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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/02/2020 in all areas

  1. I cannot begin to describe my loathing of these cretins who question and moan and complain about a Government which is trying its ar*e off to get us out of "the plague" Just imagine the horror of a Government headed by CORBYN/McDONALL/ABBOTT. These cretins have probably never had to run a company, never had any REAL responsibility, answerable to literally thousands of people. I bear no love for the Governing party, but my loathing of the gripes, moans and questioning of these self important idiots literally knows no bounds.
    6 points
  2. Apparently he's not too quick getting his round done, unless he gets out of the depot first
    6 points
  3. If we get anything, I can't see it being more than a few open/challenge matches around August/September time. Teams could easily be made up with guests as they will be purely for entertainment purposes. I can't see there being any league. Matches like that would normally be very sparsely attended, but if they were the only speedway this year they'd probably attract pretty decent crowds. Poland is way ahead of the UK with Corona Virus and even they aren't starting until June - and even then without crowds, which the UK have said they won't do. So Poland will also be having crowds before they are viable in the UK. We'll be lucky to get anything at all. Jason has gone to Poland with Swindon's blessing, according to the website, as they couldn't guarantee him a start this year. Any rider who can get a place in Poland and is happy to stay there for 6 months will be a fool not to take it if they want a ride this year.
    3 points
  4. Sorry - I hadn't noticed. Thanks for the information. I will promote my Team to number one on my list.
    3 points
  5. Our timeless interview with Ipswich legend Tony Davey, a key member of those first great Ipswich teams of the 70s, features in this week's (w/e May 1) Speedway Star. You couldn't wish to meet a more humble former star rider than the ever-popular 'Shrimp', who happily lived in the shadow of Louis and Sanders at Foxhall. Who knows what he could have achieved but for three serious injuries that cut short his promising career.
    3 points
  6. ....and hopefully his lockdown will be longer than everyone else's!!
    3 points
  7. Theres one rider in particular that has chosen a completely different way to try to make some cash during lockdown.
    3 points
  8. Everything "a con" when the result is not what you wanted.
    3 points
  9. Simon from the Inbetweeners springs to mind!!
    2 points
  10. Maybe the get away was hampered by the well known transport problems
    2 points
  11. I hear from contacts in the transport business that a large number of home testing kits were delivered to the home of a Mr M Hancock on Thursday afternoon......
    2 points
  12. There will be plenty of people with no companies to run after this. Unlocked countries have all had lower death rates per million than the UK, and not destroyed their economies in the process. The link below gives the statistics in case you haven't seen it ... https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries
    2 points
  13. So, are you happy for the government to say anything and do anything without being questioned? If so, you might consider living in China. Otherwise, we still have a democracy and freedom of speech and a lot of those questioning the government are making very good points, certainly ones that could be more effective in saving lives, and indeed actually helping the government to move forward.
    2 points
  14. The bits I've read indicate exclusivity is a core part of the revised Polish contracts
    2 points
  15. Good to see riders out and about making a living, shows that they aren't earning like some think so they don't have money to spare for a crisis. I always found it strange that some slaughtered Tim Stone for driving a Tesco van rather than take wages out of the Speedway.
    2 points
  16. Just came across this, well done mate for getting off your backside and earning a crust... https://twitter.com/nklindt?ref_src=twsrc^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author not been much on the social media lately as i started work last week. i’m working for @Tesco as a delivery driver and been flat put, but lots of fun and got great colleagues. a bit different to what i normally do! (haven’t got my uniform yet, so made this photo)
    1 point
  17. Nope. I bet very few of the 122,000 or 105,000 postal tests have been returned yet. And they can’t say they’ve met it until they’ve tested 100,000 people in a day. At least another week away from that. Shame they had to resort to lying. I voted for this lot.
    1 point
  18. I used to have a huge collection of Speedway magazines dating back to 1932. I got married in 1969 and when I came back from honeymoon my Mother said to me "I've had a good clearout and have thrown all those old papers in your old bedroom away." Thanks Mum!!!!!
