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3 points
They could bring in Brian woodwood and it would be an improvement at the moment3 points
Just watch it on the number 1 link i posted today- hasn`t missed a beat all day. page 1323 points
Mal a cud quite easly dee yor way of spellin an dee all me posts in pig Latin or Walka-eese but the wud be nee one else oot side of Walka who wud undastand wot a was on aboot de ya kna wot a mean... not ivery body has a lorn ya sel jawdee buik to transorloate me woreds back inta England like de ya kna wot a mean...kna... Just think of them big woreds an lang paragraffs as me gift to ya in helpin wid ya edyoukayshon that you wud have got at skool had ya not knocked off all the time when you woz a kid like de ya kna wot a mean... smokin fags roond the back of them bike sheds wid ya laal prison rollies thinkin ya war a big shot... aye we kna... But the paragraffs git nee shorta cos am a gregarious porson... (reet av stopped ritein so ya can go an look up gregarious... goan an git ya dikshonary oot an look it up) reet noo reed on Keep lickin the winda Biffa yall git there eventueallie... Al me luv an best wishez... Buttered Scone...3 points
Just watching Jack Holder in Poland and it fills my heart with joy knowing we played a part in producing such a talented rider.2 points
2 points
We move on to round 2 next weekend- all UK times Saturday July 18th Bydgoszcz v lodz programme starts 3.15pm 1st race 3.30pm N sport Saturday July 18th Gniezno v Ostrow programme starts 6pm 1st race 6.15pm N sport the 2 matches that are being shown on the Canal + internet subscription channel are Saturday 11th July Daugavpils v Gdansk 1pm UK time Sunday July 12th Tarnow v Torun 1pm UK time2 points
When he’s in the mood, Laguta is so good to watch. Absolutely ruthless and totally fearless.2 points
He certainly was.. Can't quite remember who it was who used to do it though. .2 points
2 points
Not to mention most of the BBC turning the lights out and going home... while introducing the licence fee for over 75's and producing much reduced output2 points
2 points
When you watch on Eleven sports it is very similar to watching the domestic UK racing we have followed on BT, and Sky before them.. ie rider Interviews, two presenters discussing incidents, replays of key points in previous races etc.. Therefore you hardly notice the length of the gap between races, even when you haven't a clue what they are saying half the time.. (I am talking about the Eleven Sports coverage not Nigel and Kelvin's) The gaps are very much appearing prolonged due to there being nothing but replay after replay of what you have just seen, (and the endless tweets being read out), sorry Dave... And as we have said Dave does a fair old job trying to fill the dead space whilst he waits for something to happen.. It is though a small price to pay for the coverage of the best league in the world, and you can always record and watch later, fast forwarding through, or do as I do, and make a brew.....2 points
Great film of Middlesborough here. http://www.yorkshirefilmarchive.com/film/middlesbrough-speedway-1979-19812 points
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I remember he would come to workington sometimes on the train saw him pushing his bike from the station about 100 yrds to the track, seem to recall taffy owen coming off on the back straight and geoff catching his bike am sure geoff was on a brand new jawa that night !1 point
Ah, okay... You know, I originally put, "where Pete Murray took Sverre off", then changed it - just to appear nice, and non-accusatory.1 point
1 point
I understand the rules are that races can’t be awarded if the last lap hasn’t been started, but that must typifies what a joke of a rule that is, when a team conceding a 5-1 has a rider fall, races gets rerun and they get a 3-3 from it. Don’t agree with that at all. If Lublin don’t win this now they’ve been really hard done by.1 point
But I think the "R" number has risen just recently as a direct result of the marches and crowded beaches. We will only see success in ridding ourselves of this Covid 19 if ALL the public observe the rules...and that is a pipe dream.1 point
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Michelsen is such a fantastic rider. He's surpassed Jepsen Jensen by a country mile. MJJ used to be hyped up a lot more.1 point
Miskowiak is certainly a loss for Czestachowa, but Lublin have had 4 inside gate pos out of 6 races so I reckon it will even up the scores shortly.1 point
I wouldn't really call it a shock. A top 5 of Hampel, Laguta, Zagar, Michelsen & Jamrog on their day can beat any team in the league.1 point
1 point
I would guess, mostly, it will be due to airtime for sponsors & tv coverage/timetables similar to a GP.1 point
Berwick have held a behind closed doors practice for some of their riders a few weeks ago, they were due to have another last Saturday but that was rained off. As far as I know both Scunthorpe and Leicester are open for hire, within restrictions of course.1 point
I think norbolds comment was not in answer to anyone’s post, just a stand alone . Think all the posts so far have been interesting1 point
1 point
That is very true. Pete was the only rider to ride very tight into bend 3 and not hit that bump. One night, Briggo was leading, hit the bump and Pete went through to win. The following laps, Briggo followed Petes line, but still hit that bump! Pete had his testimonial at Poole in 1976. Still very highly regarded here.1 point
Me too. Don't remember seeing you there. After that I saw him every week at West Ham. Heart stopping stuff week in week out! We used to think Sverre Harrfedt was hair raising, but he had nothing on Christer!1 point
