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You spot on by way! The sooner we move forward in all aspects of life and learn to live with Covid 19 the better. It never fully going away at present. It has taken over all our lives and sadly as on BBC Tv news this morning many other serious illnesses inc Cancer were often put on back burner. We heard this morning of someone passing away as treatment been on hold? We cannot put aside the lives of people lost to Covid and to the families of course but same with other losses with other disease/illness Sport is not a major issue when comparing illness but playing to empty stadiums simply has to come to end sooner than later dont you think? There just has to be way forward4 points
Exactly, but I'm happy to come out of my air raid shelter if there was somewhere I'd like to go, ie speedway, theatres - indoors, etc but as someone in a previous quote said "not if I have to wear a muzzle"3 points
I agree. But the government should never have imposed such a draconian lockdown. I can still see Bojo standing behind the lectern telling us we had all been very naughty and saying we had to hibernate. No proper plan, no proper thought. Sod the old folks in the old peoples homes, sod the economy, just take pressure off the NHS, at the cost of everything else! Shambles! And now they realise their mistake, but are having difficulty convincing many people, to come out of their air raid shelter!3 points
When you watch on Eleven sports it is very similar to watching the domestic UK racing we have followed on BT, and Sky before them.. ie rider Interviews, two presenters discussing incidents, replays of key points in previous races etc.. Therefore you hardly notice the length of the gap between races, even when you haven't a clue what they are saying half the time.. (I am talking about the Eleven Sports coverage not Nigel and Kelvin's) The gaps are very much appearing prolonged due to there being nothing but replay after replay of what you have just seen, (and the endless tweets being read out), sorry Dave... And as we have said Dave does a fair old job trying to fill the dead space whilst he waits for something to happen.. It is though a small price to pay for the coverage of the best league in the world, and you can always record and watch later, fast forwarding through, or do as I do, and make a brew.....2 points
I find it all nonsense about the delays between races in Poland, its no worse than here ,and is mostly due to their race formula ,riders getting 2 rides on the trot.Here there are more delays with reruns because the ref pulls the start back and even more with fence repairs after crashes which there are definitely more of per/ meeting In GB.2 points
Absolutely spot on! The government has made mistakes that generations after us will pay for. In times gone by most of us have seen recessions but not many living have seen a depression! What does it look like, maybe like a scene from mad max? More worryingly now the government has control of our lives they'll want to keep it that way!2 points
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Good, the absolute best news possible. The sooner people realise Covid-19 is no longer a thing the better. It might push the government into restoring some freedom to our lives. None of you have an issue with walking round a supermarket in January, in weeks where 3,000 people are dying from respiratory diseases (before Covid was even here).. but now there's only around 1300 dying from respiratory diseases (INCLUDING covid-19) and it's still panic stations. To put it simply, it's not Covid-19 you should be worried about NOW. Week ending 26th June, 1167 deaths with flu/pneumonia 606 with Covid-19. Covid figures have continued to fall since then. So if you were never worried about flu/pneumonia, you shouldn't have any concerns whatsoever now. Things may change again come the winter, but the reality is, that is how things stand.2 points
And I suspect your experience is fairly typical for many of the larger supermarkets (it certainly was for my wife and me during a recent visit to a branch of Morrisons). From what I've seen as a delivery driver, the small shops and their customers generally continue to observe the rules.2 points
All the new Virus rules must be a nightmare for venues to sort out, still if we can't watch speedway this year we can always go to Alton Towers, Legoland etc as theme parks are now open - does all this make sense - well it doesn't to me2 points
