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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/27/2020 in all areas

  1. From what I have read a 'guest' over there is a DU equivalent over here, and has only been brought it to support the current challenges with Covid 19, eg possible sudden adhoc quarantine changes in other countries that mean riders can't get back into Poland should they relax the rules etc.. Meaning Holder for example can only ride for Wroclaw this season in the top league. . He won't be riding for 'all and sundry' on an ad hoc meeting by meeting basis like a rider can over here... The Polish fans wouldn't allow that kind of situation to occur anyway I would suggest.. Imagine Emil coming in for Wroclaw and scoring nil? The fans (when back) would rip the place apart, and he would need a police escort out of the town..!! So much of Polish Speedway's success is based on that raw, tribal emotion that you get following a team sport, so I am sure they will want to maintain that, and sharing the same riders around on a weekly basis within the same league would destroy that completely and lose thousands from their fanbase... And as you say, in contrast... So much of British Speedway's demise is based on the complete lack of that raw, tribal emotion you get following a team sport...
    5 points
  2. He Must of read the forum before that race
    3 points
  3. But the government has still not created the mess as you would like to imply. Is Black Lives Matter their creation ? NO. Or did they tell revellers to disobey the restrictions that they advised, using evidence of the responsibly scientists. NO.
    2 points
  4. I am sure MJJ's biggest fan will be on soon to tell us all about how good he is.. As soon as they log off from their current name obviously and sign in with one of their other ones..
    2 points
  5. Ah but, you could argue that Nicki would have shoved Dudek wide to give Grudziadz a 5-1. Ah, the if's and but's eh. If my auntie had b**lls she'd me my uncle.
    2 points
  6. It’s a shame for grudiadz that Laguta doesn’t fancy it tonight, his form tonight is the difference between them winning and losing
    2 points
  7. That's what it's all about ain't? If you can't have a little argy bargy here and there what's the point. Ove Fundin didn't win 5 world titles without argeybargeeist tactics, nor B Briggs his 4 Nikki is just following in their footsteps If you look at it that way you might sleep easier at night and enjoy your speedway more If you know what I mean, speak to so
    2 points
  8. Pointless having 25% crowd when they all sit in one block.
    2 points
  9. Pleasure .Scaremongering at it’s best from you.Thankfully the majority of the Public will use their common sense regarding what they do regarding this Virus.Lock yourself in and throw away the key is your best bet.
    2 points
  10. And lots of places they went got lots of people moaning about them.. I am old enough to remember the "War of the Rose's" matches that the Aces had with Sheffield in the 70's.. Loads of Sheffield fans always decended on Hyde Rd and the atmosphere in those meetings generated by both sets of fans is something I remember even 40 odd years later such was the 'raw passion' shown on those nights.. It was 'electric', with lots of good natured (and sometimes not so), vocal sparring.. Sadly most meetings nowadays have no atmosphere due to hardly any away following, and home followings that see a polite round of applause as the way to celebrate race victories add nothing to it either.. For me, just getting away fans there would make a huge difference to the 'event' and start to create an experience that those in attendance would want to regularly repeat... As well as making meetings feel like a 'proper contest' which so many sadly dont come across as being today.. Selling discounted tickets to the away fans must be worth a try? (Maybe initially to get some momentum even make them free?).. They dont come now so no loss to the home side and tickets could be sold directly at the away teams track so home fans cant get hold of them.. Too many meetings sadly appear to have no relevance, so get some rivalry there to make it relevant..
    2 points
  11. Well I guess nobody could of seen KK coming second that year but he did. i dont like this new speedway of nations , much preferred World Cup to be honest. But Poland were dominant at that and would be now. Zmarzlik, Dudek, Janowski, Drabik, Smektala, Hampel, KK, Pawlickis.... take 4 of them against any four of another country and id back them to win. Of course they wont win every meeting , but 9/10 they would.
    2 points
  12. I really do hope polish speedway is not going down this route, it is something that has all but killed the sport over here
    2 points
  13. Check out YouTube. . Usually two or three live streams.. Some get caned but usually at least one makes it..
    1 point
  14. must be hard riding in Poland, to only be on £202 a point
    1 point
  15. Well that's two of us.
    1 point
  16. No just using all his experience to move riders where he wants them on a wet track the other s would have done the same
    1 point
  17. Me too was so looking forward to riders trying to go round him lol
    1 point
  18. Nasty broken leg if I remember correctly.
    1 point
  19. I 'get' with SD lifted somewhat folk are keen to get out and have them some much-needed jollies but it's ridiculous & irresponsible to pack certain beaches. We are surrounded by 1,000's of miles of sand, it isn't difficult to have some coastline to ones self. Maybe I'm being naiive and hope I'm wrong, really I do, but I can't see this behaviour boding well....
    1 point
  20. Maybe over the top but there is limited distancing on bend 1 and 2.
    1 point
  21. Only made it to Smallmead the once to watch Hull, natch (7 August 2000 the Vikings won 53-39 ), thought it was a great stadium ideal in size for speedway not too big, just needed some TLC. Had some banter with the late photographer Alf Weedon, asked me to pass on an amusing but rather rude mesage to the late track shop guy Dave Rattenbury who sold the Hull souvenirs at Hull back then . Also should mention 'lemon' custard powder' was used at Newport Queensway Meadows (30 July 2000 Hull won 47-43 ); "we have a yellow inner edge and start line here at Newport Speedway, and why not", proclaimed the announcer. Good times, shame both tracks are no more....
    1 point
  22. While it is mess, I don’t think any other Government Party would have done any better.IMO.Mob rule these days.
    1 point
  23. The Government should have banned these a Protest Marches from the start if they really wanted to clamp down on social distancing.Scotland has just been as bad over the last weeks.No good bolting the stable door now.
