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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/11/2020 in all areas

  1. Would give the riders plenty of meetings.. 'A Festival Of Speedway'.. The one good thing about no speedway is that those clubs who lose tens of thousands, (even over £100k has been quoted), wont lose this money this year, therefore maybe they could collectively stump up a decent prize pot and generate some strong interest from a sports starved public and media?
    2 points
  2. I have had a one way system in my store for six weeks.. Plenty of arrows on the floor and someone to advise you which way to go as you walk in.. Every day we tell plenty of people they are going the wrong way.. With the usual response "oh, that's what the arrows mean".. The country is sadly full of morons who will now decide "lockdown is over".. You cannot tell people to look after themselves as many are quite incapable of doing so due to being simply thick.. Chaos will no doubt ensue, and the Govt will be blamed for effectively asking people to behave like adults..
    2 points
  3. This weeks episode of the talk speedway podcast features an in depth interview with Worky legend Carl Stonehewer as he talks about his career NEW PODCAST | Blokes, Bikes & Stoney with Carl Stonehewer 'My Life in Speedway' continues this week with the one and only Carl Stonehewer! LISTEN NOW PLEASE SHARE Spotify https://open.spotify.com/episode/1bFvzLEpnxx7Ysj9jUoWzi?si=O-Yf25BMT4qLDw2uQ-TD4g Android https://anchor.fm/talk-speedway/episodes/Blokes--Bikes--Stoney-with-Carl-Stonehewer-edsj12 iTunes https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/blokes-bikes-stoney-with-carl-stonehewer/id1485785964?i=1000474176431
    2 points
  4. I remember the Berger Grand Prix also... in fact I think it maybe a good idea to run that competition again this year as and when we can get going as I don't think it's going to be feasible to run a league campaign this season with all of the foreign riders needing to quarantine for 2 weeks, so they could maybe look at pooling the British riders and running regional GP series around regional tracks with maybe a semi and finals at the end of the season... just a thought
    2 points
  5. Thought it was a decent attempt to try and ease the rules without opening the flood gates. Boris is wrong whatever he does, according to his critics. On the one hand, if he does ease anything, people will open the flood gates and abuse the easing by reverting to normal life, Union leaders and business's will have concerns about a safe return to work on safety issues . On the other hand, if he doesn't ease anything, people will feel compelled to revolt against present conditions which has already started, and business men will be exasperated trying to restart their business without getting the nod to do so. It's a very delicate path especially now that Scotland and Wales are starting to anger the government by not attempting to implement the same solutions. Nowt new there Nicola. At least we can see the road map ahead, and it's in our hands as to how quick we can get to the end which is planned for July but not normal as we know it. Without reading all the crap on here from the usual suspects, whatever what is done or proposed will be wrong apparently, they will be told lies after lies, the MSM will continue to be Labour's best ally, etc. Remember the government will be guided by experts with coefficients and parameters, and they will all be EXPERTS, and it's to be also remembered there is none on here. Only interested spectators playing with figures.
    2 points
  6. Hi guys, something a little different that we hope will be of interest to all speedway fans. Tomorrow, Sunday 10th May, at 6pm a new type of speedway is coming…. Are you ready for suspense, excitement, and speedway? Are you ready to be entertained, to see a real speedway meeting which you do not know the result of? We kick off tomorrow at 6pm – this is a game changer. Join Barry Bishop in the YouTube live chat room from 6pm, as we watch the action unfold. The countdown is on now
    1 point
  7. Don't know if this has been posted before.....apologies if it has.
    1 point
  8. Folks, I apologise if a thread already exists..... Lee Kilby has said he will shave off his hair to raise funds for The Ben Fund with an initial target of £500. This was quickly exceeded and raised to £1000 which has also been surpassed. Can we keep up the good work since The Ben Fund still has people depending on it and the dreaded virus has stopped other normal methods of fundraising. Well done to Lee. Sorry I don’t know how to do links but the details are as follows https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/leekilbyheadshave?utm_term=4MKAr3Xb5
    1 point
  9. Truck driver i think? Still does a bit of Motocross based on his rare twitter posts.
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. Got this on DVD...great memories!
    1 point
  12. IF you have a subscription and your copy hasn't arrived, call 020 8335 1113 before 2.30pm and Dave will send a replacement
    1 point
  13. MONARCHS V KING'S LYNN Join us this Tuesday, 12th May 2020, from 7:30pm as we turn back the clock to June 2007 for the Monarchs v King's Lynn Premier League clash. 2007 wasn’t one of our more successful seasons and we had a major team revamp in mid-season. Before that, we faced up to the most successful side of the time, King’s Lynn Stars, who were League and Knockout Cup winners in the previous season. They were still very much a team in contention the following season as they came to Armadale on 8th June led by star heat leaders Tomas Topinka and Daniel Nermark.
    1 point
  14. Couldn't track down Ann. But managed to find one of the riders, Franz Boßlet, who also gave a talk and has a driving school in the area, where one of the bikes used to be on display. Asked him about the speedway and hope to get an answer soon
    1 point
  15. Then again, John didn't know Igor Plechanov, so - and no disrespect to Terry here - that isn't surprising...
    1 point
  16. 90 odd matches over 3 seasons- hardly an unknown.
