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  1. Don't over react. You know what it is like here. You've said goodbye often enough. Just get on with doing your bit in private without telling anyone about it. If Rye House is saved, we will know who is responsible. Thanks for your effort in advance
    6 points
  2. Here is a smile for Friday and a true story... (Cough Cough) The world's leading expert on European wasps walks into a record shop. He asks the assistant “Do you have ‘European Vespidae Acoustics Volume 2? I believe it was released this week.” “Certainly,” replies the assistant. “Would you like to listen before you buy it?” "Oh… That would be wonderful," says the expert, and puts on a pair of headphones. He listens for a few moments and says to the assistant, “I'm terribly sorry, but I am the world's leading expert on European wasps and this is not accurate at all. I don't recognise any of those sounds. Are you sure this is the correct recording?” The assistant checks the turntable, and replies that it is indeed European Vespidae Acoustics Volume 2. The assistant apologises and lifts the needle onto the next track. Again the expert listens for a few moments and then says to the assistant, "No, this just can't be right! I've been an expert in this field for 43 years and I still don't recognise any of these sounds." The assistant apologises again and lifts the needle to the next track. The expert throws off the headphones as soon as it starts playing and is fuming with rage. "This is outrageous false advertising"! "I am the world's leading expert on European wasps and no European wasp has ever made a sound like the ones on this record!" The manager of the shop overhears the commotion and walks over. "What seems to be the problem, sir?" "This is an outrage! I am the world's leading expert on European wasps. Nobody knows more about them than I do. There is no way in hell that the sounds on that record were made by European wasps!" The manager glances down and notices the problem instantly. "I'm terribly sorry, sir. It appears we've been playing you the bee side." Boom Boom... Bee Side Ha Ha... get it? Oh never mind have a nice weekend Stay Well and Stay Safe Regards THJ
    5 points
  3. I've made a start by posting this on their Facebook page. Obviously it is only an opening shot. "A story is circulating in speedway forums that despite encouragement to believe that speedway had a future at Rye House that that is no longer the case. Is it possible to issue a statement to confirm or deny this story please? I am one of many who have been following speedway for nearly half a century at Rye House and are dismayed that one failed promoting company could spell the death of London and the South East's last remaining speedway track. If so, imagine how you would feel if the situation was reversed?"
    3 points
  4. I had a look on goggle map and all it did was show me where I could find some safety glasses.
    2 points
  5. Blimey..the rantings of a prima donna. Nobody so far as I can see has actually commented on your ideas to try to save Rye House. A fan from Birmingham simply pointed out that there are other tracks in the area, one operated by the man who introduced professional league racing to Rye House. Maybe Mr Mc Caffery should try to persuade him to join the campaign to get the Rockets back on track ?.
    2 points
  6. Thank you EEF. My experience of Birmingham also tells me accuracy when dealing with officialdom is also vital. Wouldn't take anyone reading Mr Mccaffrey claims to discover 2 successfully run Clubs in South East in Kent and Sussex. O level geography tells me Kent and Sussex are actually in the South East too. North of London is the Home Counties. If Mr Mccaffrey wants any help he only has to ask someone like Brian Buck who would no doubt be able to show Mr Mccaffrey a few campaign skills and how a humble approach wins friends.
    1 point
  7. Not sure if this would stand up in a court of law Skidder bearing in mind these unprecedented times. Judges can be quite lenient when it comes to lease forfeiture unless it is flagrant breach and no hope of remedy
    1 point
  8. The lease is for Stadia UK to operate the stadium as a sports/leisure facility, specifically (but not exclusively) for Greyhounds and Speedway. If it doesn't do one and doesn't allow the other then its reneging on the terms of the lease and this would allow the Council to take the lease back or offer it to an alternative operator with similar leisure/sporting provision.
    1 point
  9. Haha, he was good around Foxhall, had some great times with you guys up there, happy memories
    1 point
  10. Long time no see Badge x
    1 point
  11. I have paid far more for a programme, but after a little negotiating I paid £375 for the Greenford
    1 point
  12. https://ipswichwitches.co/2020-update-from-chris-louis/?fbclid=IwAR3yDift-Ae3JeI6Zhfy_j0dfKMtKI3Iszl5Hl1XHNtE5AqhMGByQO2avuM
    1 point
  13. Finally got a Greenford programme today 28/4/1928
    1 point
  14. Timo Lahti won the Zlata Stuha 5 years ago. Why no invitation?
    1 point
  15. I wish them well also. For me personally, i don't live in London anymore. I have far easier options more local to me. As i get older, the thought of squeezing into London transport or sitting in the M25 car park do nothing for me. Those fans that live north of the river should take up the fight, before it's too late.