I thought that Pete Smith was vastly underrated...always a class act around Cowley. Remember Briggo saying that at Poole there was always a bump going into the third bend and somehow Pete was able to ride thru'/over it without any problems. A well deserved testimonial in 1977 (?)1 point
20 th September 1972 Bob, unbelievable Christer rode at number seven that night against Belle Vue he scored paid 14, from seven outings.The first occasion that i went to Poole was in 1974 v the classy Exeter side never forget it an exciting evening.Loved the racing the atmosphere and what a week's holiday that was a beautiful part of the country two nights speedway thrown in as well Poole and got back for the Abbey on a Saturday.1 point
Bob yes Smithy is up there with Barry Thomas as one of the most entertaining riders i see over the years.I loved clubs who pushed continuity through that reasoning give me a chance to see the likes of Hitch, Duke, Keen, over a long period. None of them superstars but they are our bread and butter riders of our sport your great club had Smith, Lewis, Middlo senior and son ) as great role models.1 point
Yes the reserves scurry was a real way of pushing a rider on it did work and as you said Oxford/ Swindon did it very well.Swindon, produced Holloway, Rossiter,Smart,( 3) Chessell, ( 2) Broadbank, Hewlett ( bless him never forget that tragic night he was making great strides in his young career (etc).1 point
Yes see quite a bit of Robert he did show promise remember seeing him ride once with a then trialling Steve Regelling.Steve unfortunately broke a leg but he went on to have a terrific career.Swindon at one time always had triallists remember Robert Henry,John Williams,Louis Carr all have numerous spins at the Abbey.That competition really helped in the development of Malcolm Holloway who came through in the Kevin Young, Kevin Pope, Richard Evans era.1 point
Always difficult for a son to follow in there dads footsteps Tony Briggs and Robert Craven come to mind.Chris Louis made a good job of it though a classy rider that period produced Screen, Havvy, Chris, Mark,.1 point
1 point
I like your idea,but i kind of disagree about the age group and social distancing.I do deliveries to many households now and the worst people for social distancing are the older generation.They always seem to want to get close and chat.1 point
Honestly You don't need to crawl off anywhere Biffa and it's now 9 month since I have seen anyone from the Speedway other than a few regulars and when I am at the Speedway I am prone to having several sherbits and speaking to a great many people so no neeď to take umbridge... the offer is genuine come and say hello and jog my memory it'salways easier to put a name to a face... and I can't remember arguing with anyone over Sponsorship especially with Mr Phillips as 1. I don't hold grudges and 2. Every conversation I had with Martin was instantly forgettable... but honestly I çant remember arguing with him and anyone else being in attendance and I'm not denying that it happened but the demon drink definely destroys the old memory cells so you have my sincere apologies because if you were arguing with MP you can't be all that bad... Well for a Mackum that is... Sorry couldn't help me self... Regards THJ1 point
Local police authorities must have saved an eye watering amount these last few months not having to police town centres and major sports events and the like. Its interesting how the media never seems to report this.1 point
I find it all nonsense about the delays between races in Poland, its no worse than here ,and is mostly due to their race formula ,riders getting 2 rides on the trot.Here there are more delays with reruns because the ref pulls the start back and even more with fence repairs after crashes which there are definitely more of per/ meeting In GB.1 point
You spot on by way! The sooner we move forward in all aspects of life and learn to live with Covid 19 the better. It never fully going away at present. It has taken over all our lives and sadly as on BBC Tv news this morning many other serious illnesses inc Cancer were often put on back burner. We heard this morning of someone passing away as treatment been on hold? We cannot put aside the lives of people lost to Covid and to the families of course but same with other losses with other disease/illness Sport is not a major issue when comparing illness but playing to empty stadiums simply has to come to end sooner than later dont you think? There just has to be way forward1 point
Track record broken 6 times in Wroclaw yesterday. Heat 1 Bjerre 60.78 heat 2 Chugunov 60.48 heat 4 Prem Pawlicki 60.45 heat 6 Chugunov 60.43 heat 10 Drabik 60.42 heat 11 Janowski 60.201 point
Links for tomorrow`s 2 N Sport matches( 3.30pm and 6.15pm) http://spedway.ucoz.lv/ http://www.maniak.tv/mk7 http://www.drhtv.com.pl/drhtv-4.html https://daddylive.live/channels/stream-75.php1 point
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I think that for a while Nielsen knew he was the best in the world and it got to him. He over-rode in a few finals and it cost him. He was even guilty of it when winning his first title and was lucky to get away with it. I think a GP would have enabled him to settle a but, although Gundersen might have been the master of the GP when they had the KO system instead of regular heats. It's weird to say it for a 4 time World Champion, but I think he under achieved. I've never seen a rider anywhere near as good a Nielsen. He should have been the undisputed greatest of all time.1 point