    1 point
  19. Why are you pissed off at BA cancelling your flights? Are you aware of what's currently happening?
    1 point
  20. As good as it gets ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hhA4zsHJPT0
    1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. Not quite making the target, or making it a day or two late isn't really an issue.. or shouldn't be. What many don't like is the manipulation of figures. Simply be honest, say we're almost there, and within another day or so we will be there.
    1 point
  23. Can't blame Doyle or anyone else who throws their hat in the ring to live and ride in Poland exclusively. Their top league at least is going to run so a chance for the riders to earn some money. At the moment it's 50/50 at best that the UK will run a league program. We know unlike Poland we can't afford to run behind closed doors so are at the mercy of the government allowing fans into stadia which at the moment seems a long way off. I've read in a couple of football articles in the last day or two suggesting it maybe January before crowds are permitted back into stadia. Now I know speedway might be in a different position due to the low level of support which makes social distancing easier.
    1 point
  24. No chance of any GP`s if empty stadiums requirements are still in force.
    1 point
  25. I have updated my Post for both the inclusion of Sunderland, and the years to the best of my memory which is not great these days. Thank you RB for your input - it is much appreciated.
    1 point
  26. 6 GP is plenty to find a Champion. In 2020 needs must.
    1 point
  27. 1) Sunderland - Stars (1971 - 1972) 2) Sunderland - Saints (1964) 3) Ellesmere Port - Gunners 1973 4) Hull - Vikings 1971 5) Romford - Bombers 1970/71 6) Belle Vue - Aces 1971 7) Coventry - Bees 1971 8) Exeter - Falcons 1973 9) Berwick - Bandits 1971 10) Canterbury - Crusaders 1971 These Race Jackets appealed to me anyway.
    1 point
  28. Even if we fall for that explanation (which only a lunatic would), how about Downing Street confirming that it meant 100,000 people tested, not 100,000 tests on fewer people? Even allowing for the limp “we’ve posted it so we can count it” excuse, only 73,000 people were tested. We want a government that we can respect, one that uses genuine data to support honest arguments, proposals and conclusions, not one that twists them to manipulate the public.
    1 point
  29. The count was never intended to be when the samples were tested but when the test was carried out. It was explained that with the postal tests advice was taken and that was that they be counted when the test was sent out. That is reasonable as otherwise, a seperate recording system would be needed to record when the recipient carried out the test and then in many cases adding it to a previously announced total. In any event the total without the postal tests would probably have been close to or, have exceeded the target if, instead, as some seen to prefer, postal tests sent out previously but carried out by the recipient on the 30th April were included in the total for that day. Much as it may upset some to acknowledge it, It was a remarkable achievement.
    1 point
  30. Agreed. They used to be in one off finals so why wouldn’t they be in a six leg series, regardless of where it’s held. Let’s face it, all of those taking part will be familiar with the Polish tracks.
    1 point
  31. DC2 Oxford were he rebels before moving to White City in 1976. I have no-idea why Wimbledon colours re red with a yellow star. Hopefully someone on here will be able to inform us. So far got some race jackets the last to do for now is Wolves 1972.
    1 point
  32. Only the Polish Extraliga is running this year which I think means that only Doyle, Nicki Pedersen, NKI, Brady Kurtz, Dan Bewley and Robert Lambert could be affected. No-one else in the British leagues is up to that quality. Word is that Nicki Pedersen has doubts about wanting to live in Poland for the remainder of the Summer & Autumn. I would expect that Kurtz will follow Doyle to Poland, NKI will stay in Poland and the two English lads will stay here. But that's just my expectation. Contrary to some of what's written, the "exclusivity" is not a speedway club driven thing, it's really just a reflection of the current need for a 14 day quarantine every time you cross the border into Poland. Until that law is relaxed, hopping back and forth over the border will be a thing of the past. And don't for a minute think that the British Leagues are the worst knock-on victims of that. The Swedish leagues relied far more heavily on Polish riders, and how the SGP series can possibly exist, other than for the 3 rounds in Poland, I can't imagine.
