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  1. Not sure how much time you think you have between a moment of losing control and the impact with something, it’s usually a split second and it’s not like you have a warning something is going to happen, you’re in full race mode and then bang, we see it tv in slow motion and think he should of done this or that but when you are the rider in real time you don’t get time to weigh up the options of what would be the best way to crash
    10 points
  2. Robert has a great future. But let's take great pride in his achievement today. As David Rowe in commentary, he was in the National League 7 years ago. And now, he is beginning a World class career, winning a major championship and heading into the GP series next year. A special day.
    6 points
  3. Great to see Robert take a major title- well of course a lot have made fun of the competition in the past. Also good to see that all the hard work has paid off, despite getting a lot of criticism going to Germany at such a young age. I do remember having to defend him somewhat because it wasn't the british way of doing things. And although it isn't for everyone, if you are determined, getting on a 500cc at an early age can pay off. Good on ya
    4 points
  4. ...had their chance with John Berry and fluffed it!
    3 points
  5. Söderman was probably the first 'commuting' Scandinavian in the lower divisions. Apart from the abundance of riders from Commonwealth countries and some from Ireland, a couple of instances of non UK born riders in the lower leagues come to mind. Max Rech (born in Poland but resident in the UK as he didn’t return home after the war) rode in Division 2 for Fleetwood in 1950 and in Division 3 for St Austell from 1950 to 1952; Sandor Levai, who left his native Hungary during the 1956 uprising to live in the UK, rode for Stoke in 1963 in the Provincial League. The absence of commuting foreign riders in the lower leagues was most likely due to cost, not to mention the time involved in travel in the 1950s. When the British League Division 2 was established in 1968 its original primary goal was to provide opportunities for new and upcoming riders, with several tracks operated by promoters who also had interests in Division One tracks. Over time perhaps the notion of opportunity and development of home grown talent gradually faded into the background as tracks felt the need to be competitive, successful and financially viable. To paraphrase something Eric Linden wrote as the 1968 season ended, 'Division 2 tracks won't just keep finding, training and passing on their best talent to Division 1 tracks, they will attempt to hold on to their riders. Teams build up crowds by loyalty, to teams as well as to individuals. By moving on the top men you have the possibility of discontent.' Although tracks may achieve a degree of competitiveness by taking the approach of spending on commuting riders, if the outcome is not success in terms of a trophy-winning team then financial viability is unlikely to be achieved. The problem of engaging commuting foreigners and the costs that entails at any level is that if one track does it then others tend to do likewise so as not to be left behind. In the 1950s the introduction of a foreign rider brought an element of awe and wonder and probably boosted attendances, at least in the short term. Increased attendances were reported at Brandon after Coventry brought in Söderman, but he was highly successful on track for them, which was hardly surprising as he finished 5th= with Briggs and McKinlay in the world final that year.
    3 points
  6. If the SEC used the new SGP scoring system, I think Madsen would have been crowned champion as soon as he qualified for the Final last night, possibly when he qualified for the semi final. In the SGP scoring format, his 3 wins, especially the first round where he only scored 9 before the final, make a big difference to his points. I prefer the old SGP/current SEC scoring format where every point counts.
    3 points
  7. Ultimately, the powers that be have had since March to work out a plan, albeit with uncertainty over how things will develop granted. With regard to cancelling the league season I believe they have made the right decision, however the communication with fans was not good. I seem to remember only two updates from the BSPA since March and one of those was to say that the season was being cancelled. The party line until that point was that some league racing was hopefully going to happen, yet it doesn’t seem there was a plan of how to achieve that. If there was then the most important people, the fans, weren’t informed. Speedway is a strange beast. We are a motorsport but race as teams with home and away fixtures, I can’t think of any other motorsport that does the same. But those teams, while under the same umbrella don’t seem to read from the same songbook. The sport really needs an overarching authority with no ties to any club. It has done for a number of years now.
