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One of the best Speedway videos I have seen. Struck the perfect balance between racing and the human element. Every track should strive to match the way this promotion treats its customers whilst maintaining a professional approach and a desire to win without having the extreme “win at all costs” attitude which pervades too many tracks these days. It was a bit like going back before the “me” culture of the mid 1980’s kicked off the rot which has led to a steady decline in the sport ever since. good luck to the Glasgow organisation, they deserve all the success possible. Any locals who see this will surely be tempted to go along to sample what is on offer themselves. And that my friends is what should be the absolute priority of ALL promoters.6 points
Today’s issue is first class !!! Lots of innovative articles and interviews. Really enjoyed the riders reviews on the tracks. I would like to see the star continue in this way once the pandemic is over and we resume racing. in the age we live in now the vast majority can access results and local reports from every club so perhaps less emphasis should be given to the results and a bit more on new features. I do enjoy the retro side but only if it’s of the time I’ve spectated otherwise it’s of no interest. This week’s issue imo is spot on. Well done to all involved.4 points
Yeah, brilliant issue of the Speedway Star this week, including part 1 of a UK track anorak's paradise . I do love reading rider's opinions of the tracks, 'Subscribe To The Star'; you know it makes sense....3 points
I'm hoping to see some Brummies Away matches down South at some point in 2020. £19 at Kent and no concessions for OAPs like me! Poole and Eastbourne letting my NHS working wife and daughter in for free and Poole offering me concession price and Eastbourne reportedly £10 for early meetings or a concession if not! Bit of a no brainer for us!3 points
If its spent then the only thing that will come out of Peterborough will be if you want a cash refund we will be forced to fold.2 points
I don't recall pork sandwiches on sale at the track until the 1980s. Fairly certain they were not available in 1965.2 points
Some of the comments show that while news (or gossip) is plentiful online, it takes the Star to give accuracy and perspective. The features in this week's issue are excellent. It shows the strength of the magazine how faced with an appalling situation it can rise to the challenge. The rider analysis of tracks is a superb example of what the Star excels at. I just hope that these efforts are backed-up by the supporters. There's many times I've needed the Star. Now it's time to repay.2 points
So, years of being fed the wrong information in the press? Good thing that couldn't happen today!2 points
Yes Bruno he got paid 2 from 4 rides v Sheffield then he scored 9 points in his next meeting.I remember him scoring 7 at Swindon with two heat wins and the next time i see him he rode very well in the Manpower at Reading looked classy.2 points
The Lemon Drop Kid ! Never a great star but IMO a very underrated rider. One of the reasons for speedways golden era was not just that there were some outstanding riders at the top but there was also a strong second tier of riders to keep the top dogs on their toes. I stand to be corrected but I think PLJ never made a British Final let alone a World Final, or if he did he didn’t do very well, yet he was really a very good rider. That was the quality of the sport in this times. oh, where did it all go wrong ?2 points
According to The British Speedway Handbook, with statistics by Bryan Seery, Peter Jarman appeared in 27 league matches, with 108 rides, scored 221 points, with 14 bonus points, giving a total of 235 points. That gives a calculated match average of 8.70. Jarman also rode in one KO Cup match, at Exeter, scoring 12 plus a bonus point from 6 rides. The total official match figures should, therefore, be 28 matches, 114 rides, 233 points, 15 bonus, total 248 points. This gives a CMA of 8.70. JoeW has pointed out the reason for the error in the History of the British League book.2 points
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...perhaps then one-time King's Lynn co-promoter Bill Barker wouldn't have been 'robbed' of the days takings some years ago when he took the money home with him and left it in his house overnight the story being told in Malcom Simmons' (co-promoter at the time) in his most excellent book?2 points
you will be glad to hear that we will have a card facility at Birmingham once we get started again ! Peter has sourced a system that does not require a wi-fi connection2 points
On the 1965 averages issue I think this is the position: The principal source for the Oakes History of the BL came from Speedway Star season reviews. From 1966 onwards the stats in these showed matches, rides, points, etc. BUT for 1965 (and earlier years) they only showed matches and points, no rides. So in order to produce an average (without researching every single match in 1965) it was assumed riders had four rides. Mostly they did but rides missed thru injury, tac subs and reserve rides will mean that over the season the numbers won't be right.2 points
No, it was bloody awful wasn't it. The crowd booed and stormed out of the stadium never to return. It's pretty clear you're just trolling now. I'm no Harris fan but that was one of the greatest moments in recent speedway history... in fact of all time.2 points
Very much afraid you are right. I know Carl Johnson has sent my request for a refund to the big boss, but as expected in typical Speedway fashion have heard sod all.1 point
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Whilst trawling through trying to find ‘old news’ items , I came across the British Pathe News site and searching ‘speedway’ got some vintage and late 1970s clips. Hopefully this will be of interest and bring back some memories during this time of inactivity https://www.britishpathe.com/search/query/Speedway1 point
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I'm going to order a subscription now but I'd like this week's, sounds good. Is the issue date I put in today, tomorrow or Saturday?1 point
