and "," key (comma) to move one back, it really looks to me like he didn't move until the tapes were moving. Don't get me wrong....He clearly anticipated the start. That was NOT a reaction to the tapes being released. Apart from anything else, he was looking at the tapes in front of himself rather than the pole and when he moved the tapes in front of him hadn't moved...I'd love to hear any theory about why Leon does that when everyone else looks at the pole/magnet. However, as my understanding of the rules are, that was a perfect start. He didn't move until the tapes moved. It was impossible for him to have reacted that fast, but I don't think the rules say anything about reaction time...I could be wrong, though, as I haven't checked any rule changes in recent years.
    2 points
  33. I completely agree with you in the first part of that statement. I watch and enjoy many sports, but I can honestly say that none of them can get close to a great speedway meeting. When the sport is at its best there is nothing that can compare for me, and even some rubbish meetings can still beat what is offered by other sports. However, for me it isn't all about a team. I still have a "local" team, and I love seeing them have success, but what keeps me going to see meetings is the joy of watching riders take incredible risks and controlling those beasts of bikes around a dirt oval...and that anticipation that this next race MIGHT be a classic. It doesn't matter if it's my local team, a random league meeting elsewhere in the UK or in another Country, or if it's a GP, SWC SoN, random Individual meeting, even a random 80cc meeting...It's all good for me. I love watching the sport...I just wish it was run and promoted a bit better. I'm probably very much in a minority with the way I view the sport, though...
    2 points
  34. That was my point; every system flawed, but people don't think like that., Do you think it was fair that a rider could win every GP, and not even qualify for the following year? No, it was never going to happen, but... Again, this year is the same for everyone, and the riders knew what it was like before they started the season.Like EVERY World Championship season previously...
    2 points
  35. In 20/30 years time, I don't think that will be the case at all. Who looks back at the 1973 Wimbledon Final and says "ahh, Kodes only won because most of the top professionals were on strike that year"? or who remembers that for three Olympic Games running (1976, 1980, 1984), there were high level boycotts from countries with real medal winning chances meaning that those who did win weren't necessarily the best in the world? You look at the records now and them's the winners.
    2 points
  36. That’s exactly what I’m getting at....it’s a complete embarrassment of a system and totally tinpot and amateurish, not to mention, unfair!!!
    2 points
  37. Under this system, it's theoretically possible to become world champion without winning a race.
    2 points
  38. I totally agree with you...the starting procedures and the referee interpretations are just a joke...killing my enjoyment of speedway.
    2 points
  39. What a truly shocking GP., the racing was almost non existent with most races boring strung out follow the leader crap. This venue has for years has produced utterly crap racing and it’s clear the people preparing it haven’t got a clue. The answer to riders trying to anticipate starts, which to be fair affected most of the field tonight is to exclude anyone moving before the tapes are released, I dare say a few early exclusions would solve the problem as riders would (hopefully) learn very quickly. It would be harsh as Tatum states but I do think it would solve this annoying problem.
    2 points
  40. Lot s of riders getting excluded when smarzlik s in the race lol
    2 points
  41. Find it a bit weird how many people who frequent these forums and post more than average, still claim to no longer have any interest in speedway, why are they here? there must be an element they care about otherwise why waste your precious free time? unless they have an agenda of "i don't have speedway anymore so i hope it dies, so no one has it" I amongst many others became lost to live speedway when they closed Arena Essex down (its not been bulldozed yet, so i still live in hope) and i have not been to a meeting since, but of course i watch on tv, and i still love the sport, its been part of my life for over 30 years since i was 15, its in the blood now, i am not blind to all the problems that exist and want to make us pull our hair out when the promoters make in our own eyes the wrong decisions but i still enjoy the racing for what it is, four riders, four laps, throwing a bike around that is basically a rocket on two wheels and making it look stupidly easy, in short, everything that appealed to me when i first started going, when i didn't know the riders, or the complicated rules or any of the other red tape that surrounds the sport.
    2 points
  42. I think tonight we witnessed the crowning of another 2x WC in Bartosz, absolutely stunning final ride, I have a feeling he is just a few too many points in front at present.
    1 point
  43. Moto GP have cameras on every grid slot and they are checked after every start. You now get a long lap penalty as the pit ride through was deemed to harsh.
    1 point
  44. Leaderboard after round 5- 13 go on to round 6 today and we lose 2 Full-throttle £ 2700 SS and DYM used Col. £ 2372 DYM used Mickthemuppet £ 2200 SS and DYM used The refused £ 2100 Ice Scot £ 2000 DYM used Mark £ 2000 SS and DYM used London Racer £ 1900 SS and DYM used Red flag £ 1150 r8gdp £ 1150 Dave Rowe £ 990 SS used Henry W £ 800 Pepsi £ 700 SS and DYM used Grand central £ 600 SS and DYM used WE LOSE Fromafar —£ 200 gmarsbar 2 —£ 200
    1 point
  45. A simple , civil, answer would have sufficed . I assumed your post meant that the technical costs of streaming were higher, rather than it being to recoup the cost of putting on the British Final it's self (which of course I understand are likely to be higher than the Plymouth meeting ). Incidentally, I don't have an issue about the price of the stream and wasn't moaning about it.
    1 point
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