    1 point
  17. Boris is trying to treat people as adults, it’s them that are not. Stay alert doesn’t really need to explained in great detail even if you only have half a brain.
    1 point
  18. Me to. Hopefully will arrive today?
    1 point
  19. still waiting for my copy but then postal service is crap in this area ( Buxton )
    1 point
  20. I wasn’t born when he was 16 unfortunately but my family all say the same as you. In fact discounting his disastrous comeback in 1991 I can only vaguely remember him from the mid eighties when he had already gone off the rails.
    1 point
  21. talking of 16 year olds, will the EVER be a rider as good has Lee at that age. I think not
    1 point
  22. Tiger Terry was great entertainment in his time as a Don. Certainly couldn't fault his effort. Another one of my favourites of that era was Nathan Simpson. Thought he was going to kick onto international class, but the move to Eastbourne seemed to stall his progress.
    1 point
  23. BVue is one of the top 5 tracks in the world in my opinion. I doubt it will ever be a World GP track due to low number of spectators there could be even with temporary stands on 3/4 bend. However, if riders could travel and race with no spectators I think BVue would be a great venue as racing would be superb, but there would be no hugh empty stands in camera view. Income would have come from pay as you view, and that could make a lot.
    1 point
  24. Surprised you don`t remember Terry https://wwosbackup.proboards.com/thread/2015/terry-mussett I knew Terry and Dad(big Tel !) very well in his Reading days.
    1 point
  25. Tsunami is quite right, you can't buy them directly, the only place you can get them is if any turn up on eBay, or any other selling site like that.
    1 point
  26. Agree with this, quite possibly the biggest waste of ability / most unfulfilled potential in rider throughout my forty odd years of watching speedway. Remember seeing him at sixteen at Lynn in the British U21 final and being really impressed, I reckon that night I saw more trackcraft and nouse from him than either Darcy Ward or Robert Lambert at the same age. Such a shame he never kicked on, should have been a top rider with the natural ability he had.
    1 point
  27. Me personally I Would have to put Lewis Bridger in this group, such a natural talent, especially 2005 at Weymouth
    1 point
  28. Happened about 15ft in front of me. Horrendous sound and impact and not a nice feeling walking out not knowing any news.. Beggars belief when a fairly innocuous get off like Lee Richardson's can cause a loss of life and others far worse don't see that sort of outcome..
    1 point
  29. Asked on Facebook when fans could look forward to seeing him back in British speedway, Holder told the Australian Speedway Championships: “I definitely want to be racing back in England. Without the GPs it opens up your schedule a lot more. “The past couple of years I have been battling to get hold of a visa. “I finally got one for this year and was planning to start the year. “Because the visa didn’t come in until the last minute at the end of February, I didn’t have time to get bikes and I had nowhere to live in England. This is an interesting piece from Chris Holder in the Bournemouth echo! I guess there are some things we may never know!
    1 point
  30. Disagree with her politics BUT I know who I trust more. At least we've been treated like adults.
    1 point
  31. I recall this. So many Poole fans made the trip up, possibly outnumbering the locals. Some good racing as well if I remember. One to watch.
    1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. Don't think so. After Bob Tasker died, the master tapes passed to someone else, and, to my knowledge, there has been no attempt to restart selling copies of the old videos.
    1 point
  34. Are Brits more prone to the tiniest bit of fame and fortune going to their heads? And I mean the tiniest bit... A bit of adulation from a few girls and some new hanger on mates can soon lead you in the wrong direction.
    1 point
  35. Tonight's meeting definitely on
    1 point
  36. Ffs I think there are bigger concerns in this country with people disregarding the social distancing rules that a lone biker riding on land without permission.
    1 point
  37. Would you guys take your arguments over Poole elsewhere. I set this up for EMTV information to be posted.
    1 point
  38. Sending Blackford in to sort it out.He will reckon it’s Westminster's fault though. They should never have built that Bridge.
    1 point
  39. How do I block this users posts obviously just a sad troll trying to get reactions,id rather just not see the posts rather then bite.. fia
    1 point
  40. Cardiff definitely shouldn't be removed from the calendar for Manchester, Manchester should be added to the list with Cardiff
    1 point
  41. Born in Beckenham and rode in 2 meetings for Peterborough in 1980. Son of Arthur Ashby who rode for Aldershot and Eastbourne and started at Iwade in 1977. Anyone remember him?
    1 point
  42. The one im talking about is a completely different David Ashby to Martin's brother.
    1 point
  43. There were two David Ashby's
    1 point
  44. Well according to the latest guidelines Step 2 No professional sport before June 1 at the earliest, and Step 3 from July 4 will include hospitality and leisure facilities. Their is as yet no indication when mass gatherings will be allowed the government document says "only the development of a vaccine or effective drugs can reliably control this epidemic and reduce mortality without some form of social distancing or contact tracing in place" so its begining to look bleak for any meaningful speedway this season..
    0 points
  45. I remember Arthur Ashby.Wasn't he the bloke with the thick glasses who always done some sketch about a Buzzy Bee and squirted water in peoples faces?
    0 points
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