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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/29/2020 in all areas

  1. On Ivan's last visit to the UK to promote his book around 2010/11 "Ivan Mauger: The Will to Win: The Autobiography" I bought myself a copy and in there he said "if you can ride Brough Park you can ride any track in the world" and that was when the track was not only longer than today's track but approximately a whole lane narrower and the bends didn't really open out as much as they do now... so much more of a trick track back then I would say. The best laugh was I was standing in the pits with Kenni Larsen whilst Dalbers was interviewing Ivan on the centre green and he asked "Well Ivan what do you think of the track these days" Ivan's response was "you've ruined the place! you've made it far to easy to get round now" and Kenni turned round and said "whose this old nutter who thinks this is an easy track to ride" and when I explained who Ivan was and what he had done winning six world titles and when at Newcastle had an average of over 11 points... Kenni who had never heard of him previously was in awe of the guy and by the end of the interview was well impressed... Kenni even had a chat with him later on in the meeting and Ivan said he was impressed with Kenni's starting ability and his style on a bike. (which I think was fair praise indeed) Great talent Ivan and a true speedway legend sadly missed (and on the track side of things at Newcastle you could say the same about Kenni) Regards THJ
    4 points
  2. He says that it`s more than a 50% pay cut.- not sure that`s a final decision
    3 points
  3. Im 60,I had it, was no walk in the park for me in fact I couldn’t walk, 10 days in hospital on oxygen, been out 10 days now and can just about manage a shower before having to rest again, no underlying health problems either. Give me flu any day
    3 points
  4. I think you're right, although it's typically a moniker that you would expect someone to pick up later in their career than as a youngster. As you say, The Main Dane was definitely how Hans was described. As an aside, I only posted that race because I loved the way Loram & Gollob went at it, absolutely enthralling battle, so much so that I never even looked at Hans, there's no doubting his prowess but he was never one that I relished seeing ride. I would've travelled to watch Erik Gundersen though. I was lucky enough to see the Aces of the late60s/early 70s, Ivan was the master but my first favourite rider was Soren Sjosten, I suppose I've always preferred the racers over gaters.
    3 points
  5. I think it was Sky's Keith Huewen who started the whole professor thing. I remember in those days they used to have three or four guests (Briggo, PC, Wiggy, Tatum) in the studio at once...a lot better than just Natalie and Scott.
    3 points
  6. I am pleased you have been following the British Junior System which is improving and evolving year by year. I agree 100% with your reasons and hopefully this is being addressed to ensure the next generation are guided, protected and educated professionally. I reiterate the (Bold) words in my original post, which will happen again and again and again
    2 points
  7. Good for you. Pleased it didn't hit you too hard. Im also over 50, I'm not obese and no underlying health problems. But I was in hospital 5 nights. It's now 5 weeks since I was discharged and still having side effect health problems. For example I still can't walk properly. Very little is yet known about this virus in terms of individual biomedical factors causing it to effect some more badly than others. Broad patterns have emerged, for sure, but at a far more nauanced, micro level there's a long way to go. There's also the possibility that some people are just unfortunate enough to cop a big dose of virus, and that this has an impact on severity. So count your lucky stars!
    2 points
  8. With the plethora of talent emerging through The British Youth System, it appears you must not follow it. With all due respect to so many emerging riders, they do not require any burden imposed upon them by naming them. The press are always there to build up budding stars and then demolish and demoralise them. Just look on this forum how easily riders, promoters, authorities, etc are criticised and demoralised by spurious comments.
    2 points
  9. Not a fan then I remember one time at BV (I think, must have been a BLRC) when he tried to give Sam Ermolenko the nickname "Emperor Sam"!!!! This was after about 10 years of him ALWAYS being referred to as "Sudden Sam"... still makes me laugh
    2 points
  10. Wolves late 70’s he was Hurricane Hans Nielsen
    2 points
  11. Glad you recovered. However reality is, and its absolute fact, flu is more dangerous AND causes greater illness than covid-19 for the vast majority of the population. For some Covid-19 is very dangerous of course.
    2 points
  12. I was there- the night before the Munich world final.
    2 points
  13. Not exactly a classic, but an intriguing battle from speedway legends from three different eras.
    2 points
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w4WPPzFhXt0 Deprivation is kicking in now, more and more I'm taking to youtube in search of another fix, it's a fantastic resource and I would be lost without it. Seeking out odd random heats for this thread has been interesting, seeing some meetings I'd never watched before and some I attended but had forgotten about.