    1 point
  16. BS group( Bristol stadium)
    1 point
  17. definetly not as simple as that skids(ruckeroos point about dogs never returning might well be true)as you know the key to a greyhound tracks profitability is streaming revenues,poole have lost their sunday stream to a northern track which only left two and they have been moved to sister track swindon who already had 3 streams to betting shops daytime mon,wed,andfri so they now have income from 5 streams,problem at poole was that of their two streams the tues eve was only on rptv and what they pay is only just above the break even figure for the meeting,so the only profit for the week would be sat evening but theyre aleady receiving that money via swindon so why take it from swindon back to poole?logical to have all5 streams from one track and mothball the other.Other problems are that quite a few poole trainers have now given up and retired their hounds and the poole trainers that moved to swindon have been told they are not poole trainers anymore but swindon trainers so there might not be enough dogs to reopen poole.Also skids to be profitable on a sat night the restaurant needs to be full (usually was) any sort of social distancing would prevent this ,so no dog racing! I first had dealings with stadia uk 40 yrs ago forget what they called themselves then based at the old eastville stadium before they developed it ,and theyhave always kept all their cards very close to themselves so anything could happen,another rumour last wk was that in a few yrs swindon would close for housing and the whole operation would move to poole so who knows!!! one thing for certain skids poole will not have any dog racing this august,which brings me back to my original point, young ford needs to establish if they will reopen the stadium for a few speedway meetings only ??
    1 point
  18. Full coverage of the 2018 SGB Championship fixture between Redcar and Workington, which marked the 90th Anniversary of the first Speedway on Teesside. Tonight's Premiere is dedicated to the NHS and our key workers. 7.15 start
    1 point
  19. Why does speedway star, keep on insisting that the Olympic stadium is on the old hackney stadium site, its NOT, In this weeks speedway star, the piece about Vic Harding, it says, " The old waterden road became the Olympic stadium", The olympic stadium is NOT in waterden road, part of the old hackney stadium site is now the BT media centre/studios, Get your facts right, have a look on goggle map, Thanks
    1 point
  20. I have listened to the experts and this is attempt 2 Michelsen G Laguta Madsen Woryna Smektala Lindback Vaculik Zagar Pedersen Lambert Lahti Huckenbeck Milik Chugunov Lebedevs
    1 point
  21. They will of course have every meeting wildcard but yes i did consider that so Przedpelski/Kolodziej/Prem Pawlicki might come into the reckoning.
    1 point
  22. There's no way speedway runs in the UK without spectators. Totally unsustainable.
    1 point
  23. To be fair (and trying not to come across as a Monarch) (Smug) it was pointed out to Glasgow fans 2+ years back that the club was losing cash hand over fist and that the place was being underwritten by the Facenna family business for six figure sums per annum as a corporate social responsibility on their company accounts and that this had been the case from when they first purchased to spot... yet the argument at that time was totally denounced as lies and jealousy; however "The Red" documentary has proved this to be fact... I also agree where you state that Glasgow and their fans are in a very fortunate position with such generous benefactors as the Facenna family and it also needs noting that this isn't their personal accounts or wealth that is being impacted but that of their main business and as long as they run the club as a charity on the basis of it being an aim of their main companies corporate social responsibility to support local sport and their main business remains profitable then this is fine and long may it reign... However the motor industry are having hard times at present... Crunch time will come if they ever sell their business and the new board/owners make a decision as to whether they will continue to support sports in the the local community or pay their shareholders a larger dividend... this is when it may come down to the Facenna family to underwrite the club with their own hard earned cash and at £100k plus a year losses its difficult to see this happening unless there were changes... I would suggest the club would no longer be allowed to live beyond its means if they stayed in charge under that type of scenario... I would also suggest the main reason that Glasgow have been honest and up front about saying they are not running is more down to the logistics and them having the common sense to see that it will be a logistical and financial nightmare to try and run Speedway without it costing even more money... Why run and lose say another £100k over half or quarter of a season when you can shut up shop and lose nothing (or very little) by not running at all... you have to respect what the promotion have done and I have been reliably informed that there will be no penalty imposed on Glasgow or any club for that matter should they decide not to run which is quite correct IMHO... and having 6 overseas riders in the team this year would raise problems. The Glasgow