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  1. Personally I felt it was a massive shame when Buster Chapmans son dropped out of the sport. Not everyone’s cup of tea but he had some great ideas when he was involved, it’s a shame some of the ‘experienced’ promotors never let him see them through.
    4 points
  2. Bickley`s take on missing the Under-21 qualifier http://kylebickley.com/news/158/bickley-admits-tough-decision
    3 points
  3. He’ll soon have that enthusiasm squeezed out of him no doubt...
    3 points
  4. Give the lad a break. Like a lot of riders he has found himself a job and a regular wage, his employer would not be happy if he decided to disappear on a new job to a loss making adventure abroad with all the issues that would involve ( isolation ?).
    3 points
  5. Some of those “keyboard warriors” are successful business people
    2 points
  6. The site can only be used for sporting events ONLY. As said before it was given to the council under these strict guidelines by lord and lady Wimborne many years ago. The stadium could well be re-developed but a stadium must still remain on the site.
    2 points
  7. Start at around 20 mins 40 secs. But be quick as it's only available until 7pm Fri (7th): https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m000lk5d/look-north-north-east-and-cumbria-evening-news-05082020
    2 points
  8. I remember when Adam started riding 8 years ago at Ipswich I made a few suggestions that would basically cost nothing and potentially bring in more punters ...eg, a questionaire paper slipped into the program with a space for the person to fill in their details. These would then be deposited in a box near the exit. you then have an idea of what your supporters concerns are and their email/ phone numbers, therefore giving you a database to target them with promos etc... having the next home meeting poster able to be downloaded... fans could then print them off and spread advertising with no cost to the club. getting in touch with local universities etc and having local bands / DJ’s performing on the center green, publicity for the performers and free / cheap entertainment for the crowd . sidecars after every four heats maybe an exhibition of trials riding on the center green during the interval most the above I’ve used a variation of in my businesses at some time or another, and they’ve all resulted in an increase in turnover. it ain’t rocket science
    2 points
  9. 2 points
  10. And in the Speedway Star, Adrian Smith once again mentions how an independent body running the sport would be a major move forward for it.. Tsk. These people coming into Speedway wanting to drag it out of its self inflicted malaise and modernise it.. I don't know..... Who do they think they are?...
    2 points
  11. It's a good job that the bug only infects 'professional' people, otherwise we could end up with a second wave!
    2 points
  12. So people don't have to look on the other thread: https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m000lk5d/look-north-north-east-and-cumbria-evening-news-05082020 Start at around 20 mins 40 secs. But be quick as it's only available until 7pm Fri (7th)
    1 point
  13. More like a block of nice flats
    1 point
  14. Thanks for the link Steve missed it earlier when it was on live.
    1 point
  15. BCP Council own the stadium. The land was left to the council by Lady Wimborne for sports use only. It just can't be knocked down and built on. The earlier tweet relates to the greyhounds only not the speedway. The car park and children's nursery are still operating as normal.
    1 point
  16. I’m told they only lease the stadium & Then sublease it to Poole Speedway.
    1 point
  17. Perhaps a little sympathy for the people who work there would have been a better comment
    1 point
  18. One of those meetings where you wish you'd brought a bed .
    1 point
  19. Fans have been trying to come up with new ideas for years some good some bad , many promoters regard them as keyboard warriors.
    1 point
  20. Bearing in mind the potential League Sponsorship deal is being negotiated by a business contact of Adrian Smith so I think his immediate future within the BSPL is assured.
    1 point
  21. Can't help feeling it would be useful for somebody outside speedway - possibly involved with another, more successful sport - to come in, speak to relevant parties and make a few suggestions. A 'fresh eye', dispassionate, without a vested interest, might be able to see the wood and the trees - not to mention the green fields beyond.
    1 point
  22. Sure were! Dave Lanning was brought in to create a new image at Cowley (1972) and one such move was to adopt the name "Rebels" which when the promotion re-located to Wood Lane the moniker went with them (1976 - 78) whilst Oxford reverted back to their original name of "Cheetahs".
    1 point
  23. Indeed , & if he starts making too much noise on the issue he won't be long for this sport I fear.
    1 point
  24. Don’t think so. Weren’t Oxford the Rebels in early 1970’s and the tv programme came along some years after? After even White City had come and gone
    1 point
  25. Does OP HackneyHawk (or other posters) have anyone in mind to conduct this inquiry? Who would make a suitable inquisitor?
    1 point
  26. Looking forward to this(21 heats) on N Sport programme starts 5.45pm UK time 1st race 6pm UK time links http://spedway.ucoz.lv/ http://www.maniak.tv/mk7 http://www.drhtv.com.pl/drhtv-2.html https://daddylive.live/channels/stream-75.php
    1 point
  27. It's all good experience for him. From what I saw last year he is the most likely British rider around at the moment outside the big two to make it to international standard.
    1 point
  28. Thank you Philip. I must have missed that announcement. (And me a lifetime subscriber to the Star!!)
    1 point
  29. The existing track would still be the training track. The new track would be build on the flat area of the lefthand side of that track. I have been told the council Is well up for this new development as this new area is a dumping ground for torched cars, and the council think the new development ticks a lot boxes regarding social problems. The hardcore and shale is currently on the site from Derwent Park, and a very local rider has had a drone up to design the new track, which I am told it will be based on the shape and characteristics of the new NSS. Everything is in place, with some very good people involved, including the owner of the training track and the other area, which is a great contribution. Only thing to resolve is to attract a promoter to help the project on when it gets the go ahead. Here's hoping.
    1 point
  30. the BIGGEST problem speedway has, it needs cooperation and unity from ALL promoters, and there's why nothing gets done
    1 point
  31. The whole population of Kings Lynn shares the same bloodline so count as one 'bubble'
    1 point
  32. Agree ,but doesn’t deserve criticism.
    1 point
  33. Sadly too typical. There's a chance, against all odds for Workington to come back and all most of the BSF can do is try to prove it won't happen. Then as icing on the foul cake start speculating negatively about the 2021 season over six months before that season starts. I've lost my team twice, at Rayleigh at Rye House. Idf someone came up with a plan for a new home my only thought would be "How can I help", not "How can I put everybody off". Shameful.
    1 point
  34. I'd love to see Coventry back up and running and would throw in all the bits we used to do presentation wise and centre green wise for free as we did at Leicester to try and keep the name going. But that's purely because I'm a Coventry fan and have had the sport drilled into me from birth to now. The problem is anybody investing in speedway full stop in the UK would be doing it for the love of the sport and for the memories in the Bees case of years gone by. Anyone investing in speedway will only lose there money going forwards, speedway in it's current guise is not where the British public want to spend their hard earned coin. It's not moved with the times and the terraces are getting emptier and emptier as sadly followers of our beloved sport pass away. Just be glad of all the memories you have as future one's may be sparser to come by
    1 point
  35. Good luck to Ellis but I think he's reached his peak.
    0 points
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