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I've heard of all of those except Terry Mussett. Are you sure he rode for Wimbledon?5 points
Next Wednesday (20 May), the Talking Pictures TV Channel has a programme entitled, "West Country Gazette". It’s synopsis reads, "1948. We take a look at a speedway track outside St Austell where Vic Duggan makes an appearance....."4 points
Just thinking... All of us spending that time as kids recreating speedway at home, it is clear how and why we all lost our marbles...3 points
I'll just add this: due to a change in circumstances, largely overcoming 2 years of endless battles on every front you can possibly imagine (and a few more), but I'm still here so put the tiny violins away, I made serious plans, or so I thought, to take in many more meetings, not just at the obvious nearby Scunny, but at up to 4 other tracks . That went well . Stuff got real though and Covid-19 sadly impacted my family. But all my family members agree that life goes on, it has to, one day we will return to some kind or normality and we'll all see some speedway, hopefully this season if / when the authorities (read scientists and proper specialists) inform us it's safe to do so. Til then stay safe folks, this ain't no joke....3 points
Went fishing today...brilliant!2 points
I believe that later in life his daughter married a Mr Mussett and their son became a speedway rider....2 points
I never quite made it in mine. I was one of the best riders but never as good as Roger Gooding or Chris Friendship, two classmates of mine!2 points
Yes, I was World champ a couple of times in my own speedway game/world2 points
It seems highly unlikely that there would be an "official" Test match at High Beech in 1948. It was just a training track at the time; I don't think there were any matches of any sort that year, let alone an Official Test match. No idea who Ronnie Smith is either - he doesn't appear in Stenners' 1949 Who's Who in Speedway. I am wondering if maybe this was a birthday or Christmas present to a little lad called Ronnie Smith made up by his parents? Or perhaps Ronnie Smith was one of the trainees and it was a bit of a joke.2 points
Probably how German football has ran? And F1 will run? ie. Marshalled and clearly signed as to where you can stand or sit, a list detailing who can come in and how many are allowed to do so, and each person with the correct PPE for their role.. Similar as to how thousands and thousands of businesses have kept running (inside rather than outside) during the crisis..2 points
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I realise that I am probably not qualified to make posts on here, but in an effort to show that I do sometimes know what I am talking about, over the next few days, I will be posting a few Wimbledon pics from years gone by. These are not taken from any website, but from some of my old scrapbooks, so they would have originally been published in old magazines. Here is German Alfred Rumrich, who appeared for the Dons in 1937, with a best score of 11 points in a challenge against Bristol. I know my fellow unqualified poster iris123 is very familiar with him.1 point
The racing in GPs and SWC in the 2010s is the best I've seen in my nearly 40 years watching. And similarly as good or better than anything captured by tv cameras from earlier years. Proper race tracks, world class fields, a format in which every point counts and suspect that air fences make riders more willing to make aggressive moves round the outside. Frankly to indicate that today's speedway is not "speedway as it should be raced" is snobbery and closed-mindedness of the highest order.1 point
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You’ve missed Weymouth,Cradley, Leicester,Plymouth and Peterborough1 point
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Ronnie Moore, Trevor Hedge, Graeme Stapleton, Neil Cameron, Tommy Jansson, Bert Harkins, Roger Johns, Mick Hines, Larry Ross, Stefan Salomonsson.1 point
The copyright issue will always be a problem when listing other people's material. it would be nice to be able to publish all my race jackets in time when I have completed all the British League teams but getting the correct copyright permission will I think make this impossible. But I there is no law being breached by creating and wholly usingand strictly them for my own personal use.1 point
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Thanks for all your comments......I too feel this is a bit of a fake.....No idea who the "Smiths" are either. I'll hang on to it...... Maybe Ronnie Smith was a Wimbledon rider.....LOL1 point
Speedway was still racing "as it should be raced" in the 60's and 70's at least. Let's not forget that the GP in Wroclaw as last year was perhaps the greatest speedway meeting of all time.1 point
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I guess it is like asking who the best England football players were. Stanley Matthews or Duncan Edwards might well be right up there, but most people wouldn’t have seen them and generally choose the more modern players.... just a handful would have seen Hart and most might never have heard his name mentioned at all, let alone in regards to being spectacular1 point
Thanks Mike BV for your opinion. Yes I agree Running behind closed doors has a CHANCE of safely proceeding .... You mentioned F1 ......with its HUGE travelling entourage which has to somehow reach the worldwide venues. Still they have deep pockets and I am sure money will buy a lot of “safety systems. “ Not so for British Speedway which really ought to stop wasting effort on a dream of operating in 2020.1 point
