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  1. If muzzles are compulsory, i'm not going...
    3 points
  2. From 1hr 50 mins (ish) https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/p08hrls9
    2 points
  3. I'm at the vulnerable age but my thinking is "lots of things in life are a risk, none of us (young or old) know what's round the corner, enjoy life while you can". I have spoken with relatives who are only in their late 30s who are frightened to go shopping etc, that's no way to live I intend to make the most of whatever time I have left, I'll be as sensible as possible but I will not shut myself away.
    2 points
  4. Think there's a short film to be made somewhere there .
    2 points
  5. Honestly He never had any demons Mal... if he's got them; then we have them in spades... when he told me the craic I was in tears laughing... bottom line was he was on "strong painkillers" and during lock-down he thought it would be a good idea to try a bit of the Scottish tipple; you know just to break the boredom... and unfortunately forgetting about the pills he was on! well the Rye and tablet mixture got him very (very) (very) drunk; and in this "Crissed as a Picket" state or "nissed as a pewt" (take your pick on terms) (https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Crissed as a picket) it was in this "Kaylied" state that he had the good idea to go for a jog (as you do); and because it was a warm night he thought he would take his kit off and put on his running gear; now this is where it got interesting; because although he thought he had put on his jogging kit he was in fact bollock naked; Now.... although most the neighbours saw the funny side of this (well all except one who chased him and threatened to cut his toggle off with a wooden sword) with one of the seven dwarfs running round as nature intended (Hairy Dwarf!!!! he didn't make the final cut for the film) the local constabulary were not impressed in the slightest so after a five mile run (told you he was looking fit) around the local manor they finally caught up with him and gave him bed and breakfast. Normally that's where the story would end but in disbelief our little hirsute friend said he didn't believe what had happened as he had no recollection of what he had done; so he thought it would be a good idea to repeat the experiment and lo and behold the same thing happened again... and off went hairy dwarf full of pills and whisky for a long jog round the Broomfield area and the local paper said when he went missing he was wearing grey/blue shorts and a black cycling top. Well that may have been what he went out in but in no time at all he was in back his birthday suit as nature intended and he was off running again; Only thing was he went further this time and it was some "considerable" time before the local plods caught up with him; again they were not impressed and gave him B&B status at the local police station. Once again "Wor Chris" who was now wondering why the local law enforcement agency were picking on him for going jogging... just couldn't understand for the life of him what the hell was going on and why he was getting lost on his jogging exploits and ending up in the local police station wearing clothes from the lost property box... and when it was explained to him what he was doing... well... he just wouldn't have it; no; not me he said; you are just making it up; I am out jogging and getting lost and coming in here for directions and you are locking me up for breaking lock-down... I will look into this... said our hero... So they gave him a ride home in one of their taxis with a blue light on the top and said enough is enough... Again any normal drunk would have believed what they were being told; but did our hero... not on your life... tenacious laal bollock if nothing else... where's that Scotch... I can drink me.... its never done this to me before said Plonky McPlonk Face definitely not appreciating that the pills were interacting wildly with the drink... So "Our Man Flint" the "Man of Steel" has a third go at this bottle of Scotch (now to be fair Mal I have drank with Chris in the past and his JD used to be 9/10ths Diet Coke; that's how lightweight he is; and as a southern softy it was usually a lager top with again a large pull on the lemonade) but fair play he was giving it a go for the third night running and KaPow... the concoction kicks in and "Gypsy Rose Lee Schramm" starts his usual escapade... strips down to his birthday suit and away... Yehaw... he is off running again; now this is where the plot thickens... the local plods turn up in numbers knowing where to find our man and shout at him; he turns and sees what is going on; he immediately stops running and calmly walks up to the policemen holding out his wrists for the fitting of the manacles... our friendly PC's say "what's up lad did you not fancy the chase tonight" and he said "Yes no problem I could out run you "Fat B's" no problem but when I seen those two Alsatians I thought better of it"... (coming to his senses I would say) So this is the third night running that our hero as "cocked a snoot" at the long arm of the law but as ever they got the last laugh... because they dragged a Doctor in and told the Doc what had happened the previous two nights and the Doctor sectioned him... (Oops) so he had to sit and explain to all and sundry for the next four days/three nights what had gone on... and of course the concoction he had in his system was well and truly washed through... Once they got to the bottom of what had actually went on they changed his Med's... and now would you believe it... Chris is tea total (Haha)... So Demon's nah.... Thick... Well... you make your mind up... but he's not the first to get ratted and do something stupid now is he; (how many times have you pooped your pants being seven shades to the wind? Honest now) and running round in the buff certainly doesn't make him a bad person in my book... In fact ask me old pal Cookie... But me Granny had a saying "Thick as mince in a bottle" and in this instance I think the cap definitely fits... But to be totally honest when he was telling me the story and doing all the actions in here the other day I'm sure a bit pee come out I was laughing so much. The rest of the office thought we were having a party and they were laughing at me laughing not knowing what the hell was going on... Funny funny funny... and what it is all about for me... good craic and being able to have a good laugh... (and for most folk having a few beers... But not for Chris because he is a very Naughty Boy who nearly had his Nachos ripped off by two Alsatians and is now tea total)... Happy days... I suppose the moral of the story is "No matter how bored you get try not to mix pills and Whisky" its like a dwarf with learning difficulties "its not big and its not clever" Regards THJ
