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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/03/2020 in all areas

  1. Your memory is much better than mine Sid, I think a general rule was that the Scandinavians didn't fare well at Belle Vue, obviously Ole was the exception but even he had bad nights there, Hans just came across as another who excelled on smaller tracks but struggled on the wide open spaces of Hyde Rd. I supposed once he learned that you just had to let the bike go and keep the revs on there was no stopping him, I'm sure Erik took to it quicker, such an electric starter though, I can't think of anyone who gated like Gundersen could.
    3 points
  2. Not sure about that . Swindon fans loved doing well and loved winning the title it was still a big thing for the fans and the crowds would good because of that . Doing well and winning things will nearly always have a positive effect on crowd levels . Spending money on marketing and publicity with a crap team near the bottom is a incredible poor business model
    3 points
  3. His stance with England really p......d me off who is he to dictate and preach how our Country progresses.He could not be bothered to ride in British Finals( often commentated though!!!) also how many of those Ben fund meetings over the years could he be assed to ride in.? Was never a mate of Rossiter ever but Woffinden made his position with England unteniable for me Woffinden is what he is all out for HIMSELF alone.
    2 points
  4. You laugh, but in a way it is true. If anybody were to look at this forum to get an idea about the sport, they wouldn't go near it. The general consensus is that the sport is either, dead, dying or not the way it used to be in the good old days
    2 points
  5. Mikkel Michelsen who lives in Poland is refusing to sign his Polish contract with Lublin because he won`t agree not to be allowed to leave Poland as he wants to ride for his Danish team and sponsors.
    2 points
  6. BLRC nights were the highlight of my year as a kid - incredible atmosphere, a bit of friendly banter between supporters (and it WAS friendly!), and the feeling that you were experiencing something special. Obviously Hyde Road was a great speedway track and there was good racing, but it was the sense of occasion that made it memorable (a bit like Wembley World Finals)
    2 points
  7. Yes Sid, probably saw them all, he just seemed to have a hold over that title, won it in both wet and dry conditions. Can't recall specifics but I'm sure I saw him have stinkers in league matches there, although they were probably in the twilight of his career. BLRC was such an occasion, all the coaches from every single track, even 2nd division clubs were represented, I think the capacity was 25,000 and you couldn't move in the place, we always had seats on the entrance to the pit bend but one year my dad forgot to get seats and we stood on the steps in same area, I didn't get to see as much of that meeting but the atmosphere was enthralling.
    2 points
  8. I also liked visits to Plough Lane...the stadium just oozed atmosphere. Mike Bennett never lasted at Cowley and he has bitter memories of his time spent there.
    2 points
  9. Are you seriously saying going to Prague to watch a SGP sitting on a plane for two hours eating drinking in Prague using public transport sitting in the stadium- it’s worth the risk of getting COVID ??
    2 points
  10. ..And poor old Martin Ashby discovering that he was on a few grand less than the others!
    2 points
  11. But the sad thing is, the Tories even when lying are still miles better than Labour.
    2 points
  12. You were warned on several occasions !!
    2 points
  13. Sadly sky have already provided massive (in speedway terms) financial assistance in the early days of their TV coverage. Sadly like most things connected to the BSPA that golden egg was dropped and smashed in pieces. Hence the poor revenue for later contracts and then the almost give away to BT sport. From 1999 to mid noughies speedway had the media partner and the money coming in to really turn the sport around... The rest as they say is history!
    2 points
  14. Totally right H Gould remember Simmo commenting once about him saying he had great aquipment like Ivan but was not half the rider.Yet he sold himself very well and always had good sponsorship over the years.Remember Simmo saying that all the number 1 riders got together and told each other what they were being paid Davis always earned well.
    2 points
  15. Mavis Davis for me would be in the "vastly over-rated category" out and out gater, backed by very wealthy family and often picked by National Team over far better riders like Betts / Wyer / Kennett (in earlier career) L Collins / Phil Collins / Grahame's later on. He was a good rider no doubt, a gater who could beat anyone on a slick track, but nowhere near the greats.
    2 points
  16. Nope. I bet very few of the 122,000 or 105,000 postal tests have been returned yet. And they can’t say they’ve met it until they’ve tested 100,000 people in a day. At least another week away from that. Shame they had to resort to lying. I voted for this lot.
    2 points
  17. Surely this is a good thing as you get a refund? Wheras when the GP gets cancelled, if your flight was still valid you wouldn't?