    3 points
  8. The biggest problem with UK Speedway though is that so few Clubs own their own stadium. They pay rent to Stadium Owners and have therefore no or very little income from hospitality, bar and food outlets. Brummies is a classic example. Most Club Shops are pretty poor compared to non league Soccer. If a Club has an average of 600 paying fans at £15, that's around £180,000 through the Gate for 20 meetings. I would guess based on numerous away trips in past season that most Clubs average is close to 600-700. If any Club these days gets in 10%-15% of that in Sponsorship they are doing pretty well. (18-24k in sponsorship) That's the limit of the income for the majority that Rent It's a vicious circle, riders paying too much for over priced equipment, being paid too much by promoters to pay for that over priced equipment. Reduce machine costs and understand it's a part time job to be a rider (semi professional) and we might start getting somewhere.
    3 points
  9. You sound like you were already done, before the COVID interference.
    3 points
  10. Congratulations to Robert Lambert. SEC Champion. How good does that sound?I now hope that all those British Speedway promoters who for the last 6-7 years had a misguided opinion of their place in the world speedway food chain, and who campaigned against any British rider from gracing this tournament promoted by a Polish company, who derided the tournament, and threatened sanctions against anyone who wanted to be involved (Scott Nicholls, anyone?) now eat a double helping of Humble Pie covered in Pooh Sauce.This tournament has proven its worth and has proven the British Speedway promoters wrong again. Can't wait now for some hypocritical congratulations to appear on the BSPA web site If anyone needs some grit for the winter, the promoters teeth will have as much as you like to spare.
    3 points
  11. One meeting a month from October through the winter according to Danny Ford in the Speedway Star today - subject to getting the right permissions from BSPL/SCB/ACU!! Blue Riband and New Year Classic mentioned as possibilities.......
    2 points
  12. Isn't that how Sam Ermolenko pronounces Woryna?
    2 points
  13. It's grammar not spelling. The spelling was correct.
    2 points
  14. I bet you're fun at parties.
    2 points
  15. He makes his debut for them this weekend. Will be interesting to see how he goes.
    2 points
  16. Now if I'd said that a certain person on here would call me anti BV
    2 points
  17. No need for an enquiry. Everybody on here knows the reasons why the sport is in terminal decline here in the UK. So many threads so many comments over the years on here. The star have even tried to address it. Sadly the powers that be have done very little to address it. I no longer worry about it speedway is very much something I have left behind unless I fancy a night at the races for social reasons. I can't change it or influence the powers that be so as its out of my control I just enjoy the memories and the odd night out to the speedway once a year or so.
    2 points
  18. Great to see how well Lambert has progressed this season, some of the criticism he got last year was ridiculous especially when you consider the injuries he had.
    2 points
  19. Has he changed it from cum on the lads . Gay rights would have lynched him if they read that.
    1 point
  20. Let's get behind the lads
    1 point
  21. Not until you get rid of the ‘ top table ‘ of individuals who run clubs of their own , it needs an independent , non biased chair ( which it hasn’t had for years ) .
    1 point
  22. Ahem, Somerset Wyverns I think you'll find?
    1 point
  23. What U think, is there?
    1 point
  24. Please ignore earlier post, tonight's match will now not be broadcast delayed. Sorry for all the confusion including mine.
    1 point
  25. last night meeting from poland full of young people and families not a dogs chance that happening in this country .i am a die hard i find it so depressing
    1 point
  26. Quite right, and not a transgender player in sight. The Premiership is institutionally racist & homophobic! I feel that strongly about their agenda of hate and discrimination that I won't attend a single Bournemouth game in the Premier League next season.
    1 point
  27. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
    1 point
  28. He doesn’t throw it, the bike has fired itself he has just let go but the bike was going to hit bellego anyway no matter he he was on it or not
    1 point
  29. GP scoring Lambert 18,12,12,20,20 total 82 Madsen 20,20,20,11,18 total 89
    1 point
  30. I don't know if you noticed but it did end up in carnage. If he'd held on to it a bit longer and tried to lay it down it may have been avoided. He decided to just throw his bike at Bellago instead though
    1 point
  31. It still up in the air id say - things change rapidly here in the UK and Europe I’d be very cautious booking flights at the moment or none refundable hotels .
