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6 points
Well well well Fame at last... looks like I have had a good posting (or is it pasting) being mentioned no less by name on the Newcastle track staff facebook forum page.... Stating that I knew all about the speedway allegedly losing Sunday racing.... Well the truth can always come out if anyone wants a PM... I did offer... but it would be best if the main protagonists (plural) remain anonymous... and there is no value in me going public... Now I was as pleased as anyone with the club announcement but ya talk about cracking a walnut with a sledgehammer.... well I say that but it was more like a Road Runner cartoon sketch with a one ton weight dropping from a great height onto a peanut... wow... The whole idea of getting the situation out there was to generate debate after all this is first and foremost a debating forum FFS... isn't it? I will stand corrected if I am wrong... So to see how strong people felt with regards to moving away from our historical and spiritual home and what other options were available the information was opened up to the masses on the forum ... the same masses who.usually scream "We want knowledge" "We need to know what is going on" then when the information is made public the whole world caves in... 1. If it had of happened the cry would have been why weren't we told anything... whaaaa... 2. No publicity is bad publicity... keep the club name out there at every opportunity... keep the debate moving... don't try the big brother routine to stifle the debate... just because the place is being talked about that doesn't have to mean it's a bad thing... 3. There was a comment about not getting volunteers to do various jobs... has anyone asked? By that I mean a formal approach (to anyone) not a general WIM on here... WIM "woe is me" I/we can't get anyone to do anything... here's a suggestion... get out of the cliques as that is what ultimately destroyed the previous promotions over the last 10 years... Baby-arsed grudge bearing chip on the shoulder in fighting suck holing attitudes don't wash with me I'm afraid... 4. I'm happy to help, anything from electrical assistance as an electrical engineer, first aider, turnstile attendant to selling programmes or raffle tickets, running a beer tent, or food stall, or track shop, Starting Marshall (only if ya off Phil) to shovelling shale or washing/brushing the air fence between races, pushing bikes off to waving a red flag on the centre green if we are ever short of one of them. I'm not proud. 5. Furthermore I am happy for the club to use my company suppliers for materials if that saves them money and I am happy to put money into the club in the form of sponsorship.... Ask FFS you can only be told no... to proud to ask or frightened of rejection? By the way my cash went in way back in February before Lock Down and I ain't been on here bitchin for it back unlike some others moaning about clarty season ticket money... however that may be reviewed... because the more the fat lad gets poked the more annoyed he gets... I want the place to thrive and I am happy to put my money where my mouth is and I am happy to support the promotion in anyway shape or form that I can and it won't be by bitching and back biting at what they are trying to achieve that's for sure... However what I will add... all you will get is the truth (unless I am taking the Mickey but you will know when that happens) at no time will I pee up your leg and try and tell you it's raining... So if any Facebook fannies or warriors want to assume what I am thinking or trying to second guess what I know or what I have been told... why not get in touch first and I will give it to you first hand.... after all you all know who I am... Regards John...6 points
Sadly I think a great many around the globe will not get the chance to get their salaries reduced as they will lose their salary completely... Many companies who were already under pressure will take this opportunity to restructure, and change terms and conditions, whilst blaming Covid 19.. With some of those losing, or getting reduced income, being fans of the sport, which can only mean less revenue as 'recession' bites.. I think the most telling line is the one around how much riders pay out getting ready for the season, and it truly is a staggering amount given they get watched performing on their expensive equipment, in many places, by just a few hundred people every week.. It really is a vicious circle that needs to be broken as everyone, it appears, make nothing like the money they should (and deserve), for what they do. Unless, of course, Poland comes knocking and you become an elite rider, with the salary and individual sponsorship that reflects your position in the high profile sport that Speedway is over there.. Unfortunately, over here we do seem to have a continual race to the bottom, where everyone pays out fortunes, whilst clubs close as they can't make ends meet.. You have to feel for the riders, and the vast majority of fans do genuinely appreciate and admire what they do, but sadly, if the money isn't there to pay them they can't have it.. Just like many millions of others will unfortunately find out the same. .4 points