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I don't know if anyone remembers a board game called Wembley. It was a football game, the idea being to win the FA Cup. All the League teams of the time were included. So as not to get silly results, but to retain the possibility of upsets, there were six different dice, so that red was a First Division Team at home down to white being a third division team away. I can't remember now what the actual numbers were on each side of the dice, but the red dice would include high numbers (5&4) and perhaps just one zero, whereas the white dice would have 2 or 3 zeros and so on. If you're still awake, what I am leading to is that the way I played speedway was with these dice, by throwing red for the home heat leader, down to the white for the away reserve. For individual trophies, I gave the Big Five the red dice and so on. Bob Andrews once won one of my World Championship Finals!1 point
I just threw a dice. If a 1 came up the rider got 1 etc until all riders in the race had 3-2-1-0 and so on1 point
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Same here whenever I could escape homework and chores, a simple little game that gave years of fun, and even winter tours to India, the mysterious lands of Oz and New Zealand.1 point
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I sort of had an advantage, as there were two of me. One rode for Wimbledon and England and the other rode for Berwick and Scotland1 point
Yes. But also interesting that there was another with the same nickname at the same time Cyclone Mookey1 point
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I was thinking along the same lines, that some inventive youngster, probably Ronnie Smith, might have had his own invented game and even typed up a programme for it. I remember in the early 50's brother and I had an "Owzat" game, and we would have county games and test matches with full eleven man teams, and occasionally include ourselves in the teams. These matches were often abandoned though as my brother would often storm off when he was losing. He's still a bad loser lol. There wasn't much else to do in those days with no TV or computers.1 point
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Not sure about Dugard but I know they had Jeremy Doncaster lined up as their number 1. It would've been interesting to have seen how the fans had taken to 'our' Andy..I'm sure he would have won them over!1 point
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This YouTube video has been updated to include some changes that were required at the following address. Due to me updating my windows operating system I did miss some adjustments made by members this has now been recitified. https://youtu.be/aJxu3owUq5g1 point
Been past the stadium today. Whilst all locked up and only basic viewing from the canal toepath: The front car park is completely tiled and looks impressive (anyone remember the moon craters) No BMR sign as you enter the car park from the road The outside of the gym seems completed (where chip shop was) First and second bend terracing levelled with slight gradient, (should prove a spectator viewing point). Pits and Tempstand as before1 point
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Trust British Speedway to take something that could be simple and complicate it. If, and it’s a big if, we get any meetings this season make them individuals etc. and start making a plan now to improve the sport starting from the 2021 season.1 point
It's interesting and ironic that the self same people who have spent the last 10 years saying that austerity has cost lives, are the same ones who are now complaining that restarting the economy is going to cost lives.1 point
I do think that there needs to be some kind of grip on reality... Go to the vast majority of supermarkets and you will see no social distancing whatsoever.... My store has had over 200000 visits over the past seven weeks, all within a confined space of less that 15,000 Sq ft.. We let a max 70 in at a time and I can guarantee within one aisle, social distancing goes out of the window.. Some customers do the 'social distancing dance' where they go left, then right, then left again as two people try to avoid each other, but many just walk past others almost touching.. Going to a sporting event in the outdoors, with controls as to who can come in, and when and how many, and only standing or sitting where clearly shown, would be infinitely less risky than going doing your shopping..1 point
Could not agree more. I have not needed any of the assistance offered as I have friends/family who have been able to meet our needs; but others I know have made use of the support and they report only positive things. In addition as a small business owner i cannot fault the various types financial assistance we have had, so far, and the excellent way the claims processes have worked.1 point
I'm sure there are folk who have had letters who are not getting support but from personal experience I cannot fault what has been offered to my daughter. The only help we have taken up is prescription delivery. I get annoyed at all the negativity from those that are not directly affected, especially when they get things wrong. If you stop and think of the massive numbers of people on the lists and the very short time the authorities have had to arrange stuff, they have done a bloody good job.1 point
Must admit i am not interested in watching the gps again. Would rather search out the Club meetings that i have not seen before. Been IOW and Berwick ones mostly. IOW ones are done really well on Portal. The lad Barry seems to do a dance on them all.1 point