I think it all boils down to the same result.. And that bottom line result is (unpalatable as it may be for some), Speedway (in the UK) cannot support the number of pro riders it currently has.. The 'alternative source of income' should actually be the Speedway racing for many.. Many, many riders over the past years have adopted that philosophy and ended their speedway careers, whilst not millionaires, with a fair few quid to show for their on track endeavours, and still have a 'proper job' to carry on their lives with.. It really should be only those who want to reach World Class level that should invest tens and tens of thousands in the level of machinery needed to assist them in their quest.. And that is a wholly individual, not team, quest it should be pointed out.. Therefore they should be prepared to 'self fund' this quest for super stardom, rather than expect clubs to help subsidise their individual aims and aspirations, through unaffordable (and sometimes business risking), salary levels. For me, only if you are in the Top 50 or so in the world you should be a pro.. Anyone Heat Leader level in the top division of the UK (so will invariably DU), should consider being at that level, as well as those at Heat Leader level in Denmark.... And anyone in the top five in Swedens and Polands top divisions, and probably Heat Leader level in Poland Div 2, should be pro level.. Apart from that, then 'semi pro' has to be the way forward surely for everyone else until they organically grow to the next level through performance... And if all you are doing (without sounding disrespectful) is riding domestic Speedway in your own country at 'mid level and lower' then you really shouldn't be spending tens of thousands of pounds on kit which will then require a commensurate level of income to finance not only that, but your life outside Speedway..2 points
Honestly You don't need to crawl off anywhere Biffa and it's now 9 month since I have seen anyone from the Speedway other than a few regulars and when I am at the Speedway I am prone to having several sherbits and speaking to a great many people so no neeď to take umbridge... the offer is genuine come and say hello and jog my memory it'salways easier to put a name to a face... and I can't remember arguing with anyone over Sponsorship especially with Mr Phillips as 1. I don't hold grudges and 2. Every conversation I had with Martin was instantly forgettable... but honestly I çant remember arguing with him and anyone else being in attendance and I'm not denying that it happened but the demon drink definely destroys the old memory cells so you have my sincere apologies because if you were arguing with MP you can't be all that bad... Well for a Mackum that is... Sorry couldn't help me self... Regards THJ1 point
Funny thing is greyhound people say that the greyhound board should have taken over Brandon for their H.Q.1 point
Why 2 weeks time? This meetiing should have already happened and a plan to run should be on the governments table awaiting a green light. At this rate there will still be BSPA meetings in the autumn, then the season will start only to be postponed after lots of rain offs. The BSPA will then issue a statement staying they did all they could and "what more could they do?" I had heard at the end of April that the season would not go ahead this year due to certain promoters saying it was not viable due the rider availability and "full" crowds needed. Speedway doesn't have the most proactive of approaches to getting things sorted. Now is the time for someone to step up. Looks as though no speedway in 2020 will be the case.....1 point
2020 rules. The winner of the 2020 FIME Speedway European Championship will be directly qualified for the following years SGP Series. • Should a Rider who has qualified from the FIME Speedway European Championship also be in the top 6 of the Final Overall SGP Classification of that year, or the top 3 Riders from the FIM SGP World Championship Qualification Meetings (Art. 71a) then an extra additional rider will be nominated by the SGP Commission.1 point
Years ago when i parked the big red bus at the metro centre one of the security guards swore he wouldnt eat bacon as it was in mackum colours .1 point
Oh... Honestly and to be fair it's got nothing to do with being "outed" as most folk know who I am especially at Newcastle and Workington... and a few folk at other clubs too... so much so that I started to list them here but it got to quite a few so I didn't want to waste the ink (sic) (Oh and by the way Mal there is a "u" in the buy as to purchase)... so it's no big secret who I am that's for sure... and it's no skin off my nose who knows either I couldn't give a "flying fig" Furthermore you need to look up the definition of "tittle tattle" and it might be gossip... and especially for the benefit of a forum... but what I post can all be substantiated... however because of paranoia over keeping their identities secret, some of the sources can not be shared in respect of some people's wishes to remain anonymous... my aim is to debunk some of the "tittle tattle" that abounds this forum or at least try and generate some genuine debate... as for "exaggerated" you will have to give me an example and I will see if I can defend my comments... and if you want to know where the information is coming from all it takes is a PM and I am happy to share... I'm 100.percent behind this promotion and think that Rob Grant is a breath of fresh air... and unlike many I want him to succeed... I am pro Speedway first and foremost and want the sport to survive and I want it to survive in the North East/West... I was gutted when Worky folded and when it looked like Newcastle were going the same way my name was in the hat to buy the spot but I stepped aside when I heard Rob was going for it and apart from us two and possibly one other "tyre kicker" as I was led to believe there was no one else stepping into the breach.. however being of a different character and management style to previous promoters I would have been happy to engage on here so you would still get your 100 pages unfortunately... however if you dont like any of it dont read it... Finally as we stand near each other at Newcastle why don't you come and introduce yourself rather than hide behind a nom de plume and we can put a name to a face... you know who I am as you have stood or sat next to me at Newcastle Worky and Redcar apparently... and like a said in a previous post I'm not proud I'll even talk to a Mackum... Honest... Regards THJ1 point