I think it all boils down to the same result.. And that bottom line result is (unpalatable as it may be for some), Speedway (in the UK) cannot support the number of pro riders it currently has.. The 'alternative source of income' should actually be the Speedway racing for many.. Many, many riders over the past years have adopted that philosophy and ended their speedway careers, whilst not millionaires, with a fair few quid to show for their on track endeavours, and still have a 'proper job' to carry on their lives with.. It really should be only those who want to reach World Class level that should invest tens and tens of thousands in the level of machinery needed to assist them in their quest.. And that is a wholly individual, not team, quest it should be pointed out.. Therefore they should be prepared to 'self fund' this quest for super stardom, rather than expect clubs to help subsidise their individual aims and aspirations, through unaffordable (and sometimes business risking), salary levels. For me, only if you are in the Top 50 or so in the world you should be a pro.. Anyone Heat Leader level in the top division of the UK (so will invariably DU), should consider being at that level, as well as those at Heat Leader level in Denmark.... And anyone in the top five in Swedens and Polands top divisions, and probably Heat Leader level in Poland Div 2, should be pro level.. Apart from that, then 'semi pro' has to be the way forward surely for everyone else until they organically grow to the next level through performance... And if all you are doing (without sounding disrespectful) is riding domestic Speedway in your own country at 'mid level and lower' then you really shouldn't be spending tens of thousands of pounds on kit which will then require a commensurate level of income to finance not only that, but your life outside Speedway..3 points
We move on to Sunday- don`t forget the 2 live E Winner div 1 matches on tomorrow( see separate thread) Sunday July 12th Czestochowa v Lublin programme start time 3pm 1st race 3.30pm N Sport and Premier Sport 2(3.30pm) Sunday July 12th Zielona Gora v Gorzow programme start time 5.45pm 1st race 6.15pm N Sport and Premier Sport 1 ( delayed ) 12.45am Monday 13th Racecard Czestochowa v lublin pages 4 and 5 https://documentcloud.adobe.com/link/track?uri=urn:aaid:scds:US:ed462ba8-6c7b-4753-8571-df974d41c6ce Racecard Zielona Gora v Gorzow page 21 https://documentcloud.adobe.com/link/track?uri=urn:aaid:scds:US:d9569422-c8fb-4121-93c4-93af9d77615b Links http://spedway.ucoz.lv/ http://www.drhtv.com.pl/drhtv-2.html https://daddylive.live/channels/stream-75.php2 points
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Lambert too knew where Sayfutdinov was in ht 1 and 15.Was that 2-1 to Lambert Really hoping to see some action here in the UK so i can watch the return to form of Lambert around the NA.2 points
I think those promotors who have to pay rent for their track/stadium will not even come close to breaking even, so it'll be a massive gamble, and one I doubt many will be prepared to take.2 points
Frankly I wish bosses would come to terms with No Speedway and concentrate on next year. Seems to me even if we started it would be nothing like we had anticipated due to probs with personel l2 points
Oh well there ya go that was worth listening to eh... looks like my mates mate who works down the chippy was spot on with that rumour then eh... It's good to talk like eh... so to all those debators' out there keep on mass debating... You know it makes sense... Regards THJ2 points
2 points
I wasn’t serious, I know a lot of riders who’ve spent (tens of) thousands getting ready for the season. Who’ve had to seek work in an already hard situation and are now being told by the online experts “well, you’ll just have to stop being greedy and take less money” I wonder if the same experts will be just as cool when their boss says they have to take a pay cut. ?2 points
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No a good first / second bend saw him through. He can read a race once He s in front not many get past him ,I just wish he could be more consistent from the start in my opinion1 point
Live on prime time Polish TV. Advertising commercial breaks etc come into play.1 point
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When will you realise Keir Fan is only on here for a wind up. I find it funny but you must not take the bait.1 point
I've watched it all too. Against the top riders Tai has been slower than most. He'll regularly outgate lesser riders.1 point
Very grippy track. Not Wroclaws fault but might not be that much passing as they go so fast.1 point
A fair chunk of Zloty's may have helped him sway hs decison, I would suggest1 point
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And I suspect your experience is fairly typical for many of the larger supermarkets (it certainly was for my wife and me during a recent visit to a branch of Morrisons). From what I've seen as a delivery driver, the small shops and their customers generally continue to observe the rules.1 point
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Tony hall a Scotsman, rode for Poole, Weymouth,Eastbourne and Rayleigh,he did ride for a short handed Berwick at Weymouth in aug 68.1 point
I stopped reading when I got to the second "No Spectators". No Spectators = No Speedway. Looks like we have to wait for transition from Stage 3 to Stage 4, whenever that may be?1 point
You're probably at more risk of being hit in the face with shale than getting Covid19, so perhaps those full face visors should be mandatory... 2 birds, 1 stone1 point
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I'm at the vulnerable age but my thinking is "lots of things in life are a risk, none of us (young or old) know what's round the corner, enjoy life while you can". I have spoken with relatives who are only in their late 30s who are frightened to go shopping etc, that's no way to live I intend to make the most of whatever time I have left, I'll be as sensible as possible but I will not shut myself away.1 point
I don't foresee that as a major issue - Paramedics are readily available privately and most A&E's are less stretched than they have been for some time. Viable numbers of supporters being allowed through the gate is going to be the biggest challenge still - which is why I think it will be the stadiums which are promoter owned that will stage the first set of meetings.1 point
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Honestly You're not wrong... Classic comedy with Lee Evans playing you know who... Regards THJ1 point
