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9 points
The existing track would still be the training track. The new track would be build on the flat area of the lefthand side of that track. I have been told the council Is well up for this new development as this new area is a dumping ground for torched cars, and the council think the new development ticks a lot boxes regarding social problems. The hardcore and shale is currently on the site from Derwent Park, and a very local rider has had a drone up to design the new track, which I am told it will be based on the shape and characteristics of the new NSS. Everything is in place, with some very good people involved, including the owner of the training track and the other area, which is a great contribution. Only thing to resolve is to attract a promoter to help the project on when it gets the go ahead. Here's hoping.6 points
Give the lad a break. Like a lot of riders he has found himself a job and a regular wage, his employer would not be happy if he decided to disappear on a new job to a loss making adventure abroad with all the issues that would involve ( isolation ?).4 points
3 points
To be fair the track has been superb this season- and i hope it`s the same tomorrow when the Extraleague boys get on it !!3 points
The customer will for the first time be able to believe the times of races - no human reaction time - just accurate timing which has been around in other motor sports for years. Additionally, you shouldn’t get the human error (the ref) when deciding the result of a close finish (or dead heat). Well done to Belle Vue for trying to take a dying sport in the UK forward using technology!2 points
You are correct.. although the use of the word 'tolerated' I am unsure of. What would have to change dramatically is the government. It has nothing to do with the virus. That HAS changed dramatically.. it is now a minor, almost insignificant issue (in the grand scheme of things). Deaths from viruses are at their lowest level for five years. In other words there hasn't been a safer time to attend a sporting event in the last five years (likely longer but don't have the figures). By the time October rolls round, deaths will have increased, we're heading into winter. So essentially, if you can't have crowds now... there is no justification that you can EVER have crowds.2 points
I remember that race Doris. Adams almost fenced Chrzanowski going into the third bend...I think he was taken by surprise at how quick the Pole was.....I think he scored something like 17 points that night. A couple of memories for me at Brandon....the British Final run off between Ray Wilson and Martin Ashby in 75 I think. What a fabulous race. Ashby stalked Wilson for 3 and a half laps before almost executing a perfect pass going into the final two bends...sadly, Martin was far too nice and gave World Cup Willy the room he needed to win by a tyres width on the line. The 2007 play off final between the Bees and the Robins....arrived late on one of the Swindon coaches...heard on the radio Swindon had extended their lead by winning heat 1 5-1. Much jubilation on the coach! Had also been informed that Sebastian Ulamek had crashed into the fence on the warm up!! Entered the stadium in five for heat 3. Looked across at bends one and two and saw a sea of red and white. Swindon fans packed in there. From then on, Swindon were completely outridden by a better Coventry side. Terrible shame that there’s no longer any Speedway at such a great stadium and decent track.2 points
On the contrary, Laura Morgan made it public that running Workington speedway was a loss making exercise during the last title winning season and after winning the League was very non committal about running which was proved when speedway didn't run at Derwent Park in 2019. If anyone wanted to take on Workington speedway at Derwent Park and were serious about it, things would of happened during the last 2018 season or even in the 2018/19 winter to ensure the clubs survival. I'm sure any would be saviour was put of by the debts Laura Morgan accrued. The current plans to build a new Workington speedway track on the Northside training track sound promising and look to offer the only realistic way that League speedway will return to the area. The fact that the would be speedway promotion would also own the site (after building it themselves) and subsequently have the rights to the all income streams attached would make the chances of the venue being financially viable much more likely. A Somerset/Redcar/Scunthorpe like set up at Northside that could develop over time while in operation could work I reckon. Heres hoping we see the Workington Comets back in League speedway soon!2 points
You sound like you were already done, before the COVID interference.2 points
Spot on great post! It's worrying that the promoters put personal ambition above saving UK speedway. When the ambition is to win things that have little or no value and mean absolutely nothing outside of UK speedway. Very very sad times.1 point
THEY could run with all British officials but, of course, the riders are a different kettle of fish although surely the F1 meetings at Silverstone have set a precedent with no restrictions on the drivers.1 point
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Brady Kurtz is not improving in the last 3 seasons .IMO.Journeyman rider.1 point
It is a strange one with Stox. I was watching a little ice hockey. Stanley Cup. One of the big sporting events, which seems to have been moved to two Canadian cities and being played out without any fans. Obviously indoors and probably can afford it with all the sponsorship and tv money. But how Bangers gets away with that I have no idea. They will be in trouble though if anything can be traced back to their events1 point
Given his performances in the SEC (which this line up looks loosely based on) KK back in the GPS would be an absolute travesty! (41st in the Ekstraliga averages) Surely the likes of Smektala, Kubera or Prezedpleski would have been better? Presume the Pawlicki’s are still out of favour with PZM?1 point
the BIGGEST problem speedway has, it needs cooperation and unity from ALL promoters, and there's why nothing gets done1 point
The responses to this thread pretty much sum up the state of British Speedway today. We have one poster complaining about the spelling (or grammar) . Some think everything is rosy, others think urgent action needs to be taken. Many clearly just don’t give a tuppenny damn and don’t bother to post. This is replicated amongst our current set of promoters. They promote the sport, and until they cooperate fully, and put their personal ambitions to one side, I cannot see organised league speedway surviving in the UK.1 point
Extraleague have announced TV matches for round 11- all UK times Friday August 21st Leszno v Grudziadz start time 5pm Eleven Sports 1 Friday August 21st Czestochowa v Gorzow start time 7.30pm Eleven Sports 1 Sunday August 23rd Rybnik v lublin start time 3.30pm N Sport Sunday August 23rd Zielona Gora v Wroclaw start time 6.15pm N sport1 point