promotion I am sure would have much rather preferred to run if it wasn't for the issues raised in these strange Covid ravaged times and they have been brave enough to grasp the nettle with both hands and well done to them for doing so; they wont be the last promotion to make or take this decision I am sure of that and it will be interesting to see which way the BSPL jump (eventually) with regards to trying to run a fixture list which has so many hurdles to navigate before a wheel is turned... it just may be totally beyond them... The other thing of note on here are the vastly different opinions as to whether the sport should run at all this season and the questions that are being raise and the debate it is generating... I was in the "speedway should run camp" when this thing broke but now I am starting to think "should we? it may not be a good idea" and slowly residing myself to the fact that "maybe its not a good idea and we should write the season off totally" a fascinating debate. Interesting times and as stated well done Glasgow it may start the ball rolling on a definitive decision on whether we move forward or not and possibly give it up as a bad joke; write the season off and look to next year... But I honestly think we may still be in some form of Covid 19 impacted life style come the start of next season so we may be no further forward... I sincerely hope not but we will see... Regards THJ
    1 point
  24. Oh... Seems like a nice bloke So he was a good rider, but let drugs ruin his career, I often wonder where Ward would be now if it weren't for his crash, many predicted him to be world champion but I just couldn't see that, yes... He was an EXTREMELY talented rider, but he seemed like a bit of a nutjob and you can't be world champion acting like that...
    1 point
  25. Chris Julian had two seasons I believe at Glasgow - resident in deepest Cornwall
    1 point
  26. IF we had gold watches to hand out for loyalty you would get one. Sadly, we don't but we do appreciate your continued purchasing of Speedway Star.
    1 point
  27. Many years ago I used to get the Star at one of the local tracks most weeks, then during the winter months it was obtainable from my nearest newsagent. I could be wrong, but I have a vague recollection that the Speedway Star and Soccer Star magazines were readily available 'off the shelf'. However, due to the increased popularity of the sport in my area at the time, I placed an order with the newsagent from October 1965 to ensure I received a weekly copy during the winter. A couple of years later I decided to take out a postal subscription, but then reverted to ordering from a newsagent from 1978 onwards after moving house. I changed back to postal delivery some 10 years or so later. I would guess that the number of times I have received my copy late from whatever source could be counted on the fingers of two hands. It has never failed to arrive and I don't think it has ever been more than 2 days late. I am very fortunate that the postal service here is fully functioning even now, with Saturday deliveries of post and parcels still taking place. The only thing that frustrates me is that I somehow mislaid three copies from 1952, two copies from 1953 and one from 1955. I only discovered this when I finally got round to putting the earlier years in binders. I echo the sentiments of others when saying well done to everyone involved for continuing to produce an excellent magazine during the present situation. I am sure that Eric (Linden) would approve.
    1 point
  28. I have to say the Star has been very interesting during the pandemic. An exceptional effort in my view.
    1 point
  29. I think it is easy to have a pot shot at Royal Mail. I am a postman and these are very difficult times for all key workers although nowhere near anybody who works for the NHS. A combination of sickness, those self isolating, new working practices and a vast increase in parcels due to online purchasing is bound to be challenging. I can only speak of our office where great efforts are being made on a daily basis but I suspect most posties are going the extra mile so to speak, only too pleased to do their bit to help keep the economy going to some extent. Incidentally, my Speedway Star stills turns up most Thursdays, and incidentally Royal Mail has just met their target of First Class Mail arriving the next day. So, while Speedway Star arriving late is not right, I think there is a bigger picture here that is more important. Additionally, there is also a Digital Subscription that may be more suitable.
    1 point
  30. Does anyone else think that a number of Teams will seek to drop to National League for a few seasons just to keep going with much reduced costs. Be ironic if the league the Fuhrer tried to destroy became the one that saved a lot of Clubs in crisis. Not hard to see IOW, Mildenhall, Plymouth being joined by Kent (NL only); Brummies and Eastbourne (back to NL again); Newcastle ; Edinburgh , Redcar and may be even Poole and Somerset seek that level for 1-2 seasons to keep going as better option than closing.
    1 point
  31. Don’t forget, the greyhounds do not own Poole Stadium. They are leaseholders from the council. Should the greyhounds go pop, the lease would return to the council. The land also has a covenant on it that it was given to the council for the sole use of recreational sports.
