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Honestly Gone a bit slow again so here's a little smile for today and its a true story apparently (Cough Cough) Three couples are trying to get married. Three couples are trying to get married at the same church. There is a young couple, a middle-aged couple, and an elderly couple. The three couples meet with the vicar and discuss when they can get married. "If you wish to get married in my church, you must all go one month without having sex," says the vicar. One month later the three couples return to the church and talk to the vicar. He then asks the elderly couple, "Have you completed the month without sex?" "Yes we have, it was easy," replies the elderly couple. "How about you?" He asks the middle-aged couple. "It was hard, but we didn't have sex for the whole month," they respond. "And how about you two?" He asks the young couple. "No we couldn't do it," responds the boyfriend. "Tell me why," says the vicar. "Well my girlfriend had a tin of beans in her hand and she accidentally dropped it. She bent over to pick it up and that's when it happened." The vicar then tells them, "You're not welcome in my church." "We're not welcome in the supermarket either," says the boyfriend. Boom Boom!!! Stay well; stay safe and look after yourself... Regards THJ4 points
I have exchanged MANY PM's with John, both on here and on FB. I have explained why people react the way they do, and tried to help him in different ways. I have also defended him, and - if he goes about things in a 'normal' manner - he is a very valuable member of any speedway group or forum.3 points
I have been around a long time......I guess I'm also getting fed up with all the shares and copy / paste stuff on FB from him as well......a constant stream of duplicated stuff out there now. Makes it very boring.3 points
I think a good example of not knowing what's going to happen is comparing Tony Rickardsson and Henrik Gustafsson. There was not much to choose between them early on, if anything Henka probably had the edge in the early 90's. You'd never have guessed at that time that Tony would win 6 world titles and Henka wouldn't get anywhere near.2 points
I know they weren't "premature" departures, but throw in Olsen, Autrey, and PC (the end of 86), and that was a really bad time for speedway as far as a loss of talent...2 points
he may be annoying but he's a human being. I don't think posters should be bullied. I don't know his situation but this site may be an important source of company and communication. He's annoyed me in the past but its so easy to skip past. I've lost a couple of electronic friends off here due to bullying and abuse, it needs to stop.2 points
From late 82 to early 86 the sport prematurely lost Penhall, Sigalos, Sanders, Carter and effectively Lee.2 points
2 points
Rob Godfrey has already said that Speedway can not afford to run behind closed doors. Even if they allow Speedway to run with it’s comparative low crowds compared to bigger sports there are impossible hurdles.. social distancing... getting in to stadium... what time would you need to open to get everyone in safely social distancing.. using toilets social distancing .. food and drink ...I would imagine not allowed apart from being impractical the sooner we announce that Speedway will hopefully start back in 2021 the better2 points
Found this interesting. A thread on the German forum about the Master of Speedway series, which at the beginning was a bit like a short GP series 1978 with a round in Bremen, Gothenburg and two in Vojens 1.Peter Collins GB 27 2.Ole Olsen DK 22 3.Michael Lee GB 10 4.John Davis GB 9 5.Malcolm Simmons GB 8 6.Dave Jessup GB 6 7.Phil Crump AUS 6 8.Gordon Kennett GB 5 9.Ivan Mauger NZ 4 10.Tommy Nilsson S 2 11.Jan Andersson S 1 Of course the world final that year was Olsen,Kennett, Autrey 1979 with 3 rounds in Germany, Sweden and Denmark 1.Bruce Penhall USA 34 2.Peter Collins GB 27 3.Scott Autrey USA 27 4.Michael Lee GB 19 5.Gordon Kennett GB 17 6.Ole Olsen DK 17 7.Hans Nielsen DK 15 8.Dave Jessup GB 12 9.Billy Sanders AUS 9 10.Phil Crump AUS 8 11.Anders Michanek S 5 12.Malcolm Simmons GB 3 13.Hans Holmqvist S 3 14.Ivan Mauger NZ 1 15.Michael Lohman DK 1 World final was Mauger,Plech,Lee 1980 and only two rounds in Germany and Denmark 1.Hans Nielsen DK 30 2.Bruce Penhall USA 22 3.Chris Morton GB 20 4.Ole Olsen DK 15 5.Peter Collins GB 14 6.Dave Jessup GB 11 7.Gordon Kennett GB 5 8.Michael Lee GB 4 9.Ivan Mauger NZ 3 10.Tommy Knudsen DK 3 11.John Davis GB 2 12.Svend Lund DK 2 13.Jens-Henry Nielsen DK 1 World Final was Lee, Jessup, Sanders 1981 was two round only in Germany and after that it wasn't really worth mentioning 1.Hans Nielsen DK 27 2.Bruce Penhall USA 16 3.Egon Müller D 15 4.Bobby Schwartz USA 12 5.Erik Gundersen DK 10 6.George Gilgenreiner D 10 7.Bo Petersen DK 6 8.Josef Aigner D 6 9.Ole Olsen DK 6 10.Jan Andersson S 5 11.Chris Morton GB 5 12.Georg Hack D 4 13.Dave Jessup GB 3 14.Billy Sanders AUS 3 15.Larry Ross NZ 2 16.Peter Würtele D 1 17.Peter Collins GB 1 World final Penhall, Olsen, Knudsen https://www.speedway-forum.de/forum/index.php?thread/18836-master-of-speedway-bremen-1978-1988/2 points
