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Some positive news about Peter. Initially unconscious but regained consciousness He has full movement and can feel his arms and legs.12 points
all water under the bridge done and dusted . more concerned what happens to my speedway team now6 points
Congratulations to the three Newcastle riders in the British Youth Championship round at Scunthorpe yesterday. In the main event Archie did the club proud by coming in 3rd, with Jordan Palin in pole position, Dan Thompson in second and Joe Thompson in 4th. Both Owen Booth and Ben Trigger put a good show up in their respective categories. Good day for Newcastle. Next round announced as 22nd August at Leicester at 6.00pm, but as yet not allowing spectators. The round yesterday drew 500 well behaved fans observing social distancing, having all made previous bookings as no pay on the day due to Track and Trace regs.3 points
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The email address to request any information regarding refunds on season tickets or any other information regarding tickets etc is Info@newcastle-speedway.co.uk This email address has been given out numerous times on press releases by the club and nobody should have any issues in contacting any of the promotion/management as we are all readily available to speak to. It would be appreciated if third parties would not try to relay false information or information that hasn't been confirmed officially by the club as this just causes unnecessary histeria and headaches that are not needed at this difficult time.3 points
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Numbers and figures are often manipulated by various organisations. Indeed on average 1300 people die in England every days of all causes. Unfortunately the government chose not to make that clear. I draw my own opinions and not what 'our' media wants us to believe.3 points
I think EIA needs a reminder of what was going on around that time.Ford was unhappy that Coventry had managed to keep Shamek at reserve for so long, IMO they used the very same criteria that Ford himself used many times (ie they played Ford at his own game)and he didn't like it .Pawlicki's 16 +1 did for Poole on the second leg meeting and Ford reacted by taking in his firework display, turning off the hot water to the visitors shower room & removing the Champagne from the bar area. Hardly the reaction expected from a mature person. Then came the sudden rapidly arranged meeting by a select few who connived a change in the conversion factor for lower league riders moving up, effectively screwing up bees deals for two riders already in place. I've seen comments that the teams shouldn't be selected before the AGM but we all know that it was the accepted way of doing things for years ,and probably stilll is now. We also had the re assessment of Pawlicki's average, another very unfair decision. Despite all the protests to the contrary it seems blatantly obvious that Ford was the Prime Mover in all that went on in the winter of discontent, & to add insult to injury he then proceded to register Kildemand as a poole rider whilst the bees were in the middle of a team shuffle mid season 2011. Kildemand went public and stated that he had no knowledge of his transfer to Poole as he hadn't even spoken to Ford. But it did have the desired effect as it stopped Coventry using him again.Those are just some of the moves of a very underhanded & bitter man.3 points
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This makes sense. It was easy on the eye and to navigate, that is about the limit of my technical knowhow however mind you!2 points
You’re making yourself look silly. Grachan has rightly given the back story on where the name for the ‘Rebels’ came from. After some of the killings in the US a few years back where somebody was wearing the confederate flag, this was dropped by the Somerset promotion to fall in line with the crest of Somerset, which is also used by the Cricket club and many other things throughout Somerset.2 points
Doris Johnson is killing British Speedway, Matt Ford is a Saint compared to that clown...2 points
Jack has been getting better and better the last few years. Such a great rider to watch and well chuffed to see him taking the Polish leagues by storm now.2 points
How about I give you an even bigger laugh than usual and start talking about the wrong match on air?2 points
Hi Baldyman the track is in great condition .few little cracks in it but soon as you start watering/rain they will disappear thanks for enquiring bob2 points
As long as they race I don't mind, another rubbish stirring post with love from Irrevelance from Birmingham....1 point
If anybody gets the chance to watch Newcastle sapphire rider Danny smiths races from sunday in the summer armature championship on fb it's welk worth a watch & dean Douglas had a decent meeting on the new ex Stevie worrall motor so by the sound of it all the sapphires had a good day!! After watching the BYC on YouTube Owen was very unfortunate with his fall in his final & Archie just looked like a rider well above his years ( great to see ) & young Ben is a 1 just seems to get better every time I see the lad1 point
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When the refs start making decisions based on compassion the sport is finished1 point
thats absolutely ridiculous decision.. yeah, but he wasnt alone on the track. there was Ljung for some time already..1 point
https://www.svemo.se/Sporter/Speedway/tavling/dagenstavlingar/1 point
Dunno, but maybe the e-mail address has changed with it being a new site? Seen something similar on another thread.1 point
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Bingo, you got it. That was the point. Delay things so the hospitals wouldn’t be overwhelmed. Flatten the curve was the mantra1 point
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Good meeting? Are you sure you got the right track? Vetlanda usually provide very poor racing.1 point
Have seen some good meetings from this track, here's hoping they can sort it out, not giving anything in terms of racing so far, early days though.1 point
But they still interact with people who come and go from the prison. So your point of an extreme lockdown is nonsense because it is no such thing.1 point
Honestly I was told that the old one was broken as it happens and the costs to repair it were prohibitive to say the least and as such it was cheaper to start from scratch; so not a fix or overhaul but a new one... and I fully agree with your comment... however cost may well have (probably) come into the equation when looking at the replacement... Regards THJ1 point
