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  1. do i miss speedway?what is their to miss?walking to derwent park with my sons and grandkids,saying hi to people who are their early like us,standing by the pits chatting to dez the machine examiner who i went to school with and who rode for the comets ,standing listening to the roar of 14 bikes getting that special smell only they make laughing at others putting their hands over ears as they walk past,walking to our special spot on the first corner near the burger van standing with people who like us have stood their for years,being pestered by the grandkids for some money for a burger which they will never eat because they had tea before coming out,clapping and shouting as 2 teams are announced by michael max or hoggy with the tones of john walch in the box,shouting at a well know referee from scotland who once again had got a decision wrong,going home after a look at the track from the pits gate saying hi to chris the pits marshall, telling my mother how well we did or why we didnt win,taking boys home and looking on the pc how other teams had done that night,going on the forum to see what other comets fans thought about the team that night.YES i do miss my speedway seeing it live from 3rd april 1970 missing work sometimes to get my fix,remembering the girls i took their some still speak to me now a couple dont but their loss eh ,so again i do miss my speedway its good to go to glasgow, newcastle, redcar. and even edinburgh but its not the same,so if u can go when this is all over DO go or like me and a few more from comets land u might not have some to go back too.HAPPY DAYS.
    9 points
  2. Honestly I should have been n Prague last week watching a GP but that didn't happen obviously so I had a drunken weekend from the Thursday to the Monday (well I had booked the time off before Christmas) and as this week has been a bit of a write off I am blowing it off tomorrow as well... Two more stone on in lock down... you just don't realise how many calories there are in Beer, Wine and Spirits... Doh!!! oh and carry outs... honestly who wants to cook when stodge (curry (Indian not Chinese as they started this carry on) pizza chips kebabs) is this cheap and delivered to the door? So as I was missing last week here are some lighter notes to hopefully make you smile in eternal lock down... A ship wrecks onto a deserted island. Two guys and a girl survive. Since they don't have anything to do all day besides eating and sleeping, they just have sex. Eventually the girl gets sick and dies. The two men don't know what to do with themselves anymore, so they keep having sex. After a few days of sex, they feel guilty about what they've been doing... so they bury her. A guy goes to a psychiatrist. "Doc, I keep having these alternating recurring dreams. First I'm a tepee, then I'm a wigwam, then I'm a tepee, then I'm a wigwam. It's driving me crazy. What's wrong with me?" The doctor replies, "It's very simple. You're two tents." A moth goes to a physiotherapist I am so tense I am over thinking everything I do; I am in a total quandary The Physio say’s “you need a psychiatrist mate I’m a physiotherapist what you come in here for” The moth said “you were the only one with a light on” A physicist, an engineer, and a mathematician are all locked in separate burning buildings. The physicist runs to a chalkboard, calculates exactly how much water he will need to put out the fire, runs and finds that amount, puts out the fire, and survives. The engineer pulls out a calculator, calculates exactly how much water he will need to put out the fire, runs and finds 10 times that amount, puts out the fire, and survives. The mathematician runs to a chalkboard, calculates exactly how much water he will need to put out the fire, declares, "There IS a solution!", and then burns to death. Boom Boom Stay Safe; Stay Well and here's hoping if we do get some Speedway all your home meetings are 49-41 and all you away meetings are 44-46... By the way staying on a Speedway note I have really enjoyed the Rewind/Rerun meetings on the various platforms and it just shows (to me anyway) how well suited Speedway is to being televised; I watched that Man City/Arsenal match last night and it was awful with no crowd the atmosphere was "crepe" even when you don't see the crowd on the TV the noise of the bikes builds on the entertainment; Footballers (even well paid ones) shouting "Over here mate" and "Pass the ball" just doesn't do it for me. Pity Speedway couldn't get a better buy in from terrestrial television because crowd or no crowd it doesn't take away from the entertainment (for me anyway)... Just a thought... Regards THJ
    3 points
  3. PERSONALLY, have found it preferable to record and fast forward through the interminable breaks later. Not bothered whether I know the result live, later that day or the next day. Can still enjoy the actual racing.
    2 points
  4. No - they will move it to later on in the season for the mini Poland tracks GP season and possibly have 2 rounds in Wroclaw
    2 points
  5. Yes, this is how I got to know about it. We wanted to put up a blue plaque to Vivian Woodward. Essex County Council said we should speak to our local council. We asked them and they said they had no objection as long as the people who currently live in the house were happy about it, which they were as we had already asked them. We went back to Essex County Council and, not only did they approve it, they donated £500 towards its cost!