True - it was just an idea - I then think it’s a big financial risk for any club to start the season with possibly many staying away -though could it have the opposite effect If it was to start In August 11months since last season ended could it get big crowds - who’d be a speedway promoter ? Difficult decisions lie ahead .1 point
THJ , you don’t like being ‘ outed ‘ but you’ve always been consistent over the years, never short of something to say even if it is somewhat ‘ exaggerated ‘. Standing near you season after season, even at Workington and Redcar has always been amusing but definitely not because of your ‘ jokes’. Still , this team forum would be one hundred pages shorter without your tittle tattle so keep it up.1 point
Great film of Middlesborough here. http://www.yorkshirefilmarchive.com/film/middlesbrough-speedway-1979-19811 point
Yes and if they delete from language in 2021 three words SOCIAL DISTANCE and LOCKDOWN! LOL1 point
Entirely agree with you. Also it's apparently one rule for all depending on whether you want to follow it or not. Was in a pub yesterday lunchtime, booked our table, had lunch and a drink while watching a group of 30 or so who had reserved all the tables in the conservatory for a party for a 3 year old, loads of kids running about, adults not socially distanced and obviously not from one family/bubble as the rules say and pub staff say nothing. Life has to go on but in a free country we should all be allowed to live it as we choose and not how we are told to live it. Yes the Virus is serious but everybody has their own problems as well, surely now life should be able to return to normal as long as we all take precautions for our own health (and in case anyone hasn't guessed by now yes I am pretty pissed off with the whole situation but I'm probably in the minority whose views don't count with the powers that be)1 point
You should try watching it on delay and FF all the delays... it's unwatchable live for me, life's too short to watch endless replays while waiting for the next race. Also, on another point, I hope Sheffield fans enjoyed watching "3 Lap Nicki", he's completely uninterested in anything other than winning in team matches, been like this for years1 point
At the risk of offending Belle Vue fans, from what I've seen of Dan Bewley so far, he's nothing special (yet!). Yes he can be amazing around Belle Vue, but I've seen him at many other tracks and he's never stood out as being anything special to me. He's been found out in Poland, compare him to Jaimon Lidsey, I think Dan needs to move away from Belle Vue to further his career, somewhere between Manchester and Poland.1 point
THAT decision is in the hands of the various governments not the FIM, BSI or PZM...1 point
Track record broken 6 times in Wroclaw yesterday. Heat 1 Bjerre 60.78 heat 2 Chugunov 60.48 heat 4 Prem Pawlicki 60.45 heat 6 Chugunov 60.43 heat 10 Drabik 60.42 heat 11 Janowski 60.201 point
Not stretching it at all. Just the thread went off in a little tangent and nothing wrong with that1 point
born in Wimbledon and lived Raynes Park, New Malden, and Chessington while i rode but despite going for a chat with Maido during my lunch breaks from work at Copper Mill Lane, i never fancied riding for Wimbledon, i knew too many people and that made me conscious of being under those lights. anyway, i had offers off Arena Essex & Canterbury in '86 and not Wimbledon, i didn't get on with Eddie James (Wimbledon Jrs manager) for some reason.1 point
why next year, what about now? never know, he might feel with how it's going in Poland he has to be 100% with that? or, he might be 'asked' not to ride by his Polish club good luck to him i say, he's proving to some of last season's doubters that he does have the talent1 point
I’m not knocking Dan,but he has had a nasty injury which obviously set him back ,but IMO opinion he has along way to go to get to Lamberts level ,age is certainly on his side ,but whether he has the full package to make it to the top, time will tell.I certainly wish him well.1 point
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He is a different beast this days i think . getting beat up in most 50/50s these days .1 point
Now looks like Woffinden is doing a few laps, but it look s dark... then again it's 21:15 local time.1 point
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Lambert has stepped up a level this season, has decent equipment and some who knows how to set it up by the looks of it.1 point
I think those promotors who have to pay rent for their track/stadium will not even come close to breaking even, so it'll be a massive gamble, and one I doubt many will be prepared to take.1 point
