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  1. To be expected, never thought we would see Speedway this summer to be honest. Could do without the opinions of the infectious disease experts on here too - enough of them on every other forum you go on.
    6 points
  2. Absolutely pathetic from the government of this country. Still laboring under the pathetic easily disproven crap that lockdown/distancing etc is necessary. We're now at a point where deaths from viruses passed from human to human are at their lowest point. Covid-19 is dying out. It's because of lockdown/distancing/masks is the cry... seems sensible.. let's take a look.. Deaths involving Covid-19 over last 10 weeks: 8th May - 393915th May - 381022nd May - 258929th May - 18225th June - 158812th June - 111419th June - 78326th June - 6063rd July - 53210th July - 366 There you go say the lockdown fanboys... that's proof! Seems conclusive, I must admit.. but let's just check something.. Deaths involving flu/pneumonia over last 10 weeks.... a virus that spreads in the exact same way, so if the measures taken are the reason for the drop.. we'd see a similar pattern here: 8th May - 99415th May - 119422nd May - 106629th May - 9115th June - 103612th June - 99619th June - 100226th June - 9383rd July - 100410th July - 917 Nothing of the sort, indeed its fluctuated up and down... AS NORMAL. Covid-19 figures are falling because it is running out of 'easy targets'. We've had two mild winters in a row with low levels of death from viruses.. which means there were many ripe for the picking.. Covid did just that. The ONS even acknowledges that now on their weekly deaths report: "The coronavirus (COVID-19) has had a large impact on the number of deaths registered over the last few months and is the main reason for deaths increasing above what is expected (the five-year average). The disease has had a larger impact on those most vulnerable (for example, those who already suffer from a medical condition) and those at older ages. Some of these deaths would have likely occurred over the duration of the year but have occurred earlier because of the coronavirus. These deaths occurring earlier than expected could contribute to a period of deaths below the five-year average." If it isn't safe to open stadiums etc now, then it should NEVER be safe.. as the number of deaths are at about as low levels as you can get right now. Around 1100 a week is the current figure dying with flu/pneumonia/Covid... compared to around 2500/3000 a week during the winter every year with no eyelids batted.
    6 points
  3. Think this is the correct decision can now focus on 2021 with the same teams, hope all clubs are able to run
    5 points
  4. Got to feel for Rob Grant. He’s come forward, put his money in , made changes and it all looked so rosey and now this. He’s spent god knows how much and has nothing to show for it. I hope he can take the ‘ hit ‘ as he’s got another 9 months before he can even try and make some back.
    4 points
  5. Very clear message from club, I thought. Still committed to staging speedway in 2020 and great continuity in stating that the same team is planned to line up as FTS Bandits in 2021. Fair deals for season ticketeers, being admitted free to all meetings this season. Bring it on!
    4 points
  6. I'm no fan of Covid-19 at all and talk from first hand experience and that of others I know. You don't appear to consider the pandemic as being much of a threat and / or is being exaggrerated and you obviously don't believe me but you know what, I just don't care....
    3 points
  7. The BBC only give Speedway a mention when it's something bad - tossers
    2 points
  8. With all holders being admitted free to the meetings still being planned for this year
    2 points
  9. I think the crowds for Non League Football will be massive, Sports fans have been starved of sport to attend for months... I've not been for an evening out since last October! I'd go and watch Speedway at any level at the moment
    2 points
  10. I was under the impression, if the local authority approved it, spectators could be admitted for NL and amateur meetings. Just like they are at stock car racing.
    2 points
  11. Berwick have announced they are competing at the same level in 2021, so strike one against the doom merchants
    2 points
  12. No opinion was given, just facts. The fact it upsets you shows how gullible you've been.
    2 points
  13. The BSPA should pay Oxford City Council to share that report, as no one in speedway has been able to consistent make a profit over the last decade.
    2 points
  14. Absolutely. It's going to be a big struggle to save some of the current venues. Fair play to anyone trying to resurrect defunct clubs.
    2 points
  15. Someone should direct Chris Whitty to this post considering all the corona virus experts we have here...
    2 points
  16. It's changed a fair bit in 2 years
    2 points
  17. There is absolutely no point in even attempting to run speedway this season, in my opinion. What is the point in starting the season in near August time? Restrictions wont be fully lifted until near the end of the season at the very least. With certain things reopening, it will only be a matter of time before cases spike again like they have done in Australia. In the first week of June, pubs etc re opened, albeit with restrictions, there were no new cases reported at all for days on end then bang, they started to shoot up again and they are talking about a Stage 4 lockdown coming back in at any moment. We are currently in stage 3, and as of Wednesday theres a 200 dollar fine for anybody not wearing a face mask. Write the season off, plan ahead for 2021.
    2 points
  18. I wont be getting any rushed, little tested, unproven vaccine for a virus that has no real effect on 98% of the population If that were to mean I cant go to Speedway then Ive seen my last meeting....
    1 point
  19. Excellent statement from the club, I Sincerely hope their loyalty to everyone is rewarded if and when they do have any meetings this year and for 2021. Well done Berwick Speedway
    1 point
  20. I am not an expert, but when the government Said 3 weeks ago that people would not be allowed into Stadiums till October You don’t have to be a genius to think there would not be League Speedway,and after all it is a forum for discussions.
