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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/04/2020 in all areas

  1. Four main reasons I would think 1. Manchester is in varying degrees of lockdown week to week so planning an event there at the moment is very risky and has no guarantee it will happen. 2. Ipswich has around two thirds more capacity than the NSS so when percentage restrictions are applied you can still get a reasonable (and more importantly viable), crowd in.. 3. With Kings Lynn, Peterborough and Mildenhall all 'local' you have four lots of Speedway starved fanbases to pull from, which (with a good few from around other parts attending) hopefully will ensure all tickets available will be sold.. And 4. Ipswich might be 'in the middle of nowhere' but does traditionally at Easter get one of the largest crowds (if not THE largest single crowd), of the season at any track, so obviously have a strong underlying fanbase who show they will attend on one off occasions.. Put it all together and I would think the size of the venue, the amount of awareness of Speedway that exists in that geographical area, and the fairly low impact of Covid 19 to that part of the country, ticks a lot of boxes when it comes to planning and putting on an event that needs a crowd to be a financially viable...
    13 points
  2. Anders Rowe with his best score yet in Poland today and he also top scored for his side. He scored 9+2 from 6 rides.
    4 points
  3. From what I hear, the council vote went 7-1 in favour of the club
    3 points
  4. They making the final of that 16 laps as well so the Ipswich fans can count a lap on each finger?
    3 points
  5. Anders Rowe looking really good in Rzeszow this afternoon- 8+2 from 5 with 1 ride to go. He is gating well and enjoying the big Rzeszow track.
    2 points
  6. if only they hadn't blocked off the back straight standing area years and years ago
    2 points
  7. Finally a sensible voice on here.
    2 points
  8. What did grind my gears was Pearson not knowing what the show was called. He kept saying Talking Dirt Powered by Monster Energy, despite all the screens and posters saying "fueled" by Monster Energy. Tell you are getting older when such irrelevance annoys you .... lol
    2 points
  9. Dont forget the damage done to workington as well fine sunny evenings u cant ride, dark october nights left to win everthing.
    2 points
  10. As announced on BSPA (OK, BSPL) website at the same time, Berwick will stage the U-21 Final for the third year in succession. https://www.berwickspeedway.com/news/were-going-racing/ As in the case of the British Final, the event goes to a large, spectating all-the-way around, facility in a part of the country away from any current major Covid hotspots. The Berwick club has already staged two closed-door practice sessions -- the second of which hosted an invited audience of sponsors, etc -- and these dry runs have assisted in getting all necessary local council approval for the public staging of this major event.
    1 point
  11. Lower than I thought Waste of time CVS running with those figures
    1 point
  12. THE latter. Owed Emil a stack of money which was one reason why he dipped out of the SGP for a while. BSI caught a cold from World Team Cup meeting.
    1 point
  13. Not as much as kissing someone who isn’t your cousin would fool someone from Suffolk!! “What! We aren’t related!! Eww no!!”
    1 point
  14. Second dodgy home call off in a row now with reports saying it last rained on Tuesday.
    1 point
  15. Yes instead of 60-30 it will be 58-32
    1 point
  16. From what I remember Oxford won 3 to Cradley's 2?
    1 point
  17. Premier Sport 2 at 7.30pm on their schedule
    1 point
  18. Just under 400 was the figure i saw.
    1 point
  19. Steve see R&R post at top of page 255 But no mention of it not being on Premier tonight
    1 point
  20. Yes enjoyed it but fast forwarded the rallycross and Darcy Ward items.
    1 point
  21. No riders clash meetings so what is the problem.
    1 point
  22. They have held a few stock car events at Foxhall recently so the social distancing stuff should be in place already. Looking forward to it, just hope I'm able to get tickets!
    1 point
  23. I look forward to the coverage starting at around heat 18
    1 point
  24. https://www.berwickspeedway.com/news/were-going-racing/
    1 point
  25. I think Noaksey was meaning who would pick up the losses the owners were incurring if they didn’t sell. I used to talk to the people who ran the cafe and they were saying most stock car meetings were badly attended except for a few big meetings each year which kept them afloat. I was looking some DVD’s the other day of meetings around 2009/10 and the Speedway crowds were still pretty decent at that time. 2009 was the year Jonas Davidson went through the whole season without a single last place or e.f. and Kauko Neminen was going up a gear and beaten some big names. Things like that keep the crowd support up. Even in 2016 the crowds weren’t bad . With sponsorship I think the club were breaking even in 2018 until Rob Godfrey , then vice chairman of the BSPA pulled the plug on Friday meetings that had already been put in the fixture list months before . Coupled with that the BSPA wouldn’t Lakeside run some meetings at Arena and some at Rye House, it had to be one or the other , and that’s what ruined the crowds. So a decent promoter , Stuart Douglas , and a load more fans lost to to the sport, thanks to the intransigence of Godfrey, and Bluster Chapman.
    1 point
  26. 1 point
  27. Cracking match again against Poole, Doyle untouchable.
    1 point
  28. Annoys the hell out of me that Arena has stood still all this time, we could have continued for another season or two whilst fighting for a new venue, kept the name alive etc Although 2020 would have been a write off with the pandemic. I don’t blame the Woodrolf family for selling though, they were likely asset rich but cash poor, all their money was tied up in the land and the only way to release that was to sell it.
    1 point
  29. Does this NSSG gain much/any interest from this forum? Am not one for techno-wizardry, but would it take much to post general releases simultaneously, like website, Facebook and the forum,,, it's all just copy and paste stuff isn't it?
    1 point
  30. Glad to be blocked by you, your high opinion yourself always seems to be the one that matters on here.
    1 point
  31. Yes, sorry about that and if I had been bothered to dig out the programme I would have seen that. For anyone interested below are the results which were summarised in the final programme
    1 point
  32. It's a credit to those who built it. However, go to a big meeting like the CL Pairs, stand on the grass banking, in the dark like a sardine, with barely any extra toilet or catering facilities and it's horrific. It's quite frightening on that grass when it gets damp and little or no public lighting. It's great for their normal crowds up to high hundreds, even then lack of toilets and catering can be an issue. Not suitable for big Events without massive increase in portaloos and catering.
    1 point
  33. Tough going for Anders on his debut in Poland. He scored 1 point from 4 rides as his team were absolutely hammered. Jaimon Lidsey top scored for Rawicz with 12 and nearly scored half of their points. It’s a big step up in Poland, even in the 3rd tier, so the experience will only benefit Anders and hopefully he gets a few more opportunities out there.
    1 point
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