    1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. 1 point
  26. 1 point
  27. i thnk they call it sherry pickin .
    1 point
  28. Families do not need to social distance(even 2 households are allowed to congregate together). How long is an adults arm? approx. 600mm so people will not need to stand that far apart. Face masks, gloves & hand sanitizer must be compulsory, though. Just my opinions, folks.
    1 point
  29. You seem to be one of those operating in the belief that nobody died before Covid-19.
    1 point
  30. You would never see any of today’s high fliers take to the track in those conditions. In those days riders just got on with it and in doing so showed some respect to the paying punter. These days they are over rated and over paid thanks to Poland and most have no respect for anyone but themselves. Add to this the fact that the cost of participating as a rider forces most would be riders out of the sport and with fewer riders/countries competing then all you highly paid individuals will suddenly find no one can afford to play with the few elitists who think they are Gods gift to speedway. Make it cheaper to enter and participate as a rider with standardised equipment and stop the nonsense of needing three or four bikes. Those who want to be like formula one drivers, stick to GPS and keep out of league speedway.
    1 point
  31. That is so true. Yay & a clap or a few F & C bombs is about as exciting as it gets in the UK. The most excitable & entertaining fans in recent years in the UK were the Cradley (Dudley) Heathens. Then that was probably a group of about 10
    1 point
  32. We move on to today`s matches( postponed from yesterday) Saturday June 27th Leszno v Lublin programme starts 4.45pm 1st race 5pm Eleven Sport 1 and Freesports( delayed) 6.30pm Saturday June 27th Zielona Gora v Grudziadz programme starts 7.15pm 1st race 7.30pm Eleven Sport 1 and Freesports(7.30pm) Links http://www.maniak.tv/mk1 https://daddylive.live/channels/stream-71.php http://www.drhtv.com.pl/drhtv-6.html Race card Leszno v Lublin pages 24 and 25 https://documentcloud.adobe.com/link/track?uri=urn:aaid:scds:US:a011e20c-879a-453e-81fb-6a9714c6ec98 race card Zielona Gora v Grudziadz page 19 https://documentcloud.adobe.com/link/track?uri=urn:aaid:scds:US:61db7c50-48f8-4c2b-a154-f59a410749fc
    1 point
  33. Fridays meetings were replays not live meetings, Premier Sports need to improve their listing text & episode nos,!
    1 point
  34. 1 point
  35. So is there any coverage on Freesports and times,I’m dizzy reading about Premier Sport Coverage. thanks
    1 point
  36. are you allowed out yet mate?
    1 point
  37. I see Waldorf and Statler are still persisting with looking to the side of an empty room in a different house. Can someone please tell them to stop it Rodney you plonker.
    1 point
  38. I wen't to see a faith healer with a group of friends, but he was that rubbish, even the bloke in the wheelchair got up & walked out.
    1 point
  39. ......and no touching.
    1 point
  40. After July 4th social distancing is over, most people seem to think that 2m is 1m so 1m will be stood next to each other
    1 point
  41. That is exactly what we are going to try and do.
    1 point
  42. Well its mostly being highlighted down in Bournemouth so at least that's close enough that we can all blame Poole as usual
    1 point
  43. All the riders in the GP with the exception of Martin Smolinski (no offence to anyone but MS isn't going to win it) ride and are based there. They all know the Ekstraliga tracks and it seems a pretty level playing field to me. It's an exceptional year and IMO could do worse than have a GP at each Ektraliga track (maybe swap Rybnik for Torun) making 8 Gps. Just my opinion of course.
    1 point
  44. More rounds in Poland simply means the likelihood of a Polish champion increase. Let's have a round at Eastbourne and see how they do
    1 point
  45. Good news- 1st round live on Eurosport 2 on Saturday July 4th at 4pm
    1 point
  46. Robert rightly excluded but there is no way on earth it was intentional.....it could have been him cartwheeling down the straight breaking bones and after the season he had with crashes last year he wouldn’t risk that. It was either a misjudgment or a momentary lack of control, I suspect the former.
    1 point
  47. Most of the shielded I've spoken too say they wouldn't go anywhere where there are lots of people, I certainly wouldn't.
    1 point
  48. Madsen has to be one of the most improved riders in the World over the last couple of seasons.Like you say he has some superb passes coming out the turns.He won’t be far away GP wise on what we are seeing.
    1 point
  49. How having 3/5/6 rounds in Poland have any less integrity than a one off World Final?
    1 point
  50. Don't you know by now that Polands racing is rubbish and that every heat on the tracks of the UK is full of passing and breathtaking incident.. The Star this week has a section in it where serveral social media comments are listed stating that Polands presentation wasnt up to much.. This was summarised as maybe helping British Speedway, with the inference, I presume, being that it was no better, and equally as rubbish as over here.. A laudable aspiration indeed to be delivered... Being as poor as someone else... However, as we know, when the crowds get back, (and just 25% of the usual Lublin full house yesterday made a difference), the whole experience takes on a massive change, with the passion on the terraces often making the meeting itself. Where even the most mundane race delivers either a huge celebration or a chorus of boos depending on whether they appreciate the efforts of their riders or not, and the usual (one or two at least), 'cracking races', bring the house down.. Also, the coverage of watching the same recurring slow mo action of previous races does make the meeting seem like its dragging too, unlike when you have interviews, discussion and adverts which naturally break up the racing.. Not anyones fault and a small price to pay for watching the racing via an English commentary, (and a good one at that), rather than a Polish one..
    1 point
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