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2 points
It is possible/probable that Poland would prefer to nominate "real Poles" for selection, rather than "flag of convenience" carpetbaggers. Poland putting Chuganov forward would be like the ACU pushing Rory Schlein into a GP as the British representative. It might be official and legal, but Poland is a very proud nation, and might fight shy of making such a move.2 points
.......as probably thought by less than 10% of the local population of the Boulevard area in 1971-81. Everyone in Hull would at that time have been aware 'something' was happening on Wednesday nites thanks to open-piped JAPs & JAWAs up until about 1976 when silencers were first introduced. Speaking to people, very few worked out exactly what 'that glorious noise' was, being a wee boy I certainly had no idea. Ian Thomas did blooming well gaining planning permission at that time, there'd be no chance today, and many people are extremely pleased that he did. In later years, 1980 or so, many of those houses were demolished, thereby depriving folk of 'that Wednesday nite experience', the Boulevard itself was demolished in 2010 or os....1 point
Yes, I am missing Speedway and have been hoping since March that there will be Speedway this year. With the latest rumours that the 2 metre rule may be reduced to 1 metre when the pubs open I see no reason why Speedway meetings can't run, it's an outdoor non contact sport (usually) and supporters can easily social distance on the terraces and can use common sense when using the loos, queuing for chips etc. Football has started, all be it in empty stadiums and the physio etc were wearing masks and treating injured players on the pitch, my local outdoor food market opened this week and it was packed with shoppers who were certainly were not socially distanced. It now needs Rob Godfrey etc to put the Speedway case to the appropriate authority and the rest of us who want to see Speedway back to keep our fingers crossed.1 point
WHERE would the other two be? Not what I'm hearing. Makes logistical sense to stay in Poland. Not just the riders but officials, TV etc. and the only country where there might be an audience, albeit limited.1 point
Me too! This is what was so great about speedway back then; there were so many of us who would go several nights a week, and you never know who you would see - or where you would see them! My wife thinks it's crazy that I watch so many different speedway vids on YouTube - and I can say, "I was there!"1 point
1 point
You forget most people aren't self centred drama queens like you. It's not a post about being right or wrong it's about what may or may not happen. I'll be there as often as I can be, will you be at your track?1 point
Didn't mind the 3TT over an Easter weekend, although the format was a bit incongruous. But if you thought that was strange, you should see the 3TT they've devised for cricket in South Africa - where three teams takes turns to bat and bowl against each other for 6 overs at a time; much like the speedway version.1 point
Rewind meetings resume on Weds 24th June with a 2015 Poole v Swindon meeting. Darcy's final racing appearance(for Swindon) at Wimborne Road!!1 point
I used to love the 3TT. I used to watch all 3 clubs regularly though, so maybe that helped.1 point
1 point
Polish weather permitting, starting tomorrow we have 4 matches in 3 days- forecast not great for tomorrow`s matches. Sunday June 21st Lublin v Gorzow programme starts 3pm 1st race 3.30pm N Sport and premier Sport 2 (3.30pm) Sunday June 21st Zielona Gora v Czestochowa programme starts 5.45pm 1st race 6.15pm N Sport and premier Sport 1( delayed ?) 12.45am Monday ?? Monday June 22nd Leszno v Wroclaw programme starts 6.45pmpm 1st race 7pm Eleven Sport 2 and Freesports ( 7pm ) Tuesday June 23rd Grudziadz v Rybnik programme starts 6.45pm 1st race 7pm Eleven Sport 2 and Premier Sport ?? Tomorrow`s links http://spedway.ucoz.lv/ http://www.drhtv.com.pl/drhtv-3.html http://www.maniak.tv/mk7 https://daddylive.live/embed/stream-16.php Racecards Lublin v Gorzow pages 20 and 21 https://documentcloud.adobe.com/link/track?uri=urn:aaid:scds:US:dcc29252-cf1c-4b30-9f3a-9989372c5731 Zielona Gora v Czestochowa page 19 https://documentcloud.adobe.com/link/track?uri=urn:aaid:scds:US:07ebafc9-686d-4dab-ae2f-5f3a05447922 Leszno v Wroclaw pages 24 and 25 https://documentcloud.adobe.com/link/track?uri=urn:aaid:scds:US:57020fcd-6f8d-46d6-9625-f3e124a8e2bf1 point
How soon before the topic changes from "when will speedway restart" (as the Chairman seems very bullish about August in The Star this week) to which Clubs will restart (as they seem to have an "opt in/out). Surely the PL can't afford any absentees. We already know that Glasgow are sitting 2020 out, will any others follow in CL and if so who? With majority of NL Clubs being "double up" will they have space to run NL too (Newcastle already out on NL) and what about the 3 standalone clubs, will they bother? Going to be a very interesting few weeks. I'll nail my colours now and say IF Brummies run I will be there as often as I can, but I'm not sure many can afford or would risk the 10 matches in 3 months scenario that seems to be the intention. Colder/wetter weather and depleted disposable income will be a problem for many Supporters. I don't want my Club to risk everything on a short season, rather they come to tapes in 2021 with a full 1-7 (which we don't currently have).1 point
