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  1. as ever Racers and Royals, thanks for all the info
    7 points
  2. This, of course, reopens the whole starting procedure debate. I'm sure I'm not the only one to have recently watched some quite old matches. Seeing riders charging the tapes, rolling back and forth, lead to some awful starts, uneven and even unfair. The overall rules governing starts in Poland and Britain are the same. But it is quite clear watching Polish meetings that the rules are more stingently applied in Poland. And guess what? Riders sit still, in a straight line and starts are rarely unsatisfactory. It's only human nature. Riders will muck about and push the envelope if there is a chance of getting away with it. Reduce that chance and you seeing better behaviour at the tapes. Not perfect, but better. The increase in power given to the starting marshall is also to be applauded. How many times have you watched meetings over here where the starting marshall might as well not be there? The riders ignore him where they can. Give him some real teeth, as they appear to have in Poland, and all of sudden the riders do as they are told. (the exception is when riders are called to the tapes - even in Poland, they come forwaard when they are good and ready). And even the flying starts seem to be reduced. Again not eliminated but reduced. Could it be that riders are conscious that they can be given a warning even after the race have an effect? I know the "Free for all" side of this argument won't agree, but I think we can learn from watching the experience in Poland.
    4 points
  3. We move on to round 5 next Friday/ Sunday Friday July 10th Rybnik v Leszno programme start time 4.45pm 1st race 5pm Eleven Sport 1 and Freesports(5pm) Friday July 10th Wroclaw v Grudziadz programme start time 7.15pm 1st race 7.30pm Eleven Sport 1 and Premier Sport 1(7.30pm) Sunday July 12th Czestochowa v Lublin programme start time 3pm 1st race 3.30pm N Sport and Premier Sport 2(3.30pm) Sunday July 12th Zielona Gora v Gorzow programme start time 5.45pm 1st race 6.15pm N Sport and Premier Sport 1 ( delayed ) 12.45am Monday 13th
    3 points
  4. I'm sure the government don't pay that much for jobseekers allowance.
    3 points
  5. It seems its a default answer though that when someone asks a reasonable enough question, the reply is normally ask or contact the club. Other clubs have either refunded season ticket money or giving their season ticket holders alternative offers, or at the very least put out a statement. It shouldnt be asking to much for Berwick Speedway to make some kind of statement for those of us who have bought tickets, much better IMO to let everyone know whats happening rather than answering individual emails surely, or maybe an email could be sent to all season ticket holders, after all the club should have our email addresses.
    3 points
  6. Surely the Club should issue a statement though.?
    3 points
  7. Good afternoon to all. The promotion at Newcastle would like to make a statement through the Supporters group in regard to the current rumours and to hopefully help people stop worrying about our situation at Brough. Due to the covid 19 pandemic and for the benefit of greyhound racing at Newcastle there had been talk of staging greyhound racing on a Sunday and live streaming into bookies. This had been talked about for a bit and would of been more then just for a short term period, moving us onto the only other day available at the stadium, a Monday. Thankfully the greyhounds have opted out of Sunday racing and have decided on taking their extra meeting mid week now. This was advised to us yesterday, Saturday. One issue we do have at the moment is with exception of a handful of track staff and a racing manager, all office and grandstand staff are furloughed till later in the year and the main grandstand areas are all locked down, which for speedway are very much needed to operate. We have put a proposal to the stadium in regard to the grandstand and are waiting for a reply. We will update you all as soon as we can. Many thanks.
    3 points
  8. TERRIFIC obituary on Maurice by Peter Oakes, who knew him well and worked alongside him at times, in SS this week. Well worth a read.
    3 points
  9. The point is that is the norm for Polish speedway starts and it works. The start marshall and the referee are connected by headsets and in Poland every rider must have his front wheel right up to the tape and every rider( especially gate 4) must be lined up straight. So the start marshall was doing his job- the ref was doing his job and it works because in Poland there are very few races stopped for unsatisfactory starts.
