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The glaring issue there being guidelines are not complied with by many in the population.. You cant get people to stick to speed limits clearly sign posted so you've no chance to get them to follow 'self responsibility' guidelines.. "Not going to happen to me/I will be fine/These rules are for others, not me" is the mantra of many... And you also have to consider that many in the country are inherently thick so dont even understand what is going on around them.. Hence beaches are crammed full when the sun comes out, shops still have people entering without masks, and pubs are full of people sat next to each other when the "beer kicks in" and their worries and inhibitions are lost.. Whilst all this exists, the virus will always find a receptive host..8 points
The government have an impossible job but while thousands are allowed on to beaches there is no justification in not allowing some sort of crowd who are marshalled properly at a sporting event.7 points
There isn’t a shortage of riders. We try and run our leagues at a higher standard than the ability of the riders available. And then we allow them to race in both of our “professional” leagues anyway. Polish Speedway isn’t hurting British Speedway, British Speedway is hurting British Speedway.4 points
This is the sort of stupidity that fuels the hotspots currently being forced to lockdown because of their poor behaviour.4 points
British speedway should built and keep their own stock of riders. Let the super pro's go to Poland if they wish. There is only limited space from them over there. Keep the others exclusively in Britain and create Your own new stars. If one of them new born stars sometime attracts the attention of a wealthy Polish club, demand a transfer fee for him as long as he is contracted to a British club. This could bring quite some money into British Speedway. Do as they do in other sports (Football), and British speedway will survive and perhaps even thrive again. If You have exclusive use of Your own riders, British speedway clubs can use any night they wish to run their home meetings, weekdays or weekends, just as it suits them.3 points
There's this thing called Speedway Updates. We've covered all televised Polish Ekstraliga meetings this season, as well as the Golden Helmet, and have the results of the League 1 and 2 meetings. https://speedwayupdates.proboards.com/board/299/poland2 points
Being a key worker that works with vulnerable children, i just follow the rules. In my job i have to.2 points
From a personal point of view, i am doing nothing different than i was at the height of the lockdown. I social distance, regularly wash my hands, wear a mask when required and avoid crowded places. It's not rocket science, is it?2 points
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I have the info but haven't posted anything about it. I will update the team info once everything is sorted .1 point
Oh well never mind. Will leave you to work it out if you can. If not then I'd just be wasting my time trying again1 point
Qualifiers Kvech Lewiszyn Lampart Bloedorn Fienhage Brennan Chulpac Klima Rolaliuk1 point
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He's deleted the tweets now but he put a picture up (x-ray) of his shoulder. He said the hospital in Poland X-Ray'd and CT Scanned but his local NHS Hospital would only X-Ray it and told him there was no break. Or something very, very similar.1 point
Lovely news. Thank you. The legend lives on.1 point
Nice helpful guy is Rob. Can be seen shoppinng in Waitrose Malmesbury, saw him there about 6 months ago, lives in the town. Always helps with stats if requested.1 point
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Totally agree, all this keeping up with the Jones's should be abandoned in favour of a back to basics approach, we should be going our own way (if we ever get started again).1 point
It's 1 August 2020 and we have a new Jansson champion when Anton Jansson won the youth (85cc) final today. Anton is great grandson of Joel Jansson, grandson of Bosse Jansson (Tommy Jansson's brother) and son of Jimmy (Smederna's team manager).1 point
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thanks EM-TV for a reminder as to what a great sport it is . 30 points to pull back, but we did do 28 in the history year1 point
We've had this discussion before, but I don't think he'd have made for a good supremo for various reasons. And I think we really only ever heard his narrative on his non-appointment. Undoubtedly a very good promoter, a good understanding of how to run sport, and someone with substantial vision. But the reason why speedway has ended-up in the mess it has, is due to the majority of promoters who couldn't or didn't want to see the bigger picture, and/or who were unprepared to take the leaps of faith that were necessary. Anyone running a member-based association has to accept there will be multiple opinions on how things should be done that you'll have to defer to. You can rarely do things the way you'd prefer, and you have to have considerable diplomatic skills to steer a course that keeps the majority of your members happy. John Berry would have got frustrated very quickly, and likely fallen out with people over trivial matters in the way that he did. That's not the qualities you need for such a role.1 point
Difficult to see this going ahead with any kind of crowd, behind closed doors is the best of a bad job IMO.1 point
I had tickets for Prague but took the option weeks ago to take vouchers for next years GP, hopefully by then we will be free to travel without restriction and have a full stadium. As you point out with current restrictions in Czech there must be a question mark over having a full stadium this year and anyway any kind of second spike in this Country could see the Czech`s close their border to anyone flying from this Country. To many question marks for me to travel this year, hoping for better next year.1 point
Sorry to see Alan Wilkinson passed away recently-indeed an honourable entry into the "hard riders" thresd1 point
From my observations of watching the Polish league, I would get rid of Iversen. Bring in Sayfudinov or Grigory Laguta. I think both of the above would suit the Showground track.1 point
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It isn’t a sweeping statement and it isn’t wide of the mark at all. The sport is in decline everywhere, the trouble is some people believe the propaganda that is put out, they tend to be the ones who still attend religiously. Green shoots are easy to pull up. Look at the young riders with half a chance of progressing domestically who have retired in the last few years alone. That says more than the few who are considered prospects now and could as easily pack it in by this time next year as be riding at a high level in the future.1 point
