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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/05/2020 in all areas

  1. Herr fuhrer Sturgeon has now poliitilised this for her and the Natzi parties own gains. The scare mongering she is spouting about this is bordering on ridiculous levels now. Speedway and other sports should return as well as normality , there was no dusputing that there was a real issue 4-6 months ago as my youngest saw it first hand but not now. The Natzi party up here need to get a grip and stop using a virus to drum independence support up they really are pathetic. People need to wake up to what she is doing imho.
    7 points
  2. Isn’t it funny how some riders just click all of a sudden? It’s been a mighty fine week for Jeppeson with a 6 ride max in Sweden and 5 ride max in Poland. Fair play to him!
    3 points
  3. 3 points
  4. Hopefully sense will prevail and the bams stop having house parties so the speedway can open again in April!
    3 points
  5. 2 points
  6. What gives you that impression. She makes an idiot look intelligent , Col has probably got more sense of reality than nippy.
    2 points
  7. Why ?? pleasantly pleased they are carrying on.
    2 points
  8. The Czestochowa v Rybnik match postponed last night has been re-arranged for Wednesday September 9th at 5pm UK time. The match will TAKE PLACE AT RYBNIK.
    2 points
  9. Anders Rowe with his best score yet in Poland today and he also top scored for his side. He scored 9+2 from 6 rides.
    2 points
  10. Glasgow 2020 becomes Glasgow 2021, hopefully sense will prevail and all teams will remain ub-changed https://www.glasgowtigers.org/tigers-team-up-for-2021/
    2 points
  11. The poles do so much racing at junior level, but i bet they would quite happily host a British under 21 touring party. Surely worth the BSPA asking the question, with so many riders sat on thier arses.
    1 point
  12. There's a facebook page listed on Sportowefakty which shows the first 8 races. The track is terrible. https://www.facebook.com/michael.williamson.9022/videos/10223285305979379/?hc_location=ufi
    1 point
  13. Reserve can ride anytime in heats - Tac subs if team is 6 behind the team in 1st place. They can have the same number of rides as anyone else - max 6
    1 point
  14. told you speedway would be back to berwick this season
    1 point
  15. After the game, the Czech FA announced the team would not be facing the Scots "due to representatives' decision and the current situation with the Covid-19". The statement added: "The national team ends current preparations with the immediate effect straight after the win against Slovakia."
    1 point
  16. Is being videoed i`m told- will be on you tube in the next few days.
    1 point
  17. Not sure if I fancy it or not. The overs, unders and match ups nothing is standing out either. Forecast doesn’t look great... on a dry day it’s a good shout but Miedzinski and Chris Holder in the wet I’m not so sure!
    1 point
  18. Wholeheartedly agree with Philip Rising in his In My View feature in this week's Speedway Star regarding the new scoring system for SGP, as he says change for the sake of change is never a good idea. Hopefully the FIM will see the error of their ways and revert to the way we are used to for 2021.
    1 point
  19. Torun -14 & The Hcap Tie @ 1/1 & 14/1 Would be shocked if Ostrow put 40 on the board therefore I think the bet stands a good chance of coming in. If it does lose then I think it will only lose by 2 points maximum. 39-51 to 37-53 Is what I think.
    1 point
  20. And don't get in the driver's seat !!! Altho it did give everyone a good laugh.
    1 point
  21. Bet 365 are betting on World U 21 team final- Birkemose over 9 at evens is a great bet.
    1 point
  22. I can't see any greyhound stadiums allowing speedway events this year.
    1 point
  23. Very positive, if somewhat surprising
    1 point
  24. During the last six months, with not much else to do, I have been spending some time sorting out old boxes, files, etc. that have been lying around at home for years, shoved at the back of cupboards etc. Yesterday, I came across a notebook with a number of things in, including some speedway notes and records. It dates from 1962 and one of the things I had noted was the number of times speedway was mentioned on TV and Radio. So here goes....: BBC Grandstand 17 February: Grandstand Television Trophy 1st leg at Cradley Heath; 24 February: Ditto, 2nd leg Today's Sport 8 September: Report on World Championship ITV Sportscast (No dates): Film of European Championship, Wimbledon (? Don't know what this refers to), Film of Internationale; 8 August: Rye House; 5 September: Preview of World Championship. News 9 September: Film of World Championship London This Weekend (no date): Preview of Internationale; 7 September: Preview of World Championship Saturday Sportstime (no date): Mention of John Burton, son of Squib Burton, famous speedway rider Radio Sports Parade 8 September: Mention of interview with Ove Fundin in Sports Report Sports Report 8 September: Interview with Ove Fundin Children's Choice (no date): Request for "When the Red Red Robin" requested by Swindon supporters; 8 September: Request for Flight of the Bumble Bee from Coventry supporters, wishing best of luck to Ron Mountford, Ken McKinlay and Nigel Boocock in the World Championship Final Housewives Choice (no date): A record requested for a Mrs Hart, Robin Richmond muses, "I wonder if she is any relation to Oliver Hart, one of the last of the leg trailers." Here's hoping things get back to normal soon and I can get out more!!!
    1 point
  25. Viewed his memorial in cemetery in Swindon 2 weeks ago. Always well maintained with red and white floral tribute.
    1 point
  26. So 25%. Even at that ratio facemasks and social distancing would be required and I not too sure that many speedway spectators on here would be willing to go along with the rules judging by some posts made. That would mean going to empty stadiums just because some clowns don’t want to comply with orders meant to protect others.
    1 point
  27. Isn't the name nothing more than a council vanity condition......
    1 point
  28. https://www.berwickspeedway.com/news/were-going-racing/
    1 point
  29. Glad to be blocked by you, your high opinion yourself always seems to be the one that matters on here.
    1 point
  30. It is what it is I guess and it is probably pointless complaining about it, I just don't see why they feel the need to change the points scoring system again. Was fine as it was, just leave it at that. It is the fact that there are forever changes in the sport as a whole that are just not needed, the things that do need changing are never addressed. After two rounds it is hard to judge who will win it this season, I think whoever does win it will not get too much credit, its ridiculous to even attempt a GP season how they are. Should of just binned the lot and hopefully started again in 2021 with the same field.
    1 point
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