    3 points
  10. We move on to tomorrow. Sunday July 5th Wroclaw v Zielona Gora programme start time 3pm 1st race 3.30pm N sport and Box Nation (SKY 427)(3.25pm) Sunday July 5th Grudziadz v Leszno programme start time 5.45pm 1st race 6.15pm N sport and Box Nation ( 6.10pm) race cards Wroclaw v Zielona Gora page 43 https://wts.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/program050720.pdf Grudziadz v Leszno pages 18 and 19 https://documentcloud.adobe.com/link/track?uri=urn:aaid:scds:US:069bdd93-3fa2-4e78-8075-cf7847e166d1 Links http://spedway.ucoz.lv/ http://www.maniak.tv/mk7 http://www.drhtv.com.pl/drhtv-4.html https://daddylive.live/embed/stream-25.php
    3 points
  11. Is the guy in the chip shop swears he’s ELVIS.
    2 points
  12. If you told me the info came from Jeremy Beadle, I would believe you John On the point of the statement from NSSC, does it not show that the promotion maybe look at the forum?,,, something that may have been fround upon in the past?
    2 points
  13. It looks like you have no clue about Polish speedway . They can run meeting with no paying public
    2 points
  14. TV Money like our Premier football
    2 points
  15. Of course a bargain, unless of course you are earning polish wages or have to pay for flights and hotels
    2 points
  16. You would think so, other clubs have.
    2 points
  17. Lovely day in Grudziadz
    2 points
  18. Finland - best source is http://www.speedway.fi/etusivu.php for further info you might try f-s-p on here, I've always found him very helpful. Ukraine - has no league. Most of their meetings are at Rivne. Their website is: http://speedway-rivne.at.ua/ I also recommend http://gorka-speedway.blogspot.co.uk/ (another BSF member) Slovenia - has no league and only half a dozen or so meetings in total. A 2019 league was proposed, but collapsed after a couple of fixtures. I think your best bet is the facebook account https://www.facebook.com/Speedway-Slovenija-358894047895931 (it is mainly filled with Polish news, but that is a reflection on how little there is to report) Slovakia - use Zarnovica's website http://www.speedwayclub.sk/ (the only track in Slovakia). The smf website http://www.smf.sk/plocha-draha-vysledky/ contains results and the Czech website http://www.speedwaya-z.cz/ gives full coverage of Slovak events Russia - http://speedway-press.ru/ gives pretty much complete coverage and the Russian speedway forum http://russpeedway.info/forum/ usually contains the mfr oficial scoresheets Italy - another one where facebook is the best source. Try: https://www.facebook.com/GPARacingSpeedway/ Norway - I struggle with Norway, facebook is probably your best bet https://www.facebook.com/groups/766676793459478/?hc_ref=ARR78gRM-WQSvMQ2CNAt-HsFt2_kPgyMio20H4jrKdSqthtJxYoIqvoN6se6pUhp-uQ&ref=nf_target Germany - I use various sources http://www.svg-veranstalter.de/Startseite/ http://www.speedway-forum.de/ (the German Speedway forum has excellent international coverage to), and the official German Federation has a results archive https://www.dmsb.de/active/motorradsport/bahnsport/ Unfortunately aktuellspeedway.se seems to have given up the ghost. Like sportowefakty it prided itself on speed of reporting at the expense of accuracy but it was very comprehensive. If you want anything specific, message me - I have a very comprehensive set of 2019 resuts culled from these and other sources
    2 points
  19. It was actually mentioned during Polish speedway meeting, that there was going to be a practice session at Berwick
    2 points
  20. Seeing your a Leicester fan probably explains your entertainment from last nights fiasco, having to watch that dross week in week out has clearly affected your judgement.
    2 points
  21. Lets hope this is the year Lambo kicks on. He's looking very good.
    2 points
  22. I visited Charles in his office once. Alongside being in a business meeting with Ivan Mauger it counts as one of my most memorable moments in the sport. I can't bring myself to watch the drone footage. I lost my track at the age of 16. It still stings. Keep fighting while you still have one brick to save. Once lost they don't come back.
    2 points
  23. I thought Lambo looked sharp in the SEC yesterday - and he tops the table. Hope he gets to ride for KL this season as he has also started well in the Polish league.
    2 points
  24. Terrible race track, most of the time I couldnt believe I was watching a meeting fro Torun. Processional racing after first half lap a lot of the time. Good to see NP up there with them still. Madsen at times showed his true skills, but the star of the night was Robert Lambert, now I can see how the injuries carried into last year were holding him back, hop he can keep up the good form. Zmarzlick, well he was going to win it or be an also ran. Lets face it, he was the wild card, probably not going to be in any other rounds, therefore no chance of winning the title, so why bust a gut. He did what he did and got some practice in against a field of (mostly) top guys. Disappointing one was Gregory Laguta - impressive when on form, which he was not.
