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  1. Imagine if speedway crowds took the knee, most would never get back up again
    13 points
  2. I'm interested to know why you feel it is an issue that speedway in this country needs to address. I'm not saying it isn't, but I can't think of any examples as to why. Yes, most - if not all - the riders in the UK are white, but that's just a case of who is deciding to take up the sport. I don't see it as an equality issue. As for taking the knee, it should remain at the rider's own discretion. Personally, I find worthy white people taking the knee rather cringeworthy, although the intent behind it is probably a good one.
    8 points
  3. Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but, in general, nor do the majority of white people. Speedway's main problem is trying to get anybody of any background to watch it. I'm sure all the promoters would be delighted if any ethnic minority adopted it as their sport.
    4 points
  4. Firstly, the story came out in the mainstream media, NOT social media. A public announcement that told the paying public what was going on. Treating the public with the respect they deserve. Secondly, hushing things up, dealing with them "quietly and out of sight" does nothing to inform the public who pay to see the sport about what is going on, and does nothing to inspire confidence about the management of the sport. It only leads to the very uninformed rumours and speculation in social media that you seem to be so against in the first place. Now if you want to carry on scoring own-goals by hiding away behind closed doors, then carry on. See where it's gotten you so far.
    3 points
  5. Glad to be of assistance. After nearly 60 years of researching I think I am getting the hang of it. It's amazing how many times subjects crop up and I remember having looked at them before. I dread the day my memory gives up on me!
    2 points
  6. Although not scoring so well for his league teams in 1956, Tommy Miller performed well in the short season at Glasgow White City. Representing a Scotland side against England Select in May he recorded three wins, was beaten twice by Peter Craven and was third behind Wright and Forrest in his other ride, totalling 14 points. Later that month he scored 12 points from 5 rides in a challenge against Birmingham, being beaten by Alan Hunt and Ron Mountford (twice). In June, Miller represented a Britain side against Overseas at White City, but had a disappointing total of paid 10 from 6 rides, but this included one mechanical failure. At the end of the month he scored 10 from 5 rides in a challenge against Bradford, with two wins, two seconds and a fall. Finally, in a July challenge he scored paid 11 from 5 rides for White City against Norwich, including 3 wins and another fall. In that series of meetings he averaged 8.44, so he seemed to generally still have the winning touch at White City.
    2 points
  7. http://www.speedwaygb.co.uk/news.php?extend.38188
    2 points
  8. I think if you're running a sport to the paying public then yes the public do deserve an explanation
    2 points
  9. Nice to see Buxton is still being used. aiden and les Collins held a Speedway day recently.... they may be doing them regularly... I only know about the recent one. hope Buxton can eventually come back to league racing
    1 point
  10. Was really shocked when i read about this, RIP. Wilkie was a dedicated ace and a great skipper, hard as nails but fair, the two memories that always spring to mind when talking about Wilkie was his jaunt up to the refs box at Kings Lynn to contest a decision, and taking on all comers in the infamous match at Hyde Road v Leicester.
    1 point
  11. Instead of saying BLM and those endorsing the cause by taking the knee (which may have had a double meaning back in the 70’s and 80’s particularly if you were North or South of the border) why don’t those aggrieved and in particular those supporting BLM say ‘why don’t we all try and get along together’ rather than break it down to colour and race and create friction. Many people are tired of every Tom, Dick,Harry and whatever you wish to call those classed as black, Asian, South American, etc. who simply object to anyone that does not agree with the BLM or similar point of view. Through history groups be they religious, colour or otherwise have come in for criticism, derision, the butt of jokes etc. and in some cases certain people need to be held to account, but has it not gone too far? To read that someone complained about a 1967 episode of the BBC Radio programme ‘Around the The Horne’ being repeated on 4 xtra and the corporation apologised says it all about the society we live in. Those who complain, get a life, those who have views, speak out without violence and those who disagree respectfully object and move on. Everyone has a right to an opinion, not just the BLM movement or any other movement. If you want to live in a sanitised state, move to China, they have ways of dealing with Muslims and others and do not tolerate any nonsense. Where do the BLM supporters sit on this issue?