    2 points
  6. Robert about them again.Big push this season
    2 points
  7. Jack Parker was born in Birmingham but never rode for them.
    2 points
  8. Sam says Laguta and Emil have an arrangement. Emil then passes Laguta. Someone yank him off the TV. He is so bad.
    2 points
  9. Has the director and camera man seen speedway before ??
    2 points
  10. No chance will Poland go down the route of UK with regards to guests.. Too much of a tribal emotional following to accept any of their riders representing any other team on an ad hoc basis.. Such is the depth of feeling, a few years ago, ZG fans were initially not happy to accept Darcy Ward as their own rider after coming from Torun, they even had very 'unfriendly' banners to 'welcome him', such was their dislike for him when he represented Torun.. Sponsors too wouldn't allow it. Imagine Woffy top scoring for another team and costing Betard their chance to be a sponsor of a play off team because Wroclaw didn't make it? They wouldn't touch the sport again with a barge pole.. The media also wouldnt allow it, far too much detailed coverage of the sport to try and pass off something as Mickey Mouse as Woffy, for example, being shared around the league.. And finally the governing body wouldn't allow it as it completely devalues their (currently) very important, and financially rewarding sporting competition. And no doubt at the same time blowing their own sponsorship of the leagues themselves by national companies, who wouldnt want to align themselves with something so contrived..
    2 points
  11. Loads of websites show Polish meetings- if i were you i would start at page 1 of this thread to see what info is given( mainly by me )
    2 points
  12. While they haven’t broken a rule,they don’t need holder other than to make them stronger not because of quarantine rules of which is why the rule is there, this is just typical of speedway, they are the Poole of poland
    2 points
  13. Did you spill any on her whilst drinking said whisky over her.
    1 point
  14. Good item in this weeks star featuring the Branney brothers .
    1 point
  15. If I can watch an outdoor arts performance whilst socially distanced (Glyndebourne) then surely I can watch speedway.
    1 point
  16. Take an umbrella or waterproofs!
    1 point
  17. I once drank a small bottle of whisky over a girl years ago , i remember sitting on the toilet and standing over the sink for hours, never again still her loss all the best to chris an ex comet to remember.
    1 point
  18. You're probably right, chunky. I maybe looking at this too much through the eyes of a New Cross supporter. Cyril and Bert were the mainstay of New Cross from 1950-1953, along with Eric French, with Bert topping the averages once and heading Cyril on another occasion. Bob was just a second string, but then he was quite a bit younger. Bert also captained the England Test team for a while.
    1 point
  19. I WENT two weeks not getting mine through the mail until Monday ... this week's arrived this morning!
    1 point
  20. I wasn’t serious, I know a lot of riders who’ve spent (tens of) thousands getting ready for the season. Who’ve had to seek work in an already hard situation and are now being told by the online experts “well, you’ll just have to stop being greedy and take less money” I wonder if the same experts will be just as cool when their boss says they have to take a pay cut. ?
    1 point
  21. Rules for recreational cricket limit the total number of people involved in each match to 30 maximum - with all sorts of rules to keep players distanced. So no crowds of spectators allowed which is still the issue that will stop UK speedway running again thisseason.