    1 point
  32. Congratulations Terry . like false dawn says the targets on your back lol
    1 point
  33. Unfortunately there is a chance he might realise he doesn’t need to ride in the UK anymore...
    1 point
  34. Hear ! hear...! well said uk_martin... I like it, I like it...
    1 point
  35. Well done Robert. I must admit during the series I was waiting for him to collapse, but pleasantly surprised that he didn’t. In fact he kept his cool and concentration extremely well. The prize was immense, first one to qualify for 2021 GP’ series. re Nicki P, I noticed no one these days takes a chance of swooping round a bend and going round him down the straight, it’s either go up the inside of hold back till next corner. Very wise, after all, who wants to be fenced. Roll on the 2020 GP’s.
    1 point
  36. The like's of Bewley must bust a gut to get in this series in the future. Lambert has shown over the last 2 season how much it has benfited him
    1 point
  37. That was the whole reason they bought that in originally... how disappointing they’ve felt the need to change that! The only thing I think they should of changed was either bring back double points for the final or changed the scoring to 4,3,2,1 for the final so as at least to reward the rider who comes 4th for reaching the final.
    1 point
  38. On the contrary I would say it was pretty much every british sport with the exception of top division English football, rugby union and cricket. They are the only ones subsidised by huge TV contracts the rest have to make their own money.
    1 point
  39. And now gives someone who could score 9 points in 20 heats- 20 points on the night. It`s does nothing to improve the GP. Previously every race counted, now not so.
    1 point
  40. Aaaaah logic haven't seen that on here for a while
    1 point
  41. Kurtz got dropped for Lidsey,he has been loaned out to 1st Division Team.They don’t mess about in Poland they pay good money but you have to be on your game every race.Bewlay was out of his depth IMO.
    1 point
  42. They did, I think it was Blackbird Road Leicester but not sure it really made any difference. Speedway is not a factor nor is most sport apart from say the likes of F1and Hamilton who has made a fortune from all the WASP support and now feels the need to make a stand without donating financially to the cause. It makes no difference, those who support these actions have an agenda that is so insular they will never accept the wider view. So many down trodden members of society and those that are suffering in huge numbers from a range of abuses be these racial or religious or sex or disability can garnish the support of BLM and few stand up for them in the way that the hard done by BLM movement claim is their position. The BLM is but a pimple on the arse of the world yet gains publicity from the dregs of the media who give credence to this while ignoring, not least on a numbers basis, those who are are abused and suffering in far greater numbers. The BLM movement fail to look outside the box and cannot see what is happening in the real world and yet the media across the spectrum gives them airtime. Why do they deserve it above all the other causes?
    1 point
  43. Do you really expect BLM supporters to turn up at "White City"
    1 point
  44. What I was really trying to say was that I don't believe there is any difference between trying to attract any different ethnicity to speedway than there is with trying to attract white people. If people are interested they will come. If the evening out is a good one they will come again.
    1 point
  45. Imagine if speedway crowds took the knee, most would never get back up again
    1 point
  46. There is a reason why. Don't worry, it's not in the thousands Seriously, though, when I spoke to Rob G his main priority is for everyone is attendance to feel safe. There will be further items added to the website to explain the measures in place, so that everyone knows that there are safe to come along and enjoy some speedway.
    1 point
  47. Sorry hadn't spotted any questions until now. It's not possible to order a ticket for 6902 people. I wouldn't advise it, because it might take a while to retrieve the 40 grand! Sales are monitored. And no, the capacity at Scunthorpe hasn't been made common knowledge as yet, but hopefully it is high enough for everyone wanting to attend a British Youth Round. But if you definitely want to come, book now to avoid any disappointment.
    1 point
  48. Cradley 83 was the best team I saw in all my years attending speedway... They were probably too good if you watched them every week though I would say... Didn't they lose Wigg, Grahame, Ravn and Pedersen to the points limit the following season ? The Ipswich side a good few years later was very good as well with the top 4 of Rickardsson, Gollob, Louis and Nicholls... I wasn't actually attending reguarly at the time but did travel to the odd meeting just to see that Ipswich line up..... But Cradley 83 for me was the best I have known
    1 point
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