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I think it's safe to say, Chris and his dad were popular members of all his teams, such lovely people.5 points
Wishing Chris Shrramm and family all the best for the future. The hard work starts now and people it’s Good to Talk ,don’t take for granted that people are ok and don’t suffer in silence Chris was a great asset and rider for numerous clubs and let’s give all our support to you . Little steps and the right help pal and you will boss this3 points
For anyone interested, I have found a way to run it in windows 10 - Slightly different from @Cj69 method of using a virtual machine 1. Download Winevdm latest version here - https://github.com/otya128/winevdm/releases and unzip the file, 2. Download Visual C++ here - https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/confirmation.aspx?id=52685 although you more than likely have this already if so skip this 3. Unzipped speedway promoter files then copied these into a GDW2002 folder under windows folder so you have this directory - C:\Windows\GDW2002 4. Once you have done the above run > otvdmw.exe from the folder you unzipped in step 1, then you will be prompted to open an exe file which will be the speedway promoter exe in GDW2002 folder. It may look like the mouse pointer is constantly loading but that's fine from what I have seen so far Would this work better for any of you? @Marksman @MassMarauder If there's any issues try leave the speedway promoter folder on desktop then run otvdmw.exe then when the box pops up then open SPE2002.EXE Just done a quick video showing the steps I've mentioned and what it should look like working https://youtu.be/s9LftM8ZsMw2 points
An interesting piece from 1936 Flat track racing fans have a real treat in store.The only man to ever hold 4 major flat track titles is going to race at the San Francisco speedway for the first time tomorrow night. Ray Tauser, one of the most daring flat track riders has sent in his entry blank.....he captured the English star trophy championship, the Australian championship, the French championship and the world's dirt track championship. One young man who is not the least bit frightened over the European star is Lou Casazza. Casazza is a San Francisco Italian, and is the pride of the Italian populace Now I also saw something about Tauser making his first appearance at Emeryville a few months later and was also captain of the Fresno team in the league. But must admit I have never heard of Lou Casazza Mention of Emeryville speedway, which ran meetings from 1933-1936 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oakland_Speedway By 1938 it seems Tauser had become the track manager at the Hinchliffe City stadium in Patterson NJ, where Bo Lisman was the main attraction along with Crocky Rawding https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hinchliffe_Stadium2 points
Sadly it`s not all good news. I wish him and his family all the best in the times ahead. I knew Chris well from his Reading days.2 points
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watched this meeting and was very impressed with the whole meeting . i found it a most enjoyable meeting to watch , prob the best meeting i have ever seen on tv/tube .(except the h18tory workington one ) never seen sarj ride better and no tapes things either . a must watch for all speedway fans , except poole ! cracking stuff .........1 point
True another inane update to official site. No mention of shafting of BB holders or hanging on to season ticket money under false pretenses. As I have said many times before I am not desperate for the money and if it helped Panthers I would gladly let it ride. I feel however disinclined to help a management who seemingly do not give stuff re fans. Much praise on sites re sponsors none re fans . Can there be anything much lower than re write rules for BB parking to suit their own agenda , then get a management troll to ridicule any fears that differ from the three line whip imposed1 point
I really feel for the Peterborough promotion as I know they had put so much time and effort in to making this season a successful one for the club,” Nicholls added. “We know last season wasn’t a great one for everyone so many things had been put in place behind the scenes to improve on last year ET 21/5/20 Sort of countered by the addition of the biggest cock-up any promotion has made in the last 20 years towards a section of it's fanbase and visitors.1 point
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Nice find cheers! I'll give it a go. I'm about 70% done with the updated rider lists, so hopefully will be able to share this soon.1 point
If its closed for business the hotel has cancelled your reservation so you will get a 100% refund. Same as Easy Jet cancelling a flight as that is also full money back. Assume you don't mean the hotel has gone bust ? You will be in trouble getting money back if they have closed for ever. But in that case speak with your bank to get a refund under the terms of your debit card.1 point
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Delighted to hear that Chris has been found, hopefully he will get the treatment he needs to recovery.1 point
On a happier note,,, ipswich are showing Jack Holder trying to crash a bike on purpose tonight,, the cheating loser1 point
My thoughts are with ALL those affected by mental health issues and their families and friends. Very glad that Chris has been found is hopefully be helped to recovery by our medical friends.1 point