Why did he never point it out to anyone? Why did Bjorn Knutson go through his career as Knutsson, at least in Britain? Why did Chris Julian become Chris Julians for part of his career?1 point
1 point
Apparently it ran as a Training Track (1985-87) and in 1988 as an Open and Training facility measuring 250 yards and was laid inside an autograss car racing circuit. There were issues with licenced riders taking part at the venue which was later sorted out and a license was issued in 1986. A challenge match with Iwade was planned to take part in 1988 but the track didn't operate into the 1990's due to a change of heart of the farmer who owned the land. I think that Standlake Arena had been earmarked by the Purchase Promotion but nothing came of it? Courtesy to "Homes of British Speedway"...a great publication.1 point
Farringdon, according to the Defunct Stock Car Tracks website. Closed in the late 1990s. http://www.simonlewis.com/sc5.html1 point
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Quite a few meetings are a mix of stox, bangers, mini rods etc. If you consider that each racer probably brings the family along and then the rivalry that exists between drivers and teams and this often does boil over and the fact that in most cases they knock seven shades of sh.. out of each other on the track and you get three or four hours of entertainment some of which is fast and furious and in other races it is stop the competition at a cost that is accessible to most who want to have a go and with kids who love the crashes etc it becomes all round entertainment from the youngest to the oldest and I suspect an aggression outlet for most who watch. In many ways why is WWE so successful and think about the parallels. I do not pretend to understand it but having watched the original early versions at Rayleigh back in the early 70’s with races held after the speedway meeting when the only way to stop a race was to turn the stadium lights out, it has certainly stood the test of time. Why, I simply do not know but most speedway teams would die to get the crowds that turn up at Ipswich. Perhaps speedway forgot the important word - entertainment.1 point
With Lambert already qualified and Woffy odds on to challenge for the title, Ellis is the only other Brit riding that’s anywhere near the standard needed. If nothing more, great experience for one of the younger Brits. logical and decent decision from the powers that be, for once!1 point
So from the 9th to the 14th, you should get speedway every day. It's OK, I didn't want to eat proper evening meals any more anyway....:P1 point
We move on to this Weekend`s round 9 Friday August 7th Rybnik v Grudziadz programme starts 4.45pm 1st race 5pm Eleven Sports 1 and Freesports (5pm) Friday August 7th Czestochowa v Zielona Gora programme starts 7.15pm 1st race 7.30pm Eleven Sports 1 and Premier Sport 1 (7.30) Sunday August 9th Gorzow v Lublin programme starts 3pm 1st race 3.30pm N sport and Premier Sport 1 (3.30pm) Sunday August 9th Wroclaw v Leszno programme starts 5.45pm 1st race 6.15pm N Sport and Premier Sport 1 (6.15pm)1 point
Maybe so, but that should be a thing of the past. Grigory has been punished for it and served his ban, but now is clear and a top class performer in the Ekstraliga. Dudek has had drugs ban as well, but still rides the SGP, no problem with that. I mean, they have given Martin Smolinski a wild card this year! I wonder why Smoli would deserve it more than Grisha? I just don't understand why he never got the chance. Politics, maybe?1 point
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Despite the claim of BV to a world class venue - mainly true - the highly visible sight of cars parked around turns 3 and 4 does it give that 'track in a field' look which doesn't do much for the image and status of the place. If not terracing, it desperately needs something to block out those cars. Even advertising boardings would look better.1 point
OR the Championship could stop employing so many Div 1 riders and save some dosh while maintaining a v entertaining standard of racing1 point
I would turn up no probs as u say steve it depends how many others do but lets not put it down before it starts i wish the lad all the best will be one of the first in the queue on opening night .1 point
The glaring issue there being guidelines are not complied with by many in the population.. You cant get people to stick to speed limits clearly sign posted so you've no chance to get them to follow 'self responsibility' guidelines.. "Not going to happen to me/I will be fine/These rules are for others, not me" is the mantra of many... And you also have to consider that many in the country are inherently thick so dont even understand what is going on around them.. Hence beaches are crammed full when the sun comes out, shops still have people entering without masks, and pubs are full of people sat next to each other when the "beer kicks in" and their worries and inhibitions are lost.. Whilst all this exists, the virus will always find a receptive host..1 point
1 point
If the SEC used the new SGP scoring system, I think Madsen would have been crowned champion as soon as he qualified for the Final last night, possibly when he qualified for the semi final. In the SGP scoring format, his 3 wins, especially the first round where he only scored 9 before the final, make a big difference to his points. I prefer the old SGP/current SEC scoring format where every point counts.1 point
You've also got to factor in the weather... and quarantine... and the airline going bust... and dangerous tracks... and electrical fires Good luck!1 point
The biggest problem with UK Speedway though is that so few Clubs own their own stadium. They pay rent to Stadium Owners and have therefore no or very little income from hospitality, bar and food outlets. Brummies is a classic example. Most Club Shops are pretty poor compared to non league Soccer. If a Club has an average of 600 paying fans at £15, that's around £180,000 through the Gate for 20 meetings. I would guess based on numerous away trips in past season that most Clubs average is close to 600-700. If any Club these days gets in 10%-15% of that in Sponsorship they are doing pretty well. (18-24k in sponsorship) That's the limit of the income for the majority that Rent It's a vicious circle, riders paying too much for over priced equipment, being paid too much by promoters to pay for that over priced equipment. Reduce machine costs and understand it's a part time job to be a rider (semi professional) and we might start getting somewhere.1 point
Then it's clear, if there was Speedway in Yarmouth then it could run but with no-one to race against as other local authorities haven't agreed then it's all pretty academic. How on earth the BSPA can be held responsible in the current climate I just don't know.1 point