Probably one of the best assessments I've read lately, but it is far too sensible to be incorporated into our leagues. I don't know of another business that cost more to run than it generates. When Sponsors monies are needed to balance the books, then it time to call it a day. I'm amazed the sport has lasted as long as it has. When you read about the costs paid to riders and the value of the equipment they race, you don't need to be Einstein to understand the promoters need more than the scant crowd to make it pay, Its a recipe for disaster. It hurts me greatly to see the direction this sport has taken. Its as though nobody gives a damn for bread and butter racing and the fans who support it, The sport now is governed by the riders, who are only concerned with is how many meeting they can do and how much can they earn... Loyalty count for very little. The only way sport in this country can survive, is we forget about SGP and the Polish league, and run our own sport on our terms. if that means racing on a Saturday then so be it.... We are not good enough to compete on their basis anymore.... but less this way, we can run the show as we please....2 points
If you'd said after 81, that Penhall, Lee, K Moran, Jessup would all make only 1 more world final each and that Knudsen and and Carter would never as high in the world final again, i think people would have considered you crazy...1 point
Following on from the point above, there really was a changing of the guard in the early to mid 80's. Look at the rostrum places from 1980 to 1983. Lee, Jessup, Sanders, Penhall, Knudsen, Olsen, L Collins, Sigalos, Muller, By 1986 the only one doing a full season at the top level in Britain was Knudsen. Olsen, Penhall, Sigalos retired, Collins and Jessup in the National League, Lee did a truncated season and Sanders (and Carter) were no longer with us. As for Tommy Jansson, he may well have hit the heights in the sport, but sadly we'll never know.1 point
Will keep you all updated but I manged to get the game running using a Virtualbox with Windows XP (from my Windows 10 laptop) however each new screen appeared ontop of each other rather than replacing, made the game unplayable. Running a new virtualbox on win98 now see if that's any better.1 point
The rankings for 2017 and earlier are here: http://russpeedway.info/forum/showthread.php?t=2130 They were done by a guy in the Ukraine (with a few tweaks and adjustments added by me) When he stopped I did my own for 2018 but it was quite a chore. I only did 2019s because I suddenly have more time on my hand!1 point
Ryanair get a fair bit of criticism but they charge a very small sum to fly 2 or 3 hours return trip. A return to any part of Europe for less than £100 is very cheap. A 20 minute taxi ride in central London costs the same as flying to Spain.1 point
A lot of people will be skint as well. Sport will be way down on their list of priorities.1 point
Because, at the time of his tragic death, he still hadn't shown anything like true class at the very top level. Yes, he may well have done, and I think he probably WOULD have done, but as of May 1976, he was not one of the very top echelon (alongside Collins, Olsen, Mauger etc). And that is coming from a lifelong Dons fan, and a huge Tommy fan.1 point
I can never understand why people never mention Jansson ( only 24) he would of been at his peak at that time against those guys you mentioned.1 point
1 point
I know that I've already praised the Speedway Star to way beyond infinity, but I MUST praise again. I have every Speedway Star since 1959, and quite a few before, and throughout those 61-years, I've never seen a better publication than what they are producing at this moment in time. PHILIP RISING, ANDY SKEELS, PAUL BURBIDGE, MICK SMITH, JEFF DAVIES along with DAVE FAIRBROTHER, take a bow, because you deserve it, you are all a credit to your profession. So once again, a MASSIVE thanks from the bottom of my heart.1 point
Hotels and Airline certainly put a lot of effort into researching big Sport events.1 point
The BL was 18 teams in 1965 and 19 thereafter. Another think to consider would be the move to fixed gate positions. I can't remember when that was introduced, certainly when Nielsen was around.1 point
Four I've witnessed stick in my mind: Eastbourne's Robert Slabon 'Fosberry flopping' over the third bend safety fence at The Shay. He ended up on the terracing. Early Eighties. Milton Keynes's Troy Butler sustained a neck gash when he piled up on the first-second turn during Glasgow's ill-fated half-season (1987) at Derwent Park. Throughout Glasgow's stay, the track, apparently left to its own devices from one meeting to the next, was better suited to Moto-X. Mark Lemon, straight from the gate, going right through the first bend safety fence at Kirky Lane, ending up on the dog track. It was a World U21 qualifier, early 1990s, I think. Middlesbrough's Chris Readshaw having three spectacular offs in one meeting at Cleveland Park. Late Eighties. The final spill saw him skim the top of the home straight safety fence before landing heavily on the track. IIRC, Readshaw injured a wrist slightly. Amazing. Brave buggers, speedway riders! Plus: I've seen TV footage in the past of a shocking first bend crash at Eastville, Bristol. Hell of an impact. Miraculously, the rider was unhurt. Was it Graeme Stapleton?1 point
1 point
He does seem to be open to bringing people in 'from outside' so that must be a positive if it influences real change and brings in extra revenue through sponsorship.. Having new (ish) promoters like the current Aces leadership team, who have mentioned in the past the need for more central independent control of the sport, maybe will start to help influence change? There does seem to be a more dynamic MC than the 'old guard' of years gone by.. This toe in the water of bringing 'outsiders' is hopefully something that will continue and maybe more will be invited in from outside the 'Speedway Bubble'...1 point