Come on, man! This was good speedway racing tonight. Leszno wins 55-35 and the fans really enjoy it and celebrate with THEIR riders/team's big win. There is no artificual levelling of teams due to points limits etc in Polish Speedway, and this is quite right so. A successful team won't be punished and don't have to release any of their riders due to a certain low points limit. That's a good thing. See how popular and succesful the Polish team building system is compared to the British.1 point
I’m sure you could watch sky news and Boris and Matt talking absolute crap about some cold going round if this isn’t floating your boat1 point
We move on to tomorrow with 3 matches to enjoy. Saturday August 1st Gniezno v Tarnow start time 1pm N Sport Saturday August 1st Bydgoszcz v Gdansk start time 3.30pm N sport Saturday August 1st Lodz v Ostrow start time 6.15pm N Sport Links http://spedway.ucoz.lv/ http://www.maniak.tv/mk7 http://www.drhtv.com.pl/drhtv-2.html last 2 matches definitely https://daddylive.live/channels/stream-75.php1 point
But you forget it's not just the spectators, to run a meeting has to have loads of volunteers, which is fine, but speedway being what it is, just take Danny for instance riding for Ipswich and Poole, Monday he and his mechanic are riding for Poole and some oik has the virus, known or unknown, Danny then unknowingly brings it to ipswich and bingo everyone has to self isolate for 14 days. Well some volunteers have jobs, who will pay them whilst they have to self isolate, in my case my son's company would probably have to close as there are only 10 people working and if he has to isolate so would they. I have no idea what the answer is, but quite frankly there is no way speedway could have started here under the same rules as before, possibly the riders could only ride for the one team, but then you get as now, Leicester and Manchester in lockdown again and that throws the whole thing out.1 point
Poland is certainly an interesting case. I like many have held Poland up to be as the holy grail in what league speedway can be. The interesting thing is having watched several Polish matches on TV the quality of the racing isn't as good as I thought it would be. So that begs the question why is it so successful? I personally think its because the people who run it have made the show slick and ensures that it is ran in a highly professional manor. There for they have a product that the general public and business alike want to be involved with. The crowds generate a superb atmosphere. The combination of the atmosphere and the slick presentation makes the product cool regardless of the quality of racing. I guess the UK was once in that sort of position having watched racing from the 70s and 80s on you tube it wasn't all passing and excitement far from it. However you had the crowds the banter between Fans and the atmosphere that generated. Unfortunately as the sport became more and more micky mouse the fans started to drift away which ment less and less atmosphere so the quality of the racing became the focus wrongly in my opinion. For me I walked away because of the constant rule changes the vaslty over use of the guest rule. The double up and down rule finally saw an end to my picking and choosing meetings. Now I go once a year to catch up with friends who like me used to go. As a guy in his early 40s with young kids I was and should be part of speedways future. However until they can run the sport as a professional product or run it purely as an amateur sport and charge fiver to get in away I shall stay,1 point
1 point
Can't remember who, but it was one of those involved who said in the Speedway Star when the admission cost was mentioned that he thought it "cheap"... The rationale used being that if you went to watch a "top show" in Londons entertainment sector you would would be paying many times that amount..1 point
It may not completely stop the decline but if those in charge had the opportunity and the balls to hold their nerve, they would start addressing some issues including standardising the machines for league racing in this country. All rides have a choice as to where they ply their trade. In the U.K. we have nothing to gain by paying top dollar. A number of options are available to have standard bikes and if you get away from the expensive machinery you then are not held to ransom by riders over money. Riders to be classified according to their average and then impose a fixed fee per point and start with bonus paid for team riding a partner home. Review the average every two months. Until you get a grip with the variable costs of rider pay rates (fixed costs I would class as stadia, medical, insurance, track staff, referees etc all of which are probably standard and non-negotiable’ ) they are on a hiding to nothing. Control this cost and it might allow the promoter to fund the promotional side and perhaps offer incentives to the paying customer. The club owners may be to blame for many of the failings but the riders are a huge expense and this will remain out of control as long as the riders go for more and more expensive equipment. If you cannot get around a track on a standard machine and use your track craft and skills to win races rather then being a throttle merchant, then perhaps they should look for another job.1 point
I went to Glasgow for the PO Final last year and from the moment you turn up at the stadium it feels like you're going to be watching a professionally run sport, it's the standard all other clubs should be aiming for... it's just a shame they can't make it pay! i agree Glasgow have improved greatly and to there credit, very impressive BUT on there own admission they lost over £100k...no wonder they bailed out of CL this season. That sort of loss is unsustainable.1 point
Is this a vision of the future at British Speedway tracks? https://www.argos.co.uk/product/88806001 point
Never mind next year I can see Lambert getting a wildcard entry this year1 point
In this weeks Star a story that league speedway could return to Workington with a new track near the Northside track for NL racing.1 point
I still wouldn't be shocked to see SON move to Poland yet and belle vue get it next year1 point
Someone should direct Chris Whitty to this post considering all the corona virus experts we have here...1 point
The burgers at derwent park were allways good value, u could still taste them 3 days later !1 point
there isn't a trackside dining experience at leicetsre lions unless you include alis burger bar which taste like worn out tyres1 point
I remember bumping into Barney at Vojens when he was giving Eddie a bit of vocal backing.I was impressed at what a nice bloke he was and thought at that time he had more muscle in his legs than most have in their whole body.Dave was also there,but I only saw him passing as he was mostly in the pits1 point
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