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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/01/2020 in all areas

  1. Hi, Yes we already have face masks available and pretty smashing they are too. Initially I ordered 200 which have all but been taken up by frontline, NHS, Carers and key workers. We gave them away and asked for a donation and managed to raise £505 when went to Capt (now Col) Tom Moore They certainly seem popular
    15 points
  2. I have attended winter meetings in the amateur speedway: at Scunthorpe! This country isn't Alaska, you can have good days in January, just as much as midsummer.
    5 points
  3. 100%, however the BSPA need to guarantee spaces in teams for the lads as they develop.. No point in developing talent then leaving it to fend for itself in its formative stages and years.. There needs to be a clear development plan, with milestones in place for each individual..
    4 points
  4. Quick update from promoter Jitendra Duffill: http://www.redcar-speedway.com/2020/04/30/update-from-jitendra-duffill/
    4 points
  5. WHAT about soccer when one side is awarded a free kick and the opposition form a wall with players two metres apart
    3 points
  6. Carrying on the longest names theme. Does anyone know if any speedway meeting have been held at Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateapokaiwhenuakitanatahu in New Zealand? For the place name pronunciation check out this music video on YouTube from Quantum jump - The Lone Ranger https://youtu.be/Tm2arTAtKXg
    2 points
  7. No, Dave. The government has cheated. Everyone knows it. They haven’t “done” 100,000 tests and they haven’t tested 100,000 people. Hancock has come under intense pressure over the 100,000-a-day target since making it. At the time, the government was clear that the figure represented the number of people having a test. Click on the section in red to see that the government intended it to be 100,000 people.
    2 points
  8. Its a con, it has always been touted as the number of tests carried out, now it seems we should all have known it wasn't that at all, for gods sake "its in the post" is now being used as an excuse by the government
    2 points
  9. Saw this on twitter earlier. Good on him. Wonder how many established riders like him are doing similar.
    2 points
  10. Tests yesterday were 122,347 which of course beats significantly the tough target set by Hancock of 100,000, which journalists and critics were preparing to call for his resignation from office. Seems appropriate in that case then to call for their resignations having met and smashed the target.
    2 points
  11. NO, I doubt think it was a double header. Obviously it wasn't the abandoned Lakeside meeting.
    2 points
  12. Bang on. What a brilliant piece of promotion as well as helping the NHS!
    2 points
  13. Tom Farndon. I understand there are still a few people who don't consider him the greatest ever!
    2 points
  14. If you haven't seen this before, I envy you. Utterly unique:
    2 points
  15. I am afraid that has bloody obvious for weeks.
    2 points
  16. Totally agree. I agree with your idea of protected U21 reserves. It is sad that in the Championship so many Clubs still prefer to bring in often unproven foreign riders sometimes on false averages they cannot attain rather than invest in British riders. My Club seems sometimes to be obsessed with that. The asset system though has a lot to answer for as some big Clubs sweep up riders and once on asset list do little to help them.
    2 points
  17. How much Family does Freddie have in Andorra (other then Carolina which I assume is coming along to Poland)? He was only going to do Poland + GP anyway so it isn't the same as if Nicki would have moved to Poland he would have to leave his kids and family behind.
    2 points
  18. We need our speedway fix in the warmer weather lol. Most of us are feeling the cold more in our old age !!
    2 points
  19. With some twitter feed I get regarding British football they’re quite allright
    2 points
  20. Jack Parkinson Blackburn is the guy your thinking of, but hey i know nothing.. these are the kind of guys the Sport should be helping, something similar to whats in Poland Under 21,s protected, but instead we just make it harder for them to come through..
    2 points
  21. With Ivan's love of Newcastle, every time he came back to this country, he used to plan his time here and then ring Joan English to advise her of his visit. I believe he used to meet a family he knew in the afternoon, and then travel on to us. His visit was never announced and he was often in the office at the beginning of the meeting but the fans didn't know. At some stage he would come out and stand in the office doorway and then the news went around that Ivan was with us. Another reason he used to visit us was to check on the progress of David Bargh and Mark Thorpe. He never forgot the New Zealanders. As soon as he arrived and met people, he was away and gone. Very low key.
    2 points
  22. Is there any soul out there who has a collection of Speedway Stars they would like to pass on to a new owner? It's for a project. Particularly looking for 1970s-00s.
    1 point
  23. I been thinking about not being allowed to list your own team so I'm going to change the post to allow your own team. If I can get a top 30 list and I can find a colou image I will create a top 30 kis on YouTube voting is open until the end of May 2020.