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Coventry fans please spread the word. Barry Bishop’s Virtual Skid project next airs on Thursday 16 July and features the Bees going wheel to wheel against the Cradley Heathens from the 90’s. Each Heat is sponsored (as are the team managers Garry Stead and Adam Roynon). The Speedway Riders Benevolent Fund will be the sponsorship recipients. Additional donations are being taken. Don’t forget the SRBF text line is now open for you to be able to donate £5 - its quick and easy and you will be supporting a great cause. Text SRBF to 70085 or SRBFNOINFO to 70085 if you do not want any marketing updates. Here is the legal bit.... Text SRBF to 70085 to donate £5 Texts cost £5 plus one standard rate message and you’ll be opting in to hear more about our work and fundraising via telephone and SMS. If you’d like to give £5 but do not wish to receive marketing communications, text SRBFNOINFO to 70085. If you haven’t tried Virtual Skid yet, search Speedway Portal and follow the links to one of the five meetings that have already been screened.1 point
If riders have to take less because “ that’s how it is”. Does that mean that entry prices can increase too for the same reason ?1 point
I thought the same. It’s been a number of years since I watched a meeting from there but tonight’s shows it hasn’t lost any of its magic. What a track1 point
Yes I thought that it's a very good concept and both Spencer Timmor & Lee Kilby really got into the swing of the thing. I hope that a return leg can be arranged...I'd look forward to it. Well done to everyone involved!1 point
ITV showed every major event for years when England were having success and I dont think it was coincidence that this was a boom time for the sport. Virtually every fortnight there was a meeting beamed into literally millions of homes. Riders were household names, standing alongside the most famous sportsmen of the day... As a kid growing up in the 70"s, weekly magazines like 'Tiger' and their annuals, had full pages dedicated to the likes of Peter Collins, with posters and interviews.. When PC won the World Title in 76, the Sunday Mirror (for one) ran the story on their back page sharing the lead headlines with the football.. In fact, as an 8 year old kid, I remember being in Rhyl on a day out the day later, where outside one of the newsagents was one of those 'A frame' boards advertising certain papers and "PC lands World Title" was the message on it..(Things you remember as a kid).. But that very advertising board showed (just by being there), the awareness level of the sport in the nation at that time, and would have been replicated all over the country in front of newsagents premises that morning as it was the lead corporate advertising from that newspaper.. However, when any domestic team won their league, hardly any coverage was given to it nationally, and I can guarantee that many of those who attended domestic speedway in those days did so because of the national team's success, and subsequent major coverage in both written and visual media. In fact, I know we had the race fixing scandal which would have had some impact but, for me, the stranglehold of the Danes and the Yanks in the 80's did the most damage to the sport in the UK, as no longer was there a 'success story' to be shown on TV or written about in the Newspapers, hence their coverage reduced massively.. And when World Of Sport went, ITV obviously didnt see any mileage in keeping showing Speedway as a 'stand alone' sport nationally like they did with others.. As I said before, the media love a national success story, (its good for viewing and readership numbers), and both rugby and cricket realised this and radically changed their focus to ensuring their national teams became successful. Because they realised that it didnt matter how many times the likes of Leicester or Saracens won their rugby titles, or Middelsex or Essex were County Champs in cricket, it would only deliver 'local coverage' in a major way, and that it was only by having success globally as a national team that their domestic leagues would benefit from that 'feel good' factor.. This blueprint has subsequently been attempted to be followed by Basketball and Ice Hockey who have both tried to increase the number of 'genuine not flag of convenience' UK participants to try and improve their national teams standing, in the hope more coverage and money comes their way, which can then filter down into the domestic game.. Speedway wont become successful again whilst promotions all do their own separate things in splendid isolation, all trying to out do each other in trying to win competitions hardly anyone cares about.. However. Win the SWC three years on the bounce, and have three or four riders in the top 10 in the World for 10 years or so, and I can guarantee domestic Speedway would benefit..1 point
Almost as good as the real thing, some great racing and legends. The return leg should be a cracker. Thanks to everyone involved in putting this together. For those who have not watched it give it a try. You become engrossed and feel part of it. Looking forward to the next meeting. This could be a good winter filler as well.1 point
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The country will soon be back in lockdown restrictions within a few weeks as the ignorant sun chasing beach visitors and now the football fans keep ignoring the advice and turning up on mass with little social distancing it will have a knock on effect for any form of motorsport that will be judged on peoples actions elsewhere.1 point
I am a UD Almería season ticket holder and we still have 6 home games to be played! Will these games be played? If not will I get a refund? Who cares? People are dying, people are very ill......there are far too many serious matters to address, rather than speculating about refunds!1 point