The logo was to put it in simple terms, copied from a previous speedway team of the same nickname as has been mentioned on this thread already. Andy Hewlett was the then promoter at Somerset and that logo was adapted down the years by various different promotions with the red background removed, before being dropped and changed completely for the current logo that is in use by the current promotion. As has been said, the nickname itself has historic meaning in Somerset, which is why to this day 20 years on is still being used by the speedway team. Since the club's formation in 2000, the team logo has been the Confederate flag under which the Southern States fought in the American Civil War, but club promoter Debbie Hancock feels that the club logo needs to reflect its home county of Somerset as she explains;“Even though we are now some 16 years on since the club was first formed, people still ask what the Confederate flag has to do with Somerset, especially as the nickname Rebels was adopted to commemorate the Rebel uprising at the Battle of Sedgemoor.”“In addition, we felt that given certain tragic events which took place in America last year, it would be insensitive of us to continue using the Confederate Flag as the club logo and, as such, we wanted something which would be more reflective of the County of Somerset and felt that nothing does that more than the mythical Wyvern, which is the Somerset County emblem.” Hope that clears things up for you.1 point
The Russian federation have pulled the starting permit for Vadim Tarasenko with a very short notice so he won't ride for Masarna tonight. Alexander Liljqvist will take Vadim's place in the lineup.1 point
Or a parting memento for the fans to cherish I suppose, even being an Eastie fan I hope that's not the case, still looking forward to the usual beating them at Arlington followed by the not looking forward to stuffing at Poole.1 point
But I think that is a problem with the UK government that they don’t seem to be consistent at home and abroad with who goes on the list1 point
Could be on here tonight from 6pm https://daddylive.live/channels/stream-10.php Line-ups( to be confirmed before the start)- 6 man teams no 7 optional Vetlanda 1 Ljung 2 Palovaara 3 Kurtz 4 Hjelmland 5 Lyager 6 Woentin 7 Jensen Dackarna 1 Jakobsen 2 Andersen 3 Kling 4 Thorssell 5 Berntzon 6 Van Dyck1 point
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Gorzow top four did a great job. Well impressed with Jack Holder, better than his brother now I'd say.1 point
Responding to 25 Year Fan's query about Bordesley Green, the venue has recently been taken over lock stock and barrel by a new owner who happens to be the original stock car promoter from when the site opened in 1984 - Phil Bond. Apparently, Mr Bond has made it known that he would be more than interested in staging other motor sports as well as stock cars. The old speedway track has been tarmaced over for the cars for many years, but there is plenty of additional unused room available on the site, so it might be possible at some future date to perhaps put down a training track like Northside. Very much a long shot at the moment I agree - but this is an option that hasn't been available to us in the past, so who knows? I'd certainly second the opinions that several people have made regarding the merits of third division racing. It was Birmingham's salvation in 2015 after the Alan Phillips shambles, and fortunately, Birmingham folk didn't turn their noses up at the entertaining fare on offer -and hopefully, Workington supporters won't either.1 point
No the flag on top of the car is to commemorate the battle of Sedgemoor in Somerset, when the rebels defeated General Lee, coincidentally the name of a general also fighting in the american civil war... everybody knows that1 point
OK I will bite Possibly due to the link being more than 13 years old...1 point
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If he can learn anything from Lewis Kerr it will be resilience and mental toughness, the way he has bounced back[ no pun intended ] from some very big get offs. Shows he has them in abundance.1 point
Greyhound racing mirrors Speedway in its decline since the 70's and many tracks can make more profit from empty stadia with racing streamed around the globe in the afternoon, than they do when they have punters in during evening events.. Eventually, especially since C19, there will be only certain ones that last the course and they will keep the sport going.. And given the dreadfully poor press it gets for its treatment of the dogs, and the demographic of its patrons, I can't see it every "growing" again in this country. . And with such a poor long term outlook I would think many stadium owners would see a sale to property developers as an excellent opportunity... Which means that renting a greyhound stadium out 20 times a year isn't going to be any long term plan I would think if you want to run a successful business yourself... Maybe though it's an opportunity for those who do rent the stadia to look elsewhere locally and build a brighter future for Speedway? No rent, and keep the car park and refreshments take etc.. May well start up a bit rustic (eg as did Somerset), but at least promoters will be in charge of their own destiny.. If you are relying on the Greyhound Stadium owners then your destiny definitely isn't in your own hands I would think...1 point
Excellent news for the next speedway star of the future from the north east Elliot Kelly linking up with the kings Lynn outfit... He will learn so much from the likes of Lewis Kerr & the new euro champion robert Lambert both ex duamonds... So good luck Elliot well deserved and a great carrer move1 point
Instead of saying BLM and those endorsing the cause by taking the knee (which may have had a double meaning back in the 70’s and 80’s particularly if you were North or South of the border) why don’t those aggrieved and in particular those supporting BLM say ‘why don’t we all try and get along together’ rather than break it down to colour and race and create friction. Many people are tired of every Tom, Dick,Harry and whatever you wish to call those classed as black, Asian, South American, etc. who simply object to anyone that does not agree with the BLM or similar point of view. Through history groups be they religious, colour or otherwise have come in for criticism, derision, the butt of jokes etc. and in some cases certain people need to be held to account, but has it not gone too far? To read that someone complained about a 1967 episode of the BBC Radio programme ‘Around the The Horne’ being repeated on 4 xtra and the corporation apologised says it all about the society we live in. Those who complain, get a life, those who have views, speak out without violence and those who disagree respectfully object and move on. Everyone has a right to an opinion, not just the BLM movement or any other movement. If you want to live in a sanitised state, move to China, they have ways of dealing with Muslims and others and do not tolerate any nonsense. Where do the BLM supporters sit on this issue?1 point
A toilet can never be clean enough, but al assume from that comment that you think there sh!t?1 point