I went through my proggies and found the following (apologies for weird format, text editor issues): Ivan Mauger At Hull With Exeter 22 May 1974, No.1, 11-4, 2nd to Beaton Ht 13, won 2nd half. 2 July 1975, No.1, 12-4, won 2nd half. 19 May 1976, No.4, 15-5, won 2nd half. Uproar when in ht 13 following very competitive race with Bobby Beaton who fell, Ivan was not excluded, re-run 3 only, fisticuffs between Ian Thomas & Wally Mawdsley. 24 Aug 1977, No.4, postponed. 28 Sept 1977, No.3, 10+1-4, Ht4 3rd to Mitch Graham & Mike Farrell, won 2nd half. So in addition to No.1 Ivan often rode at nos.3 & 4, not no.5 as I thought but he did ok at Hull....1 point
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He has been found- it`s on the Ipswich 2020 thread. http://www.speedway-forum.co.uk/forums/index.php?/topic/88757-ipswich-2020/&page=1281 point
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For a last resort Shocker Grange Drive shops always stock it if you are stuck.Got mine a day late last week because of the Bank Holiday.otherwise it is always there on a Thursday.Three people including me order the Star from that shop never realised we had three speedway supporters in Stratton.!!!!!1 point
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Then again, look at all those exposed for cheating, or using illegally modified parts, who kept on riding, others who have been guilty of criminal acts including supplying drugs to other riders (I'm not talking about Lee) and our Aussie friends who found further uses for empty Coke bottles (one of whom still rides). I'm not standing up for Jason but Speedway doesn't have a particularly good record in not signing bad people.1 point
But he's not a promoter and it will be the same promoters who have governed the sport for the last few years who will be running it again whenever we start up. The few ' new ones ' messers Jensen ( Rye House ) Morgan ( Workington ) Rathbone ( Peterborough ), Phillips ( Newcastle ) , and Kay ( Redcar ) all of whom had ' new ideas ' didn't hang around long for various reasons and all had issues of some sort with the sports governors , it appeared, and with only one of the young Courtney's left at Berwick and Smith / Lemon at Belle Vue to bring fresh ideas to the table you have got to wonder where the change of direction will come from. We can hope for a miracle but then we are all waiting for another major one to get us out of the current situation and they don't come around that often.1 point
I think it would be a pretty easy sell: ”Hey, fans, the Covid ban has ended and speedway can now run but we can’t fly in the continental stars due to quarantines, so we’re going to try a domestic league with a reduced admission fee. Will you support us or would you rather have no speedway this year?”1 point
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So many messages on Poole Speedway's social media platforms regarding the passing of Gordon Day yesterday. Tributes from promoters, managers, riders, journos, sponsors, mechanics and of course the fans from many clubs from all around the world.. Sadly missed. Rest in Peace Gordy.1 point
These numbers do really suggest the time has to be right for 'one make' standardised engine leagues doesnt it? The generosity of the sponsors is incredible but wouldn't all this sponsorship going to the clubs rather than individual riders help the sport overall in the UK? Seven riders all bringing in an average £70k between them would get a good few standard machines and leave money for spare parts and a mechanic to collectively look after them. And maybe enough to rent a club van to take all machines to the race meets? Riders could then be salaried, with payments reflecting their position in the team, but with the obvious lack of money being needed to pay for their kit which must make up a significant part of their remuneration package now.. All bikes to have their own passport showing photos, serial numbers etc. And any changes needing authorisation from the governing body, all logged, all with visual evidence and all signed off each meeting by the machine examiner that it all tallies with their records.. Similar to the way F1 shoehorns an individual sport into a team framework. With drivers often paying for their ride by bringing in team sponsorship and then they get paid a 'wage' to drive, and any changes to engines etc must get authorisation.. At the moment it does seem to be a race to no where given one rider will buy one top of the range piece of kit, so the others will also buy it to keep up, meaning nobody has actually moved forward, but in fact are all actually back to square one. The only thing therefore moving forwards are the costs collectively across the board, with seemingly no extra punters coming through the door to pay for them.. There must be hundreds of thousands of pounds given to individual riders in the UK by generous backers each year, so maybe it could deliver a better long term return for the sport, and obviously the riders, if it was used more collectively to pay the sports race meet costs and be used for marketing the sport nationally?1 point
My Speedway Promoter game is loaded on an old lap top that I kept with Windows XP on it. Got old Football Manager games loaded on it as well. It has been invaluable during this lock down.1 point
Sad news on the passing of former BanditTom Blackwood. Condolences to Moira and Stuart.0 points