    1 point
  32. Several things worth mentioning (with the benefit of greyhound involvement as well as speedway) ... hopefully the following helps explain several bits of recent posts on this thread ... Firstly, of the 7 dual-usage greyhound and speedway tracks in either the Premiership (Sheffield, Swindon & Wolves) or Championship (Birmingham, Kent, Newcastle & Poole), it's only Poole that has separate home straights for each sport and, therefore, each sport's spectator accommodation set up very differently - the west side at Poole is the dogs' home straight with the indoor-dominated areas for that crowd whereas the east side at Poole is the speedway home straight with plenty of outdoor but covered seating - all the other 6 dual-usage tracks have adjacent home straights that lead to much more shared usage of the crowd facilities (albeit a far greater proportion of speedway's fans want to watch their action from outside rather than inside). Even if anyone ever thought before a few months ago about savagely-cut crowd capacities for social distancing, no-one surely went as far as reckoning indoor and outdoor capacity-cuts at the same venue could be regarded differently, yet that could actually now be the case at Poole given that outdoor sports crowds are likely to be welcomed back (eg, football, rugby or cricket) on an earlier and busier basis than indoor sports crowds (eg, snooker or basketball) - the logic is that any coronavirus symptoms disperse far more easily in an open-air situation than an enclosed one. Secondly, whereas tracks like Sheffield and Newcastle have had 4 greyhound meetings a week on the lucrative betting-shop schedule for many years, Poole has only had 2-&-a-bit greyhound meetings a week on that schedule - what's more, none of those slots have been in the prime territory of lunchtimes or mid-afternoons. Instead, all Poole's had are Sunday nights and Tuesday nights all year round plus mid-winter Saturday tea-times as a means of filling the gap left by UK & Irish jumps horse racing finishing well before 4pm darkness at that time of year. That's why Poole's greyhound management reckon the scraps of closed-doors greyhound action they'd be likely to get when that sport resumes (probably but not yet absolutely guaranteed next Monday on 1st June) won't be enough to justify re-opening for that sport until they can welcome their crowd back (not just on those Sunday & Tuesday nights but also their Saturday night each week for a meeting that's only for the local crowd rather than the betting shops) - hence, just a couple of days ago, they've directed their greyhound trainers towards helping to fill the racecards at sister-track Swindon (who do have a wealthier lineup of betting shop meetings). Where this has already caused great controversy and scepticism among greyhound folk is the dismal past record of Poole's parent company for falsely promising new stadiums given the closures of Milton Keynes and Reading (plus the many years of Swindon's redevelopment very lengthily discussed elsewhere on this forum !!) - until trackside crowds are welcomed back and then Poole's greyhound management resume their action, most greyhound folk (Poole or further afield) will inevitably reckon last Saturday's announcement effectively marked the end of Poole greyhounds - already some of Poole's trainers have begun looking to sell at least some of their dogs, suggesting an initial shortage of available greyhounds even if the Poole management surprisingly do seek a greyhound resumption in due course Goodness knows where this leaves the Pirates for any speedway in either late-2020 or 2021-&-beyond - I note their website has yet to make any announcement or comment about the greyhounds'' decision and its potential knock-on effects. = = = = = = = = = = = As for greyhound racing's resumption in general, like horse racing it's set itself up to resume next Monday as that was the target date set by the government just over a fortnight ago for closed-doors professional sports with broadcast audiences to resume - however, it was just that general category of sport that was mentioned by the government rather than specific sports and, yesterday, the British Horseracing Authority admitted that while it's still very confident next Monday will be resumption day, it reckons there will still need to be a positive review of the current 3-week lockdown spell by the government this midweek followed by specific sports being told that the 1st June target date can then be activated. Of the other 6 dual-usage greyhound and speedway tracks, all of them have been staging fitness trials for their dogs in the past week and will carry on with that this week, ready to resume racing next week. Four of them are on one side of greyhounds' media rights schism (The Racing Partnership quartet of Birmingham, Newcastle, Sheffield & Swindon) and that side has already published its full day-by-day resumption schedule pending any government go-ahead - however the others (the SIS pair of Kent & Wolves) are still awaiting a similar day-by-day schedule being published by SIS.
    1 point
  33. NO Gems in National Trophy in 2020 after all: https://newcastle-speedway.co.uk/newcastle-speedway-postpone-their-national-league-gems-season-for-2020/
    0 points
  34. Don’t worry the Speedway rights at Rye House have been sold and rest assured it’s in good hands, The new Promotor as a long history with the club, and he’s got brilliant financial backing, Not like Jolly who hasn’t two pennies to rub together,and by the way next Season will see RH in the a Championship
    0 points
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