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The piece where George explains how the family and the club have helped him turn his life around, that's probably bigger than any trophy the club could win. Excellent documentary. For me, had it focused solely on racing and results I would have been bored. It was interesting to see it from supporters' angles. I would like to have seen / heard more, just like everybody else, riders talking about travelling, tactics in the pits, changing room banter, post-meeting discussions, riders preparations, the promotions thoughts on the future, the list could go on, but there's no way you would fit it into an hour and a half.6 points
4 points
Bollocks, i am not the money mens biggest fan by any means but the film is on a par with what "sky or bt" have ever done for the sport.3 points
If Diane Abbott had made the same mistake, it’d be splashed across the front page of all the national newspapers and she'd never be allowed to forget it.3 points
The last time I saw George was after Brum v Glasgow meeting back in 2008 when the coach driver refused to let him board his trip back to Glasgow as he'd had too much to drink(he hadn't)He's come a long way since those days! Thoroughly enjoyable documentary from folk I know very well from years past2 points
2 points
As we have always said, for years, the most difficult round from which to qualify was the British Final.2 points
If you give a baby the name 'Priti', you are gambling that your daughter is not going to be ugly!2 points
Whilst I think spin king junior has gone abit over the top, I think he’s right on the whole and I was abit disappointed. After watching the Salford City documentary on sky with Gary Neville and co, maybe my standards were too high and I was expecting a speedway version of that. Throughout the whole documentary it shown one race which was a shame. It was good but could of been so much better, but Rome wasn’t built in a day and they now have numerous things to improve on for the next one. Showing discussions mid meeting and team talks etc was what I was hoping for which would be a great insight. Credit to the Glasgow promotion again for their stand out forward thinking and promotion which is unrivalled in the UK now. Such a professional outfit and I bet they have riders queued up at the door to ride for them.2 points
Typical isn't it,,, a very much doubt any speedway would have been lost to bad weather thus far this season. If or when it does get started, a bet it rains2 points
How about the complete lack of anything resembling racing unless its bordering on dangerous, it being in one of the most unpleasant cities in the UK, the extortionate prices that they charge for food, parking and accommodation? People bang on about it being "a day out" and "atmosphere ". Nobody is interested. People go for the racing, and year in and year out it's boring; follow the leader rubbish. We have a track in Manchester which is tailored for great racing, yet they continue to persevere with this dump? Get rid of it. Its crap.2 points
1. Louis 2. Simmons 3. Wilson 4. E. Boocock 5. Betts 6. N. Boocock 7. Ashby2 points
Agreed. For myself I just saw the potential of what was there. For me, the really interesting bits were the eastbourne incident and the insight they gave after the scunny meeting. But it wasn't the focus. If the majority of the documentary was focus on the racing, the results and giving us that little look behind the curtain of what goes off in the pits between the riders and management then it would've been excellent.2 points
Your a nice human being. Seeing a company crippled, which will have knock on effects for its staff, is a positive for you. You lack even 1 brain cell.2 points
Watched the documentary it just confirms what I already thought great club,great promotion, great facilities and great fans and if you was a rider why wouldn't you want to ride for them,that's from all the way down here in Plymouth2 points
If all clubs offered a free or reduce admission to NHS staff (On proof of I.D) after COVID-19 is done then it would be a great gesture, but the sport could also benefit from them spending money in the ground and hopefully bring in new fans if current NHS Speedway fans spread the word to promote the sport too and come and enjoy a night's racing.1 point
Watched it today and found it very enjoyable, with this season looking like it may never start. Maybe it gives other promotors the opportunity totry and do a bit of promotion, now wouldnt that be novel, get some kids involved and start making their own versions for the 2021 season. I was very impressed with Peter Facenna's dignity in defeat at the final hurdle and the fact he thanked all the riders, mechanics, volunteers and fans for their efforts and help over the season1 point