Honestly You would think that though wouldn't you because you are just an antagonistic A-wipe who should crawl back under your rock... So now you have had a bite you can "pull the heed of the chicken" and give yourself your cheap thrill... and move on... A total tool... who talks complete and utter keache... What people have mainly expressed is how they are impressed with the effort and support to the local community the promotion put in and how they are promoting the club and supporting speedway... genuine positive comments about a genuine club and genuine people... Best laugh is I bet you haven't watched the documentary you have just made the comment for effect... Sooner the schools go back the better... Regards THJ1 point
...and one of my favourites, Gordon Kennett, achieved 9 plus averages for 7 seasons (1976 - 82)1 point
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Interesting that Steve, as Fundin generally was regarded as the guy to beat.1 point
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Bringing this back to Speedway and with the prospect of the lock down being lifted in the coming weeks I wonder how well British Speedway is placed to resume sooner rather than later? If, as looks likely, there will be a phased return there are many issues that the sport faces. What if it's a geographical return? What if it's an age demographic return? What if physical social distancing is still required? How will medical cover be provided? What if a rider gets injured? I wonder if clubs have a plan to mitigate these possible restrictions? Do clubs have contactless admission payment systems? There's probably many more issues, that's just a few for starters1 point
I'm sure that Ronnie would have added at least a couple of further championship wins if he hadn't retired in 1963 Sid.1 point
Countries will slowly you would think slowly relax social gathering and start to define numbers. What will constitute a "large gathering" and when. So it's currently 2! At the point it becomes 1000 or 2000 and at the point at which the significant majority of people are prepared to be in Crowds of 1000-2000 then in the UK we have Speedway (subject to Medical Cover). When that is ??? The Government will dictate the ability to stage an event by numbers that's the easy part, the general supporting public being convinced it's safe will be harder! NOBODY knows. I am now reconciled to it being no sooner than early 2021.1 point
Germany has extended ban on large gatherings until the END of August. (although I note that tickets for Teterow at the end of May are still on sale on the SGP site ) Although I hope there are some relaxations of lockdown before then I think it unlikely that we will be significantly out of step with other European countries on this matter.1 point
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Thanks for clarifying. It did read that way, but I wasn't sure if that was what you meant.1 point
Again, our experience so similar. My first away trip was Brandon in 81, from 82 I dont think we missed an Aces meeting at the Shay, and caught most of their meetings at Brandon. Didn't make Owlerton til 84, made the trek to Dudley Wood in 83 only for the meeting to be washed out...1 point
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I think you are correct about the toilets and being tatty. I get there early and have often walked around all the stadium,and my thoughts every time is....this could be fantastic with a spruce up!1 point
Gave the chap on Tesco checkout a fiver yesterday to have a pint on me. You'd have thought I'd offered to pay he's mortgage he was so grateful. Made me think I don't reckon many had made the gesture. Then again I don't know where he's going to buy the pint1 point
Crowds have improved recently(2019) as the track improvements have produced better racing. First time visitors more likely to return if the racings like last year. Still room for improvement with lengthy tractor breaks and presentation but its really dream land for us just now. Very few huge home wins maybe shows how fair the tracks now become too.1 point
Well I found that to be a great hour and a half’s watch, really enjoyed it. The main thing I got from it was the family’s desire to give something back to the area in which they grew up. I’ve not been since 2009 and what a transformation the stadium and track has undergone, and what a professional outfit the club is. The best bit was the visit to the home of the bloke with the track in his garden Just one criticism, not enough Paulco1 point
VERY proud of the tribute to Eric in this week's SS ... a fitting legacy to the levels of journalism he inspired1 point
From a long standing fan of over fifty years, i just don't think speedway makes good TV viewing. The amount of meetings i record and never watch is substantial, yet i attended 80 live meetings last season. The whole product needs a revamp, but with a worldwide recession on the horizon, this seems very unlikely.1 point
Tomorrow (Tuesday) night's featured match on Edinburgh's EM-TV is a curio -- Dale Devils v Oxford from 2004. A certain Jamie Courtney will be featuring for the Silver Machine Academy -- c'mon, boss!1 point
Let's also not forget Covid-19 hasn't killed 115,000... 115,000 have died who happened to have it. Or in some cases.. it was 'guessed' that they had it. Significant difference.1 point
The 1918 pandemic killed 100 million people worldwide which was an appalling total, but 95% of people escaped it. Any deaths are bad enough but it's important to keep a sense of proportion before people get terrified of ever touching a person or leaving home again. I've seen people going way over the top here and justifying it as being "realistic". The reality is that so far we've sadly lost 10,000 people. This means 99.985% of the British population have survived so far. Stay safe - stay sane.1 point
Bollocks, i am not the money mens biggest fan by any means but the film is on a par with what "sky or bt" have ever done for the sport.1 point
Just arrived with this months"backtrack" off to a quiet beach nearby where no one goes to sit on a bench and read in peace .1 point
Watched Mildenhall v Peterborough few days ago Mick Hines got so much stick that day from the fen tigers fans but it didnt help him racing in his tigers colours with a panther on his chest. Fish and Chips always made the trips to west row more enjoyable.1 point