    1 point
  6. Why? You thinking YOU might get a plaque??? I'm sure gustix and Sidney would help fund it...
    1 point
  7. It's on the border of Woodford & Bramhall but definitely Woodford, it's less than 50 yards from this, https://www.google.com/maps/place/446+Chester+Rd,+Woodford,+Stockport+SK7+1QS/@53.3421522,-2.1614612,3a,75y,183.67h,62.96t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sso0PF5pPonPTdUA6DUACCQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!4m5!3m4!1s0x487a4c909023d741:0x5dce23781b502002!8m2!3d53.3421429!4d-2.1630481 Woodford, Bramhall & Hazel Grove where I'm from, all fall within Stockport Borough. I grew up 3 miles from that house, my dad used to work at AVRO and would often see Ivan in his distinctive bike car, Citroen I think. As an aside, George Best lived just around the corner from Ivan, George's house was often likened to a public toilet, also used to often see him in a yellow Lotus. Anyway, great news about the plaque, I'll be swerving by for a look next time I'm over home.
    1 point
  8. THERE does appear to be an improvement, although have to say that we estimate over 90 per cent of subs are being delivered Thursday/Friday. Just need to sort kitten2502 out!
    1 point
  9. A few weeks ago my delivery was all over the place but for the last couple of weeks it back on track with Friday deliveries.
    1 point
  10. Missing my speedway however I have severe doubts that there will be British Speedway in 2020. i have watched three polish league matches..... very disappointed in the quality of the racing Some good races but nothing to write home about
    1 point
  11. Think the respective promoters liked the crowds !!
    1 point
  12. HOPEFULLY that will be the case.
    1 point
  13. As Daniel Bryan's fans would chant YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES
    1 point
  14. Race card For Monday`s Leszno v Wroclaw match pages 24-25. https://documentcloud.adobe.com/link/track?uri=urn:aaid:scds:US:57020fcd-6f8d-46d6-9625-f3e124a8e2bf The 3 other Sunday/Tuesday race card`s to follow.
    1 point
  15. Hard to say... For what I know they had a 2k target for the crowd. Todays restrictions mean they would not be able to make that. They could change, either way... I would have called it off a month ago.
    1 point
  16. No way that would run without a full crowd becuase of the cost of laying the track. I'm thinking this. Similar to the SEC there will be block of GP's in Poland on established tracks toward the end of the season with crowds allowed. Poland are letting 25% crowds now so that should improve by August, September and October. Only a guess but it is possible.
    1 point
  17. I haven't watched speedway regularly since 2008. Between then and now, I doubt I've seen one meeting per season (after relocating in 2008, the nearest track is more than an hour's drive). However, during lockdown, I took the opportunity to get my records complete and up to date - and bought a few programmes via eBay. Both fired good memories. Now, I'm looking forward to going to speedway, if and when it resumes. I hope it doesn't disappoint (as the most recent two visits did)!
    1 point
  18. If you are missing speedway give Virtual Skid ago.... 15 real races with an unknown result.... more great stuff coming too.... I know you will love it. Already VS1 - 4 available on Speedway Portals Youtube channel
    1 point
  19. Yes remember that as well. Not sure if it was the night after or later on in the cup semi final? Also seem to remember that the tractor driver wasn't your natural athlete and did well to maintain the pose for a couple of laps!
    1 point
  20. I haven’t been to a meeting since Lakeside closed . With each passing week I miss it less. I was my intention to go to occasional meetings but there are such a bunch of cowboys in charge I don’t feel motivated and have found plenty of other things to do. There must be thousands like me. Great memories of the sport, but it’s difficult to avoid the conclusion that the great days are gone and won’t be back.
    1 point
  21. Yes, I can't wait to get back after re-discovering my mojo for Speedway last year following Leicester. My mojo went missing for a while after Coventry closed in 2016. Also can't wait to get back to Peterborough for some proper Speedway
    1 point
  22. I'm missing the social side of the sport and the days out. Good racing is a bonus for me these days.
    1 point
  23. The disgraceful stance of Peterborough promoter ignoring enquiries re refund of season ticket money has confirmed my opinion re those who run our sport.
    1 point
  24. Remarkable interview with Chris Schramm in this weeks Star. All the best Chris, take care.
    1 point
  25. No, it’s a recording of a future meeting
    1 point
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