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5 points
Well had a visit today for a cuppa of our very own Chris Schramm.... He was looking well... still got that beaming smile and we had a good chat and a better laugh... He's doing well... keeping fit and busy.... and two hours went over in what seemed like 10 minutes... really pleased to see him and it brightened a crappy Monday... Regards THJ5 points
The east side of Manchester is a sports village spread over a large area. The true legacy of the Commonwealth games is the main stadium for athletics etc, which is now Manchester City football club, plus the the cycling velodrome which is now the National Velodrome. See the title National Velodrome..... I would suggest Manchester City Council embraced a new speedway stadium for the most famous speedway team in the world, Belle Vue, because it would be called the National Speedway Stadium. Indeed, they may, I don’t know, have insisted if they were to invest money then the stadium had to be called National Speedway Stadium. I don’t know what the ground the new NSS stands on was used for but it is next to a road on one side (grandstand side), an indoor sport facility (turn 1 & 2), houses (back straight), and 3 outdoor pitches (turn 3/4). All these were in place before the speedway track/stadia was built. The track, grandstand and back straight are all brand new. You recall the new BVue got off to a bad start when the first meeting, Peter Craven Memorial, which attracted a world class field (which had to be paid for) was called off (when the stadium was full) due to problems on bends 3/4 which had nothing to do with BV management but all to do with Man.City Council sub contractors. BV invested a lot of money on the first meeting, punters had to be refunded, leaving BV playing catch up all year money wise.2 points
John Hyam has written about Antti Pajari at the Online Speedway Museum http://www.speedwaymuseumonline.co.uk/anttipajari.html2 points
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And this outfit will have Premiership speedway when it returns and soon will the SGP and SON. Still they offered good money, just don't expect good coverage or scheduling.2 points
In Poland every race starts at the end of the 2:00 clock almost without fail. It is a great system they've got in place and the referees aren't afraid to dish out the warnings to riders too.2 points
Little wonder speedway is perceived as being stuck in the dark ages when supporters with views like you are still around.1 point
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AGREE ... double header in Prague, three double headers in Poland would be my guess (and it is exactly that)1 point
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Final results Top 8 to the big final. Bogdanowicz first track reserve. Re-run for second track reserve between Lindman, Eklöf, Selvin and Bergström. Eklöf has apparently left the track already. Lindman dives under Bergström on lap 3 and Bergström drifts out and fall. Heat frozen and Lindman will be second track reserve in the big final in Målilla on 23 July. https://ta.svemo.se/Public/Pages/Competition/IndividualDrivingSchedule/CompetitionLiveResult.aspx?Branch=Speedway&Columns=CompetitionInfo,Branch,Name,Arena,FromDateShort&Datefilter=Today&pagesize=6&CompetitionId=11826&ShowAll=true&SortByResults=true1 point
Also a bit misleading the way I read it at least. He had a number of meetings before riding at Wimbledon and seemed to be in and out of the team and his season petered out and was hardly scoring at all near the end..... Some good bits of film of Finnish speedway from the 50s online, including Pajari I think. That Helsinki Velodrome looks a great place1 point
SGP not doing themselves any good with these explanations. Its obvious with 25% crowds in there are simply not viable to run. I understand them waiting to later in the year to get this series on but let us know your plans. Like I said earlier we are fully booked for Torun in October and have only just had to alter our flights due to flight changes and cancellations as we don't want to loose hotel money. Just some info on what they are planning would be nice.1 point
Sounds like they will offer refunds if required: I'll keep mine for next year as it was a bit of pain to get tickets with the website crashing. We're still planning on travelling to Poland as it stands.1 point
Don't know what clubs can actually update their support on? They have no power nor do the sports governing body. Clubs do as they are told - irrespective of size or sport.1 point
He actually made 18 appearances for the Bees, including 10 NL matches. He was also runner-up in the 1959 World Longtrack Championship (behind Josef Hofmeister). Longtrack is why he only spent the one year in Britain, which as Sidney said, was worth a lot more than the CO would offer him at Coventry. My dad got to see him ride.1 point
