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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/21/2020 in all areas

  1. We also need to remember that the size of the crowd has to be limited so if NDL meetings normally cost £13 with around 600 paying fans the admission price has to go up if only 400 are allowed by the rules in force at the moment. Last season I went to two meetings on the Isle of Wight and paid my £13 admission plus around £40 in train and boat fares from London. If the Warriors were to run a meeting this season (they have said they are not going to) I would expect the admission to be £14 or £15 and be quite happy to pay that amount.
    5 points
  2. Is that where Moley lIves that used to work Kelvin's Moleycam camera... Edit: Just been informed it's his East European cousin. .. 'Poley'.... I'll get me coat. .
    3 points
  3. Why should we not be attending public gatherings. Not all medical conditions are visible. Myself and many others are able and entitled to make the most of our lives and that includes enjoying/watching sports/theatre/cinema etc. If I felt unwell I would not be going out in the first place. Just because some of us can't wear a mask doesn't mean we have to lock ourselves away, understanding and tolerance is needed in these uncertain times by everyone.
    3 points
  4. Yes, sorry about that and if I had been bothered to dig out the programme I would have seen that. For anyone interested below are the results which were summarised in the final programme
    2 points
  5. Michelsen would be worthy of a GP spot and from a personal point of view, Timo Lahti could well upset the favourites for qualification.
    2 points
  6. Just seen the line up, it in my opinion could make the GP far weaker in 2021, if Zagar, laguta and Fricke dont make top 3 then there will be some very weak riders getting a gp spot, no disrepect but can you imagine Ellis, Nicol & Wolbert in the GP .. Im sorry but as we have seen in the past in SON meetings and previous challenge qualifiers they are not at GP level.
    2 points
  7. Today`s matches Friday August 21st Leszno v Grudziadz start time 5pm Eleven Sports 1 and Premier Sport 2 (5pm) Friday August 21st Czestochowa v Gorzow start time 7.30pm Eleven Sports 1 and Premier Sport 2 (7.30pm) Links http://www.drhtv.com.pl/drhtv-2.html http://www.maniak.tv/mk1 ?? https://daddylive.live/channels/stream-71.php Racecards Leszno v Grudziadz pages 24 and 25 https://documentcloud.adobe.com/link/track?uri=urn:aaid:scds:US:cf7ae5cf-2c2c-4a82-9517-df3d2ca2659a#pageNum=25 Czestochowa v Gorzow page 19 https://documentcloud.adobe.com/link/track?uri=urn:aaid:scds:US:f8ea310f-7763-4629-9d8e-fe31f853b095#pageNum=19
    2 points
  8. Personally, I think there are just too many pillocks in the world today!
    2 points
  9. I slammed 60 on pawlicki under 6. Was appreciative of the slow tape rise for him to get excluded
    1 point
  10. Happy days. Both mine on Pawlicki under 6 and Leszno to win on the handicap both came in so quids in for me. I was going to back Kolodziej under 10 and Pedersen over 10 too, which both would of come in aswell. Bet365 can’t of done too well out of that tonight.
    1 point
  11. This season has to be one of the worst for the Polish league on record. Other than the occassional scuffle in a heat it’s flavoured utter bland. Another terrible meeting.
    1 point
  12. Great race between Nicki and Emil. Hard but fair racing.
    1 point
  13. but not desperate enough to pay 31 quid for me and the missus, plus petrol and maybe a drink, bringing it to around the forty five quid mark
    1 point
  14. The final followed the above match. Programme was 15p and the guests of honour were Ed Stewart and Carol Hawkins. Prize money Winners Trophy and medals plus £100 to each rider Losers - Medals plus £40 each rider The rider scoring the highest number of points in the winning team got £50 The rider scoring the highest number of points from the losing team - £25 Bonus points counted For GB versus ROW Winners - Trophy plus £500 and a watch to each rider and team manager Losers - Nothing Special Award of £100 to the best rider of each team Life was so simple in those days!!
    1 point
  15. And the results of the two matches First Match in the final was GB v ROW
    1 point
  16. Its actually £15 per entrance ticket not £15.50. The 50p is a charge by Paypal to collect the money.
    1 point
  17. Geoff. Please stop. No one cares.
    1 point
  18. And the introduction of quarantine for those returning from Croatia (where the GP Challenge takes place tomorrow) underlines the wisdom of your decision not to attempt to organise any tours for the rest of this season.
    1 point
  19. It’s difficult to figure Woffy out these days, he is obviously still a top man, but he is not gating or performing his 1st bend manoeuvres of old,but the other Night when he got to the front 1st lap he broke the track record.Definately a contender if he sorts his gating problems out.IMO
    1 point
  20. Yes no fans allowed because Rybnik has been designated a Polish red warning town because of Outbreaks in the city.
    1 point
  21. Including car park, admission and prog Stoke and Kent were both £17 last year. Belle Vue at £12 exc car park was the cheapest. So this is broadly in line with NL admission costs.
    1 point
  22. He looked decent for Somerset a few years back.... just couldn’t gate at all!
    1 point
  23. No- it will be in Swedish.
    1 point
  24. Those attending will be paying £13.50 for the speedway + £1 Car Park + £1 Programme = £15.50. I don't think that's a bad deal for watching some speedway in the current climate, when there is so few meetings to watch.
    1 point
  25. Quite agree hammer1969. I'm asthmatic, which is getting worse by the year, although still very much controlable, and although I wear a mask in shops etc; I do find they hamper my breathing after a while, and I start to panic. I've tried Face Shields, but find they mist up all the time. So whilst I'll wear one at King's Lynn next Sunday, I'll have to keep lifting it up to get some fresh air, which I have to do in shops.
    1 point
  26. isnt the idea of any speedway meeting to make money? where the hell did this anti making money thing come from? that how life works!
    1 point
  27. When will the sides for this be announced , I was there with my dad for the last meeting which Jordan Palin won , unfortunately I’m away with it been bank holiday but please stop all the moaning the price . My dad is an OAP and I’ve purchased him a ticket for the next event , So let’s get the bullrubbish out the way by lining Rob Godfrey pockets you must all be stupid there will be better riders on show than the last meeting and Rob is prepared to put meetings on under the guidelines set out by councils , government etc so let’s back Scunthorpe as all the moaners will possibly get there way when it’s defunct . Simple fact support your local track or it might be lost forever Sorry Rant over
    1 point
  28. Probably because you're not a greatly-respected and polite sports journalist...
    1 point
  29. Like Dorsal, Pectoral, Anal...
    1 point
  30. Belle Vue NSS is the template for what is possible if there is the enthusiasm, the council support and the finance. Would be wonderful if Coventry were to become the 'Belle Vue' of the midlands.
    1 point
  31. Glad you will not be there so I do not have to see your miserable face & spouting "doom" from all angles.
    1 point
  32. Why not Jorgensen ? Lovely lad , been around a while has good equipment and can certainly ride a bike ( but perhaps not around Newcastle !) Not sure what you mean by no action as we are blessed with having the N.J.L. and more tracks that run practices/ amateur meetings in the north than down south.
    1 point
  33. 1 point
  34. If they had added a Y on the end they might get a few more viewers
    1 point
  35. Watched the meeting on youtube the youngsters coming to the tapes no delays no gardening just head down get on with it , compere that to the swedish speedway on freesports this morn , the kids could teach the superstars a thing or 2
    1 point
  36. Steve I'm sure you must have fond memories of the 2010 play-off final
    0 points
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