    2 points
  25. Disappointingly poor Toruń track. If I was involved with OneSport, I'd be having a strong word with the track team there, to ensure they make a much better job of it for the final round at the end of the month. No real excuses. They've had 10 months to get it right.
    2 points
  26. "Coventry Drone" ? That's no way to talk about Peter York!
    2 points
  27. Fans in Poland don`t though because they know there are very few race starts called back as the riders know they cannot mess about !!!!
    2 points
  28. Yep think you are spot on and again right as it was definitely frowned upon in the past... No back the one that has a dump... a kilo lighter definitely gives the hound an edge... No again but he did tell me that Elvis had left the building ... Regards THJ
    1 point
  29. I don't get Polish Speedway however the reason the word rumour was used was the fact that I had not heard officially Hope this clears the issue up.
    1 point
  30. There are very few re -runs in Poland, and all riders have 2 min to be ready to race When they come out of pits so it’s up to them what they do.Starting system is 1st class IMO.
    1 point
  31. Kubera made a bugger of that. Racing for 2nd instead of consolidating 3rd on the last bend. Silly boy.
    1 point
  32. Wow what a heat!!! Pawlicki!!
    1 point
  33. happy to have a discussion, from my point of view looks like he had passed him and the footrest caught the front wheel and brought him down
    1 point
  34. No not been in touch as Screm said surely the club should keep season ticket holders informed some have some haven't as I said just wondering. The club has all the season ticket holders information so are you saying they should just inform us?.
    1 point
  35. In the UK your average earnings are about 3 times of that in Poland.So logically thinking you would pay roughly 3 times more for things in the UK than you do in Poland.
    1 point
  36. Great finish to the meeting.
    1 point
    1 point
  38. agree chugunov is usually dependable at wroclaw - something not right with him tonight
    1 point
  39. Rob Grant 1978-1991 Berwick Michael Makovsky 2001 - 2010 Berwick
    1 point
  40. 1 point
  41. At 11.36 into the footage the boarded up window to the left of the blue door is about as near to Charles's office as you could get ( I know his wife always sat in there) to the best of my knowledge. I know the management office was always in that area.
    1 point
  42. Kaspers name has always been problematic to him.. At least this year Vaculik isn't in it.. As when he rides with Milik we get.. Milich, Millichich, Vaculich, and Vacooolik....
    1 point
  43. Love the Crack biggin
    1 point
  44. Not sure on that statement, in terms of what has Robert "got years" on Dan, because it ain't age. Bewley; 20/05/1999 Lambert; 05/04/1998
    1 point
  45. It knocked the dogs running on a Sunday on the head.
    1 point
  46. That seems more likely.
    1 point
  47. This is certainly a matter of communication rather than a failure to issue refunds, no club should be obliged to do that until the season is officially cancelled and as things stand that isn’t the case despite what various know alls may say on forums and social media. Very possible that a shortened season might take place this year. However it wouldn’t have been hard for the BSPA to come up with a generic response for clubs to reply to enquiries with in relation to season ticket monies and people would feel a bit more informed and valued. Sadly communication and customer care has generally been poor for years as far as British Speedway is concerned.
    1 point
  48. Would like the SGP to start giving some information out on there plans. We are all booked up for Torun can we leave it as it is or are they moving the date ? It's only 12 weeks away now.
    1 point
  49. They are called "Gaming International". Also, read into Torquay United Football Club and stadium.
    1 point
  50. Just browsing the internet and come across this site. So many wonderful memories of our great Wimbledon team, and some of our supporters. Didn’t notice anyone had included our victory at Cradley Heath in the 80s (?) when we ended their 90+ unbeaten home league run. Remember celebrating on the terracing when a local muppet copper was going to arrest all the Dons supporters for over enthusiastic and loud cheering. Remember one of their “fans” smashed a coach window, Pat got off threw a burger at him and the bloke legged it. Who can forget Walrus and Jimmy at Edinburgh. Great memories. And a big hello to Brownie.
    1 point
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