They have cancelled the FIM speedway Gp of Poland. How about the 2020 lower Silesian Voivodeship GP1 point
I can't comment on other European Leagues, but for Finnish coverage the website to go to is http://www.speedway.fi/etusivu.php There is also plenty of good content on Facebook too of the Finnish League 'Speedwayn SM-Liiga' and for the Baltic League (Finland, Estonia, Latvia and Russia), there is good coverage on 'Baltic Speedway League,' which includes links to live streams of their meetings. Over in Estonia, I have always found 'Speedway Estonia' on Facebook helpful. All of the Finnish clubs are on Facebook - the most regularly updated at present is 'Varkaus Racing Team Ry.'1 point
Just wonder if Wroclaw are being slightly clever here. Keeping the majority of the money paid for a year. It would not surprise me if Wroclaw in fact is one of the venues for the revised GP series at the back end of this season. 2 meetings on consecutive days with 50% stadium capacity.1 point
I didn’t realise he only did 12 meetings for Coventry. I got to see him at Belle Vue when Coventry came visiting, I was only 12 at the time but remember we used to call him ”Aunties Pyjamas”.1 point
He was the Finish National champion in 1956/57/58 Steve and came over to ride in the UK in early 1959.He averaged just under five points a meeting and by all accounts was a harem scarem type of rider a real fence scraper. Coventry wanted him to comeback but the lure of the lucrative continental meetings stopped that happening.1 point
Surely as the club have taken their customers money it is their duty to keep season ticket holders updated continuously. Very poor PR A decent business looks after it's customers. The way things are going there won't be many left. Whatever happened to the regular newsletters that we used to get.1 point
There wont be any spectator sport to worry about unless they stop pissing about and open the economy up properly. They want the economy too sing and have only invited 25% of the choir.1 point
Field Startlista SM kval Uppdaterad:2020-07-06 Linus Eklöf, Smederna SF Johan Jensen, Vetlanda MS Joel Kling, Målilla MK Joel Andersson, Kumla MSK Daniel Henderson, Rospiggarna SK Filip Hjelmland, Vetlanda MS John Lindman, Westerviks MSK Alexander Woentin, Vetlanda MS Henrik Bergström, SMK Motala SK Maksymilian Bogdanowicz, Gislaveds MK Philip Hellström-Bängs, Masarna SK 1:an i kvalheatet Ludvig Lindgren, Kumla MSK Johannes Stark, Smederna SF 2:an i kvalheatet Christoffer Selvin, Kumla MSK Kvalheat om två ordinarie platser 17. Rasmus Broberg, Smederna SF 18. Jonatan Grahn, Kumla MSK 19. Emil Millberg, Rospiggarna SK 20. Alexander Liljekvist, Masarna SK Förare som kallas vid ev. återbud. 21. Noel Wahlqvist, Westerviks MSK 22. Casper Henriksson, Gislaveds MK1 point
I suspect the promoters have more of an idea what's worth running than a cynical onlooker desperate to be proved right.1 point
Or if you just see the movement chuck them out, no 15m handicap in Britain. I've watched over 100 meetings online during lockdown and we didn't have the current problems once the tape touching rule was created. It seems to have steadily grown in Britain to the point where it is becoming a major disruption to meetings. You look forward to a race, off they go, on go the red lights and you find something to do for five minutes. Eventually you just want the race over. This wasn't the problem when the first rule was created, so why now? This is one aspect of the sport that the Poles have exactly right. No need for hi-tech, just use the eyes of the ref. Works in Poland.1 point
Premiership Football grounds hold 60,000 and running with 0 I think Silverstone holds 120,000 will be running with 0 for Formula 1. A few open meetings ??? what's the point ??? Long overdue for the BSPA to make a decision and focus on 20211 point
Speak to friends. That's why, for me, nothing compares to live speedway. Watching it on TV doesn't really appeal. Watched a couple of the Polish matches on freesports and can't get excited about it. For me, its all about the social aspect.1 point
Normally I'd recommend buying the Speedway Star's excellent season preview issue which has a comprehensive look at speedway in all nations, including fixtures and team lineups where there is a league, for those you asked about. It might be a tip for next year.1 point