    1 point
  22. So theoretically, that means speedway can start doesn't it? It doesn't mention anything about supporters, but cant people using an indoor gym be classed as supporters?
    1 point
  23. I noticed that also... It wasn't so much that Maido didn't want him that upset Jim, but the way he did it (including the late notice).
    1 point
  24. I take it that the current view is that there won't be a new Cardiff-esque stadium being built in Swindon?
    1 point
  25. Ross Gilbertson was born in a place called Ayton about 8 miles from Berwick
    1 point
  26. PAPER is different. We actually didn't expect it this week. Obviously the past four months have had a devastating effect on sales of SS through newsagents, supermarkets, etc. And savings had to be made on top of furloughing some production staff. Our printers offered us a slightly thinner and cheaper paper that would also help with postage and freight charges. We were assured that it would not have a detrimental effect on the appearance of the content (pictures, etc) and I don't think it does. We plan to review the situation again later in the year when, hopefully, there will have been a pic k up in retail sales with people more able to get out and about to shops, etc.
    1 point
  27. Let's hope his demons have gone now
    1 point
  28. Coventry fans please spread the word. Barry Bishop’s Virtual Skid project next airs on Thursday 16 July and features the Bees going wheel to wheel against the Cradley Heathens from the 90’s. Each Heat is sponsored (as are the team managers Garry Stead and Adam Roynon). The Speedway Riders Benevolent Fund will be the sponsorship recipients. Additional donations are being taken. Don’t forget the SRBF text line is now open for you to be able to donate £5 - its quick and easy and you will be supporting a great cause. Text SRBF to 70085 or SRBFNOINFO to 70085 if you do not want any marketing updates. Here is the legal bit.... Text SRBF to 70085 to donate £5 Texts cost £5 plus one standard rate message and you’ll be opting in to hear more about our work and fundraising via telephone and SMS. If you’d like to give £5 but do not wish to receive marketing communications, text SRBFNOINFO to 70085.  If you haven’t tried Virtual Skid yet, search Speedway Portal and follow the links to one of the five meetings that have already been screened.
    1 point
  29. Cradley fans please spread the word. Barry Bishop’s Virtual Skid project next airs on Thursday 16 July and features the Heathens going wheel to wheel against the Coventry Bees from the 90’s. Each Heat is sponsored (as are the team managers Garry Stead and Adam Roynon). The Speedway Riders Benevolent Fund will be the sponsorship recipients. Additional donations are being taken. Don’t forget the SRBF text line is now open for you to be able to donate £5 - its quick and easy and you will be supporting a great cause. Text SRBF to 70085 or SRBFNOINFO to 70085 if you do not want any marketing updates. Here is the legal bit.... Text SRBF to 70085 to donate £5 Texts cost £5 plus one standard rate message and you’ll be opting in to hear more about our work and fundraising via telephone and SMS. If you’d like to give £5 but do not wish to receive marketing communications, text SRBFNOINFO to 70085. If you haven’t tried Virtual Skid yet, search Speedway Portal and follow the links to one of the five meetings that have already been screened.
    1 point
  30. If riders have to take less because “ that’s how it is”. Does that mean that entry prices can increase too for the same reason ?
