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4 points
So Speedtiger you have read the Glasgow Promotion's explanation of why they made their decision ? Putting aside your clear dislike of the Glasgow promotion .... none of their reasons apply to other UK speedway clubs? ? ? Funny old game this speedway "promoting" lark in the UK .... every season every promoter moans and groans about the large losses they have made and now we see all but one of them queueing up "in hope" to presumably add to their losses by running a very short season with every likelihood of reduced attendances than those in 2019. Who's kidding who ?3 points
3 points
Mine arrived yesterday. Congratulations again to the entire Speedway Star team on yet another brilliant effort. Loving the new features which are a great read and some strong news lines on the British clubs. Keep up the good work everyone at Speedway Star, long may it survive, it is a national sporting treasure, get behind it!2 points
2 points
Yes and No. Reading the letter my wife received the other day from the Government (She falls into the shielding category), realistically it won't be possible for her to attend speedway in August, if it stats then, which rules me out too. We can talk about sports stadiums putting in 1-metre guidance rules in place, which on paper isn't a problem, but in practice it is. In the case of speedway, there are only two stadiums she visits regularly with me, those being Mildenhall & Peterborough. We've now wouldn’t be able to go to the latter, because of the Blue Badge System, that’s now in place. Mildenhall would still be a good chance for her to see some speedway, but I think we all know from places like supermarkets for example, that once folk are in store, it's a general free for all. So whilst in the case of her going to speedway, to ensure that 1-metre distance was observed by everybody, it would need a lot of stewards to ensure that happened, which of course isn't practical. In my wife's case, for medical reasons, she's not allowed to sit in the sun, and because of mobility issues, that just restricts her to the 1st/2nd bend area, which is our chosen location anyway at this particular venue. What of sports stadiums with grandstands? I sit in one seat, but the seats either side of me must remain empty, which is easy done, but what when people want to keep coming in an out for various reasons? What about the row in front of the one you're sitting in, most stadiums in every sport, you're knees are usually touching either the seat or the person in front of you, so to my mind that isn't workable either. What of the cleanliness and safety of toilets in stadiums? These are just my own opinions, and I'm sure many will disagree with them, and that of course is your right, but I just don't see how sport can start up with any real degree of safety still, as much as I'd love it to, as like everybody, I'm missing it.2 points
Cant see the problem , just dress for the beach, bring a picnic, parasol and let everyone in the stadiums.2 points
Or are they just "toeing the party line"? Glasgow are the only club (so far) to put their heads above the parapet and say how it really is (for them) and I still reckon there could be more to follow.2 points
No, riders would more likely pack in for this season at least.2 points
I really do hope polish speedway is not going down this route, it is something that has all but killed the sport over here1 point
1 point
cant see many people wanting to go having to were face masks there hot and uncomfortable and for at least three hours ?1 point
Both matches postponed tonight (bad weather forecast) now both on Saturday night1 point
IMO riders are already screwing speedway all over the world . sure , the fancy parts they use all cost more than the factory parts .i do believe that the bikes dont run great when they come out of the factory . riders have had a good time over the last few decades regarding points money and signing on fees . now its time to give something back to all tracks that have given them a great life over their time in this great sport . thats the way i see it , like it or not .1 point
Honestly Will we see some speedway this season? Who knows... Think the funnies can be curtailed at the end of the month as some serious movements in the sport may be on the horizon... There may be some interesting press releases coming soon as well from July onward... Here's hoping... Lets hope so but here is a Friday smile just to finish the week off There was once an island kingdom whose people were all fabulously wealthy. Even though they could have afforded to live anywhere in the world they wanted, their tradition dictated that they stay on their tiny island home. Eventually, their king became frustrated and called a meeting of the tribe's elders. He said he wanted them to figure out a way he could enjoy his wealth, and stay within traditional guidelines. After much consideration, the elders suggested he build a magnificent throne. When he objected there was not enough room in his hut for a throne, the elders suggested he call in an engineer to solve the problem. Soon, the king's tiny hut was rigged with an elaborate system of ropes and pulleys. He could lower the huge throne for use during the day, and at night, he could haul the throne up, and lower his bed. This was truly the best of both worlds for the king. Unfortunately, after a few months of constant use, the ropes frayed, and one night, the throne slipped and came crashing down on the king, killing him. The wise men of the island recognised a lesson in this experience and added to the lore of their people this statement: "People who live in grass houses should not stow thrones." Boom Boom (I know I'm sorry they get no better) Stay Well; Stay Safe; Socially Distance at all times and have a great weekend Regards THJ1 point
1 point
So, providing that "statement" is true, you would rather see Glasgow race in 2020 (what's left of it) and go bust and not return in 2021? Weird logic.1 point
If they do a fancy bit of editing they will be able to show the 15 heats in the hour 6.30-7.30pm1 point
Dave Goddard on Twitter Following consultation with @PremierSportsTV tomorrow's rescheduled #speedway from Poland will be broadcast - @UniaLesznoKS v @motorlublinpgee with a slight delay, but all being well @FalubazZG v @GKMGrudziadzSA will be live.1 point
You obviously know nothing about the Glasgow Promotion,or you would not post that crap.1 point
1 point
The next time Liverpool play at Anfield the surrounding areas will be full of idiots thinking its more important to be there than helping to protect lives and everyone nationwide could end up suffering in the long run, those at Bournemouth were all over the news for there actions but those at Liverpool last night as shown on the news it seems were ok to be there.1 point