A lot of people on here just don't get it. They think 'wow, isn't it cheap to get in to speedway. They have priced it cheap to attract the fans. Why can't they do that in the UK?' And don't look at the broader picture. The lower wages in Poland. The totally different sporting set-up. The different league set-up. The sponsorship set-up and tv,etc. It isn't cheap for Polish fans, but they don't have too many meetings to attend, so can afford 8 or 10 meetings a year. I went to the Jancarz Memorial meeting, with a fantastic line-up and cheap prices, but the stadium was more than 50% empty. Maybe because fans don't like meaningless meetings and also possibly because they can only afford a certain amount. For someone to say, it has nothing to do with wages/cost of living it total nonsense. And to say you can fly over from the UK, stay in a hotel and get into a meeting cheap. Ok, you can, but you have still paid out way more than you do to get into your local track. Just the atmosphere is better and you are enjoying something different. We can all understand that. But don't come out with rubbish about it being cheap. It is like me saying it is cheap to buy petrol in Poland, but I have to drive a few hundred miles to the border !!! For those people lucky enough to live near the border, they can and do take advantage. Just like one or two towns south of the Danish/German border are full of Danish supermarkets, selling Danish products in Danish prices(a lot cheaper than over the border though) with Danish money, the staff talk Danish and even the traffic signs on the premises are in Danish rather than German. And the place is generally packed out, but it isn't worth driving from Copenhagen to buy beer there1 point
never really watched polish speedway till this year dont know what all the fuss is about to be honest quite boring at times .1 point
Easy to remedy, watch it delayed and whizz through the bits between races. I’ve watched speedway that way for years.1 point
I think it's at the stage now where our promoters are becoming more worried about the financial losses if they were to run a shortened season into November. We have seen the indiscipline over the weekend with pubs allowed to reopen & as yet premier league football has not been granted a facility for any public attendance. I would hope the BSPA can be sensible at this point & stop stringing us along, We are aware that many stadiums are rented & their staff are in furlough & that many new problems have to be solved like protective shields at entry points, themo checks for all that enter the stadium, restriction of access from area to area & employment of more stewards to police social distancing. All this costs money & who is prepared to foot that bill. There are many clubs like IoW & Plymouth that rely on the holiday season & Peterborough who race at the EoE showgrounds that has cancelled all events this summer, then Poole & Kent who have hired Leicester as they are unable to access their own tracks to practice. I think it's time to bite the bullet.1 point
The two Polish league matches shown Sunday evening on Box Nation absolutely board me. The racing wasn’t all that brilliant, but the interlude between each race was terrible. Ok, they show a re-run of the best parts of race just finished, then they showed rerun of the race before that, and the race before that, then start all over again. And the music that accompanied these reruns, terrible. Grump over!1 point
Thanks for the info, I'll have close look. For some reason I used to think the C.O.'s office was maybe at the far end of the main bar, recall there was a door with 'private' on it. I filmed the very last (slowest ever) lap of Craven Park as I walked round literally hours before the track was dug up for pitch widening, sad but I felt it had to be done as likely no-one else would. Should clarify that I held the camera as I walked, I wasn't filmed walking around the track, did the same at the Boulevard in 2008 or so whilst the dog track was still in situ, also what was left of Hedon (not much after 60-odd years) and a potential new site which didn't happen. The greyhounds left Craven Park in 2003 and moved across Hull to the Boulevard, hopes were high of a bigger & wider track at CP, similar to Workington, but it wasn't to be.....1 point
Personally I thought Buzz turned back to ride a narrow back straight and caused the clash with Smektala who was minding his own business on the inside but can see why the Lezno man was excluded. Why was Pedersen being a plonker towards Smektala after heat 15?1 point
There are very few re -runs in Poland, and all riders have 2 min to be ready to race When they come out of pits so it’s up to them what they do.Starting system is 1st class IMO.1 point
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Would love to see riders banned from stopping by the pits just straight back to the tapes1 point
There were plenty of people being negative about the NSS ever being built, they were wrong so why shouldnt Swindon also succeed? Hope they do.1 point
The thing is, when it was a level playing field, down in NZ, Smoli actually won a GP !!!1 point
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