1 point
Why? You thinking YOU might get a plaque??? I'm sure gustix and Sidney would help fund it...1 point
Missing my speedway however I have severe doubts that there will be British Speedway in 2020. i have watched three polish league matches..... very disappointed in the quality of the racing Some good races but nothing to write home about1 point
Confirmed by Armando Castagna that this year’s comp will just be one final in Pardubice on 2nd October1 point
1 point
Honestly I should have been n Prague last week watching a GP but that didn't happen obviously so I had a drunken weekend from the Thursday to the Monday (well I had booked the time off before Christmas) and as this week has been a bit of a write off I am blowing it off tomorrow as well... Two more stone on in lock down... you just don't realise how many calories there are in Beer, Wine and Spirits... Doh!!! oh and carry outs... honestly who wants to cook when stodge (curry (Indian not Chinese as they started this carry on) pizza chips kebabs) is this cheap and delivered to the door? So as I was missing last week here are some lighter notes to hopefully make you smile in eternal lock down... A ship wrecks onto a deserted island. Two guys and a girl survive. Since they don't have anything to do all day besides eating and sleeping, they just have sex. Eventually the girl gets sick and dies. The two men don't know what to do with themselves anymore, so they keep having sex. After a few days of sex, they feel guilty about what they've been doing... so they bury her. A guy goes to a psychiatrist. "Doc, I keep having these alternating recurring dreams. First I'm a tepee, then I'm a wigwam, then I'm a tepee, then I'm a wigwam. It's driving me crazy. What's wrong with me?" The doctor replies, "It's very simple. You're two tents." A moth goes to a physiotherapist I am so tense I am over thinking everything I do; I am in a total quandary The Physio say’s “you need a psychiatrist mate I’m a physiotherapist what you come in here for” The moth said “you were the only one with a light on” A physicist, an engineer, and a mathematician are all locked in separate burning buildings. The physicist runs to a chalkboard, calculates exactly how much water he will need to put out the fire, runs and finds that amount, puts out the fire, and survives. The engineer pulls out a calculator, calculates exactly how much water he will need to put out the fire, runs and finds 10 times that amount, puts out the fire, and survives. The mathematician runs to a chalkboard, calculates exactly how much water he will need to put out the fire, declares, "There IS a solution!", and then burns to death. Boom Boom Stay Safe; Stay Well and here's hoping if we do get some Speedway all your home meetings are 49-41 and all you away meetings are 44-46... By the way staying on a Speedway note I have really enjoyed the Rewind/Rerun meetings on the various platforms and it just shows (to me anyway) how well suited Speedway is to being televised; I watched that Man City/Arsenal match last night and it was awful with no crowd the atmosphere was "crepe" even when you don't see the crowd on the TV the noise of the bikes builds on the entertainment; Footballers (even well paid ones) shouting "Over here mate" and "Pass the ball" just doesn't do it for me. Pity Speedway couldn't get a better buy in from terrestrial television because crowd or no crowd it doesn't take away from the entertainment (for me anyway)... Just a thought... Regards THJ1 point
Each to their own of course but I like Cardiff, it has provided some great action. Manchester did provide good racing for the World Cup a few years ago when I was there but the seating/toilets/catering/weather exposure and public transport made it a much less enjoyable experience. I also like to see speedway around different tracks for variety of size, surface and results. If they were all 400m wide ovals I would get bored quite quickly.1 point
1 point
Bobbath, got to be more than 3 tracks still going from 1968? Owlerton, Wimborne Road, Shielfield and of course the Abbey. Still hope for Coventry and Oxford....1 point
APART from Cardiff, what events are BSI hanging onto money from? IMG, like so many companies (including Pinegen, publishers of SS) have furloughed much of their staff. IMG run about 700 events in a normal year. BSI boss Paul Bellamy along with a skeleton staff is working his socks off to ty and salvage some sort of calendar for both speedway and rallycross while frequently having to battle either the FIM or the FIA. It may seem easy but it certainly isn't and the safety of personnel required at events is paramount. Personally, I think there will be a number of SGPs later this year. Whether or not they are behind closed doors or with restricted attendance is still up in the air.1 point
Well maybe if the Speedway Season is cancelled and the construction industry is starting again it would be an ideal time to build the new stadium!....1 point