Add in Janowski for World Class Poles. IMO.Its the system I’m not a fan but KK was consistent and could have had as much chance say Lindgren , Iversen ,Laguta ,Zager as examples but they are all world class IMO.1 point
I have had a reply: Hi Aron, thanks for your email As per the information we have, Leszno v Lublin was scheduled on Premier Sports 2 channel at 21:30 pmand Zielona Gora v Grudziadz is scheduled on the same channel at 19:30 pm Which is bizarre because that doesn’t seem to add up to the listings for either Friday or Saturday. Currently on PS2 on Saturday night Is live nascar. i will emailed back again to try and get some clarity on this one...1 point
Oh yes that's the answer BLAME SOMEONE ELSE ....... its all the fault of Boris Johnson, Nicola Sturgeon , the bloke in Wales and whoever it is in Northern Ireland. I knew the word "promotion" would offend some on this forum :-) If only there were more promotoers like those at Glasgow ... think we would all be able to plan our lives for 2020. at the moment its like waiting for the inevitable rain off announcement whilst the riders and their entourage walk the track with their golf umbrellas , and the track announcer telling you the meeting is still on ;-)1 point
At least it’s better than Nicola who waits to see what BJ has hit then opens that up 3 weeks later in Scotland1 point
As long as he is blindfolded and spins round 3 times before his throw.1 point
1 point
Well its mostly being highlighted down in Bournemouth so at least that's close enough that we can all blame Poole as usual1 point
This suggests the government is taking a practical and logical approach to opening up the economy. They're not. You can spend 2 hours shopping in Primark or from next week sat inside a pub eating and drinking, but you can't spend 2 hours outside at a sporting event. It wouldn't surprise me if BJ has a dart board with all the industries on it and that's now they determine what can open next.1 point
1 point
but how can they have anything but hope? At the moment it would be illegal to stage a speedway meeting in front of a paying public. For that to be possible it needs a number of decisions to be made by politicians at a high level. Once those decisions are made stadium owners and promoters will know what has to be in place before the public can be admitted to the stadiums. Then they can tell those planning to turn up at the meetings what they have to do to make that happen.1 point
Ove Fundin Fan ...... you mention Leon Madsen (who's he? and what has he won? ) and Ove Fundin in the same sentence. LMAO. Different sport back in Ove's days. One bike with the front wheel removed, slung in the boot of a car, or on a makeshift bike rack. Not a sponsor sticker in sight.1 point
I dont think Ove was too bothered about a showy display, even to riding the track spare. But he got the best out of what he rode. Just like Leon Madsen can get his bike out of corners at a gallop, OF had the skilll to get both wheels in line asap and get the drive.1 point
1 point
1 point
Now you've broken the ice on this topic...... Can I recommend the trip includes :- 1) A visit to see where the Baden-Powell statue used to be. 2) A cruise round Poole Harbour which my Dad says was where the Japs bombed the harbour and led to the Yanks joining in on WWII.1 point
Absolutely. My mate at the FA told me, September is the date they are looking at for having fans inside the stadiums. Fingers crossed that the infections have reduced enough for it to happen.1 point
Will be a shame was hoping to see Josh at Sheffield again, hopefully next season if this isn't possible1 point
Is Stewart Dickson also not on BSPA Committee? If so he surely would be up to speed with progress. Plenty Doom and Gloom you right but at least we dont have to listen to any now on the daily BBC update thing at 4.30pm1 point
Reading the letter my wife received yesterday morning from the Government (She falls into the shielding category), realistically it won't be possible for her to attend speedway in August, which rules me out too. We can talk about sports stadiums putting in 1-metre guidance rules in place, which on paper isn't a problem, but in practice it is. In the case of speedway, there are only two stadiums she visits regularly with me, those being Mildenhall & Peterborough. We've now wouldn’t be able to go to the latter, because of the Blue Badge System, thats now in place. Mildenhall would still be a good chance for her to see some speedway, but I think we all know from places like supermarkets for example, that once folk are in store, it's a general free for all. So whilst in the case of her going to speedway, to ensure that 1-metre distance was observed by everybody, it would need a lot of stewards to ensure that happened, which of course isn't practical. In my wife's case, for medical reasons, she's not allowed to sit in the sun, and because of mobility issues, that just restricts her to the 1st/2nd bend area, which is our chosen location anyway at this particular venue. What of sports stadiums with grandstands? I sit in one seat, but the seats either side of me must remain empty, which is easy done, but what when people want to keep coming in an out for various reasons? What about the row in front of the one you're sitting in, most stadiums in every sport, you're knees are usually touching either the seat or the person in front of you, so to my mind that isn't workable either. What of the cleanliness and safety of toilets in stadiums? These are just my own opinions, and I'm sure many will disagree with them, and that of course is your right, but I just don't see how sport can start up with any real degree of safety still, as much as I'd love it to, as like everybody, I'm missing it.1 point
Blimey Col you certainly see things differently from some. The Rybnik no 7 Kamil Nowacki was making his debut for the club after being loaned from Gorzow that morning.- obviously can`t get in his parent clubs team and i thought did really well. As for lambert correct decision, he might have been frustrated but turned left way to soon and Lebedevs had no where to go.1 point
Most of the shielded I've spoken too say they wouldn't go anywhere where there are lots of people, I certainly wouldn't.1 point
Carnt see speedway being allowed to be exception to rule regarding crowds at psporting events.Especially as cricket being played behind closed doors with the size of their stadia.1 point
Having all the rounds in Poland could have a detrimental effect on the Polish riders as there will be so much pressure on them to win1 point
0 points