    1 point
  33. Many thanks for your votes Steve Belle Vue 1972 and 1976 are the same so I have added these to mine. I have shared your points for White City (1976) (red) and Oxford (1972). I have just added to race jackets to Wimbledon video that can now be found on YouTube at https://youtu.be/YWxwJkCpOBs
    1 point
  34. If he's signed on the bottom line in Poland then he can't ride in any other country's leagues. I've lost track of who else Swindon have signed? Does it also affect Batchelor or others?
    1 point
  35. 1= White City (1976 Away Option - Red) & Oxford (1972) 3. Belle Vue (1972) 4. Wembley (1971) 5. West Ham (1971) 6. Wimbledon (1976) 7. Poole (1972) 8. Exeter (1976) 9. Wolves (1976) 10. Ipswich (1976) Worse...Newport (1973 - 75)!
    1 point
  36. Today's newspaper is saying Cardiff expected to remain a hospital until April next year. The Welsh Rugby Union are looking for alternative venues for this year's Autumn Internationals and next year's Six Nations.
    1 point
  37. Also in 1972 & !973 Sid. A heat leader trio of Wilson, Boulger & Jessup.
    1 point
  38. God you would never think of Ronnie being that way inclined such a gentleman really Eide was a tough rider classy.
    1 point
  39. Ty Proctor is working for some Northern Water Board or something similar.. He has volunteered to work for the NHS, so well done to him..
    1 point
  40. Never the less, that's what the rules have been confirmed the Professor in charge of testing programme. If they weren't counted on day of release, when would they be recorded. I realise this is now a politicised issue, but Starmer has already accepted the issue as he sees the need to ramp up the number of tests. All getting so silly.
    1 point
  41. We are reliant on being provided with the meetings . We can ask .
    1 point
  42. Do your homework. The methodology of collection this data has been set out before, and the figures today are consistant with how they have been recorder since day 1. Regardless of your comments, even if you did take the postal ones away from the total, it's not a bad stab at 100,000. Starmer has already realised it was a very near hit, and has already indicated that it's not an issue he will be following up. Perhaps he is learning, could be a message for others.
    1 point
  43. Tests yesterday were 122,347 which of course beats significantly the tough target set by Hancock of 100,000, which journalists and critics were preparing to call for his resignation from office. Seems appropriate in that case then to call for their resignations having met and smashed the target.
    1 point
  44. And today's poll adds to the idea that a very large minority ( 40% ) are fearful of going out from even a phased easing of lockdown. The majotity of these were in the Vulnerable Elderly category. I too can't see UK speedway operating in a meanigful way this year. And for those tracks that might fancy a dabble, if permitted, could see average numbers down by 50% or more.
    1 point
  45. Think someone on another thread mentioned a very important point. Not about the riders, who are fairly young and fairly healthy. But a lot of people behind the scenes who help speedway run, and a lot of the fans are in the vulnerable group, who are the ones who must stay out of the way of contact with others, and are probably the last people who will be allowed out/and or attend large gatherings...
    1 point
  46. Glad you got over it. My ND advised me to increase my intake of Vitamins A, C, and D, along with Zinc and Selenium back in February to boost the immune system. Caught it in March, felt a bit rough for a day but was fine after that, but the other two in the house were ill for a fortnight. I lost my sense of smell and taste for a month, but that was a blessing in disguise with the wife's cooking
    1 point
  47. Hope you recover fully soon. It is this sort of real life experience that is not reflected in any stats at all. Whilst all the talk is of death rates; there is a 'success' being ascribed to every 'non-death' that does not seem to reflect just what level of suffering has been experienced by some/many of those who have been through it and survived. My anecdotal experience locally is that for quite a few this ranks as the worst experience of their life and nothing like a dose of flu. They are not getting back to normality quickly at all. As one of the high risk people who are under 60 but will HAVE to return to work at some point. I will not be in a position to totally destroy my business by being shielded for longer than the 12 weeks and once the business grant is spent. And that will be scary.
    1 point
  48. Has had two spells as a witch and on the track was absolutely brilliant especially his passing and team riding. But other off track issues hold him back. I feel if you could do a deal where the club provides the bikes and a mechanic who cleans and maintains them with Ben just turning up and riding them before returning home with the bikes going in the opposite direction with the mechanic. then I think you would see a even better version and if he could lose a stone or two then he would really benefit imo.
    1 point
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