    1 point
  31. No worries, glad it helped. I should have mentioned you need to decline the first offer of £5.99.
    1 point
  32. Can't see how they can justify a round at Wroclaw when they've just cancelled the original event.
    1 point
  33. Nice article on the Extraleague website from a journalist`s experience of the current norm for attending matches- Google translation. Nobody predicted that for the next match in Wroclaw, with the audience, after the first final meeting, there would be 295 days to wait. After such a break, a visit to the Olympic Stadium was coveted and unique, a bit like coming home after a long journey. As is often the case after a long absence, but now mainly due to the specificity of the situation, we have faced major changes. We all know the circumstances we are currently facing. Going to the first match this season with the audience in the stands in Wroclaw, I felt a bit like "Alice on the other side of the mirror". In this case, it can be understood either as a TV screen or just (slightly) a different reality. At first glance, almost everything was supposed to be different than it used to be. From the process and method of granting accreditation, to their receipt, principles of media work and organization of competitions. Before the meeting, you had to familiarize yourself with the logistic information received from the club. Slight uncertainty mixed with excitement, comparable to that felt during the first matches in life. After arriving at the place, despite the almost hour to the start of the meeting, at the Olympic Stadium you could meet a large group of slag fans dressed mainly in yellow and red colors. However, instead of a quick visit to the machine park and "photorelation" to social media, you could at most take photos of those loyal fans heading towards the stadium gates open for them. Ticket offices have been turned into a badge collection point and media service. It was possible to collect the coveted accreditation there (with more than usual, crossed out zones accessible to the media / photo) and the entry band - they will become a souvenir and symbol of these specific times. Before entering the MEDIA and PHOTO zones, mandatory hand disinfection and you could confidently continue your journey. It was at the same time a good opportunity to explore new nooks of the Olympic Stadium, in a way getting to know it from a new, interesting side, as the transition to a separate zone was moved to a completely different place. Apart from the initial uncertainty as to the correctness of the chosen direction, by using the "end of language for the guide" principle, we managed to reach the desired goal in the form of the MEDIA sector. Wild animals also seemed somewhat surprised by the return of people to the stadium. The foxes wandering around the "U" sector became an unexpected guest. Frightened, he hid nearby, under one of the watering cans, later he was also seen on the safety belt. It is possible that the hosts have acquired a new mascot or fan. Although it has long been in "our sector" so much space and you could feel almost like a VIP, also due to distributed bottles of water and "spreads" of the match, but it was impossible to resist the impression that it is not the same. In our ambassador duo we have always tried to "ride on steam". One took strategic places, the other took care of drinks. Comfort in the form of a larger personal space does not compensate for the lack of support or the possibility of match analyzes with "colleagues". Together with the other representatives of the media, together, so that it was much easier to "endure" in the masks worn throughout the meeting. However, compared to competitors who must comply with even more restrictions in the machine park, this is no "sacrifice." As for the course of the meeting were well-known, unchanging points of the program, such as track test. The leaders of the hosts were the first to enter, who could greet their audience at least in this way. Captain Maciej Janowski and Tai Woffinden were warmly welcomed by everyone. Guests were also enthusiastically received by Piotr Protasiewicz and Antonio Lindbaeck. All four of them repaid for a beautiful fight on the track during the whole match. There was no presentation, but only in the old edition. A virtual screen was displayed on the big screen, with the announcement of Jacek Dreczka. The starting numbers and the individual hiding below them were shown, waving to us from the screen. BETARD Sparty Wrocław players. There was an ovation, like the old one. So that they hear that they are no longer alone, and the whole meeting will go with us - the fans. Then the guest team was presented in a similar way. Thus, despite arriving early at the stadium, the hour of waiting passed extremely quickly and pleasantly. Looking around you could see the faces of both older and very young fans with masks on, maintaining social distance, without unnecessary equipment. In this picture, with the passing of subsequent races, there was more and more no sight of the expression of joy or light occupation on the faces. Also, one could wait in vain for the smell of burnt oil to permeate. However, being able to experience emotions again live, closer to others, is an incomparably greater experience than watching even the best broadcast on TV. Among the Spartan fans, visitors here and there are not as usual and not in such a number of guests in the grandstand (according to the rules excluded from availability), but among the locals. All as one big family, without unnecessary resentment and dissatisfaction. Everyone knew, thanks to the announcer, systematically reminiscent of the rules, that by obeying them somewhat "we are fighting" for more and more of us to be able to sit in the stands in the near future. The stadium seems to be filled to the maximum, of course in the prescribed number of 25%. For which he praised the Wrocław audience, during one of the breaks co-commenting on this meeting on nSport + Krzysztof Cegielski. You