Most Speedways nowadays Rent stadiums so don't make anything from Catering so that's not an issue for them, but those who do own and make money from Catering can often rely on it to break even. Lack of Catering and the vexed issue of Toilets will be a problem for all Sports not in the least Speedway.1 point
If Eastbourne were staging a meeting tomorrow, I'd go. I'm convinced i could take the necessary precautions to keep myself and others safe. How many more would be prepared to do the same. Promoters must be thinking, if they do get the green light, will it be financially viable for them to run.1 point
Frankly I wish bosses would come to terms with No Speedway and concentrate on next year. Seems to me even if we started it would be nothing like we had anticipated due to probs with personel l1 point
My copy is usually inside the newspaper I get. I thought it looked a little odd when I flicked through it. I read it properly throughout the week. The 'oddness' I detected gained my attention for, what, almost 5 whole seconds then never gave it another thought till coming on here just now.1 point
I agree completely. If the changes make the magazine sustainable then I'm all for it. The content remains key and is excellent this week as ever.1 point
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Coventry fans please spread the word. Barry Bishop’s Virtual Skid project next airs on Thursday 16 July and features the Bees going wheel to wheel against the Cradley Heathens from the 90’s. Each Heat is sponsored (as are the team managers Garry Stead and Adam Roynon). The Speedway Riders Benevolent Fund will be the sponsorship recipients. Additional donations are being taken. Don’t forget the SRBF text line is now open for you to be able to donate £5 - its quick and easy and you will be supporting a great cause. Text SRBF to 70085 or SRBFNOINFO to 70085 if you do not want any marketing updates. Here is the legal bit.... Text SRBF to 70085 to donate £5 Texts cost £5 plus one standard rate message and you’ll be opting in to hear more about our work and fundraising via telephone and SMS. If you’d like to give £5 but do not wish to receive marketing communications, text SRBFNOINFO to 70085. If you haven’t tried Virtual Skid yet, search Speedway Portal and follow the links to one of the five meetings that have already been screened.1 point
We will have to live alongside this virus for a good wee while, the economy gets boosted by leisure arenas opening, unless you want every sporting venue to lock its doors and never return you better hope things get back to normality sooner rather than later. Even the more moderate prem lge football teams cant make it pay with no fans going thru the turnstiles. im not the one being stupid1 point
Its in white on blue at the lower part of the web site. A lot more supporting info as well. Fair play to CVS looks to be an honest assessment of the situation.1 point
This is certainly a matter of communication rather than a failure to issue refunds, no club should be obliged to do that until the season is officially cancelled and as things stand that isn’t the case despite what various know alls may say on forums and social media. Very possible that a shortened season might take place this year. However it wouldn’t have been hard for the BSPA to come up with a generic response for clubs to reply to enquiries with in relation to season ticket monies and people would feel a bit more informed and valued. Sadly communication and customer care has generally been poor for years as far as British Speedway is concerned.1 point
Very good article in the Star by Ove. He omits the contribution of Norwich team mechanic Les Mullins who looked after the Norwich “track spare” that Ove rode with great success. Highlights the issue of too much money being invested in equipment by riders at all levels ... how any young lad can afford to start in UK speedway even at NL level beats me. The beginning of riders treating the sport as a business began with the late Ivan Mauger, with bikes mechanics and equipment scattered all over Europe. Many others followed his “professional” approach. Maybe now is the time to look at introducing rules to reduce riders costs of participating in the sport. .1 point
I voted for Floppy, may not have been the 'best' rider ever to ride for Eastie, but was the all time leading points scorer and I can't remember any rider who gave more to the club in every aspect including his humour. He rode on many occasions when he really shouldn't have, long term concussion and dreadful burns to his arm are 2 that come to mind , but never wanting to quit or let the club down, to the detriment to his own health. Don't see many of his like now, be nice to see him at the club when we eventually go back.1 point
A typical THJ response, I expected no less. If you can’t remember me speaking to you umpteen times that’s fine, the last argument we had was with Mr.Phillips about certain goings on regarding alleged ‘ sponsorship ‘, But I am instantly forgettable and , unlike you, quite happy to be so. You have never liked being told your wrong but , as Ive already said, your consistent so crack on lad as you do like to be the centre of attention and we all know you “don’t give a flying fig.“ Before you say it...I will crawl back in my hole ....until the next time,.....hopefully on the terraces.0 points