    1 point
  21. I do agree with the sentiment. What I cannot get is the mix messages. Today through until the 23rd masks are not necessary and all the data shows that cases etc are at a low yet come the 24th masks are necessary to go into shops. I can however go to a pub, restaurant, lido or theatre but cannot stand outside in the fresh air with a mask and watch sport be it Speedway or any other sport. Amateurs can go ahead but professionals are prohibited from working. Poland and Sweden can run but the U.K. cannot. Boris and the government have totally lost the plot and frankly it is time that the majority of law abiding citizens told these amateurs to f... off. They have cocked up the pandemic, the Brexit negotiations and left the country with a huge financial debt. Thankfully the 60 and 70 year olds are not to blame this time it is the morons and younger generation who lack any business acumen added to which you have the career politicians who have never held down a job in the real world and have mortgaged the economy up to the hilt. All those who bang on about government financial help, where is it suppose to come from, someone will have to pick up the tab. You rep what you sow.
    1 point
  22. Good response from the club after the cancellation of the season, good to see they are going to keep the same team for next season. Hopefully get to see some meetings this year.
    1 point
  23. The same BSPA that have sold the rights to Team GB and will not fund British Youth as part of their cost cutting scheme to try and replace the £300,000 they lost on their GTR Engine fiasco? The BSPA who are more than happy to have a private company , Poultec, run the only speedway academy and won’t even pay for the youth team co- ordinator’s expenses to attend Foreign events were our youth riders are sent without any financial support from above. The same BSPA that have access to the ‘ National Stadium ‘ but still hold the big meetings on tracks owned by members of the top table. Don’t hold your breath on them investing any money at all.
    1 point
  24. There's a collector's item lol
    1 point
  25. 1 point
  26. I agree with you about the football. On the last saturday before the lockdown, my two first choice games at Brighton and Woking were postponed. So we diverted to Maidenhead and the place was packed with fans desperate for a game.
    1 point
  27. And in Denmark they haven't started their season and are still waiting to see if they even will.....
    1 point
  28. I was just about to post that it`s reported that the Extraleague might give up those Friday nights that clash and go to Thursday`s that week.
    1 point
  29. Sensible decision from the BSPA.
    1 point
  30. Announcement from Berwick after this season league racing was cancelled. Those of us who bought season tickets have the option of carrying this seasons ticket to next, and will gain entry free of charge should any meetings be held at Shielfield this year. https://www.berwickspeedway.com/news/club-statement/
    1 point
  31. Stock cars are also not officially professional and they are starting up with crowds in Ipswich this week. OK you have to pre book tickets and wear masks in the stadium but it's running so I don't see why NL level speedway couldn't get the go ahead if they wanted to.
    1 point
  32. 28.08/29.08, I guess ?
    1 point
  33. After the problems in Poland and the government delaying, it was the only sensible decision to make.....
    1 point
  34. Ipswich offering full refund or carry over until 2021
    1 point
  35. Berwick have said their season passes will be carried over to 2021.
    1 point
  36. Wouldn't be surprised if they are also giving advice to Donald Trump
    1 point
  37. The concern is not who rides for the tracks but whether they can all survive a 17/18 month close season. It is only the correct decision in the circumstances dictated to us by our governments. This is now nothing to do with who was right and who was wrong and when it was right to pull the plug. While many others will no doubt be patting themselves on the back at how clever they were in saying weeks ago it wasn't worth trying to run in 2020 there are far more important matters to deal with now. I feel sorry for promoters, riders, staff, sponsors and most of all genuine supporters who truly love the sport but most of all I grieve for the sport itself, one that has been a major part of my life, as for many, for half a century. May all tracks be with us still in Spring 2021. To those who wish to now boast about their incredible wisdom in saying wee should have given up weeks ago, enjoy your twisted delight. Hopefully your track will survive this.....Hopefully.....
    1 point
  38. How on earth can speedway and Greyhound racing make a profit these days .. i am a fan of both sports and wish them all the best but if its based of profit it wont work .
    1 point
  39. Good news. there has been a long battle which looks more positive now. pleased for Oxford and plaudits to the Council who are backing a Speedway return.... many councils are now quite anti Speedway
    1 point
  40. But for this season and with these circumstances we can live with it!
    1 point
  41. I sincerely hope that some sort of action returns to Cowley as I spent many a happy year there but during these uncertain times, both externally and within speedway, I really wouldn't like to hazzard a guess what might be the future however I wish everyone success who is involved behind the scenes.
    1 point
  42. You have to feel that Pedersen maybe looking at the future now. His league form has dropped off alarmingly after his first couple of meetings and he is hardly getting younger. Combine that with the Corona Virus and potential uncertainty of the sport for the next few seasons and you can hardly blame him. Shame as after seeing him in his first few meetings he looked as keen and sharp as ever. After all the injuries he has had, it would be good to see him walk away as one of this eras best riders, with a huge bank balance and full health. Like him or hate him, he has been absolutely superb during the last 20 years and his one world title (07?) was as dominant a world title winning season as you'll ever see.
    1 point
  43. Sad stuff. I'm glad i managed to do a couple of meetings at Brandon in their last season.
    1 point
  44. Motor Lublin supporter now..
    1 point
  45. At least he hasn`t already been knocked out this season
    1 point
  46. Pavlic again. No surpises as daddy owns the track but it is dreadful he gets a wild card.
    1 point
  47. Who is going to foot the bill to make the stadiums compliant. Extra stewards, sinage and PPE don't come cheap. Hard up landlords might be reluctant.
    1 point
  48. That's the Witches heat leader trio sorted for next year...
    1 point
  49. Scary to think how many fans wont receive their money back because clubs have already spent the money but then may have gone bust or closed by the start of next season anyways. Got to feel for those that have shelled out their hard earned.
    0 points
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