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every sane Speedway supporter will hope Poole do come to tapes in 2021. Dogs and the betting levy will have been a huge proportion of the overall stadium income. If Gaming International do relinquish or are removed as Tenants whoever takes over will have a huge black hole to fill in terms of income. The Council cannot just take on a black hole of debt. There would need to be massive cost cuts and savings or a viable plan to optimise the income of the stadium. Covenants mean nothing other than the old parchments they are written on. Fingers crossed as it's a venue that the Sport simply can't afford to lose. Matt Ford of any time up to a few years ago would have been the ideal bloke to champion this, have to ask, is his heart really in it any more. Poole have also sadly lost a couple of outstanding backroom staff in the recent past and their passing will be ever more cruelly felt at this difficult time. I wish them all the very best of luck.4 points
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-53669432 don't be so sure.... in a world where you are struggling to make a return from your sport stadium as a going concern and planning permission suddenly becomes less problematic (under the fog of a pandemic and a housing crisis (didn't Boris campaign to get rid of immigrants to solve this?)) and a property developer comes along offering you an out..... you might just bail out and take the pay off. Lots of decisions being made to "aid the economic recovery" which will make a lot of very rich people even richer. Then again I'm a sucker for a conspiracy3 points
Not sure what responsibility BSPL can have for a classic Landlord and Tenant issue?? By all means blame the BSPL for problems in their area of responsibility but this is strictly linked to a Stadium, The Council and the Landlords and Tenants and sub tenants2 points
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I should imagine if Gaming International are closing their greyhound operation at Poole, then they could well be in breach of their leasehold with the council, which could then be forfeited, revertInginto council hands to be re-offered to another leasee. As Matt Ford said on Radio Solent, speedway will not be affected and will be running next season. Might not be greasy burgers available from the outlet in the back straight stand though!2 points
Personally I felt it was a massive shame when Buster Chapmans son dropped out of the sport. Not everyone’s cup of tea but he had some great ideas when he was involved, it’s a shame some of the ‘experienced’ promotors never let him see them through.2 points
I remember when Adam started riding 8 years ago at Ipswich I made a few suggestions that would basically cost nothing and potentially bring in more punters ...eg, a questionaire paper slipped into the program with a space for the person to fill in their details. These would then be deposited in a box near the exit. you then have an idea of what your supporters concerns are and their email/ phone numbers, therefore giving you a database to target them with promos etc... having the next home meeting poster able to be downloaded... fans could then print them off and spread advertising with no cost to the club. getting in touch with local universities etc and having local bands / DJ’s performing on the center green, publicity for the performers and free / cheap entertainment for the crowd . sidecars after every four heats maybe an exhibition of trials riding on the center green during the interval most the above I’ve used a variation of in my businesses at some time or another, and they’ve all resulted in an increase in turnover. it ain’t rocket science2 points
the BIGGEST problem speedway has, it needs cooperation and unity from ALL promoters, and there's why nothing gets done2 points
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I can’t understand why anyone would rejoice at the prospect of losing a championship club or any other club for that matter. It’s too early to say whether or not they will survive but I hope they do.1 point
Very concerning that another of our sports 'grandee clubs' are in danger. We've lost Wimbledon & Coventry in recent years, we can't afford to lose another of the few names that a non speedway fan might recognise. I'm a Belle Vue fan, but my thoughts are with Poole supporters.1 point
Anyone who has been to Isle of Wight Speedway will laugh with derision at that ridiculous statement.1 point
https://www.speedwaygp.com/news/article/8426/ford-led-consortium-considers-poole-stadium1 point
I have updated the results links. https://www.svemo.se/Sporter/Resultat/Speedway/Serier/ (for all results this season) https://www.svemo.se/Sporter/Speedway/tavling/dagenstavlingar/ (today's meetings) http://old.svemo.se/sv/Grenar/Speedway/Resultat/ (old site, results from previous seasons). Svemo have finally published heat schedule: https://www.svemo.se/globalassets/speedway/dokumentcenter/korschema/korschema_2.15.6-7-elit.pdf1 point
Get Poole Town back.. Remove the greyhound track then resite the speedway track to get the football pitch in. Stock cars maybe? Build flats on the car park? There must be a viable proposition in there somewhere...1 point
Cant see any private housing being done post covid. Unless Boris funds most of it, it will take years for the building sector to get back to what it was. In my opinion.1 point
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It's strange that Brian Buck mentions that he was Jack Hughes brother in law, but assuming the second video is Arthur Wright he says that he is Jack's brother in law and he also mentioned Arthur Forrest living not far away, so perhaps they all married three sisters. I'm confused but i hope they're not lol. It's good to have the old brain shaken up once in a while1 point
See they were both uploaded by the same person. Maybe he got confused .My apologies if it isn't the right Arthur1 point
That's sad, I must have missed that news, RIP The Black Prince He was always a favourite of mine at Brandon, everything about Arthur was immaculate, the cleanest black leathers that I think I've ever seen always with a white kerchief. A very pleasant quiet man, he became a hero of mine when he joined the Bees and I'd seen him finish third in the World at Wembley the previous season behind Ove and I think Ronnie Moore. I know I used to have his autograph donkeys years ago but along with all the others it disappeared after I left home to venture into the wicked world. But brilliant memories going back to 57/58. Thanks for the brilliant video Iris, brings back memories. It seems there's some doubt as to whether that is Arthur or Arthur Wright and there's another vid of Wright here:1 point
I recall during the Purchase (?) years at Cowley we were issued with questionaires on entry to fill in. Steve was a great bloke and would mingle with the crowd engaging with the fans before he became disillusioned with the sport.1 point
It's always been 'my way or no way' with the promoters in this country. Just hand over your cash and keep quiet. That's their business plan.1 point
So people don't have to look on the other thread: https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m000lk5d/look-north-north-east-and-cumbria-evening-news-05082020 Start at around 20 mins 40 secs. But be quick as it's only available until 7pm Fri (7th)1 point
Some of those “keyboard warriors” are successful business people1 point
BCP Council own the stadium. The land was left to the council by Lady Wimborne for sports use only. It just can't be knocked down and built on. The earlier tweet relates to the greyhounds only not the speedway. The car park and children's nursery are still operating as normal.1 point
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Perhaps a little sympathy for the people who work there would have been a better comment1 point
Fans have been trying to come up with new ideas for years some good some bad , many promoters regard them as keyboard warriors.1 point
Can't help feeling it would be useful for somebody outside speedway - possibly involved with another, more successful sport - to come in, speak to relevant parties and make a few suggestions. A 'fresh eye', dispassionate, without a vested interest, might be able to see the wood and the trees - not to mention the green fields beyond.1 point
There isn’t a shortage of riders. We try and run our leagues at a higher standard than the ability of the riders available. And then we allow them to race in both of our “professional” leagues anyway. Polish Speedway isn’t hurting British Speedway, British Speedway is hurting British Speedway.1 point
The answer is people need to start voicing their objection to the ridiculous totalitarian restrictions being put in place. At a time when less people are dying in the UK than they have in the last five years.1 point
I'd give Charles Wright ago. Certainly didn't disgrace himself in Cardiff. I like Cookie but he's just not going to make it.1 point
last night meeting from poland full of young people and families not a dogs chance that happening in this country .i am a die hard i find it so depressing1 point
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