I always had great respect for him even though he did ride for the 'enemy' down the road!1 point
I suppose Sid you have to factor in , not only WF appearances but how well they did. Personally I am so hopelessly biased towards Simmo and Ashby, as personal favourites I find it difficult to be objective, but that said, I think Simmo at his best is probably the overall best but he wasn’t always at his best. N.Boocock was undoubtedly the most consistent over a long period, so on that basis he comes in at 1 . Simmo at his best v- Booey at his best I think Simmo would get it from the gate. Booey was never a great gater, although he did improve as the years went on. I also think Norman Hunter had the talent to be up with them if he had not had that bad hand injury at Prestatyn.1 point
From 1961 /72 Briggs won 6 British titles with 5 places , Ivan won four titles with two places both dominated really apart from Craven's two title wins before his untimely death.1 point
There seems to be little doubt ( IMHO ) that she is Priti unempathic in much the same way that Raab also is. Looking down on the plebs.1 point
1 point
World final appearances N.Boocock 8, Ray Wilson 4, E.Boocock 3, Malcolm Simmons 3 T.Betts 1 M.Ashby 1 J.Louis 4.When rating riders this probably should be the biggest factor maybe the appearances show just how strong the era was.Only five world final appearances between Simmons, Betts, Ashby which is quite amazing really.1 point
I don't just use the British Final as a guide; I also look at averages/domestic form and World Final appearances. That is why I rate Nigel as highly as I do.1 point
For me personally it was great and well worth the watch and credit to all involved, at least some people are trying to promote instead of knock it continually from within. Prior to the screening I contacted several friends who don't follow speedway and informed them to watch Glasgow `In the Red` documentary. Being a speedway fan and advocate, I was surprised by 2 phone calls informing they switched it off within 15 minutes and why did I recommend it! I was told it was not informative or intriguing viewing and I was told to watch SUNDERLAND TILL I DIE SEASON 2 Wow what an insight, yes its not SPEEDWAY but it just shows the determination to get things done and change for the better. Maybe some Promoters/Owners need to take a leaf out of Glasgow`s forward thinking or even watch the Sunderland documentary to see and deal with reality.1 point
1 point
1 point
Very enjoyable. Loved the Sam Norris update. The short Eastbourne fight clips told us nothing other than Cook was probably the biggest "idiot" on the night.. whether you insert Craig or John is entirely up to you!1 point
From a speedway fans stand point. It the most polished thing we've had. Once again, glasgow have gone above and beyond in terms of their media and marketing. But from a netural stand point, by god was it boring. Its essentially an hour and half of "look how bloody fantastic Glasgow speedway is!" There was very little focus on the riders and literally other than a brief explanation of the points system there was very little focus on the racing. Just a little Glasgow beat [insert team here]. And literally the only interesting thing that happened (the Eastbourne incident) they cut away from! I hate to say it, but it was an absolutely pointless documentary. I dont really know who the documentary is for. It cant be the diehards, as we already know how much Glasgow have pumped into the speedway and how the season unfolded. It can't be the newbies as it has very little focus on the racing and action. It just feels like a 'look how big my d*ck is' hour long special. The biggest problem is it felt was done by a child with ADHD who'd just downed his last bag of skittles. It was all over the place and just couldn't focus on one subject. What it should have been is a focus on what fans care about. The racing, the riders and the drama. Which was touched on briefly, but only very briefly.1 point
1 point
I think you missed the small print in the Danish announcement that mass gatherings will be prohibited until August, thus wiping out virtually all Danish league fixtures. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-denmark/denmark-to-ease-restrictions-next-week-after-coronavirus-lockdown-idUSKBN21O2LH?fbclid=IwAR3FcrvJEopeNOgMPODEA72pxZ22VUh7CwLfMwEvLcFpWykuPW5NbOqn5rw1 point
I don't disagree with any of that. I just simply point to what the 'experts' that we are told by some we must listen too said if a country didn't lock down. It wouldn't just see them get cases.. but an absolute crazy amount.. hundreds of thousands were to die.. Not locking down isn't a cure... the issue is, has locking down actually made any difference, or enough of a difference to warrant the severe collateral damage.1 point