Every club will have its own budget and costs and will make their respective decision on season tickets (and sponsorship/advertising income for that matter) when they know for definite if/when the season will get underway and what format and number of fixtures there might be. No club and no fan or sponsor knows that yet!! As for contacting clubs - try via their website, facebook page, Instagram or Twitter feeds assuming that email or phone doesnt get a response - or don't all clubs have these methods?1 point
I think it is optimistic sycophancy at best to think many people will do that. I would also question why they would be doing that just now given most clubs will have minimal outgoings RE the point about clubs not being open and contactable, that isn't overly hard to judge - they absolutely should be contactable and absolutely should be offering refunds to anyone who wants one.1 point
1 point
With Rob Godfrey at the helm, I feel that UK speedway will offer more of the same old, same old, in the same slowly rusting manner until professional extinction looms and it keels over and dies. Even though he has got off his backside ( he claims ) and will bring us many new delights. I will believe that if I live to see it.1 point
What a terrific record Nielsen had, Ivan though out of the six years he had a 11 plus average five times amazing really.Also one of those years he had his average reduced from 11.74 ( an exclusion maybe?).Also your point waiheke1 about the nominated race is so relevant, i wonder how many times Ivan had an easy heat 8 win with the old six point rule.Out of those stats given i was unsure what Briggs best years were? did he win his first two titles when really he was not always on top of his game his best stat years only yielded him one title.1 point
That comfort zone of knowing you only have to get to a semi and can still win the meeting for me makes it easier now though.Do i think the series as being particularly strong now yes it is strong but there are a few riders there on the way down and at the moment are not being replaced by fresh blood.1 point
Didn't he say something like he hopes it can be reactivated? So clearly not a done deal1 point
Click on the pic and it takes you to the comments. Easy My good deed done for the day, nice and early The thing is, if you knew who it was why didn't you help out on the thread you copied the pic from ? Strange indeed1 point
I know these gustix threads are ridiculous but I find they are becoming one of my early ports of call each morning when I have my first brew, just to see what depths he has plunged to and how he has been found out again.1 point
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1 point
Mike Lanham ran into the back of Gordon Kennett when his bike packed up on the home straight in a Border Trophy meeting against Kings Lynn in 1983. Certainly one of the worst crashes I have seen. I remember Mike Farrell breaking his femur at some point but cannot recall the specific crash. The other one that sticks in my mind was Chris Holder at Coventry.1 point
never rode for Wimbledon, might be why .. Express & Echo in Exeter i was in regularly1 point
Still no hair,,, just 20 years younger,,, maybe a stone or 2 lighter,,, don't think Toni had too many helpers with a head like a cue ball. I remember the reverse fixture was on sky,, and I made it onto the TV a lot that night.1 point
1 point
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Nicola trying to look one step ahead and doing the best for Scotland and by the next day has change her mind.(after being told it’s a UK government problem which Scotland is still part of).Wonder if an Independent Scotland would have survived with our 30 dollar a barrel Oil revenue.1 point
Phil is hopeful they can get the hospital out, a track laid and a meeting done, before they even notice1 point
Not being funny but who’d purchase a stadium ticket for any sporting event for this year at the moment? Yes BSI shouldn’t be still making tickets available I agree but I don’t think anyone would be crazy enough to still buy a ticket - would they ??1 point
My daughter came home on Wednesday showing symptoms. Because we are all key workers we booked a test straight away. We took the test on Thursday with minimal delays. The results came through in approximately 3 days. Thankfully the three of us were negative. A big thank you to the staff manning these sites and how efficiently they go about their business.1 point
That is fine but if clubs do go bust, and the way things are looking in many other areas of uk business, they will, then you will lose out...as has been said £500 is a lot of money. Clubs should do the right thing and pay the season ticket money back now, no question about it.1 point
THE vast majority of printed subs copies are arriving on time and we thank the Royal Mail and all its postmen and women for that.1 point
SS has been taken weekly by my family since about 1967, just me left now that still takes it, I did on Monday decide to take out a subscription as I had missed last weeks edition,Tuesday morning it arrived and tomorrow I will receive this weeks, happy days, great publication keep up the good work1 point
Interesting analogy: "We respect the fact that the above hasn’t been caused by everyone issued with a blue badge, and we do also know and understand this decision affects everyone that will attend our race meetings that are issued with a blue badge." peterborough-speedway 28/1/20 Piers Morgan@piersmorgan (6/4/20): "We shouldn't ban people from exercising, because that would punish those heeding the rules. We should ban morons who ignore the rules to go out partying or sunbathing - from receiving any NHS treatment if they get the virus.1 point