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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/20/2020 in all areas

  1. All I can see is another Ben Fund type meet before they call it a day on 2020.
    5 points
  2. Someone should direct Chris Whitty to this post considering all the corona virus experts we have here...
    3 points
  3. Unless the powers that be can get a clear concise answer from sport and culture within 10 days i dont think theyve any choice but to call stumps this season. Its not an elite sport by any stretch and you couldnt call gatherings mass . The government are keener for the culture vultures to go too a fetid opera or a show indoors than let people go for a pleasant evening in the fresh air where the current odds are 2,000-1 to catch even a symptom of this media driven virus.
    3 points
  4. The 2nd/3rd tier in rugby league have abandoned the season. Can not make it cost effective if no crowds allowed in until October. Can not see that speedway can pay without crowds, and October too late to start. Would also need to consider how many riders with temporary jobs will want to keep them until next March.
    2 points
  5. Why not merge all the Premiership and Championship clubs who want to run into one league for this year, call it Pandemic Challenge league perhaps, at least there would be some speedway this year
    2 points
  6. I heard that. You might get a few tracks run some meetings at NL level. I'm all for it, if it does happen.
    2 points
  7. New date: 22.08 in Gorican
    2 points
  8. "Coventry Drone" ? That's no way to talk about Peter York!
    2 points
  9. Because that won’t be cost effective. Berwick and Redcar running against Ipswich , Belle Vue and Poole who share some of the riders? Not enough riders , not enough fixtures.
    1 point
  10. We have northern training centres, Dunn’s and Northside. The south has Iwade and Lydd. The BSPA aren’t going to put money into ‘ training centres ‘ whilst they get money from Poultec.
    1 point
  11. Simple. If there isn’t a crowd there isn’t going to be a meeting. As for the Riders who put thousands into their equipment for this season, as Charles Wright has stated, why go and wear my engines practising for just a couple of meetings to have to spend it all again for next season. I can’t see any meaning full meetings of any notable standard in the UK this year.
    1 point
  12. More chance of an Argentinian with Castagna and the mooted GP
    1 point
  13. I reckon the place you have in the European U 21 qualifier(IMEJ) should be enough to to be getting on with
    1 point
  14. Most likely- although i would put Norway in instead of Finland just to wind FSP up
    1 point
  15. At least he hasn`t already been knocked out this season
    1 point
  16. If they can't get going until October, why not have a British championship over multiple rounds at tracks that want to start up?
    1 point
  17. No- 15 riders put forward by federations plus Jurica Pavlic !! ie Robert Lambert.( although they might wait to see if he wins the SEC)
    1 point
  18. Can be a tad wet anytime In Manchester
    1 point
  19. Isn't it often a tad wet in Manchester in October?
    1 point
  20. He is the son of Tomasz Rempala. Tomasz had 3 brothers Jacek,Grzegorz and Marcin. Tomasz`s nephew Krystain( Jacek`s son) was tragically killed in a horror accident in 2016.
    1 point
  21. That would be working on the assumption the BSPA give a damn about anyone but themselves and their own goals.
    1 point
  22. Try telling that to the families or friends of the dead, or seriously affected across the UK and the world. I'm sure they'll sympathise fully with your dismissals.
    1 point
  23. Of course it's a threat, it's a threat to the businesses/jobs/livelihoods of millions of people, not to mention their lives, partially from the virus, although that is receding rapidly, but also the knock on effects. Much of that caused by people perpetuating myths, scaremongering and running around like lapdogs, begging to have more and more restrictions imposed upon them. As for all these people you claim to know and others you have been told about, I've simply stated you must have the unluckiest group of friends in the world.. the chances of that happening are akin to getting six numbers on the lottery.
    1 point
  24. I'm no fan of Covid-19 at all and talk from first hand experience and that of others I know. You don't appear to consider the pandemic as being much of a threat and / or is being exaggrerated and you obviously don't believe me but you know what, I just don't care....
    1 point
  25. But wasn't the chief negotiator the chairman of an association?
    1 point
  26. You'd think but scarily no, I've heard a few similar tales so maybe Hull / East Yorkshire is a higher risk area than thought, hence me & family always masked up in public....
    1 point
  27. Incedentally the 80yr old isn't / wasn't the 10-week coma victim nor the poor soul who passed away, kinda explains my keeness for self-protection. So speedway then; following on from the lobbed tea-pot incident, I recall reading of a disputed Golden Helmet match race when said helmet finished up being dropped-kicked across the centre green....
    1 point
  28. As a floating fan you can travel with relative confidence at this time of the year, bit of a different story should the season get into October/November.
    1 point
  29. That would seem sensible to me given the fragility of the Sport nowadays.
    1 point
  30. With all the various rules surrounding getting a stadium ready for fans, then will enough fans turn up to make it viable, will teams have a full set of riders willing to race for maybe a couple of months, will any potential sponsors have any money left to spend on helping speedway run ? All these very big questions, and the answer will only come if they decide to run, but if no one turns up and money does not come thro, clubs are running at a far higher loss than normal !!. So imo it would be best to forget about speedway in 2020, and focus on 2021 with the same teams
    1 point
  31. I once had the 'flu jab', it worked spent 5 days in bed with the flu, never again. You are kinda right in that if a person caught full-on Covid-19 they might well not be aware, but they also could be 'out of it' for weeks. Without going into details I know of folk aged 9 - 80 whose condition ranged from 100% flu symptoms with trembling hot & cold flushes & extreme dizziness for 3 days, then 2 weeks, same for a few weeks, bed-ridden for 5 weeks, 10 weeks in a coma to passing away; scarily at the time none had any underlying life-affecting health conditions and could be considered fit & healthy. I suffer from asthma so if I become infected it could well be 'curtains', so I've masked up since since March, we make our own decisions and hopefully live to tell the tale....
    1 point
  32. there isn't a trackside dining experience at leicetsre lions unless you include alis burger bar which taste like worn out tyres
    1 point
  33. something else that should have been secured by the sky cash - northern area training centre, Iwade or somewhere as southern area centre.
    1 point
  34. Wow got hotel booked premier Inn city centre £120 for 2 nites !!!! Easy jet Newcastle to Bristol £50 return, who said going to Cardiff is expensive
    1 point
  35. There isn't a sad enough emoji for how this makes me feel. A Proper on-the-boards racer, and fan favourite. Good luck with your future endeavours Nico, we'll miss you.
    1 point
  36. I visited Charles in his office once. Alongside being in a business meeting with Ivan Mauger it counts as one of my most memorable moments in the sport. I can't bring myself to watch the drone footage. I lost my track at the age of 16. It still stings. Keep fighting while you still have one brick to save. Once lost they don't come back.
    1 point
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