    2 points
  18. Why are you pissed off at BA cancelling your flights? Are you aware of what's currently happening?
    2 points
  19. "Greg" Hancock advises that there was 105,937 corona virus tests carried out on Friday.Twice in two days he's smashed the 100,000 figure. What a man. But if you discount Thursdays figure, cos you don't want to believe it, he has beaten the target of 100,000 a day late. Shocking, there'll be people asking for his resignation now.
    2 points
  20. I cannot begin to describe my loathing of these cretins who question and moan and complain about a Government which is trying its ar*e off to get us out of "the plague" Just imagine the horror of a Government headed by CORBYN/McDONALL/ABBOTT. These cretins have probably never had to run a company, never had any REAL responsibility, answerable to literally thousands of people. I bear no love for the Governing party, but my loathing of the gripes, moans and questioning of these self important idiots literally knows no bounds.
    2 points
  21. Tom Farndon. I understand there are still a few people who don't consider him the greatest ever!
    2 points
  22. Hi, Yes we already have face masks available and pretty smashing they are too. Initially I ordered 200 which have all but been taken up by frontline, NHS, Carers and key workers. We gave them away and asked for a donation and managed to raise £505 when went to Capt (now Col) Tom Moore They certainly seem popular
    2 points
  23. i thought the book would have sold more and got a better reaction that it has got. For me seeing it on the shelves in a big supermarket makes it worth it just for that.
    1 point
  24. Says its 5 stars on trip advisor.. You can see six if you get given the top bunk..
    1 point
  25. Nice to get the chance to be a part of @canalplussportpolska program R1 yesterday! I think I made some good points from the foreign riders point of view. We all... want to race in @speedwayekstraliga and personally I have no problem at all with starting the season in Poland until the borders are open again and the 14 day quarantine rule has been lifted. The main concern is the annex and the lack of information in this one, if this one can be sorted with a few changes everything will be fine. I love Poland, I live here and almost have for 5 years now so don’t mistake any articles released for my words cause I have not spoken with any media’s a part from my interview on tv last night! The Danish federation has as well as Ekstraliga put us in a very hard and complicated situation and both of them have good and bad arguments, but please stop spreading rumors etc. We’re trying to fix the situation together and accomplish a united decision. So stop the “fake news” and believe the situation will be resolved
    1 point
  26. Were you surprised how Hans mastered Hyde Rd NW ??? i was i went from being a real doubter of his to being a real fan.My wife who went with me regularly said to me once does this rider Nielsen ever lose at Oxford superb rider great team rider to.It is no exaggeration to say that Hans in another time could of won 8 world titles great rider a great example to any young rider coming up.
    1 point
  27. Not by me Steve watching him everyweek was a joy he was a passive man even now he watches regularly such a quiet guy .Martin and Kilb were the men for me lucky to have seen Briggs,Ashby, Kilb, Broady., Crump( snr and jnr) Autrey, Adams , Doyley Swindon have been really blessed over the years.
    1 point
  28. They cant control deaths with lockdown it seems!Follow Swedish example maybe!
    1 point
  29. Five riders I thought were under rated (even though they all had good careers):- Jim Airey Alan Grahame Tony Davey Larry Ross Martin Ashby
    1 point
  30. He is totally out of his depth
    1 point
  31. Kennett for me along with Crump senior was one of the strongest and fittest riders i ever saw ride he could force his way through on the line.See a picture of him the other year and he still looks fit and healthy would of loved to see him move to the Abbey terrific value there always seemed like a quiet guy.
    1 point
  32. That's an interesting observation? I saw lots of Gordon at Eastbourne, Oxford and White City (as well as on many other tracks) and he was a tough competitor but dirty I'm not so sure...although he and Steve Gresham had some "interesting" encounters but so did many with Gresham!
    1 point
  33. I'd say 99% of Hackney fans would have Thommo as their favourite Hawk. He had a totally unique riding style, almost as if he was fighting his machine! Zenon Plech was another huge favourite of mine. I remember as a young lad screaming at the tv during the 79 world final for him to pass Kelly Moran, but Kelly rode a blinder and blocked his every move..ahh well.
    1 point
  34. It's all about opinions isn't it Sidney; and Davis was always a bit of a "marmite" character as I remember having long arguments (friendly banter) about Mavis back in those days. We all have our favourites and those we just can't understand what the hype is about. That's speedway and it's an interesting thread for that reason.
    1 point
  35. Dick still does centre green presentation at Berwick,much to the annoyance of some,can be seen on here under various guides such as Crescent Girl ? !!!