    2 points
  15. iainb i think it could of been a Peter York creation? i see alot of Hans from 1984/89 and went to Oxford weekly.Peter York for me was the only negative on going there weekly often commentating on the mike on some of the last laps in races bloody annoying.That meant often persuading us to have a few extra pints along the way a good night out though. And though i was never a fan of Hans appreciated just how great a rider he was he certainly is in the top 8 riders in History.
    2 points
  16. Taking Robert Lambert as already a 'star' given he has been in the GP's, rode Polish top division, and held his own at SON level, (but still has much potential), my picks would be Dan Bewley, Jordan Palin and Leon Flint... To reach the higher echelons of say top 25 in the world, the glide path for UK riders seems to be that usually within four or five years of starting, they are riding (comfortably) at heat leader level in the top league in the UK.. Bewley is already there at that heat leader level and now needs to make an impact overseas, and I think Palin and Flint show the potential to go a long way in the sport..
    2 points
  17. If the present season does get going, could it be extended into November if needed. I know it's a rarity these days, but in the 1970's and 80's November meetings were quite common.
    1 point
  18. Just a random thought, if no racing is allowed or even tracks open for practice, just how dangerous could the 2021 season be with no riders having no competitive racing for 12 months. Even injured rider's get plenty of track time before returning, could 4 bloke at a time, off a bike for 12 months cause absolute carnage in 2021.
    1 point
  19. The great Dent Oliver on his production line brought through alot of young talent , he died far two young. Chris Morton Ellesmere Port/Belle Vue.
    1 point
  20. This is the point. Most people get a bit of a cold and call it the flu.. it isn't. Flu knocks you about always. Whereas Covid, 80% of the time does nothing of the sort. However, if you are vulnerable (especially the elderly) covid can be very dangerous indeed as we have seen.... hence the need for such groups to be protected. Its not rocket science. For the rest, its less dangerous than the flu.
    1 point
  21. Absolutely. I had real flu one christmas. I was bed ridden for several days. When i did start to recover i had to retrain my legs on how to walk.
    1 point
  22. Sounds terrible. But, out of interest, have you ever been bed-ridden with flu for three weeks? It’s not the “cold” that people make out!
    1 point
  23. Can’t believe your wife bothers cooking, she might just as well hand you your “vitamins” bottle!
    1 point
  24. Hope you recover fully soon. It is this sort of real life experience that is not reflected in any stats at all. Whilst all the talk is of death rates; there is a 'success' being ascribed to every 'non-death' that does not seem to reflect just what level of suffering has been experienced by some/many of those who have been through it and survived. My anecdotal experience locally is that for quite a few this ranks as the worst experience of their life and nothing like a dose of flu. They are not getting back to normality quickly at all. As one of the high risk people who are under 60 but will HAVE to return to work at some point. I will not be in a position to totally destroy my business by being shielded for longer than the 12 weeks and once the business grant is spent. And that will be scary.
    1 point
  25. We managed to get seats in the grandstand where it was only minus 10C.
    1 point
  26. Sorry that is who i meant Steve, Tony Millard a blast from the past.
    1 point
  27. First time I had seen it. I was watching an all round competition with Hans Nielsen, Peter Collins and Egon Müller among others, who competed in 3 meetings on a speedway, Long track and grass track in 1986, then came across this one
    1 point
  28. I've got that meeting on DVD...some great riders there!
    1 point
  29. I've just ordered the Oxford equivalent.
    1 point
  30. Exactly. Unfortunately this is the hole the government (and the media even more so) have now dug. Such ill educated people out there that will cause immense problems with any proposed relaxing of the lockdown.
    1 point
  31. I'm over 50, i had it, and it was a walk in the park compared to the flu ...
    1 point
  32. Not seen enough of him to be honest. However, he does run an 8 point plus average so must be 'up there' with the better teenagers.. Anders Rowe appears to be another who could move on to bigger things.. It does appear that some real focus is being given to these lads with organised track days, advice on diet, mental health support, and the opportunity to listen to and learn from experienced top line performers, so let's see if it pays off for the sport.. No point doing it though if places are then filled by riders from overseas, rather than creating a framework for the lads to develop, and sticking with them as they progress...
    1 point
  33. Sometimes it pays to be as explicit as possible when starting a thread as there is often some 'smart arse' out there only too willing to question what has been initiated and/or intended. Slap wrist for Tony Mac initiating a long titled thread when listing the latest editorials in "Backtrack"...not sure how he could improve upon it?