    1 point
  12. Never heard the kiss my feet bit before.....
    1 point
  13. All the meetings on Premier are listed in the OP here- most meetings we can watch are NOT on Premier
    1 point
  14. Found a piece about his tour to Australia in 1950-51 Apparently after the first test where Tommy wore the no.13 race jacket and only scored 5 pts, he refused to wear it again. Team manager H. Tovey retired the no.13 and so Tommy wore no.16 in the 2nd test and duly scored 2 pts !!! Sadly this was the meeting Ken le Breton tragically crashed and later died. Wasn't a particularly good series for England losing all 7 tests, though Tommy did have a few decent meetings and also finished equal 2nd with Aub Lawson in the Australian 4 lap championship, which Jack Parker won. Tommy also had the fastest heat win of the meeting in Sydney where in the first 15 heats the track records was broken in 12 heats and equalled in 3 others !!! Tommy was also involved in an accident when driving a lorry taking the bikes to the Bathurst test. Seems the wheels locked and he crashed into another vehicle. Some of the bikes were damaged and Tommy's wife, who was also with him had to receive treatment when they arrived at the track. Eddie Riggs, Eric Williams and Tommy were unhurt. A big problem it seems was that whilst the other 3 riders managed to get replacement bikes, Tommy's was special because of his small size with a low saddle and high foot rest and he couldn't find a suitable replacement.
    1 point
  15. https://sportowefakty.wp.pl/zuzel/pge-ekstraliga/statystyki
    1 point
  16. There is a reason why. Don't worry, it's not in the thousands Seriously, though, when I spoke to Rob G his main priority is for everyone is attendance to feel safe. There will be further items added to the website to explain the measures in place, so that everyone knows that there are safe to come along and enjoy some speedway.
    1 point
  17. The silence in answer to a simple question sums up Speedways general communication strategy....
    1 point
  18. Covers are compulsory as from 2021.
    1 point
  19. It must drive Premier Sports crazy, as they are in the hands of Polish TV company and plays absolute havoc with their scheduling. I bet there isn’t another sport that disrupts and doesn’t stick to a schedule as much as speedway does. This was the single most reason Sky dropped speedway as they were fed up with the constant rain offs and overruns. I really hope Premier stick with it as it’s been great to watch every heat on our televisions this year (when the sodding rain has allowed). Onto Tuesday we go....
    1 point
  20. Uninformed nonsense. SCB has quickly suspended and disciplined referees adjudged to have fallen short of expected standards. But we didn’t feel the need to take to social media to boast about our actions. If I make an error in my job, I accept the need for some for of correction but not for the whole world to know. Mr Stepniewski’s “management board” is basically himself and he just loves being the big “I am”, cleverly covering up that he is the one responsible for appointing sub standards referees. Tonight’s was just one of many.
    1 point
  21. True or untrue it's still a joke Now Polish speedway is under the microscope it looks just as amateurish as British Speedway
    1 point
  22. Was anyone on the PZM payroll involved at Grudziadz? Don't think so. And when someone from a higher authority stepped in, he immediately suspended the referee for the rest of the year. Now that is something that nobody in the BSPA / SCB would have the balls to do. Swift & decisive action. None of this meetings to have a chat, in a few weeks time over tea & biscuits in Rugby malarkey like the British authorities do, in order to sweep problems under the carpet.
    1 point
  23. First come, first served and there will be a limit . However if Rob gets a crowd of over 6902 I am sure he will be delighted. If he gets over 400 it will be a bumper crowd for a youth meeting.
    1 point
  24. It's damp but I think they should give it a try.
    1 point
  25. Just for something to say to give people who are not on the internet an update. I'm not sure what else I can say right now.
    1 point
  26. Polish Speedway is certainly doing a cracking impression of British Speedway this year. What a complete and utter shambles. Yet again.
    1 point
  27. I shall be cancelling my Premier sports subscription tomorrow. The lack of information in awful. The sligtest delay and they cut to a re run of another sport. They could at least have a information bar.