1 point
Same here, just had it the once. I'm never ill, rarely get a cold but went down with flu around ten years ago and it knocked me for six. A very uncomfortable week or so in bed, the one thing I do remember, (and am never allowed to forget) was when it was at it's peak, after finally getting in a vaguely comfortable position in bed, I needed a wee. The en-suite loo was about a dozen steps away, but it may as well of been in Ulan Batar, the way I felt. I knew I had to move, but didn't want to or felt I could. You become a little delirious with flu and your thought processes go out the window and I seriously considered just peeing in the bed. I didn't, I hasten to add, I compromised and managed half the steps and peed on the bathroom floor....1 point
1 point
Reading this weeks Star Len Silver is doubtful the season will probably not even start this year.1 point
I was just discussing some of this with friends in our WhatsApp group. Is it something that would help put things into more perspective, and show us how many ‘extra’ deaths there are each day due to the virus? Using the 500,000 total, that’s an average number of deaths per day of 1,370. They are announcing the number of Covid-19 related deaths at e.g. 900 each day – but what is that in relation to the overall total of that particular day? Was the number of deaths that day 1,370 + 900 = 2,270? Probably not, but neither is it likely that the number of people passing away from a condition not Covid-19 related will have fallen considerably too much lower than 1,370. (is there a figure to hand of by how many the average had fallen before 5 April this year v. the last 5 years?) So it is most likely somewhere between the two, but where between? However, given that we are being told many of those passing away had underlying conditions, would it be fair to assume that some of those 900 people who sadly died that day from or associated with Covid-19 would have died anyway from another condition. Not necessarily on that particular day, but not too far into the future. Maybe the talk of the ‘underlying conditions’ is giving some folks a false sense of security – those flouting the social distancing advice for instance. Would it, then, help hammer home the point of how this affecting us all also releasing the overall total of deaths, and how many higher this is than the average number of deaths ‘expected’ each day based on the 1,370 figure?1 point
People are commenting on the measures being taken by shops and businesses. Our stores are limiting numbers, marking floors and designating areas etc, but unless they are RIGIDLY enforced, they will have little or no effect. Of course, stores can't constantly police everyone, and therein lies the problem; too many people are morons who can't/won't police themselves. The vast majority of people I am seeing ARE doing a good job of self-policing, but it only takes one or two idiots ignoring advice to cause problems. The single thing that worries me is that so many people don't care about personal hygiene. I clean at a local bar, and I am horrified by the amount of people who don't wash their hands after using the toilet. If they won't do it (as a matter of course) after dropping the kids off at the pool, I can't see them following advice now.1 point
Please put the Q&A onto the website. I enjoyed the video of the NICE 2v Challenge, just wish I had got to see it live.1 point
Very sad news about Peter R.I.P. and condolences to his family. Peter was a Diamonds fan through and through. Not only did he provide financial backing, but he and his wife did so much behind the scenes when speedway was making a comeback at Newcastle in the late 90s as well as providing heavy equipment for track work when it was needed One of life's genuine characters who will be sorely missed!1 point
REDCAR RE-RUNS ⏪ This weeks meeting from the past sponsored by ActivClean sees Eastbourne Eagles visit the Media Prima Arena last year. An action packed meeting featuring a freshly crowned British Champion Charles Wright Racing. Join us this Friday (Good Friday) at 7:45pm live on our Facebook page Brought to your screens by Tapes Up Productions1 point
1 point
I'm the first to admit that there is a lot of dull stuff but when one witneses a race of the calibre one has seen on this thread it emphasises that there is no sport like speedway when conditions are right...whatever the era.1 point
1 point
Maybe this one. For those watching in black and white, Joe Screen is in the blue helmet.1 point
Best thread on the BSF in my opinion with all this doom and gloom surrounding us! Keep them coming!1 point