    1 point
  36. An ex-girlfriend once did the same to me, but only the once. She gleefully informed me "I threw out all those music, speedway & motorbike magazines while you were at work, the dustmen arrived and took them all away". I informed her with equal glee that if she did anything like that again all her clothes would go into said dusbin for the dustmen to take away, was but one of very many reasons she became an ex-girlfriend and is no more. I replaced the lady in question and time replaced all the mags too. So, hah! . Was tempted but no, she didn't end up in the dustbin ....
    1 point
  37. Should have been called The Don as it was at Oxford that he came of age
    1 point
  38. Sounds like more fear porn to me ...
    1 point
  39. If we get anything, I can't see it being more than a few open/challenge matches around August/September time. Teams could easily be made up with guests as they will be purely for entertainment purposes. I can't see there being any league. Matches like that would normally be very sparsely attended, but if they were the only speedway this year they'd probably attract pretty decent crowds. Poland is way ahead of the UK with Corona Virus and even they aren't starting until June - and even then without crowds, which the UK have said they won't do. So Poland will also be having crowds before they are viable in the UK. We'll be lucky to get anything at all. Jason has gone to Poland with Swindon's blessing, according to the website, as they couldn't guarantee him a start this year. Any rider who can get a place in Poland and is happy to stay there for 6 months will be a fool not to take it if they want a ride this year.
    1 point
  40. Don’t want to put a damper on what is already incredibly tough times, but personally, can’t see a speedway season in the UK this year.
    1 point
  41. Theres one rider in particular that has chosen a completely different way to try to make some cash during lockdown.
    1 point
  42. Think someone on another thread mentioned a very important point. Not about the riders, who are fairly young and fairly healthy. But a lot of people behind the scenes who help speedway run, and a lot of the fans are in the vulnerable group, who are the ones who must stay out of the way of contact with others, and are probably the last people who will be allowed out/and or attend large gatherings...
    1 point
  43. On Ivan's last visit to the UK to promote his book around 2010/11 "Ivan Mauger: The Will to Win: The Autobiography" I bought myself a copy and in there he said "if you can ride Brough Park you can ride any track in the world" and that was when the track was not only longer than today's track but approximately a whole lane narrower and the bends didn't really open out as much as they do now... so much more of a trick track back then I would say. The best laugh was I was standing in the pits with Kenni Larsen whilst Dalbers was interviewing Ivan on the centre green and he asked "Well Ivan what do you think of the track these days" Ivan's response was "you've ruined the place! you've made it far to easy to get round now" and Kenni turned round and said "whose this old nutter who thinks this is an easy track to ride" and when I explained who Ivan was and what he had done winning six world titles and when at Newcastle had an average of over 11 points... Kenni who had never heard of him previously was in awe of the guy and by the end of the interview was well impressed... Kenni even had a chat with him later on in the meeting and Ivan said he was impressed with Kenni's starting ability and his style on a bike. (which I think was fair praise indeed) Great talent Ivan and a true speedway legend sadly missed (and on the track side of things at Newcastle you could say the same about Kenni) Regards THJ
    1 point
  44. Was an interesting read I thought. To be honest there's nothing that shocking but good to get his insight. As someone who's cheered Tai on at home and on the continent its a little bit of a tough pill to swallow knowing he 's heart is really with the Aussies. However 1. its understandable, 2. Can't say he hasn't been anything other than brilliant when he's represented GB. It's more and more common in the world we live in people have split loyalties when it comes to their nationality. Whether is be they are new to living in a country, parents are from somewhere else, its just the world we live in. With regards to how he's treated British Speedway, yes I appreciate it gave him his start but I can't say I blame him for not wanting to be any part of it. He's not alone either, this goes back the Hans Nielsen in the mid 90s. Unfortunately its just an inferior league run by an old boys club.
    1 point
  45. i went to my first ever meeting at wimbledon in september 1968 so i never saw sverre ride before his terrible accident earlier that year. my first visit to west ham was in may 1970 against the dons. if my memory serves me right this was christer lofqvist's debut for the hammers and in the same meeting sverre fell and broke his arm. it was a cruel blow as he was just getting some form back. i was lucky enough to see him ride plenty of times for wembley in 1971 and as a kid he was one of my favourite riders at the empire stadium. thanks for the memories sverre.
    1 point
  46. Thats funny when we have just come accross that old film of him.. I remember him as a real hard and tough racer, second was never good enough and you knew whatever race jacket he was putting on he would give 100%. At Custom House he was a real crowd pleaser, the same really at Wembley, bit od a norwegian version of Eric Boocock as far as agression went, dont know how many times I got his autograph as a kid, I guess thats why the fans liked him as he had time for them too.
    1 point
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