    1 point
  24. Have to agree with Cradley, Belle Vue, and Wembley. I also loved Paisley and the original Canterbury.
    1 point
  25. 1 point
  26. Maybe the riders who had their careers hindered by serious injury such as Stefan Kwoczala or Arne Pander.
    1 point
  27. As I only picked one rider I will go with another four with my Eastbourne bias... Dean Barker, great team rider that had way to many injuries that held him back, but on his day could beat the best. David Norris, natural talent that only really showed it consistently away from Arlington for the odd season Adam Shields, underrated himself. Martin Dugard but only at World level. He went back to Eastbourne after Oxford to to fulfil his Grandfathers wish to see him back before he passed away and never seemed to have the desire to complete at world level until he thought he was facing a ban in 2000 and went out to prove a point in the British GP.. Sorry, I did say it was Eastbourne bias and based on my experience..
    1 point
  28. Rules made up by the people who have to follow them, great way of doing things so the definition of tests carried include the ones carried out to someone's house by the postman bet we all wish we could work to rules like these
    1 point
  29. Do your homework. The methodology of collection this data has been set out before, and the figures today are consistant with how they have been recorder since day 1. Regardless of your comments, even if you did take the postal ones away from the total, it's not a bad stab at 100,000. Starmer has already realised it was a very near hit, and has already indicated that it's not an issue he will be following up. Perhaps he is learning, could be a message for others.
    1 point
  30. The levels of gullibility have no bounds it seems! And now it transpires the tests have been 'posted'... Marvelous. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/may/01/ministers-accused-of-changing-covid-19-test-tally-to-hit-100000-goal
    1 point
  31. Svemo just announced that all previously approved permits for Swedish riders in Poland have been revoked/declared invalid by Svemo to make sure that the Swedish riders will be available in Sweden if/when the Swedish league season starts. This only applies as long as the borders are closed/quarantine is needed. If/when travel restrictions within Europe are being lifted the Swedish riders will again be allowed to race in Poland. It only applies to riders who contract with a Swedish club to rider in the Swedish leagues. Svemo has taken decision after consulting the Swedish riders and the Swedish clubs. https://www.svemo.se/Nyheter/Speedway/svenskaspeedwayforaresutfardadestarttillstandipolenogiltigforklaras
    1 point
  32. sounds wonderfully inviting.....
    1 point
  33. The 1997 16 lap classic was posted on YouTube last night by Ipswich Speedway It was the British debut of a certain Mr G https://youtu.be/nd9RNitVzjg
    1 point
  34. Bobby McNeil was one rider who escaped the clutches of Oxford! He found the transiton difficult riding full-time in the British League but was developing well after his first full season. He moved to Hackney because I believe his business was being compromised by riding at a Saturday night track. Unfortunately he suffered a couple of injuries and he was badly affected by the death of Vic Harding and retired soon after.
    1 point
  35. Barry as always leading the way, well done..
    1 point
  36. That's why I'm so pleased with my club Eastbourne, Brennen and Edwards seem to be part of a long term plan and never seem to be put under undue pressure by the management or fan's, hopefully Drew Kemp will fall into that plan as well although not being a club asset may hamper us with him. Kemp and Edwards at reserve, happy days. Even if this season is a write off, imagine we'll be doing exactly the same next year.
    1 point
  37. The difference with Poland protecting the under 21's is that they take an interest in the riders at a much earlier stage, offer them junior team places, sponsorship's, guidance etc the whole package to make them feel involved with the parent clubs. There is then a bond created and a two way respect generated. In the UK the instant smash hits are snapped up, thrown in at the deep and and thrown to the Wolves if it is too early for them. There is a whole lot more than talent required to make it as a speedway rider even to a decent level, determination and funding play a major factor and is where a lot of potential good riders fall by the wayside.
    1 point
  38. Very brief crowd shot at the end spot the comets fan its me
    1 point
  39. And today's poll adds to the idea that a very large minority ( 40% ) are fearful of going out from even a phased easing of lockdown. The majotity of these were in the Vulnerable Elderly category. I too can't see UK speedway operating in a meanigful way this year. And for those tracks that might fancy a dabble, if permitted, could see average numbers down by 50% or more.
    1 point
  40. After those we all mentioned for the Aces we should not forget Scarisbrick, ( Smith, Eccles/ Screen all thrown in the deep end full time)
    1 point
  41. Get a roof on the 'stadiums' and install central heating, it could be a winner
    1 point
  42. What about the riders and their life’s outside speedway? It’s not all about the money.
    1 point
  43. Mate you are wasting your breath on that idiot
    1 point
  44. Exactly. The hard decisions will be for the middle weight riders, Kurtz, Lidsey, Batchelor, Bewley etc. Do they risk a partial season at a very reduced rate in Poland or stay in Britain hoping our season gets started. I still think that if it were me, in the current climate, I'd take what's on offer in front of me.
    1 point
  45. Realistically, what's the alternative? The British leagues cannot afford to run behind closed doors. Therefore there will be no speedway until social distancing rules are relaxed, which will be June/July at the earliest. Then at best it will likely be a reduced calendar. Or, if you're offered a team place in Poland, you get a full season at an albeit reduced rate. Logistically it will be a bit of a ballache, but realistically how many nights a week do you think Doyle spends in his own bed during the season? Seems like a no brainer to me.
    1 point
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