can be impressed with Wroclaw enthusiasm. Despite the inconvenience and fewer numbers, doping continued. As strong and honest as the one we remembered from the previous season. A bit like an orchestra on the Titanic from the song Lady Pank. Although in not so dramatic circumstances. It was famous: "the other side responds", "W! T! S! " full of joy, after 5: 1, "Ole! Ole! We will not give up! ", And even trying to organize the Mexican wave. Currently, the situation has not allowed for organizing competitions for the public or buying gadgets or competition programs at the stands. It all reminded us from time to time that it was different. However, as a matter of fact, these are just additions to the main attraction, which is racing itself at every speedway match, and this meeting was not lacking in it. Thus, the decisive 15th race was watched, according to tradition, standing and hotly cheering the best players of the match. I am sure that everyone who decided to be on that day, regardless of their role at this meeting, did not regret their decision. Although there was no crowning victory in the form of a local team, but thirsty for experience, everyone enjoyed the match and it was special. After such an even and awaited match, one would like to run to the machine park. Some ask about the reasons for the weaker disposition or impressions after the debut, others congratulate the great attitude. For now, however, you need to be sent by the club and the comments of speedway riders from television. However, it is worth appreciating that they are, because if we had to face a similar situation several years earlier, there probably would not be such opportunities. This is a new situation for both supporters, organizers and the media. With each subsequent match it will be easier and "normal". We have to get used to all the news for the moment. When deciding to participate in the match, everyone knew the rules. What is the most optimistic, however, is that even a sanitary regime will not destroy the unique atmosphere. Whatever it would be, it certainly was different than usual, but is it worse? I leave it for each individual to assess. Personally, I didn't get that impression. What was possible, made available and allowed to the participants of the match. Despite initial concerns about possible "strangeness", a kind of artificiality forced by various regulations, as a result, all this became of little importance. It was forgotten, thanks to the attitude of the supporters in the stands as well as the competitors on the track. For all of them, a big round of applause! Based on the assumption that in every situation it is worth finding positive, I can see many of them. Paradoxically, it allows some to appreciate even more the opportunity to participate in competitions and pursue their passions. Pandemic forces us to adapt to certain guidelines, but it will pass sometime and it will be beautiful, it will happen! At this time it remains to draw from every moment as much as possible. It often happens that in order for it to be better it must first be (slightly) worse. Although in my opinion, in this case, just different. Despite this, paraphrasing Janusz Kołodziej is getting better, "but we are asking for more" or we are waiting for more. Alicja Labrenc
    1 point
  34. Thanks for the info just done the same
    1 point
  35. And the best of it was... After saying for around 2 laps that Emil was riding within himself, he then watched him fly around Laguta... And then summarised Emil's victory with......? "I rest my case"...
    1 point
  36. Wow... Speedway when done so well is truly breathtaking..
    1 point
  37. It's fa\r from uncommon for Polish sides to do his, then at the last minute put in the real rider. It's all part of the Polish mind games.
    1 point
  38. Well I've just had the day at Chessington. All perfectly fine with nothing in place that couldnt happen at a speedway meeting...... Let's get it on!!
    1 point
  39. 4 double headers at Bydgoszcz please.
    1 point
  40. Boy, I’ve missed having Bydgoszcz on the GP rota. Close racing, battling and passing throughout. Ten times better than the borefest of Toruń on Saturday.
    1 point
  41. Where`s s Marcelina this SEC season ?? what a tragedy !!!! I know we see here on Eleven sport but is that enough.
    1 point
  42. What an insult. I remember every post I've made since....... Err...... Sorry, what was the question again?
    1 point
  43. And look how well guests have worked out in British speedway, once the door is unlocked it’s kicked open by cheats
    1 point
  44. Skidder1 - agreed - and the ekstraliga contracts currently prohibit riders signed up in Poland leaving. So there will have to be re allocation of riders ..,adjustment of points limits and some agreement on use of guests/loan replacement riders to get any 2020 uk league programme going. With co operation and common sense from the promoters ......... OH DEAR I think have may have scuppered UK speedway 2020.
    1 point
  45. Has anyone been to look at the stadium in storage?
    1 point
  46. Its amazing about ..50% still think its going to happen and still cheer and say great news when the latest lie comes along … not sure how many years and bull it takes for the penny to drop .. I bet Clark and co cant believe there luck how gullible these people are
    1 point
  47. The following has just been announced, surely now speedway can start up at the beginning of August. "Pools, gyms and sports facilities will be able to reopen and team sports and outdoor gigs resume in England, the government has announced. Outdoor pools and performances can resume from Saturday with social distancing in place, Culture Secretary Oliver Dowden said. Beauticians, nail salons and tattooists can also reopen from Monday, he said. Indoor gyms, sports facilities and pools will be able to reopen from 25 July. Guidance will be published for team sports to return from Saturday."
    0 points
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