    1 point
  34. Great racetrack Brisbane.. Another one of those more circular ones that always seem to deliver great racing..
    1 point
  35. Thought it was a great race, you couldn't predict the outcome and it was interesting in how it was filmed, I've always enjoyed that low down front on view of riders exiting the bend, gives a great perspective as they race towards the camera. probably as close to actually being stood right behind the back straight fence at somewhere like the Shay, what a thrill that was.
    1 point
  36. I don't think so Sid. Remember Dave Lanning in the early days followed by Tony Millard (SKY sports commentator) intoducing the action with a rendition of "Sussex by the Sea". We used to holiday just down the coast at Bognor and travel to Beachy Head and have a picnic before venturing onto Arlington in the afternoon and finishing the day with an ice cream walking the promenade at Eastbourne. Great days!
    1 point
  37. It was that SKY presenter Keith whasthisname who gave him that title...never referred to by that in his Oxford days. I believe that Dick Barrie (whatever happened to him?) christened him "The Main Dane".
    1 point
  38. Part of this in the latter years especially, must go down to the fact that The Dugard family own the stadium and could build a junior track and practise pretty much when they wanted. Many riders that didn't start thier careers at Eastbourne, riders like Mark Loram, took advantage of the facility's, sadly its a luxury not many British clubs have..
    1 point
  39. "The Eagles" must take some beating as their record for producing fine young British talent is second to none...and as they were the 'sister' team of both my tracks (Oxford & White City) I got to see many of those riders over the years including watching them in the sorely missed second halves which was another avenue for riders to ply their trade and aid development.
    1 point
  40. Pretty much what I conclude to. The key test is how are they doing compared with their peers, and I discuss this here: http://speedwayplus.com/
    1 point
  41. Exactly. The hard decisions will be for the middle weight riders, Kurtz, Lidsey, Batchelor, Bewley etc. Do they risk a partial season at a very reduced rate in Poland or stay in Britain hoping our season gets started. I still think that if it were me, in the current climate, I'd take what's on offer in front of me.
    1 point
  42. 1999 for me. first season of speedway and only Newport’s third back. had the likes of Watson , Henriksson, Lindqvist , Smart etc plus young guns Neath and Appleton. Superb team entertainment wise. Remember trips to Reading , Exeter , Sheffield , Peterborough (fours), Swindon , Arena .... without doubt my favourite season of speedway. Remember in a challenge Swindon came down to Newport and beat us with Cunningham getting a 15 point max, then going to Swindon in the evening and getting beaten again before beating them home and away twice in the trophy and the league . frank Smarts 15 metre handicap win over Steve Masters was superb , remember before hand everyone saying we were mad putting Smart off 15 for a golden double but we got the 8-1. Watson had to near enough come to a stand still to let him past off the final bend. Went to the PLRC at Sheffield too, Wilson won it , Jesper Olsen second Watson third with Stonehewer fourth. great times , big crowds wherever we went and it’s such a shame to see the sport hanging on by a thread 20 years on.
    1 point
  43. Realistically, what's the alternative? The British leagues cannot afford to run behind closed doors. Therefore there will be no speedway until social distancing rules are relaxed, which will be June/July at the earliest. Then at best it will likely be a reduced calendar. Or, if you're offered a team place in Poland, you get a full season at an albeit reduced rate. Logistically it will be a bit of a ballache, but realistically how many nights a week do you think Doyle spends in his own bed during the season? Seems like a no brainer to me.
    1 point
  44. one of the side effects of the lock down is the effect it will have on the economy, this will have a huge effect on people's health and mental health...lets hope the cure isn't a bigger problem than the problem itself.
    1 point
  45. NICKI Pedersen talks about racing in SGP events at Cardiff, Paul Burbidge gets a variety of views on whether rider and bike weights should be co-ordinated and we reveal why a railway yard in Poznan has some connections with speedway ... all in SS this week as we battle to get through these difficult times.
    1 point
  46. ..and make them all sweat so each of them weigh 72kg and not one 1 gram more or less. Also for aerodynamics the shorter guys need to wear higher helmets so the "drag" is equal on all.
    1 point
  47. I hope you don't lose family or friends like I have. Maybe if you had you'd not be so arrogant and have some respect?
    1 point
  48. Speedway returns to a famous old venue in Central California. After a gap of 43 years a motorcycle speedway meeting will again be staegd at Bakersfield ! It's the first annual Digger Helm Speedway Classic on Saturday, March 14th, in memory of the former promoter of the Bakersfield track.
    1 point
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