    1 point
  28. I will say this everytime,the riders want these bikes/engines that don’t ride ruts or holes, they and they alone dictate the sport but when the track has some rough it’s the fans that suffer, it is time to take the control away from the riders, in the long run the sport will be better for it and cheaper for riders too
    1 point
  29. Yes but i felt better after writing it
    1 point
  30. Pedersen is such a diva, it’s like watching Joan Collins on a speedway bike
    1 point
  31. You really are an idiot most of the time- Polish Speedway do not build sides to a points limit.
    1 point
  32. Kasprazak and Iversen are both going to be on really low averages for next season. The question is whether Gorzow should stick with them?
    1 point
  33. Iversen excluded. Ridculous decision. Blue touched his bike and caused the crash
    1 point
  34. Pedersen moved off his line whilst sticking his leg right out to the point where Thomsen had no room and was in need of a trip to the Hospital
    1 point
  35. Nobody’s fault there but if someone has to go it’s pedersen for me
    1 point
  36. ...and who is "VERONI" ?...are you referring to WORYNA, if so then his name needs to be pronounced something like VO-REE-NAH :-) anyway, as someone have already explained, Woryna - in the eyes of Wroclaw's fans - did not pay respect to their club's body colours back in 2017
    1 point
  37. Maybe the rider doesn’t want the meeting ?
    1 point
  38. One thing I got against Polish TV is they have to show all bad crashes instantly
    1 point
  39. Congratulations to Scunthorpe`s Tero Aarnio on becoming Finnish Champion today.
    1 point
  40. Sad news ,have just read his book last week ,great read.Certainly typical no nonsense type of rider and person.Who knows how far he would have went in sport but was certainly a great Team Person.Saw his first ever match at Newtongrange when he got a maximum riding at No 1!!!!! Nobody knew he was!!!.Condolences to his wife Jean she was his rock ,a special woman IMO. R.I.P . Alan.
    1 point
  41. Now that this season has been written off...who's going to start the Birmingham Brummies 2021 thread? :-)
    1 point
  42. Giving the wide open spaces at Berwick it should be possible to run a meeting or two before the season is out, and stay within the Government guidelines. Rob Godfrey in his interview the other day was saying he hoped to run some kind of junior league, I wonder if Berwick would enter a team in that. Crowds wouldnt be anything like that for a Championship meeting so it should be fairly straight forward.
    1 point
  43. Well I know someone who has tried the system to get an answer.... They were able to put over 1600 in their basket
    1 point
  44. The point on not funding youth riders is not true on every occasion we have attended a FIM or fime meeting in Europe we have had some expense reimbursed. Also riders are not sent for anything 125cc or 250cc riders apply to the acu to go and they ask for places in the events. If the riders don’t ask the acu don’t request places for the older ages groups up to 21 the riders are invited to attend and can choose to accept or decline the spot . Example Kyle Bickley has declined his spot this year which was then offered to another rider.
    1 point
  45. That's my point the limit should be on the crowd numbers and not dependant on the level/status of the participants!! Plus it should also be tailored to each venue - the space at one venue is very different to another and the risk is variable accordingly
    1 point
  46. I'm incredibly impressed that the scientists have been able run and prove analysis that the crowds that would attend an amateur meeting is one that has a lower risk of passing on infection than that attending 'elite events' After all that must be what has happened as the government all through this has only 'followed the science'......
    1 point
  47. Stock cars are also not officially professional and they are starting up with crowds in Ipswich this week. OK you have to pre book tickets and wear masks in the stadium but it's running so I don't see why NL level speedway couldn't get the go ahead if they wanted to.
    1 point
  48. something else that should have been secured by the sky cash - northern area training centre, Iwade or somewhere as southern area centre.
    1 point
  49. Len has already stated publically that regardless of what happens, Kent are good to run in the championship in 2021. Think in most part due to making a profit every year we have existed. Hopefully most other clubs will come back to tapes.
    1 point
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